Destiny Lost: A Military Science Fiction Space Opera Epic: Aeon 14 (The Orion War)

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Destiny Lost: A Military Science Fiction Space Opera Epic: Aeon 14 (The Orion War) Page 10

by M. D. Cooper

  Beneath the jewelry, her body was sheathed from head to toe in a tight, black material that reflected every light in the corridor. The combined effect made her almost difficult to look at—though Sera certainly appreciated the appeal.

  Kade probably hoped that some of Rebecca’s style would make him look better than he did. Unfortunately for him, the opposite was true—having her nearby just made him look somewhat dumpy.

  Rebecca’s eyes raked over the corridor crowded with cargo and locked on Sera, the expression on her face filled with distaste for all aspects of Sabrina—including her captain.

  Sabrina said.

  Sera replied.

  The third person was a man Sera did not recognize. He looked cowed by the company he was keeping and Sera wondered why he was here.

  “Welcome aboard Sabrina,” Sera said.

  Sera knew that Kade harbored desire for her; as she offered her hand, she tilted her hips and smiled. She was fully prepared to do whatever it took to remain in the pirate’s good graces.

  Kade took it and smiled, his eyes traveling over today’s leather outfit—dark green with yellow piping down her sides. It was more formal than usual, with the pants loose from the knees down, where they fell over low-heeled boots. The jacket was form fitting and fastened with a double row of brass buttons down her chest. She’d even topped it off with a captain’s hat in matching green leather. Kade practically licked his lips.

  “Sera. You know Rebecca, and this is Drind. He’ll be going over your scan logs to learn what he can of Padre’s ships that took my property.”

  Had she not known better, the emphasis he placed on ‘my’ would have caused Sera to believe it actually was his. It certainly seemed as if Kade’s ethics did not take into account the fact that he had stolen it from Padre in the first place, or that the property he spoke of was a person.

  “Of course,” Sera said in the polished voice she used for speaking with the pirate leader, which drew a dark look from Rebecca. “You’ll pardon the mess. The men have things ready for transfer to the Starskipper so that we don’t cause any delay. This way to the bridge.” She gestured down the corridor.

  Kade smiled magnanimously. “Of course. I’ve instructed the Starskipper to dock while we are here and transfer the cargo while we talk.” As though his words were prophetic, she heard the light clang as the Vertigo disengaged from the soft dock and maneuvered away, to allow the other ship room to link to Sabrina.

  Sera hid her thoughts behind a mask of pleasantness. Kade must have felt either invincible or unthreatened by her, if he didn’t feel the need to have any type of escape route during parts of their meeting. For her part, Rebecca looked more concerned with scuffing the shine on her outfit than finding out about the missing freight container.

  Sera used the lifts to bring them up to bridge deck. They stepped into the command space, where Cheeky, Tanis, and Cargo were all at their stations coordinating with the Starskipper for its soft dock.

  Kade noticed Tanis right away. “New crew? I didn’t know you were looking, Sera, I could have furnished you with anyone you’d need.”

  Helen said privately to Sera.

  Sera introduced Tanis as Rachel and explained that she would be assisting with comm and scan. She didn’t go into details as to why, after years with the same crew, she had decided to add another member. Offering it unasked would be too suspicious.

  Whatever stars watched over Sabrina smiled and Rebecca asked the question first, and Sera explained it was to expedite dock duties. Currently, Cheeky, Cargo, or she had to remain on the bridge while docked to watch scan and comm. This way, they could all be out on station at once.

  Kade and Rebecca seemed satisfied with this answer and didn’t press the issue further.

  “Perhaps our technician could look over your logs with your new comm tech while you and Cargo join us in your lounge to discuss some things?” Kade phrased it as a question, though it wasn’t one.

  Sera acquiesced and called down to the galley for Nance to bring up some refreshments. She spared a glance for Tanis as Drind sat with her to go over scan from the Trio departure. She was impressed; absolutely nothing about the major belied the tension Sera knew she had to be feeling.

  The four sat in the observation lounge. A moment later, Nance, looking more than a little uncomfortable, entered with a selection of drinks she had previously prepared. The bio wasn’t wearing her hood—Sera had asked her not to—in an attempt to show they had nothing to hide. She asked preferences, and quickly began to pour the drinks.

  “Are you having some sort of environmental issue?” Rebecca asked Nance, frowning at her hazsuit.

  “No, I just wear it all the time in case something happens,” Nance said. “That way we don’t lose precious time while I get suited up.”

  Rebecca didn’t seem convinced, and started to question Nance further, but Kade stopped her.

  “She always wears it, though I’ve never seen her face before,” he said with a leer. “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your hair is?”

  Nance flushed, but managed to give a steady reply. “I’ve heard it once or twice before.”

  With that, the drinks were served and Nance quickly left the lounge.

  A few minutes passed while mild pleasantries were exchanged before they got to the issue at hand. “I’d forgotten your curious aversion to alcohol onboard your ship,” Kade mused, as he drank from his cup of dark roast. “Any other captain would have his or her best wine in front of me.”

  “My equivalent is my best coffee, which this is,” Sera said with a smile she did not feel.

  “It’s damn good,” he nodded. “However, I’m not nearly as pleased with you, Sera. I’d think that one of my captains would try to defend my property against Padre a bit better than you did.” He sighed as though this was very vexing to him. “I’m not sure what to do with you.”

  Sera sipped from her cup and spoke calmly, as if they were discussing the weather. “I do make runs for you, but I’m not one of your captains. I’m under no greater obligation to protect your cargo than any other consigned to this ship. I’m certainly not going to risk Sabrina or my crew just for some racing hound.” Kade seemed taken aback by her calm response, obviously expecting something else; perhaps fear.

  To his left, Rebecca was giving Sera the blackest of looks.

  Sera rolled the dice and pressed on.

  “Since it was your cargo that Padre was after when his men chased us clear across Trio, I find myself thinking I should bill you for the antimatter we burned.” Sera enjoyed the expression of consternation that flashed across Kade’s face, and let an edge of anger slip into her voice. “Hell, they fired an RM at us! Who did you piss off enough for them to do that, and what type of racing hound is worth an RM?”

  Cargo was making ‘stop it’ eyes at her, and Sera decided that she had pushed as far as she should.

  Kade shook his head and made a soft clicking noise with his tongue. “I’m sorry you feel that way. That hound was very precious to me. I’m feeling very much like it is you who should compensate me.”

  Cargo seemed to decide he had better speak up before Sera said something they’d regret. “That’s not the type of business this is and you know that, Kade. There’s no insurance when things don’t go according to plan,” he gave Sera a pointed look. “We know that, too.”

  Kade seemed somewhat placated by Cargo’s smooth, even tones.

  Sera nodded and said nothing, which seemed to allow the tension to pass.

  Kade sighed and finished his coffee before rising. “Very well, let’s see if my tech found anything useful on your scan data.” They filed out of the lounge and back to the bridge, where Drind was chatting amicably with Tanis.

  “What do you have for me?” Kade asked brusquely.

  Drind’s attention instantly snapped to his employer and then back to the c
onsole, where he brought up several pieces of pertinent data.

  “The ships were definitely Padre’s. From what I see here, they really did attack Coburn Station, but broke off when it appeared their quarry wasn’t there. Not sure how they got that message. Two ships that weren’t in on the station attack circled south of the star to chase after the Sabrina. It was quite a ride, the crew here pulled out all the stops to get away; pushed this old bucket of bolts faster than I’d feel comfortable with.”

  Sabrina groused.

  Sera said, sending a wave of calmness to her ship.

  Drind continued, “Their pursuers actually launched an RM and that was when the Sabrina ceased acceleration and allowed the boarding. They wouldn’t have escaped the missile.”

  Sabrina said with a pout.

  “And they didn’t take anything else? Just that one container?” Rebecca asked with a quirked eyebrow, while Kade appeared to be mollified by the explanation.

  Drind responded affirmatively, “That’s all the records show.”

  “Bastards,” Kade said. “How did they know where we stashed it?”

  Sera didn’t miss that Rebecca touched Kade to stop him from saying more, just as Cargo had stopped her earlier.

  “Very well,” Rebecca said. “How far along is the cargo transfer?”

  Tanis had been monitoring the progress and announced that it was complete and that the Vertigo was preparing to connect once more. Kade announced that they were finished and Rebecca asked that Sera accompany them to the airlock.

  The request felt suspicious to Sera. She always walked Kade off her ship, but for Rebecca to request what was the norm told her something was off. She could see that Cargo felt the same way.

  All in all, this was going far too easily.

  Sera led the two visitors off the bridge to the lift. They stepped inside and Sera pushed the button for the freight deck. The lift shuddered a bit as it started its descent. Suddenly, between the crew and freight decks, it stopped. Sera smiled innocently at the three guests.

  “Sorry about that. This lift doesn’t get used much and sometimes seizes. It’ll free up in a moment.”

  True to her word, the lift started down again half a minute later. Down on the freight deck, the corridor to the bow airlock was free of cargo except for one last crate. They stepped around it and Sera keyed the bulkhead controls to begin pressurizing the airlock while the Vertigo made soft dock on the other side.

  Having entered in the codes, Sera turned, only to find herself staring directly down the muzzle of a gun.

  Rebecca’s angry scowl was at the other end of the weapon. “You didn’t think we fell for that whole Padre chased you thing, did you? There was no way he could have known you had the container.”

  “Are you insane?” Sera asked. “Put that thing away, it’ll hole the hull if you fire it.”

  Rebecca laughed. “I’m not stupid, Sera. An old tub this may be, but I know your shields will hold air even if I put a dozen holes in the hull.”

  Sera looked at Kade. The expression on his face told her everything. He wasn’t in on this. Rebecca was acting on her own.

  “She doesn’t have it,” Kade gave an exasperated sigh. “Sera wouldn’t lie about something like this, and she couldn’t fake scan well enough that Drind would be fooled.”

  The look that Rebecca shot at Kade was pure hatred. “How stupid are you? Have you become so complacent that you can’t see how she plays you? She knows exactly where that container is and she’s gonna tell us, or little Sera will have to see how hot her sexy little captain’s outfit looks with a few holes in it.”

  Cargo’s voice came smooth and steady from behind Kade and Rebecca. “I don’t think that will happen.”

  Kade turned to look back, but Rebecca kept the gun trained on Sera. The Mark’s leader cursed as he saw Cargo, Thompson, and Flaherty filling the corridor, pulse rifles leveled.

  “I think you’ll toss that blaster to the deck and then you’ll get on your ship and we’ll pretend this never happened,” Sera said evenly.

  “Do what she says, Rebecca. You’re acting insane. I know you’ve always been jealous of Sera, but this is too much.”

  As Kade spoke, Sera wondered that she’d never realized how much of a complete coward he had become as his wealth increased.

  The same thought must have been on Rebecca’s mind, too. She swung her arm until the muzzle of the blaster pointed at Kade’s head. “You are a complete and utter moron. It’s like you get dumber by the day, and frankly I can’t stand it anymore.” Her voice dripped disdain and hatred, but somehow sounded toneless at the same time.

  She paused for just a second, cocked her head, and pulled the trigger.

  Everyone was stunned as Kade’s brains sprayed across the bulkhead. All eyes followed Kade’s toppling form as it hit the ground, spilling blood, tech, and grey matter onto the deck.

  At that precise moment, the airlock finished cycling and behind Sera, four heavily armored soldiers stepped into the corridor. Their visors were down and their weapons leveled.

  Rebecca’s voice was surprisingly calm. “They just killed Kade. Take Sera alive and then secure this piece of crap.”

  The four soldiers raised their weapons to their shoulders in a single fluid movement. In the same instant, Cargo and Flaherty dove behind the remaining freight container while Thompson hit the deck and rolled through an open hatchway. Sera fell to her side and kicked at Rebecca’s knees as the troopers unloaded their clips into the corridor. They weren’t the ship-friendly pulse rifles that Sera’s crew held. These were full power beam weapons. Sera cringed as she thought of the holes their shots must be tearing through her Sabrina. If it weren’t for the heavy shielding around the engines, their beams would have punched clear through the ship.

  Rebecca crashed to the ground, and Sera gained a pyrrhic sense of satisfaction that her bucket of bolts ship dirtied the other woman’s shiny black skinsuit. Rebecca locked eyes with Sera and grinned. Sera looked up just in time to see one of the troopers smash the butt of his weapon into her face.

  She fell back and watched the world slowly fade from view. The sounds of weapon fire tearing her ship to shreds took a bit longer to leave her hearing.


  STELLAR DATE: 07.09.8927 (Adjusted Years)

  LOCATION: Sabrina, Interstellar Space

  REGION: Galactic South of Trio Prime, Silstrand Alliance Space

  Cargo ducked back behind the freight container as the beam fire continued to flash overhead. Sera and he had suspected the possibility of an altercation with Kade, and this container had been left in the corridor for precisely the purpose it was now serving.

  It contained a small shield generator, providing a secure shelter. The wall Thompson was using for cover wasn’t faring as well, but so far the burly super had managed to avoid being hit.

  Cargo accessed his Link and told the other two men to narrow their rifles’ band and match frequencies. They’d take these goons out one at a time. On a three count, they all broke cover enough to get a clear shot and fired at the helmet of the leftmost trooper. The harmonious frequencies from the pulse rifles amplified one another and the tight beam focused the pulse wave to achieve lethal intensity.

  Cargo noted with satisfaction that the trooper’s faceplate cracked as the shots struck true and he slumped to the ground. At the same time, another of the Mark soldiers cracked his rifle against Sera’s head and he saw the captain slump to the decking, unconscious.

  “Mother fuckers!” Thompson cried out as he was forced to duck back behind the bulkhead for cover. “They hit the capt’n.”

  This wasn’t good. Sabrina couldn’t take much more of this abuse. They had powerful exterior shields, but on the inside, other than around the engines, there was no sectional shielding. Before too long, th
ose beams were going to tear through something that responded badly to tearing.

  Cargo contacted Cheeky over the Link. “Cheeky. Dump to FTL now!”

  the pilot responded.



  Cargo wasn’t in the mood to discussion.


  Cargo cut the connection.

  He counted with his fingers to indicate when to make another timed shot at the two other men. On three, they broke cover again to fire on the enemy furthest to the right. Ready to make the shot, it took him a moment to grasp what was happening.

  The fallen soldier was still on the deck and two others had taken positions within the airlock for cover. Past them, Rebecca was back aboard the Vertigo with the fourth armored figure hauling Sera’s unconscious form into the other ship’s airlock.

  Cargo pointed to the man on the left of the airlock, so that they wouldn’t chance hitting the captain, and they fired in unison once more. The man attempted to duck to the side, but he was flung against the outer hull as the shot clipped his shoulder.

  At the far side of the umbilical, Sera had been pulled into the Vertigo’s airlock and several more troopers were ready to step around her and join the assault on Sabrina.

  Cargo called Cheeky over the link again.

  came the pilot’s frantic response.

  Two of the reinforcements were in the umbilical, and the pair in Sabrina’s airlock were leveling their weapons to fire as Cargo motioned for Flaherty and Thompson to get down. The wrenching feeling from the shift to FTL washed through them, and, before the sensation had passed, Flaherty broke cover and leapt over the freight container.


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