The Very Bad Fairgoods - Their Ruthless Bad Boys

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The Very Bad Fairgoods - Their Ruthless Bad Boys Page 70

by Theodora Taylor

  “You use that laptop the school gave you to look for some work,” Mommy instructs me as she drops a kiss on Daddy’s left temple which is now tilted at a semi-permanent angle.

  “I will—” I start to answer.

  But I am interrupted by the ringing of our house phone.

  Mommy’s head and mine rise at the shrill sound of the landline. Bill collector, we both think without having to say it. Usually, they do not call on Saturday mornings. But as we have discovered in the last three years, creditors do not live by a strict set of rules.

  “I’ll get it,” I offer.

  “No, this is adult business,” my mother answers. And like a soldier on latrine duty, she squares her shoulder and goes over to the kitchen wall to pick up the beige handset.

  “Hello, this is the Pinnock residence,” she says to the person on the other end.

  But then her face slackens with surprise before she asks, “And tell me, who is this calling, wanting to speak to my daughter?”

  Hmm, I think. It must be someone from one of the jobs I’ve applied for. But I was sure I only gave out my cell number—

  Suddenly, my current train of thought completely derails because something very important has dawned on me. In a flash of memory, I recall dropping the purse Prin loaned me like a sack of bricks, as if it didn’t hold two of my most important possessions: my wallet and my phone. In my defense, I dropped it to save the rich boy I honestly thought was about to jump. But the bad thing is, I do not remember picking it back up. Which means…

  “Holt? Holt, who?” my mother demands to know from the person on the other end of the line, as if to confirm my sudden realization.

  I rush over to my mother and take the handset from her as politely as I can, considering every nerve in my body wants to snatch it.

  “Mommy, you’ve got to get to work,” I say before she can protest.

  “Who is that boy?” Mommy demands. Loudly. So loudly.

  And I find out that contrary to what I told myself last night, I am not done with lying. I cover the phone’s mouth piece and whisper, “This is about a job. Mommy, please!”

  Then without waiting for her answer, I uncover the mouthpiece and throw a bucket full of false bravado into my voice to say, “Sorry about that. Yes, this is Sylvia Pinnock.”

  I cannot decide whether to feel guilty or relieved when Mommy immediately backs down with an abject look of apology.

  “You left something at my place, Jamaica,” the voice on the other end of the line says. It sounds much smoother but a little hoarser, hungover with a tight Connecticut jaw.

  “Yes, I applied for your daycare job yesterday. Please, call me Sylvie,” I say as I watch my mother grab her purse from the linoleum table and head for the door.

  “Sylvie? You like that better than Sylvia…or Jamaica?”

  “Yes, I have been babysitting since I was twelve. I also provided after school care on an as-needed basis for younger students and the children of the staff at Beaumont Academy,” I answer in a rush. But as soon as I hear the door close behind my mother, I cut the act.

  “You cannot be calling me here!” I hiss to Holt in a whisper, praying my father cannot hear me in the living room.

  “Your mom’s strict, huh?”

  I do not want to talk with this boy about my parents. Also, proving ALS has not removed the ability to keep an eye on his daughter, an electronic whir sounds in the other room and moments later, Daddy appears in the kitchen doorway. Ugh, I should have transferred him to the recliner before I took care of the breakfast dishes.

  “Yes, that’s right, I live with my parents,” I say into the phone, switching back to my most professional tone. But it is difficult to keep my voice from trembling.

  “I’m assuming she doesn’t know you were at my place last night.” Holt sounds more amused than confused by my continued act.

  “Yes, that is correct.” I eye our kitchen floor. It is checkered like the one in his skyscraper, but worn and dingy rather than shiny and immaculate.

  “So, Sylvie, how’re you going to get your purse if you can’t even admit you’re talking to a guy on the phone?”

  Good question. I think on it and come back with, “Maybe you can send the rest of the paperwork in the mail? If not, I could come down to Yale to fill out the rest of the application on Monday.”

  “I see…those are your terms. You want me to find you a job at one of the Yale daycares in order to see you again?” His voice is a bit more serious now, as if a businessman has taken the place of the strung-out guy I met last night.

  “No, that is not necessary,” I answer quickly, alarmed he jumped to that conclusion—or even thought I was negotiating to see him again. “Like I said, I can come on Monday to fill out the rest of the paperwork. It is no problem. If you leave it with your assistant downstairs, I will pick it up.”

  “Fine. Cool,” he answers. “See you Monday, Sylvie.”

  “Yes, I will see you then?” I answer, my voice going up on a question because I am still not sure he understands my code.

  But instead of reassurances, I hear a click followed by the dial tone.

  Strange—not to mention inconvenient. But I focus on getting Daddy into the recliner. Then I take my position in the folding chair beside him and open my laptop to begin applying to the few daycare and high school diploma-only jobs I can find on Craigslist. I try not to think about how I’m going to get back down to New Haven on Monday. The $11 in my wallet is all the money I have in the world until I find a job…

  My father’s gnarled hand suddenly covers mine and that’s when I realize I’ve stopped typing. I must have been staring at the screen for minutes on end.

  I glance over to find his bent head angled toward me, regarding me with concerned eyes.

  “I’m fine, Daddy. Do not worry. I just want to find a job.”

  He throws me an expression between a grimace and a smile and I say, “I know this is in God’s hands and there’s nothing more I can do, but I want to help. And I’m angry it is so hard for young people to find jobs right now, because I have this powerful need do something. Like, anything, you know?”

  He gives me another fleeting expression, more grimace than smile this time, and I get it. I do. “Story of your life,” I answer with another wave of guilt for whining about how hard it is to find work when he has to fight hard every day just to swallow. And soon, he won’t even be able to do that.

  During the last doctor’s visit, we were told he had a month or two, tops, before he needs to be fitted with a breathing tube and IV.

  “Sorry,” I say. Then I turn back to see what he’s been watching on TV… the French Open. Despite having won the second set and put the first point on the board in her third set, Venus Williams is struggling a full three points behind her Serbian competitor. It is not looking good for Daddy’s favorite tennis player.

  “Maybe her sister will beat her later,” I say, when Venus loses the match with a shot that fails to make it over the net.

  Daddy waggles his chin in a way I know means he is too disappointed to watch the next match. I pick up the remote and start flipping through the piddly collection of channels we get with our old rabbit ears antenna. Mommy refuses to pay any money toward the devil box, which she only got to keep Daddy company when he could no longer walk on his own. But before I can get through the small rotation, the kitchen phone rings again.

  And this time I am almost certain it is not a bill collector. I pick up the phone with even more trepidation, wondering how I am going to get Holt Calson to stop calling me here.

  “You cannot be calling me here,” I whisper as soon as I pick up.

  “Oh, I’m sorry! Is this a bad number?” a female voice asks. “It’s the one we were given. But if there is a better number, I can call you on that one.”

  It’s definitely not Holt. Nor is it a bill collector. Even the most chipper of creditors have an edge to their voices when they call. “I am talking to Sylvie Pinnock, right?” s
he asks.

  “Yes, this is she,” I answer, quickly resetting my tone to polite. “Who may I ask is calling?”

  “This is Beth Standwin. I’m calling from the Sunny Horizons Childcare Center to see if you’re available to begin work with us as a caregiver on Monday.”

  I hear her words but I do not understand them because I have never even heard of Sunny Horizons. “You are offering me a job at your daycare?”

  “Yes,” she answers. “The hours are from 9 to 5 and you would be floating between the various rooms at the facility. It will be similar to what you did at…” I hear a few clicks on her keyboard and she comes back with, “The Beaumont Academy’s afterschool program.”

  Yes, that had been my job exactly, but how does she know this? Unfortunately, I can’t ask with my father in the next room so instead, I say, “You’ve already checked my references?”

  “Well, no…” The woman clears her throat. “But you came highly recommended to us by a donor whose family has been very generous to our institution.”

  And that’s when the penny drops. “You are located at Yale?” I ask her.

  “Yes, on the West Campus. Are you familiar with it? We’ve only just opened.”

  “I can become familiar by Monday,” I say hesitantly, even as the catch that is Holt Calson hovers in the back of my mind.

  “Super!” Beth answers. Then she tells me about my salary. And this time, it’s not the back of my mind that catches, but my breath. The figure she quotes is nearly double the state’s minimum wage, and a full five dollars more than what my mother makes an hour cleaning houses.

  I manage to thank Beth for the opportunity and tell her I am excited to start on Monday, but I am swimming in a sea of confusion on the inside.

  I do not understand how one rich boy can have the power to get me such a well-paid job in this economy. Moreover, I do not understand why he would do it for me.

  Then, before I have even five minutes to wonder about what has just happened, the doorbell rings.

  It is not my Aunt Judith who lives down the street and often finds reasons to check on me on Saturdays when I’m alone with my father. I know this even before I open the door because she is the sort to pound instead of knock and yell, “Sylvie, come let your auntie in!” before it would ever occur to her to make polite use of our bell.

  It’s a courier in a black uniform who makes me state and sign my name for his records before handing me a box that turns out to have the purse Prin loaned me inside.

  I pull out my phone and find a few messages from my mother, along with one clearly marked HOLT CALSON even though I never put his number in my phone: ur welcome. i expect 2 c u after work on Monday.

  I push “Reply” below the message and ask without any humor whatsoever, “Are you still on drugs?”

  The answer appears on the small screen of my flip phone immediately. “Not the same ones as Friday,” he answers.

  I want to tell him not to text me anymore. It is an extra charge I will have to explain to Mommy and she is having a hard-enough time keeping both our lines on as it is. Besides, I am not the kind of wild girl who can or will give him what he wants. But the fact is he’s kept a promise I did not ask him to make. So, I tell him the truth as best I can. “I am not an ungrateful girl but I cannot do the things you want with a boy I barely know. This is not who I am. Also, I cannot have this conversation much longer because we do not have text included in our service plan.”

  His answer is a long time coming and I can just imagine him in that overwide bed of his, staring in confusion at his phone. Wondering at my audacity. But then he finally responds, strong, and clear: “Then you’ll come to my place every day after work until you get to know me.”

  Want more? Click here to get the entire HOLT: His to Take preview novel absolutely FREE when you sign up for my newsletter!

  Also by Theodora Taylor


  Her Russian Billionaire

  Her Russian Surrender

  Her Russian Beast

  Her Russian Brute


  The Owner of His Heart

  Her Russian Billionaire

  His Pretend Baby

  His Everlasting Love

  Her Viking Wolf


  His One and Only

  His for Keeps

  His Forbidden Bride

  His to Own


  The Owner of His Heart

  The Wild One

  Her Perfect Gift

  His for the Summer

  His Pretend Baby

  His Revenge Baby


  Vegas Baby

  Love’s Gamble


  Her Viking Wolf

  Wolf and Punishment

  (The Alaska Princesses Trilogy, Book 1)

  Wolf and Prejudice

  (The Alaska Princesses Trilogy, Book 2)

  Wolf and Soul

  (The Alaska Princesses Trilogy, Book 3)

  Her Viking Wolves

  Her Dragon Everlasting

  NAGO: His Mississippi Queen

  Her Scottish Wolf (Howl’s Romance)


  His Everlasting Love

  About the Author

  Theodora Taylor writes hot books with heart. When not reading, writing, or reviewing, she enjoys spending time with her amazing family, going on date nights with her wonderful husband, and attending parties thrown by others. She now lives in Los Angles, California, and she LOVES to hear from readers. So drop her a line or friend her on Facebook. And, if you love Interracial Romance as much as she does, sign up for her IR Weekly Bestsellers newsletter!




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