Stolen Memories: A Novella

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Stolen Memories: A Novella Page 4

by Alyson Reynolds

  “Do you remember that?”

  I shook my head and tears streamed down my face. “Why can’t I remember anything?”

  “I don’t know baby, but we’re going to figure it out.”

  The doctor spoke in soft, hushed tones to Hunter in the corner of the room as I stared at my hands, more specifically, the ring on my finger. He still hadn’t told me what happened and why he was married, more importantly who he was married to. Who I was married to? My head ached and I wanted to sleep more, but without answers I knew I wouldn’t. When the door opened quietly, the last person I expected to see come through it was my mother. She had dark circles under her eyes and they were red rimmed and swollen like she had been crying. Eliza Douglas was not a weak woman, so to see her so upset was incredibly concerning.

  What in the hell happened?


  To my surprise her arms wrapped around me and her eyes filled with tears again. “Oh, baby girl. It’s going to be okay. Everything will be okay. I promise.”

  She rocked me back and forth like she had when I was a child. I embraced the warmth she offered. For one second, things actually felt like they might be okay.

  “Megan?” Hunter said softly.

  I looked up and he and the doctor were standing in front of us. My mother released me and took a step back, but she left a comforting hand on my shoulder. She was trying to pull herself together, but failed miserably. Hunter took my hand in his and looked over at the doctor.

  “Mrs.—” Hunter cleared his throat and shook his head at him. The doctor sighed and began again. “Megan, after the stress from yesterday your body went into shock. Mr. Abbott explained to me that you don’t remember anything from the past five to seven days.”

  I shot a look at Hunter that he deftly ignored. He was keeping secrets, and I didn’t like it. I refocused my attention at the doctor. “That’s right. I remember a few things, but only minor details. It’s like there is a blank space in my memory.”

  “You hit your head yesterday in an altercation, correct?”

  I nodded. “That’s what Hunt said.”

  “Between the head injury and the shock that you endured last night, it seems your body has blocked out that portion of your memory.”

  You have got to be kidding me; this is like a fucking movie. When did my life become a lifetime special?

  “You’re not serious?”

  The doctor shared a look with Hunter that I didn’t care for before answering.

  “We know that you sustained a more serious injury than originally thought and you didn’t seek medical attention. Not that we know if it would have helped, but it’s possible between the physical damage and the emotional stress your mind just simply closed down.”

  “So will the memories come back?

  He pursed his lips, clearly unhappy with my question.

  “I’m not sure.”

  Twenty minutes later we were back at Hunter’s house. I didn’t understand why he had brought me here, but I didn’t want to push him to answer my questions. Hunter would tell me everything when he was ready and if I tried to get it out of him sooner, he would just clam up and sulk. Everyone was treating me like I would break at any second, and it was starting to annoy me. All I wanted was for someone to tell me what was going on.

  “You need to relax, Megan. Do you want me to make you a cup of tea?” my mom asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  Just leave so I can try to get some answers.

  She walked out of the room, and I narrowed my gaze at Hunter. “When did you get married?”

  He sighed and ran a hand down his face. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know, but I need a second okay. My head is spinning from everything the doctor said and I’m worried about you. Drink the tea your mom brings you, try to relax, and I’ll come talk to you in a little bit.”


  “I promise, Megan.” He stood up and kissed my forehead.



  “Will you explain to me why you were calling me baby?”

  “God you’re obstinate. Yes, I will explain everything, including that.”

  The look in his eyes as he glanced back made me wonder what I was missing.

  My mom placed the steaming mug of chamomile tea in my hands and I smiled at her gratefully.

  “Thanks for coming to take care of me, Mom.”

  She tried to smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes. I knew something was terribly wrong. “I’ll always be here for you, sweetie. I’m sorry that you can’t remember what’s happened over the past week. I don’t know everything that happened, or I would fill you in, but I think it’s better that you hear it from Hunter. Just promise me that when he tells you what happened you remember how much that boy loves you. It’s important that you know that. I’ve watched you two grow up together, and I always hoped,” she trailed off. It almost made me giggle when she blushed and looked away.

  “You wanted us together?” I asked softly.

  She nodded. “I just wanted my girls to be happy. You’ve always been happy with Hunt.”

  I rested my head on her shoulder and she kissed my forehead. Just having her with me made me forget the panic I felt earlier.

  Hunter was the first thing I saw when I woke up from my nap. He looked awful. His shirt and dress pants were wrinkled, and it surprised me that he wasn’t falling over from exhaustion, but I was happy to see him. I was careful not to wipe my eyes this time as I sat up. His eyes raked over my body, and a shiver of pleasure ran up my spine.

  What the damn hell? What was that?

  “How do you feel?” he asked in a husky sleep-filled voice. Holy shit that was sexy. I sat up and tucked the blanket someone, probably Hunter, had covered me up with around my waist.

  “A little better. Did you sleep sitting up?”

  “Yeah, but just for a little bit.”

  “Hunt, you need to sleep in your bed. You look like you could use a week's worth of sleep.”

  “I’ll be okay. I’m more worried about you.”

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  He paused for a moment and looked at me before sighing.

  “Always anxious for information, pull your ring off and look at the engraving on the inside of the band.”

  I tugged it off my finger and peered down at the inscription. He handed me his.

  “As you wish. They match.” I paused, then said, “Holy fuck, Hunt. We got married?”

  His emerald eyes stared into mine, emotions swirling behind them that I couldn’t read. “Yeah, five days ago.”

  “Oh my…” I trailed off. “I didn’t marry Michael? Thank goodness. I was so scared I’d actually gone through with it. Then you wouldn’t tell me anything.”

  “You texted me while I was in New York, telling me you couldn’t marry him. I picked you up from the church right before the service. We flew out to Georgia and got married on the beach. Our rings are from the little jewelry store you love on the boardwalk. When we bought the rings they offered to engrave them. The owners remembered us from when we were kids and you went in there every day for the entire summer to look at—”

  “You bought me that ring?” I asked, taking a closer look.

  A light blush covered his cheeks and I laughed. “Shut up and listen to the story, Megan. When they asked what we wanted I told them that stupid line from The Princess Bride because you loved it so much. We must have watched that movie a million times as kids.”

  I stared down at the ring and tried not to cry. “I love it. Thank you.”

  He tried to smile, but it looked more like a grimace. “How much do you remember about the fight you had with your dad before you texted me?”

  “I remember being mad at him, but not why I was mad. I don’t even remember texting you.”

  “Why were you so thankful that you hadn’t married Michael then?”

  “I was scared to leave him. Before the wedding I just go
t caught up in the excitement, but there was something about him that was off. He scared me towards the end. It was like he was trying to own me.”

  I shivered, and Hunter wrapped his arms around me.

  “You were right to be scared. He’s the one that put those bruises all over you. When we came back from Georgia he was waiting in your apartment, and he tried to rape you.” I watched as he rubbed the back of his neck and dropped his head, leaving his hands resting in his hair. “I never should have let you go up there by yourself, but we’d had a fight and I was trying to let you cool off,” he choked out.

  “Hunt, look at me.” I cradled his face in my hands and made him look me in the eyes. “Michael would have found a way to attack me either way. I can feel it deep in my soul. I might not remember anything, but I know it’s not your fault. That man is pure evil.”

  He shook his head and I knew he wouldn’t talk about it anymore. I guess there were good things about being married to your best friend. I wouldn’t have to spend time getting to know his little quirks.

  “There’s more.”

  “More? Worse than Michael trying to rape me? God, no wonder I blocked it all out.”

  He took a deep breath. “Your dad basically sold your virginity to him, and you had your suspicions that he did the same thing to your sister. I’ve already started trying to get her away from her husband, but my men have to wait until it’s safe. Your mom had no idea about anything Jack was doing until I called her last night, but we think he might have left the country.”

  I paused for a second, trying to remember. Everything seemed fuzzy, but there was one detail that stood out. “You choked him against the wall, right?”

  “You remember that?”

  “I think so. I told his assistant to go fuck herself?”

  He tried not to laugh. “Yeah, you did. It was pretty awesome. I’ve always hated her; she’s always been a huge bitch.”

  “What does it mean that I can remember that?”

  “I don’t know, but the doctor said you shouldn’t push too hard to try to remember everything at once. I think it’s a good thing that things are starting to come back.”

  “What if there are parts that I want to remember right now?” I whispered.

  He put his forehead against mine. “I love you, Megan Abbott.”

  “I love you too, Hunter Abbott.” I grinned. “So I took your last name, huh?”

  He growled and his lips smashed against mine. There was hunger and desperation behind the kiss that I hadn’t expected. I might not remember getting married, but I knew without a shadow of a doubt I wanted him. His hands cupped my face and I grasped at his shirt as our tongues tangled together. My fingers trembled as I ran my hands up along the hard lines of his stomach. He groaned into my mouth and pulled back. I giggled as he pulled me up off the couch, picking me up and carrying me like a child. The dark surrounded us as he shut the door with his foot.

  Hunter quickly stripped us of our clothes and tugged me down on top of him. His fingers tangled in my hair as he kissed me. My fingers slowly trailed down his stomach. I hesitated for a split second before I took his cock in my hand. He groaned into my mouth and I smirked.

  “I’m assuming we’ve done this before?”

  “Damn straight we did. If you don’t remember it soon, I’ll recreate the whole thing for you.” He leaned up. “Are you sure you’re feeling up to this?”

  “Just try and stop me.”

  I giggled again and leaned down to take him into my mouth. His chuckle cut off and he hissed out a curse. My tongue traveled along the length of him and I reveled in the power I felt by making him come apart at the seams. Kissing the head, I looked up through hooded lashes at him. When I saw how out of control he was, it pushed me forward, making me bolder. I took him as far down my throat as I could, bobbing my head and sucking him hard, pushing him further towards the edge.

  “Holy fuck, Megan,” he choked out, gripping the sheets. “If you don’t stop I’m going to come down your throat, and I don’t want to do that right now. I want to be buried deep inside you when I come.”

  My pussy ached with an emptiness I’d never felt before. I wanted him so badly. I craved to have him fill me, and I thought I might lose my mind if he didn’t touch me soon. Almost like he could read my mind, his trailed his hands down my body and slipped a finger inside my heat, causing me to arch against him.

  “Fuck, you’re wet, baby.”

  “Now, Hunt. I need you right now.”

  My voice was husky and breathy. He rolled us so I was on top, positioning his cock at my entrance. Hunter looked at me with questioning eyes. I pushed myself down and he slowly slid inside me. Inch by delicious inch, he slowly filled me. My spine tingled in pleasure, and his arms wrapped around me.

  When I was fully ready I nodded. I’d never experienced anything this amazing. His hands gripped my hips as I started to move against him.

  “I feel so fucking full. Oh God, Hunt.”

  His lips brushed along my neck and moaned low and deep. As the pressure built, he grabbed at my ass and smacked it once. I shrieked and giggled. A grin covered his handsome face and it was easier to see myself married to this man.

  He tried to hold back by running his hands up and down my back, but I leaned down and kissed him hard, pushing him deeper inside. We both groaned at the new feeling. I put every ounce of frustration I felt at not being able to remember my life into the kiss. I wanted nothing more than to know every detail of what had happened between us.

  “I wanted this to be soft and sweet, but that isn’t happening, baby,” he grunted out. His teeth teased my nipples as we moved.

  “I don’t need sweet.”

  Sweat beaded on his brow and I ran my fingers up through his hair, tugging on the ends. I wanted to beg, but I didn’t know what I would be begging for.

  His large hands moved to my shoulders bringing me down tight against him as he thrust hard inside me. Our moans filled the room as he continued to relentlessly pound into me. Gone was the pretense of something soft; our passion had turned animalistic.

  Hunter guided my mouth to his again, attempting to muffle my cries. I arched into him and the pressure on my clit sent me tumbling over the edge. His hands clamped down on my hips and held me still against him as he followed me with his release. My fingers dug into his shoulders as I rode out the waves of my orgasm. He groaned into my mouth, causing me to clamp around him even harder.

  Tears pricked at my eyes and I ducked my head before he could see, but I was too late. His beautiful emerald eyes met mine and he tipped my chin up so he could look at me.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  “No, not at all. I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine, Megan; you’re crying.”

  “I didn’t know it would be like this between us,” I whispered.

  His hands cupped my face and he kissed my eyes, wiping away my tears. Then he kissed my forehead, and then finally my lips.

  Without pulling out of me, he rolled us over so he was on top and made love to me again. This time it was soft and sweet. The urgency between us was gone. It was raw and amazing. I came with Hunt’s name on my lips and a scary feeling that I was in way over my head.

  I walked into the kitchen the next morning and was surprised to see my mom up and cooking breakfast. A small smile curled at her lips as she worked.

  Was she humming?

  “Good morning, Momma.”

  “Good morning, Megan. Eggs and pancakes for breakfast?”

  “Sounds great. I can’t remember the last time I even saw you in the kitchen.”

  “Your father didn’t like when I cooked,” she said frowning.


  I ducked my head and she crossed the kitchen. When she was in front of me, I finally looked up. “I’ve left him, Megan. I filed the divorce papers yesterday. Once I found out what he did to you girls, there was no turning back for me. He hid that facet of his personality and it make
s me sick to think of the type of person he would be to sell his children to the highest bidder. I loved him, but he was different with me. I knew he was demanding with you girls, but I thought that was because he was so focused on his work, not anything sinister.”

  I saw the loathing, but I also saw guilt she was trying to hide. Tears gathered in her eyes as I took her hand in mine. “Mom, you had no idea what was going on. I didn’t have any idea either until I heard that phone call.”

  I was confused as the words came out of my mouth, but I vividly remembered the phone call between my father and someone on the other line. Flashes of the fight we’d had came to me as I stood there. Then I remembered the text I sent to Hunter.

  “You remembered something, didn’t you?” she whispered.

  “The phone call and texting Hunt. I couldn’t remember it before, but now I do.”

  Her eyes welled up again, but she blinked the tears away before they could trail down her face. She moved to start serving the food; pain and tension were distinctly visible in her shoulders as she moved. I closed my eyes, horrified at the fact that I had caused this.

  You’re going to hurt your mom more than anyone else if you don’t marry Michael. Do your fucking job as my daughter and marry him. I’ll divorce your mom and leave her with nothing if you don’t. It won’t bother me at all, but you’re going to be the one to destroy this family. Your mother will blame you and Cassie will never be able to forgive you if you don’t do this. You be at that church, or I’ll make your life a living hell.

  My father’s words circled in my head and I grabbed onto the counter to keep from falling. Who was this horrible, manipulative man that had threatened his family? He’d always been detached and aloof, but he had never been outright cruel before.

  “Megan, are you okay?” my mom asked frantically.


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