Fake It

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Fake It Page 6

by Mia Ford

  “Your mother wanted a dog sitter while she tried to talk some sense into your father.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “She’s in the other room, they could just be sitting here on the couch fine. Is she paying you?”

  “Yes, in one of her exclusive Chanel purses.” Julia smiles at me. “Have you decided if you’re going through with the whole baby thing? If you need a fake wife I can do it.” Her smile is saccharine and way too eager for my liking. I’m going to be the next steak up for butchering if I’m not careful.

  I know Julia has feelings for me. She has now for a while. The thing is, I’m just not attracted to her. I look at her like a sister. It’s not that she isn’t pretty. She’s pleasant to look at. She has a face you’d consider plain but pretty. Her short blond hair hits her shoulders perfectly. I’ve never seen her with her hair up or wearing a pair of sweatpants. She’s always dressed up and ready to be photographed. Sometimes I wonder if that’s to show me she’d make the perfect companion for my crazy life.

  I feel bad having to always pretend I don’t know she likes me and shutting her down. She scoots over on the couch and I scoot into the corner. This cannot be seriously happening right now, but it is.

  “Yeah right,” I laugh. “That would be when hell froze over.” I stand up because if I scooted any further I’d be sitting on the floor. I need some distance. I need enough space that consists of hundreds of miles.

  She smiles tightly and nods. “I know right, but truthfully. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to get a job. I don’t need his money.”

  “You don’t need to work so hard for something that you already have,” Julia says.

  “That’s the difference between you and me Julia, I don’t think I’m owed anything because my parents are rich.”

  “That’s not fair Thomas. I could get a job just as easily as you.”

  “Yes, watching my mother’s dogs. I’m telling you, I don’t need his money.”

  “You don’t.” My mother enters the room, “But I do. Think of your poor mother, Thomas. He’s giving all the money away. That means I won’t have anything. If you get your inheritance, you can take care of me and the pups. I did carry you for nine months.” She pouts and I wonder what she will do.

  “You could get a job mother.” I don’t really have any sympathy for her. She’s had a very privileged life and plenty of opportunities to learn skills that consist of something other than gardening and charity tea functions.

  “Fine, if you won’t do it for me, do it for Dinah.” Of course, she uses my baby sister as leverage but I’m all out of caring.

  “She’ll be fine too. I don’t think she should grow up with all this wealth anyway.”

  “Son, she’s in private school. She’ll be pulled out, away from all her friends. Think about what that will do to a thirteen-year-old girl. She’ll have to quit her lessons and all her extracurriculars. You know how much she loves her horse, she’d have to sell him.”

  My little sister is a weak spot for me. My mom knows how to get under my skin. Of course, I don’t want her to suffer because I couldn’t get it together. To have a child though, just for money seems really wrong. I’d be bringing a life into the world no better than the one I’m leading now.

  “It’s okay son. I know you’re not able to see anyone but hussies and fame chasers.” My father enters the room, “I think you’ll make a fine businessman.” His encouragement doesn’t make me feel better, it’s more like a slap in the face.

  A plan is forming in my head and while it’s definitely not full proof, it’s a plan. Something about my dad saying I see hussies causing a switch to go off. “I have a girlfriend.”

  The words just come out before I can stop them. I didn’t know I could bold face lie with such ease but I do. It’s nearly worth an Oscar performance from the reactions on their faces.

  “You do,” both my father and Julia say. Him with a huge smile and her with a frown. The reactions are expected and I continue with the charade.

  “Yes, her name is Sophia, she’s a bar manager and a gorgeous sophisticated woman. I’ve moved on from Rosa and I could definitely have a baby with her. It could already be happening.” I think about how hot our last sexual encounter was and my dick jumps into action recalling her tight wet sheath and pumping deep inside her while she moaned into the bathroom mirror making the glass fog up. If I’m not careful I’m going to have an awkward moment with my family in about ten seconds.

  “Oh yes,” my mother actually jumps into the air. “I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”

  She, of course, did not know that. It’s why she pulled out Dina. Now I’ve over exaggerated and painted Sophia as something she’s not. In more ways than one. This won’t end well and I know that.

  “Wait, the girl that the tabloids had plastered everywhere? I thought she was just a sleazy bartender looking for attention.” Julia walks over to me planting her hands on my chest suggestively and inching closer than I’m comfortable with. I can’t have her thinking my chubby is for her because it’s definitely not. No way. I grip her hands in mine and remove them from my chest sternly.

  My blood heats up when Julia calls her sleazy. “Watch your mouth. You’re talking about my baby.”

  She scrunches her face up appearing to fight back tears and runs out of the room. I’m sure that within moments social media outlets with have this information at their fingertips. I try not to think like that, but Julia hasn’t proven to be the most trustworthy friend I have in my life in the past few months.

  I wasn’t being nice to her just then so it goes both ways. I’ll have to eventually apologize for the dog comment. I know she does that so she can come over and see me. It gives her an excuse, I’m not dumb.

  “Well done, my darling boy.” Mother reaches me and kisses my cheek before summoning her dogs to follow her.

  Dad merely nods and heads into his office leaving me to wonder what the hell I’ve put into motion.

  I go upstairs to my room leaving everyone awestruck downstairs. I hope Sophia will go along with what I’m planning because if she doesn’t my little sister is screwed. Part of me thought my dad was joking at first. I thought he wanted to test me for some reason, but when I mentioned Sophia the look on his face was pure joy. He’s serious about this.

  Later while I’m lying in my bed a thought hits me. “Dad,” I yell down the hall.

  “What son?”

  “You’re not dying, are you?”

  “No son, your mothers already asked.”

  Well that’s good news, but now I don’t have any clue why he’s taken this sudden change of direction. I pull out my laptop and search for jobs in my area for the things I studied in school to see what’s out there until I fall asleep.

  Chapter Eight : Sophia

  I count down the drawers behind the bar and get ready for a much-needed last call. This night cannot be over quick enough. I feel dead on my feet and ready to kick these shoes off.

  The last dishwasher left so I’m all alone ready to close up the bar. I don’t mind being here by myself and find I can do the closing a lot faster when it’s just me left. No one is chatting up my ear while I count the twenties and make notes for Maria in the morning. I’m lucky I don’t have to do the bank drop and can lock this up in the safe and leave. I still carry pepper spray when I walk out to my car though. I’m not completely careless and we’d all been bugging our boss to fix the lights out back that seem darker than they did a month ago.

  Maria had come into work to have a conversation with me about the altercation.

  “I heard there was a young man who came out of the back to your defense.” She’d raised an eyebrow and I couldn’t tell if she knew or not. The way she was talking it felt like she knew exactly what I’d been up to. Surely, she didn’t have cameras set up in the back of the bar. That was a strange thought, my boss watching me get it on multiple times while I was at work.

  I guessed if she asked me
what the hell I was thinking, I could just say it was during my break.

  “So, Price was unhappy when he was asked to leave?”

  “He was, but I also think he was really drunk. That girl of his is something else.”

  “Ah yes, I heard about your black eye. I’ve told you to let the men break those up.”

  “I know, but they won’t break up girl fights because they’re afraid to hurt them.”

  “Okay,” Maria said putting a finger on her chin. “Call the police then. I don’t want you getting involved in those kinds of things.”

  “Okay, I won’t.”

  I admire Maria so much. She’s ten years older than me. She owns this bar and a small restaurant she spends most of the day in. She’s not married but does have a twelve-year-old son. She owns her house and always dresses extremely nice. I know she would lend me money if I needed it, but I would never ask.

  “Good, I’ll reach out to his agent and see if there’s a way to smooth it over. I understand and completely agree he was in the wrong, but his family gives a lot of money to this community. I won’t tolerate him talking to anyone like that though.”

  She said things that were contradictory, but I don’t say anything. She’s the boss.

  “Okay Sophia, I’ll see you soon.” She said and that was that. I breath out a sigh of relief after she’s gone she didn’t mention Thomas at all. I’m sure maybe she wanted to.

  My feet are killing me as I walk out the employee exit of the bar. All I can think about is getting into my sweats and curling up under my blanket after I chow down on a cold piece of leftover pizza that’s been calling my name. I drag my ass to my car and my exhausted mind starts hallucinating as I picture Thomas leaning against my hood with a wicked smile on his face. Maybe I should take a nap in my car before I attempt to drive home.

  As I move closer I realize that I’m not hallucinating and Thomas is leaning against my car looking like a fucking magazine model. His navy suit jacket parts showing his button-down shirt undone at the collar and alluding to the muscles underneath that my fingers itch to touch. His jeans ride low on his hips and I bit my lip trying to not think of the last time the denim fabric rubbed against my skirt clad bottom. I run my fingers through my hair in a pathetic attempt to fix what after an eight-hour shift cannot be fixed. I’m a mess and I hope he can accept that.

  I look around us for cameramen or crazy reporters to jump out at me. He makes a clucking sound like he knows what I’m scanning our surroundings for.

  “Don’t worry I had a look-alike come here and then leave, they are trailing the wrong Thomas Henry. They are easily fooled.” He walks towards me with his arms open and I sink right into them. He’s comforting and I swear I feel his lips kiss my head.

  I lean back to look at him, “What are you doing here?” I ask dumbly.

  Thomas reaches out to stabilize me and heat flare where his hands connect. My breath hitches and from the smile he sends me I know he heard it.

  “I wanted to see you.” The meaning behind his words is obvious and I already know I’m not going to deny him. Not after the last time I let him have his way with me. I feel a little thrill move through me as I bring those memories up.

  “Well you saw me,” I say trying to be nonchalant while I force myself not to jump up and down eagerly. He has a way of getting under my skin and I want him to stay there with me.

  “It’s dark why don’t we talk in your car.” He suggests leading me over to my vehicle. It looks like a rusted bucket but she’s been good to me and I don’t want to give her up. Yes, I think of my car as a girl and even named her Pearl too for her original paint job color.

  He lets go of my shoulders and I feel chilly from the sudden absence of his warmth. There’s something about him that burns inside of me, and I crave his touch.

  “I didn’t expect you to be scared of the dark,” I joke as I get out my keys and unlock my car.

  I hold Pearl’s door open letting him slide in.

  “Will you protect me?” he asks as he slides his perfectly tailored jeans on my worn-out back seat.

  “I don’t think I like you that much to protect you.”

  He clutches his chest mocking me.

  “Ouch Sophia, I didn’t know you had your claws sharpened since the last time I saw you.” He pats the seat beside him only moving over a little so I’ll be very close to him when I get in the car.

  “You liked my claws just fine the last time I saw you if I remember correctly.” I slide into the seat beside him.

  His hand draws tiny circles on my thigh and I clench them together to give them the friction they are begging for. In the tiny confines of my car, there is no denying the pure male scent he exudes. It’s more potent than coffee and I perk up instantly with him beside me.

  “Well, I can’t argue with you there.”

  “Besides I thought the man was supposed to be the protector, not the woman.”

  “Are you questioning my manhood?” He chuckles and I shrug passive aggressively.

  Before I can think of a clever comeback Thomas takes my hand and places it on his undeniable manhood that’s straining against his jeans. My nipples harden behind my bra as the heat in the car goes up a notch. I wouldn’t be surprised if the windows weren’t fogging up. I just refuse to stop looking at Thomas long enough to check.

  Gently I squeeze down on his jean covered cock. He hisses out at the contact and I feel powerful. He has a way of intensifying all my emotions making things seem more intense. With Thomas, everything just feels more.

  “I want you.” Thomas tugs on my hand and I move over so I’m straddling him.

  I grind on him ready and willing to let him take me right there. My hands fumble with his zipper and he stops me. I look up at him confused. Both of us breathing heavily. I don’t want to pause, I want to throw caution to the wind.

  “Why did you stop me?”

  “Because I don’t want one of your coworkers to come out here while I’m pleasuring you.”

  I blink and come back to reality. At that moment I forgot where I was and would have let him take me in front of the whole bar.

  “Do you want to go back to the employee bathroom?” I don’t move off his lap enjoying the feel of his erection digging into me. Almost wishing he didn’t have the wherewithal to stop us. Obviously, he is the mature one tonight.

  He sighs.

  “I can’t wait that long.”

  His hands move up to my breasts and he massages them. His fingers pinch the tips through the lace and I moan needing more. My nipples dig into his palms and I shift on his lap. It’s too much and yet not enough.

  “We can go into the alley,” I suggest still shifting over his clothed dick ready to get off anyway I can. His nod is the only indication I need to take us out of there.

  I rush around from the backseat and get into the driver’s side. My legs stick together from the arousal that’s leaked from my core. He gets in the passengers. Thankfully my car starts without giving me any trouble. Pearl could be persnickety when she wanted to be and I didn’t want my old car impeding my sex life tonight. With shaky hands, I drive the couple yards to the back alley away from the back of the bar.

  I park and gaze out to the security cameras on the side of the building wondering if I should keep driving. The unknown eggs me on.

  Thomas’ reaches over me and tilts my seat back as far as it can go. The seat jerks and I giggle as he reaches for me.

  “I don’t know if we are out of the camera's view,” I tell him as his fingers inch into my waistband. I shiver as his hand dives further teasing my lips and slicking my juices up my center.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” he admits as his teeth bite my earlobe. “Do you care if they can see us?” His fingers dance circles around my clit over the lace tapping the button and then pressing down the crease to tease my core spreading my desire.

  A thrill runs through me and I’m not sure if it’s because of the possibility of being caught or tha
t Thomas’s finger is running up and down my soaked panties. I have a feeling it is a combination of both and I’m as eager as he is.

  “I don’t care. Let them be jealous.”

  He leans up and smiles before his lips crash down on me. His tongue thrusts into my mouth the exact time he pushes a finger inside of me. All thoughts of the camera and anybody but Thomas fly out of my mind with the press of a second finger. I’d take him all if I could feel this with him again and again.

  I kiss him back letting our tongues battle as he fingers me. I spread my legs as wide as the seat will let me giving him as much room as I can to let his fingers work their magic.

  His thumb circles my swollen nub and I arch off the seat. Thomas uses his other hand to pull down my shirt and bra. Somewhere fabric tears and I don’t care. My breasts are in his mouth and I can’t control my hips from bucking off the seat helping him hit the spot that will push me over the edge.

  “Oh yes more!” His fingers spear before curling upward, my eyes rolling back on the tidal wave of emotions.

  “Come for me. You won’t get me fully until you do.”

  I push harder into his hand letting his thumb work me into a frenzy. He bites my nipple and orgasmic bliss blasts through me.

  “Shit,” I yell out as my fingers dig into his shoulder my nails likely leaving crescent marks on his skin.


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