Fake It

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Fake It Page 25

by Mia Ford

  “Okay. We need lunch.” Ken looked at me. “Bring her along.”

  I sent Isabelle a text that she was welcome to join us for lunch. She sent back a worried face, and I assured her that everything was fine. We stood and prepared to leave as Ken asked about some new authors that we’d signed on. I explained who I thought was going to be a best seller compared to the others, something that we were well-known for. We left the office together, and I watched as Hannah greeted Ken with a smile, looking past her to see the nervous smile on Isabelle’s face.

  “It’s good to see you, Hannah. Are you keeping everyone in line here?” Ken joked with her as he walked towards the desk.

  “You know it.” Ken smiled at Isabelle. “How does Italian sound?”

  “Great,” she squeaked as she grabbed her purse. The three of us left, and I felt their curious eyes as we got on the elevator and stood beside Isabelle.

  “Mason told me about you two,” Ken said as she blushed and I reached for her hand.


  “I assured him that this was professional and that we are both here to better the company during work hours.” I assured her, squeezing her gently.

  “Oh. Okay.” Isabelle looked at me with large eyes and Ken watched us for a moment. We headed out to the street and walked the two blocks to the restaurant as Ken asked Isabelle about herself. She told him that she was originally from San Diego and graduated from college there before accepting this wonderful job. Ken beamed and opened the worn, wooden door for us we he pressed her about her daughter. “Kendra. She’s great.” Isabelle smiled warmly as I watched her closely, stopping at the hostess booth.

  We were seated and ordered water before Ken handed us both menus. “My treat. My nephew tells me that you’re doing a great job.”

  Isabelle looked at me, seated beside her. There was a curiosity in her gaze and I nodded. “I told him that you’re the best assistant I’ve ever had. She’s already read through and edited three books in the short time that she’s been here. Her notes were spot on.”

  “Great. That’s what we need. So many self-published authors are looking to switch things up and I want them to come to us. I think we have an excellent promotional staff and fresh ideas.” Ken spoke so enthusiastically about the company that he took people off guard sometimes. “Are you a writer?”

  “I majored in English lit. The best part about college was writing the papers for me.” Isabelle admitted as she shrugged. “I suppose that I’ve dabbled here and there. Reading some of these authors is both inspiring and intimidating, all in one breath.”

  “There are a lot of them but I think they all have something unique to offer. Every story is just a little different. Should you ever choose to pursue it, you’ll have the best support you could.”

  We ordered and Ken chatted with Isabelle, slowly making her feel comfortable as she laughed and talked through the meal. We stretched it out a bit longer than the standard lunch but that was how it went with Ken. He excused the time since much of the talk was about publishing and the company, signing the check as he glanced at his watch. “I guess you two should head back. Will you be at dinner on Sunday?” Ken asked me as I nodded, taking a final sip of the cold water. “I’d like to see you there, Isabelle. You can meet the family.”

  I saw the panic in her eyes as we started back to the building as Ken took a phone call from his wife. I loved Aunt Kathy, and they had always inspired me as a couple. “Dinner with your family?” She asked in a hiss as I chuckled.

  “I’ll bet that you thought it would be a train wreck with your family. Didn’t you?” She gave me a guilty look. “My family will love you as much as Ken did and who couldn’t like Kendra?”

  “We were going to take this slow with her. I’m not sure if meeting your family is exactly that,” Isabelle spoke carefully as she looked forward.

  “We are, in my opinion. We spend a lot of time together and I spend the night sometimes. Kendra loves that. You know it as well as I do. My family is just a family having dinner and she’ll enjoy herself.” I had to reassure Isabelle that everything was going fine from time-to-time and she took a deep breath. “Baby, it’s okay.”

  “It is. I’m sorry.” All of this caught her off guard sometimes and I needed to calm her racing thoughts. “It would be good for Kendra to meet more people. Are there any kids in your family?”

  “Ken has three, one of whom is just slightly older than Kendra. I think they’ll get along great.” I smiled as she tilted her head and grinned.

  “Fine. You win.” We walked into the building and I made a point of putting some space between us as we made our way to our nook. I asked her to come into my office where I pressed her against the door and kissed her hungrily. “Mmmm. I missed this.”

  “It’s been since last night,” I told her as she pulled me down for another kiss. I’d stayed there with her and we made it a late night making love until we couldn’t move anymore. I think we were both dragging this morning but after a few cups of coffee and the shock of meeting my uncle, Isabelle seemed like she was perking up. “Want to take Kendra to that pizza place with the games? I am craving some skee ball.”

  Isabelle laughed as she gave up on the kiss. “It’s a school night. How about over the weekend?”

  “Fine,” I pouted before we pressed together for a long, slow kiss. She fixed herself up and headed back to her desk as I smiled and thought about how many times I’d wanted to tell her that I love her. It seemed too soon, but we were just that way and I smiled as I walked to my desk.



  I was nervous about the upcoming family dinner, but we got news on Friday that bothered me more. Mason would be joining Ken in London for a book signing that represented some of their authors and would be gone for a full week. They were going to take care of other business there as well. As his assistant, I would normally go but that was a long time to be away. It was just me and Kendra and I wouldn’t be comfortable leaving her with someone other than my parents. I had a job now and needed to be the adult. I turned him down when he asked if I’d like to join them and Mason told me that he understood.

  We still went to dinner on Sunday. His family was amazing and so kind to me and Kendra. She had a great time with the other kids and I watched with a small smile as I sipped my soda in the screened in room overlooking the backyard. “Mason tells me that you won’t be joining us in London.” I turned to see Ken looking at me as I nodded.

  “Is that okay?” I asked him, wanting an honest answer.

  “Yes. I completely understand your hesitation. I wouldn’t leave myself if it weren’t for my wife and family to be here with the kids.” He gave me a comforting smile. “Maybe after some time, you’ll have the opportunity.” Ken walked right up to the screen and watched the kids running around the year, playing tag. “They are getting along well.”

  Ken had two boys and a girl that had his dark hair and their mom’s bright blue eyes, and they were both sweet and beautiful.

  “They are. I know that Kendra has friends at school but I haven’t met them yet. I like seeing her like this.” I felt bad that I worked so much and only did the basics after work and kept her busy on the weekends. It didn’t seem like parents reached out too much for things like play dates at this age but seeing her having fun made me feel better.

  “It will fall into place. It sounds like the three of you are having a good time together.” Ken said as I smiled at him.

  “We are. I haven’t dated since it ended with her father and this was hard. I didn’t know if it was the best idea but so far, so good.”

  “That’s a long time,” Ken observed as I nodded. “Mason waited for a while. When he told me about you, I could see how serious it was in his face.” I loved hearing this, and I stared at Ken with curious eyes as we both heard laughter in the doorway.

  “Are you talking about me?” Mason asked as he approached me, slipping an arm around my back.

  “I have
to warn her, Mason. It’s my duty.” Ken told him as he clapped his nephew on the back. They were leaving on Tuesday and while they didn’t talk about it to spare my feelings, I was aware of it. I felt threatened with the idea of him leaving as if he might find a better life and not come back. It was silly to think that way, but I figured I had some remaining insecurities from Jackson. Mason would be back before I knew it and it would be like he never left.

  “You’re going to meet Shannon Suede?” His sister walked into the room and marched straight up to the men. “I am so jealous. Can you hire me for a week, Uncle Ken? London and that author?”

  “You are an artist, not an office type of girl. Never have been.” Ken replied as she rolled her green eyes. Amanda Drury was like a tornado in a small room with her big personality. “Didn’t you go to a show in Paris just a few months ago?”

  “Whatever. I’m still jealous.” She looked at me and sipped her wine. “Are you going, Isabelle?”

  “No. I will be working from the office and covering things.” I replied with a strained smile. She raised an eyebrow and looked at her brother before glancing outside. I took that chance to excuse myself, heading to the bathroom as I downed the soda. I dropped it into the trash can and sat down on the toilet, feeling the doubt filling me all over again. Amanda meant nothing with her words and merely assumed that I would be going. As his assistant, I should and as his girlfriend it could be an amazing trip. I told myself that there would be a time when I could do all of that, trips for just us as well as the three of us. It was just coming up on three months that we’d been dating and I closed my eyes and sucked my breath in.

  I should get back out there, Kendra might be looking for me and I knew that dinner was going to be soon. I stood and splashed some cold water on my face, looking into the mirror for a moment as I dabbed my skin with a soft towel. I wore makeup today to look good for dinner but I saw the fear in my eyes even with the mascara. Maybe this was a bad idea. I went to unlock the door and opened it to see Mason standing there as I gasped. He pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door before pulling me against him for a sweet, slow kiss. I molded against him, weak with my need for him. Mason pulled away, and I gazed at him with panic in my eyes. “Kendra.”

  “She’s being watched by paranoid parents. Kendra couldn’t be safer. Are you okay?” Mason asked me as I nodded slowly. “Having a moment?”

  “Maybe. Am I terrible for not going with you?” I asked as he shook his head.

  “No, you have a daughter. Truth be told, I am going to have trouble leaving the two of you. It’s hard to have a job where you travel but I have to. I have to represent the company with Ken.” Mason told me as I nodded. I knew all of this. “There will come a time when you can join us.”

  “I hope so. I wish my parents were closer.” I hugged him, knowing that I might not leave her with them for an extended period after the years of college. I was so busy studying and keeping up that I felt I lost some time with Kendra. I was constantly making up for that.

  “We will figure out the time difference and talk and Skype.”

  “I know,” I kissed him again as we heard his mom calling his name, making him chuckle.

  “It’s dinner time.” We pulled away, and I fixed my gloss before we walked down the hallway. I walked to the backyard to tell Kendra to wash her hands, and she ran past me in a blur with the others as Kathy laughed.

  “They are great together,” she declared as I nodded in agreement. She went to help in the kitchen as I stood awkwardly for a moment, wondering what to do and where to go. Mason nodded at me from the doorway and gestured for me to join him and I did, watching as the kids took their seats at a small table as I joined Mason around the large dining room table. Kathy and his mom Mandy were placing large plates of chicken and vegetables on the surface along with bottles of wine and rolls. The kids came to fill their plates, and I smiled as Kendra asked for a little of most of it like the others.

  I took some of each, wanting to try new things. I wasn’t a great cook and seemed to make the same basic things every week for Kendra. Mason was spoiling us by taking us out to eat but my waistline was starting to show that more than I wanted it to. I listened to the conversation among his close family, full of laughter and love. It reminded me of my parents and I sipped my wine as Mandy looked at me for a moment. She’d welcomed me with a big hug as soon as we walked in and made a fuss over Kendra. “How is it? I am trying to improve my culinary skills now that I’m retired.” Her brown eyes twinkled, and I smiled.

  “It’s delicious. I was just thinking that I should attempt to cook more. I’ve never seen her be so experimental.” I smiled in the direction of the kids table and Kathy snickered.

  “Wait and see how much they actually eat. My kids will pick until dessert, like they always do.” She had a point and Kendra would likely do the same. We kept eating and discussed sports, politics but not too much, and some news. His family was intelligent and offered their opinions without the bitter fights that I’d seen in other families.

  We had chocolate cake for dessert and everyone started leaving to get ready for their week. We were last and Mandy hugged and kissed Mason before moving to me and Kendra. She told us that she loved having us and I thanked her with a genuine smile.

  Mason stopped by his place for some clothes for the morning, inviting us up. Kendra told me to come, and we went up the elevator from the parking garage as I looked around. This was a beautiful building. We ended up on the tenth floor and he led us to a door, unlocking it and allowing us to enter first.

  Oddly enough, this was the first time we’d all been here. I stopped by quickly a few times going to get Kendra, but I took a long look around now. Mason had a spacious, sunken living room with an impressive fireplace and a hallway that led to the three bedrooms, one of which he used for an office. There was a chef’s kitchen to the left and Kendra walked over to the windows to look over the city. “This is so pretty.”

  “I know. We have a view like this from work,” I told her as I walked over and looked out over the lights. Mason was getting a suit in his room and I stroked her hair back gently. “Did you have fun tonight?”

  “Yes. They want me to come play with them and spend the night!” Icy fear slid through my veins and I shivered. Kendra had only spent the night with my parents and now Nan and the idea of sending her anywhere else scared me. I liked Ken and Kathy a lot but Kendra was only six.

  “I have an idea,” Mason said as I turned to look at him. “Stay here while I’m gone. It’s no further to her school and work and this is a secure building.” I smiled, knowing that he worried about my apartment more than he cared to admit.

  “She has her stuff at home. I don’t want to invade your space,” I protested as Kendra tugged on my hand. I looked down to see her smiling at me.

  “Can you pick some favorite stuff to bring over?” Mason asked her as I rolled my eyes. “Perfect. You’re close to a lot of restaurants here and I’ll sleep better knowing that you're safe.”

  He got his things, and we headed to my apartment, given that Kendra had to get to bed. I tucked her in and promised her that I’d think about Mason’s offer before changing into leggings and a shirt to join him in the living room. He’d told her good night out here, still giving us our private time at bedtime. I cherished the quiet and dark of the moment, telling my daughter how much I loved her before she went to sleep in a safe place.

  “Why do you want us at your place?” I asked softly as I dropped beside him, watching him lean in to kiss me.

  “Safe building. I know that you guys will be okay here that was and face it. Kendra digs my condo.” Mason raised an eyebrow as I chuckled.

  “That she does.” I rested my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes.

  “You could get a lot done there. She’d have her own bed unless you wanted her to sleep with you.” Mason continued to push the idea as I sighed heavily, exaggerating it a bit.

  I silenced him with a kiss an
d we made our way to my room, listening at Kendra’s door for a second. We walked into my small room and closed the door before he pulled me against him for a hungry kiss. I wrapped my arms around him as he walked us to the bed, dropping over me as he pressed me to my back.

  We stripped hurriedly in between kisses and Mason kissed down my neck as I dropped my head back. It seemed like weeks before we got some private time sometimes and my body burned with desire for him. He knew my body well and sucked my nipples into his mouth slowly, dragging his teeth over the sensitive skin. I moaned softly as I arched my back, feeling him move lower and tongue my clit firmly as I bit my lip. I was soaked for him and Mason teased me with his tongue and teeth until I was shaking as I came for him. It was intense, and I wondered if this would ever fade. It was so new that I didn’t know what to think.

  He pulled away, and I told him to get on his back. I kissed down his firm chest, loving the feeling of his muscles as I wondered what he was doing with me. I kept going, moving over the perfect abs before I took him into my mouth slowly. Mason let out a hiss and slipped a hand into my hair. I loved all of this with Mason. It turned me on to see how much he enjoyed it and I started to move up and down slowly as his grip tightened in my hair. I brought him close to the edge before he reached for the drawer beside my bed, pulling out a strip of condoms.

  I took one and rolled it over Mason’s cock, seeing the hunger in his eyes as I crawled back over him. I lowered my body over his, taking him inside of my tight entrance as we both sighed. I was naïve about sex before Mason, despite having a child. He made me want to try new things and feel him everywhere and I blushed as I thought about some of our late night phone calls when we were apart. I arched my back and moved down again, feeling my slick walls wrapping tightly around him. “Jesus,” Mason moaned as he gripped my hips. We both moved together as quietly as we could, edging closer to a release as I fell apart first. I held in the moans that were on the tip of my tongue, closing my eyes as he jerked up and came. It always felt so good and I breathed in slowly as I moved carefully and toppled beside him.


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