Fake It

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Fake It Page 104

by Mia Ford

  “Oh yeah, the pay is good. This is an actress, she’s willing to pay what you’re worth.”

  “Fine.” I can’t turn that down, I do need a cash injection at the moment. “Send me the deets.”

  I hang up the phone to Emma and wait for the details to come through. I get the time, the address of a local motel, and the vague information about the girl. Aside from the acting thing, it seems pretty straightforward. All I need to do now is get myself showered and dressed for the night. Luckily since we’re meeting directly at a hotel there isn’t any need to crack out my suit and tie. When I have to go to events that’s what I need to do, make myself look like a freaking posh penguin.

  I take the stairs up to my dorm room two at a time, until I burst through the door and into my room where my roommate, Tyler, perches on the edge of the bed. Hearing me come in his eyes snap up to look at me instantly and he gives me a curious look.

  “You okay, buddy? You’ve got that look on your face again. Hot date tonight, it is?”

  Tyler is the only person who knows the truth about me, I trust him enough to tell him and I also wouldn’t be able to get away with it if he didn’t know. Also, for safety reasons I think it’s better that someone know where I am all the time. The escort company keeps tabs on me, but just as an extra security measure I feel like this is best. We use ‘dates’ to make it seem less… weird.

  “Yep, hot date tonight with an aspiring actress who needs more passion in her life.”

  He looks impressed as he nods. Tyler thinks it’s cool what I do, he doesn’t see any down side to it at all. If his biology classes weren’t so demanding and didn’t take up so much of his time, I think he would do it too just for fun. He certainly doesn’t need the money.

  “Well, that sounds fun. Are you looking forward to it?”

  I laugh at him while shaking my head. “I don’t know about that, I mean it is what it is.”

  With that, I wander into the bathroom and I flick the shower on. While the water heats up I stare at my reflection in the mirror, wondering how the night will go. My cheeks twitch as I think, my green eyes twinkle with emotions, my jaw line looks tense. I lean on the edge of the sink and tense up my bulging arm muscles as well, watching my abs flex. I like keeping myself in shape, which is lucky because I have to in this line of work, women want me to look my best. Whether that’s in the bed or just on their arm as a date. Either way, I have to keep my fitness up.

  That might be something that I have in common with this actress, she’ll probably have to look a certain way as well. Maybe that’ll give us something to talk about. I much prefer when I have something in common with the women because it gives us both a way to relax. I’ve had times when it’s been too awkward for words and it always ends up playing on my mind for ages afterwards. When it goes well, I can just move on past it and focus on the next one.

  Here goes nothing… I think to myself as the time comes to step into the shower. Another night of… well, god knows what.

  Chapter Three – Avril

  I pace up and down the motel room, unable to think about anything sensible while I wait for my ‘date’ to arrive. I cannot believe that I allowed Carly to talk me into this, she’s just so persuasive. I guess I didn’t think about how it would feel when I’m here waiting for him alone.

  He’s an escort, I think to myself as I chew down on my thumb nail. What the hell am I doing?

  I make the snap decision to leave. I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder to head for the door. This boy could turn up to no one here, it won’t matter to me, I just need to get away and get my head on straight. This is madness, I really shouldn’t be here, I need to be at home alone.

  Knock, knock. My eyes snap towards the door as it hits me I’m too late. Someone’s knocking and it can only be one person… the escort is already here. I glance at the clock to see he’s right on time. My heart stops dead in my chest as I try to work out what I’ll do next. Knock, knock.

  “Shit,” I mutter to myself while glancing left and right. “Fucking hell.”

  “Is anyone there?” a chocolatey smooth voice calls out. “Hello?”

  He sounds surprisingly nice, I think that might be the only thing that makes me step towards the door. It’s almost as if I’m in a hypnotic trance, like I’m out of control of my body.

  “Hold on, I’m coming.” As I swing the door open, my breath catches in my throat. Standing in front of me is a tall, dark, and very handsome guy. He’s gorgeous! “Oh, right, hello.”

  I feel small and silly next to him, I’m frumpy and nothing compared to him. He’s as intimidatingly good looking as Buzz, but he has a friendly expression too which makes him approachable. I get the impression that I could speak to him about absolutely everything.

  “Hi there.” The guy doesn’t stop in the door frame to introduce himself. He steps inside and slams the door closed behind him. A strange darkness shrouds us. “Nice to meet you.”

  A thick atmosphere fills the room, one that sets my body alight like I’m on fire or filled with electricity. I don’t know how to take it, it isn’t a way that I’ve ever felt before, so I take a step backwards. I suck a breath in, trapping the air in my lungs, and listen to my pounding heart.

  “What are you…?” I try to ask him as he moves closer to me, but I don’t get a chance to finish that sentence. In the next second his hand hooks around the back of my neck and he crashes his mouth into mine, claiming me completely. His mouth is soft, but his kiss hard, his lips warm, his tongue wet.

  He’s kissing me, I think in utter shock while I press myself into him. This is nuts.

  I don’t know if I want to stop this anymore, even if it’s insane. I have to admit that Carly was right about one thing, this does feel a whole lot better than I expected it to. Even kissing other people hasn’t ever felt like this, there’s such a… a… passion! That’s the only way I can explain it.

  “Oh my god,” I murmur as his mouth moves off mine and he slides his lips over to my neck. He hooks his fingers under the hemline of the summery dress I decided to wear out of ease, and he lifts it up over my head. It sends a shiver up and down my spine as the cooler air laps around me.

  As the guy, who’s name I don’t even know, steps back, he runs his eyes up and down me. A big part of me wants to cover myself up, I don’t know if I want him to see me so exposed in only my cotton white underwear, especially as I know he must see hundreds of women all the time in his line of work, but his eyes are filled with desire. Even if it’s fake it makes me feel good about myself.

  He tugs his tee shirt upright, pulling it over his head and shows me an incredible six pack. I thought Buzz’s was impressive when I caught a glimpse of it on the set one day, but it’s nothing compared to this. I feel delicate and feminine, like he could throw me over his shoulder.

  Then his hands slowly and tantalizingly travel down to his trousers. He keeps his eyes fixed upon me as he tugs them down, showing me an impressive pair of thick, muscular thighs. This guy should be on the pages of a magazine or something, he’s like an actual fantasy or something.

  “Oh wow,” I gush while clapping my hands to my mouth. “I don’t know what to say…”

  “Don’t say anything,” he commands with a growl. “This isn’t a time for talking.”

  He places his flat palms against me and pushes me backwards towards the bed. My feet step back willingly, switching my brain off as I go. I no longer care whether this is right or not, this guy and his commanding nature feels damn good. I need to feel good, it’s been too long.

  I fall backwards onto the sheets and instantly he’s on top of me, kissing all over my neck and collar bone with his velvety fingers snake around my back to unhook my bra. As the material flutters away, I find my hips rolling into him. There’s a desperate need inside of me, an animalistic side of me that I didn’t know was there before. It feels good, I feel surprisingly sexy.

  Maybe this is what I need to be channeling on set, I realize. Now, I c
an feel passion.

  The guy’s hands slide between us and he grabs onto my breasts. My rock hard nipples press into his skin, soaking my panties as he flicks his thumb over me. I’m turned on, I’m so horny that I might scream. This is me finally feeling passion. I mean, it’s hardly surprising since I’m with a sex expert, but it feels so fucking good. I’m so glad I stayed, if I’d run, things would be different.

  As his mouth travels down my body, one of my hands replaces his on my breast and I squeeze tightly. My other hand fists my hair and I push myself against him. I’m burning hot, my skin feels sticky with sweat, I don’t even know who I am anymore. I’m a mess of sensations and I love it.

  Then my panties are whipped from my body and every single inch of me is exposed. Before I can even wrap my head around that fact, his fingers have slipped into me, he’s massaging me in a phenomenal feeling way, and his tongue has connected with my clit. Fireworks explode, I feel like I’m opening up like a damn flower. This is the best thing to ever happen to me, it must be what a sexual awakening is like. It’s indescribable, it makes me feel like a whole other person.

  “Oh shit,” I gasp as he grips onto my thighs, fixing me in place. “Fucking hell.”

  I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good, I’ve always found oral sex a slightly unpleasant experience. Slimy and strange, but clearly I’ve been with the wrong man. The escort has my heart hammering so hard against my rib cage I fear it might explode free at any given moment.

  I buck my hips, pushing myself into his mouth further, but just as I fear I might tip right over the edge into the pit of abyss, he yanks his mouth away, leaving me cold and alone.

  “What are you…?” I start asking, but as I prop myself up onto my elbows to see him, the sentence falls apart on my mouth. His underwear is coming down and a condom is sliding on. “Holy hell!” He’s big, absolutely massive, the largest I’ve ever seen. How can I hack that?

  With a playful smirk, he climbs back over the bed and he hovers over me. I can feel his tip teasing my entrance and I feel like if he doesn’t slip inside soon I might just die. I want him, I need him, this is the most intense feeling of my whole damn existence.

  “Fuck me,” I beg him. “Please, I need you. You have no idea how much.”

  With that, he pushes himself into me and my head falls back with desire. His huge size feels good… phenomenal actually. There’s a buzzing sensation that consumes me, it vibrates so loudly that I fear I might actually be shaking. I try my hardest to cling to this feeling, I need to hold onto the sensation, I can’t let it go because this is what I’m here for. This sexy goddess version of myself is who I need to be in the movie. Somehow, I have to become her for a short while.

  With only a few thrusts, desire gets the better of me and I tumble. The pleasure gets me, it swallows me up whole and consumes me entirely. I buck and thrash, I writhe desperately underneath this guy and he holds me tightly, clutching me to him as the orgasm shatters through me. It feels nice, like I’m actually cared about, and for the moment it makes me forget that this isn’t real. It’s just a business transaction, this love is being paid for. But it feels much more than that. This feels deep. There’s a strange, inexplicable bond between us that feels powerful as our bodies lock in to one another.

  That sensation becomes even more intense as I realize he’s coming too, hard and fast inside of me. I don’t know if that’s supposed to happen but it feels awesome, he finds me good looking enough to orgasm. Everyone has been making me feel worthless, this is the first time in a very long time that I’ve actually felt worthwhile.

  Chapter Four – Owen

  Now for the awkward bit. Whenever my job leads me to have sex, there is always a real fun bit – which I have to admit was even better with this girl than any other – but then it’s followed by the discomfort. The getting dressed while trying not to look at one another, the payment, the reminder that this is all just a business thing. I need an online banking system to avoid this.

  “So, I better go in a moment,” I say quietly as I tug my tee shirt down, covering up the last couple of inches of my body. “If I could er, just get paid?”

  “No,” she gasps, grabbing my instant attention. “Don’t go, not yet.”

  The plan of a nice long shower followed by an early night in bed vanishes into nothingness as I hear her words. I don’t know what this is going to mean, but it’ll have to cost her. Just because I’ve had a good time with her, doesn’t mean I can give stuff away for free. If I start doing that then I’ll end up broke. I only do this for the cash, it’s not for my own pleasure.

  “What do you mean?” I ask her with my head cocked curiously. “You want me to stay?”

  “I’ll pay you for your time.” She gets that much at least, I don’t like having that uncomfortable conversation. Luckily most of the business stuff is done with Emma and the agency. “I just… I don’t feel like I know enough yet. That was great, but I really need to get things right.”

  “You’re an actress, right?” I fold my arms across my chest. “That’s what this is about?”

  An adorable blush fills her cheeks as she fixes her eyes on the ground. She’s pretty actually, she’s got a sweet face and as I’ve just seen a really nice body. I almost want to reach out and hold her, but I can’t because this isn’t a date or anything. This is a standard escorting transaction.

  “Yes, I’m an actress and I’m in a movie. A good movie, one that I really need to do well in if I ever want to go far.” She brings her fingers up to her plump red, passion bruised lips and she touches them gently. “They keep telling me that I have no passion or chemistry.”

  “What? You were incredible then!” I blurt out before catching myself. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, it made me sound as if I really like her. “I mean, maybe it isn’t you. What’s the other guy like? The one you have to act with?” She screws up her nose, unimpressed. “See? It’s him!”

  “He does suck, I will admit that, but I’m supposed to be able to pretend that he doesn’t. That’s a whole thing with acting, isn’t it? I can do everything else, it’s just that.” She offers me a one shouldered shrug. “That’s why my friend, Carly, wanted me to hire you. To learn, I suppose.”

  I can’t help being touched by her words, she really does seem to need my help. Much as I don’t usually like to extend my time with any clients, especially without telling Emma, I nod and agree to it. She doesn’t look dangerous, I don’t think I have anything to worry about. I can do this.

  “I suppose I should, really awkwardly, find out your name then if we’re going to do this?”

  “Oh right, of course.” She nods and giggles, a musical sound. “It’s Avril.”

  “Avril, and I’m Owen.” I never usually give away my real name, but with Avril there’s something inside of me telling me that I can. “So, what do you need, Avril?”

  “Erm, well there’s this one scene, it’s the one I’ve been trying to get done today. Buzz’s character, Ash, has just told me that he loves me and I need to be overcome with passion before I kiss him. Only… no matter what I do I cannot seem to get it right.”

  I don’t know what to say to that, the way she kissed me was absolutely filled with desire, but I suppose that’s a different situation. “Why don’t you show me?”

  “Urgh, do I have to?” She rolls her eyes dramatically. “I feel really awkward.”

  “I have to see it somehow.” I know I can’t ply her with booze to get her to loosen up because she can’t be drunk on set, but I need to do something. “I know.” I grab my cell phone out my pocket and flick on some music. “Dance, have some fun, get loose first.” She looks at me like I’m insane. “Come on, trust me, it’ll work. You just need to loosen up your hips as a start.”

  She doesn’t. Avril folds her arms across her chest and she stares at me stubbornly, so I do the only thing I can. I dance. I’ve had to for some jobs anyway so I don’t mind and I hope that encourages her to do the same. I throw m
y hands above my head and shake my hips without a care in the world.

  “You’re mad,” Avril laughs. “You don’t know what the hell you look like.”

  “I don’t care,” I assure her. “It doesn’t matter, it isn’t about looking good.”

  Avril watches me for a while, slowly starting to move herself as she does. Her gestures are wooden and uncomfortable at first, it’s obvious that she’s shy being herself. I’d love to see her being more confident. It takes her a while, but soon she actually starts to enjoy herself.

  That’s the moment that I take a step closer and I make her hips sway in a much sexier manner. Without even talking about it, I get her to dance in a way that shows off her curves perfectly. I don’t know if she gets it at first, but soon she seems to understand that this is what she needs. If she feels sexy in herself then she’ll find it easier to convey passion. I might not know how to act, but I do know how to look like I’m having the time of my life when I’m not.

  “That’s it,” I whisper to her. “Now say your line. It doesn’t matter which one. Any will do.”

  “Oh, my goodness,” she says cautiously. “I don’t know what to say to you. I never thought you would be here in front of me telling me that you love me. It’s all too much. I’m overwhelmed.”

  “Say it more like you’re out of breath. Like you’ve just had mind blowing sex.”


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