Dark & Dangerous: A Collection of Paranormal Treats

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Dark & Dangerous: A Collection of Paranormal Treats Page 73

by Julie Kenner

  “Like what?”

  “Like how she killed herself, and why. And what she might want from me.” She licked her lips. “Maybe you could consult the Ouija board or whatever the hell you use, see if you can get any answers from her directly.”

  “Naturally. That was going to be my first move.”

  She nodded, swallowed more coffee. Outside the sun was coming up, its orange-yellow rays beaming in through the kitchen windows. “I suppose I should take a shower.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I should wash up and shave, myself. You want me to stand in the bathroom while you shower?”

  She licked her lips. That would be a bad idea. Very bad. She would be all too tempted to reach out and yank him into the water with her. “I think I’ll be okay, now that it’s light outside. So long as I use the downstairs bathroom.”

  He lifted his chin, cleared his throat. “Tell you what, I’ll go use the upstairs one. Just to see what happens.”

  “You’re a better man than I am,” she told him. He was either very brave or very foolish, she wasn’t sure which. “Let’s both leave the doors open, okay?”


  Gathering her nerve, she cleared the table and tossed the dishes into the dishwasher, just as a delaying tactic. Then she went to her bathroom, listening to Jack’s footsteps on the stairs as he went to his.

  It wasn’t freezing cold. That was a good sign. The sun was beaming in through the window, higher now than before. The lights were working. She opened the cabinet, taking out her body wash, bath oil, shampoo, conditioner, loofah. Then, with all those items loaded in her arms, she turned to face the tub.

  And then she dropped everything on the floor and screamed at the top of her lungs.

  The tub was full to the brim, water sloshing over the top onto the floor. And lying there, beneath the clear, warm water, was a woman. Her blond hair floated like a nest of yellow snakes around her head. Her mouth was slightly agape. And her eyes were wide open, focused on Kiley’s, and pleading.


  THE SOUND OF HER SCREAM split his mind wide open and let a slew of nightmarish images flow in, each more horrific than the one before. Even though he was running before the sound died, he couldn’t seem to get to her fast enough.

  And then he did.

  She was backed into the farthest corner of the downstairs bathroom, with one hand fisted near her mouth and the other one pointing, trembling, at the tub.

  He looked at the bathtub, half afraid to. But there was nothing there.

  “Kiley?” He moved closer to her. “What, what is it?”

  When he stood right in front of her, blocking her view of the tub, her glazed eyes focused on him. “It was there. Jack, it was there, in the tub, she was—”

  “Wait, wait, hold up a sec.” The tempo, pitch and decibel levels of her voice had been rising steadily, and he sensed she was close to panic, so he closed his hands on her shoulders, intending to lead her out of the bathroom, into something more nearly resembling safe ground. As soon as he touched her, she fell into his arms, sliding her arms around his back, burying her face in his chest and holding on so tight he thought she might crack his ribs.

  He buried a hand in her hair, snapped the other around her waist and tried to keep holding her that way while maneuvering them both out of the bathroom. He took her all the way through the house, and outside, to her car—she in her nightgown, and he in his jeans. He paused only long enough to snag her key ring from the hook by the door.

  “Jack, what are we…?”

  “Screw this. You need to get the hell out of that house. For now, just for now.”

  “I haven’t even showered.”

  “You can shower at my place.”

  “But my clothes—”

  “I’ll come back and get you some.”


  “Not on your life.” He put her in her car, shut the door, went around to the driver’s side and got behind the wheel. Only when they were heading down the road did he turn to face her, to ask her, “What did you see in the bathtub, Kiley?”

  She licked her lips, sat a little straighter in the seat. “I think I know how Mrs. Miller killed herself,” she said softly.

  He lifted his brows. “How?”

  “Drowning. In the bathtub, I think.”

  “And you think this because?” He was almost afraid to ask.

  “Because I saw her. That tub was full of water. Overflowing, even, and she was there, lying there on the bottom. Her eyes were open and she was looking right at me.”

  The last few words came out in a whisper. He ached for her, literally felt pangs in his belly for her pain.

  She sent him a searching look. “She was there. She was really there.”

  “I believe you.”

  “She was young, beautiful, when she died. Long honey-blond hair. Green eyes. She could’ve been a model.”

  He nodded. “We’re here,” he said, pulling her car into his driveway. He lived in a modest-size log home, one story with a loft. Just big enough for him. He liked it, maybe more now than ever. No history, no ghosts. Not that he believed in the damn things, anyway. He stopped the car. The look of relief on Kiley’s face was something to see. He got out, went to open her door for her, but she beat him to it.

  He led her inside, unlocking the place, holding the door. “I’d show you around, but it would be a short trip. Kitchen’s in there. Bedroom’s up in the loft. Bathroom’s through there, and there’s a den in back.

  “And this is the living room.”

  He nodded. “Go on, go take your shower. And then sack out in my bed for a while. You’re dead on your feet.”

  “I should go in to work.”

  “Call ’em. Phone’s in the kitchen.”

  “Okay. Yeah. Okay, I can rest here.” She looked around, sighed. “This is a nice place, Jack. It feels good here.”

  “And not a ghost in sight,” he said.

  She smiled. “Thanks for this.”

  He nodded. “I need to go to the shop, see Chris, and then I’ll head back to your place and pick you up a few things. Okay?”

  “Don’t go there alone, Jack.”

  “I won’t. But I will bring you back some clothes and stuff. I’ll be a couple of hours. No more. And if you need me, my cell phone number is programmed into the phone. Number nine.”

  She nodded. “I really do owe you for all of this.”

  He sent her an evil smile. “And I fully intend to collect, Brigham. So don’t fret about it too much.”

  CHRIS WAS ALREADY TURNING the Closed sign around to the Open side when Jack walked up to the door of the shop. The kid stepped aside to let him in, but before Jack could so much as say “good morning” the questions were pouring out.

  “So? What happened last night? You didn’t go home. I know, ’cause I called six times. Did you spend the night with her? Did anything happen? I thought you hated each other. What’s going on, Jack?”

  Jack held up two hands and hurried through the shop toward the section in the back that was devoted entirely to books. Then he stood there, perusing the rack.

  “Jack?” Chris asked. “C’mon, aren’t you going to tell me anything?”

  Sighing, Jack looked down at the kid. “It’s not good, I’ll tell you that.”

  “No? Not even…?”

  “No, not even. And don’t ask again, kid. That’s none of your business. Besides, it has nothing to do with whatever the hell is haunting Kiley Brigham’s house.”

  Chris licked his lips. “I, uh—thought you didn’t believe in ghosts, Jack.”

  “Didn’t. Not until last night.”

  Chris widened his eyes. “You saw it?”

  He shook his head. “Lights flashing, drawers flying around the bedroom, doors slamming.”

  Chris licked his lips. “So you were in her bedroom.”

  He sent the kid a glare. “Part of the job, kid.”

  “Job?” Then Chris went pale. “You don’t mean

  “The lady has hired me to get rid of her ghost.”


  “Believe me, I know. So now I’m in one hell of a predicament. I either admit to her that I’m a fake, or I fake my way through this, fail, and then she’ll know I’m a fake, anyway.” He lowered his head. “And she’s been burned by a fraud like me before, Chris. Hell, when she finds out the truth—” He made himself stop there, before he gave away more than he wanted to. Not that he had a clue what he’d be giving away. He was confused as hell right now.

  Chris shrugged. “One way to solve the whole mess,” he said. “You just have to get rid of the ghost for her.”

  “Oh, come on, kid.”

  “It’s not like you haven’t done it before. You’ve cleared a dozen houses right in Burnt Hills alone.”

  “That wasn’t real and you know it. I read a few books, went through the motions and eased the minds of some extremely nervous people with vivid imaginations.”

  “You helped them. None of them had any visitations after you finished.”

  “None of them had any visitations before I started.”

  “How can you be so sure of that?”

  Jack didn’t reply.

  “And what about all the readings, Jack? The advice you give these people, the way it helps them?”

  “It’s not hard to give people good advice.”

  “As good as yours, and all the time? Jack, did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason Kiley Brigham can’t prove you’re a fraud is because you aren’t?”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “You knew that client was a fake the other day. You knew Ms. Brigham was in the shop. Hell, I’ll bet you knew there was something in her house the second you walked through the door, if not sooner.”

  Jack thinned his lips. “Listen, none of this matters, anyway. We’ve got work to do here. I need to find the last people who lived in that house, and see if they’re willing to talk to us, and I need to figure out how the hell to get rid of a ghost. A real ghost.”

  The kid shrugged. “The first part’s easy. Brad and Cindy Stark moved to Saratoga Springs.”

  “You know how to reach them?”

  The kid shrugged, walked to the checkout counter and pulled a telephone directory from underneath. Flipping it open, he ran his fingers along a list of names, and said, “Here you go.”

  Jack turned the book around, saw the listing, couldn’t believe it was this easy. Then he picked up the phone.

  KILEY HAD SHOWERED, DRESSED in one of Jack’s clean T-shirts, and then crawled into his bed and slept like a log. She only woke when something touched her cheek, gentle as a breeze, making her eyes flutter open. Jack was crouching beside the bed, looking at her oddly.

  “Oh. Hi again,” she said.

  “I hated to wake you, but we have a date.”

  She blinked sleepily. “A date?”

  “Yeah. Here, I brought you some clothes.” He nodded toward the stack of neatly folded garments he’d placed on the nightstand.

  She sat up in the bed, raking her hair with one hand. “You went back to the house?”



  He smiled sheepishly. “Hell, no. Took Chris along.”

  She laughed, shaking her head.

  “What? That’s funny?”

  “Just that a guy built like you are would drag scrawny little Chris along for protection.”

  “I didn’t take him for protection—I took him as a witness, in case something too odd to believe happened to go down, and—” He stopped there. “A body like mine, huh?”

  She pursed her lips, threw back the covers and got out of the bed, though she had to slide by him to do it. He was still sitting on the edge. “So did anything happen?”

  “What? Uh, no. Nothing. Just grabbed you some clothes—although, I kind of wish I hadn’t.”

  Frowning, she swung her gaze his way. But his eyes weren’t on hers; they were sliding up and down her body instead.

  He said, “You look so damn good in my T-shirt it’s a shame you have to change.”

  “Oh, yeah. And what is it you’re hoping to accomplish with that line of bull?”

  He shook his head slowly. “It’s not a line, Kiley. I’d have said something sooner—I just…never thought of you that way. Till last night, at least.” He gave a little shrug, met her eyes with a teasing light appearing in his own. “Guess it took sleeping with you to open my eyes.”

  “Yeah, that’ll do it every time.” She held her clothes to her chest and headed into the bathroom, muttering, “Men.” Then she closed the door behind her. She tried to put his words out of her mind as she dressed. It was only his libido talking. He didn’t like her, much less give a damn about her. This was all based on the heat that had flared up between them last night, and that had been based on nothing more than pure idiocy, combined with bowstring-taut tension and bone-chilling fear. All that adrenaline pumping. All that unbelievable shit happening in her house. Sure, they’d reacted. Why the hell wouldn’t they?

  It was a mistake, and it meant nothing. And God, she wanted to do it again—and not be interrupted this time.

  The look in his eyes had been so intense just now. She’d felt an answering heat rise up under her skin everywhere his gaze lingered. His voice had gone all soft and throaty and it felt like a touch when he said her name.

  “Knock it off, Brigham.” She said it to her reflection, and she said it firmly.

  Her reflection looked back at her, wearing the tight, low-slung jeans he’d picked out, with a tiny T-shirt that hugged every curve. She wondered if he’d done it on purpose.

  “Did you say something?” he asked from beyond the door.

  “Uh—what’s this date you mentioned?” It was the only thing she could think of on short notice. Besides wondering how he would react when he saw her in these jeans, and then chiding herself for wondering. Still, her tummy tightened in anticipation.

  “I found the people who lived in the house before you. Turns out Chris knew who they were. Moved out to Saratoga Springs.”

  She went to the bathroom door, a hairbrush in her hand, and yanked the door open. “You called them?”

  He nodded.

  “And they agreed to meet us?”

  “For lunch today at—Holy shit. I take it back.”

  “You take what back?” But she already knew. She knew by the way his eyes were wandering down her body, even before he reached out to clasp her arm and draw her farther into the room, so he could walk around behind her.

  “I take back wishing I hadn’t brought you any clothes. How come I’ve never seen you in those jeans before?”

  She shrugged. “You wouldn’t have noticed if you had.”

  “A dead man would have noticed you in those, lady.”

  She sighed, turned to face him and looked him square in the eye. “Jack, what the hell are you doing?”

  He looked surprised, but not confused. He knew exactly what she meant, and he didn’t pretend otherwise. Sighing, he lowered his eyes. “Damned if I know.”

  “Well, do you think you could knock it off?”

  “You really want me to?”

  She licked her lips. “I don’t know. But I do know it keeps me so off balance I can’t think straight. It’s goddamn surreal to have my worst enemy flirting with me like this. Almost as fucked up as the ghost in my house.”

  “Yeah. Okay, I get that. Although I think we’re way past that “worst enemy” stage. It’s bull and we both know it.”

  She lowered her head. “Okay, it’s bull.”

  “I never hated you as much as I pretended to.”

  “Me, neither,” she admitted.

  “It feels odd to me, Kiley, to be so into you all of a sudden. But I am.”

  She looked at him, questioning him with her eyes.

  “I’m still not sure if you really want me to rein it in.”

  Kiley sighed, looking away. “Hell, Jack, neither
am I.”

  He lifted his brows, tipped his head to one side. “Maybe if we just did it, got it out of our systems…”

  She looked at the clock on the nightstand. “That’s such a freakin’ brilliant idea, it’s a crying shame we don’t have time.”

  He eyed her. “You’re being sarcastic.”

  “No, I mean it. I’d bang you right here if it wasn’t already twenty to twelve. ’Cause God knows that would fix everything.”

  “I never said it would fix everything.”



  She held his gaze, then smiled slowly. “Now, that feels normal.” Then she preceded him out of the bedroom and down to the car.


  JACK SAT ACROSS FROM the couple he couldn’t stop thinking of as Ken and Barbie, and watched their eyes as they spoke.

  “I really don’t know why we agreed to this. It’s kind of silly,” Cindy Stark said.

  “You agreed because I told you there was a perfectly nice, innocent woman living in that house now, and that she was going through hell,” Jack said. “You agreed because I laid a big guilt trip on you.”

  The woman pursed her lips and met her husband’s eyes. “Still, that’s got nothing to do with us.” She slanted her gaze toward Kiley. “Whatever you’re going through, it’s got nothing to do with us.”

  “I know that,” Kiley said. “But if you could just tell me what happened to drive you out of that house…?”

  “Nothing drove us out,” her husband, Brad, said with a nervous laugh. “We found a great place in the Springs.”

  “Oh, it’s gorgeous,” Cindy beamed. “Totally restored Victorian. We did it in shamrock, with three shades of maroon in the trim.”

  Jack nodded, translating their words. “You have a nice, clean, spook-free life now, and you don’t want to pollute it with thoughts about the trouble you left behind. It’s almost as if you might accidentally conjure the same trouble in the new place if you admit to what happened in the old.”

  Cindy widened her eyes. “How can you—how does he…?”

  “Don’t be silly, dear,” Brad said, silencing her by covering her hand with his own. “He’s taking shots in the dark.”


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