Caged: Book 2 Of the King's Hand Series

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Caged: Book 2 Of the King's Hand Series Page 9

by B. A. Monaghan

  The neck seemed to be its weak spot. The two large arteries were right on the surface of the neck. It wouldn’t take much to kill the lizard if Roland hit the neck first. One problem Roland and Shadow would have hunting the Stun Lizards was getting the thing out of the sand in the first place in order to make a good shot. They were lucky that this lizard was out of the sand, in the process of attacking the scorpion. Maybe a rock thrown at the sand would bring them out.

  Roland finished skinning the lizard and harvesting the mana gland and the poison glands. They headed back to the cave where he finished scrapping the hide. His elf knife made easy work of the tough hide. It was smelly tough work, but the hide would make some good armor. It would make him coin too, although he wasn’t in need of more gold. When he finished, he lay down for some good sleep.

  The next night, they headed out like they had the previous night. This time, Roland took a few large rocks with him. There were rocks in the desert, but the lizards seemed to like the really sandy areas where rocks weren’t easy to find. They hadn’t walked more than thirty minutes before they came across the smell of a Stun Lizard. They knew the general area where the thing was hiding below the sand. They weren’t sure of the exact location though. They also didn’t know how close the lizard had to be to stun its prey. Roland didn’t want to feel that stun again.

  They were finally ready. Roland was about 20 feet away. He would drop some mana into his Gossamer Ring so he could jump high and away from the lizard, in case it tried to stun him. He threw the rock and dropped some mana into the ring. As the rock hit the sand the lizard came out. Roland jumped just as the stun blasted out from the lizard. Roland felt the vibration on his feet. He had jumped high and backwards.

  When he landed, the lizard was in hot pursuit. Roland had his bow out and arrow drawn. Shadow was closing in on the side. He hit the lizard and bit deep along its side. Shadow jumped off and quickly headed away. The lizard hadn’t sent out a stun. As the lizard was occupied with Shadow, Roland shot him in the neck, hitting one of the arteries. The thing quickly bled out.

  They completed the skinning and took the glands. They were headed back as they discussed the short battle. The lizard knew exactly where Roland was when he threw the rock. It couldn’t see them through the sand so the lizard had to sense them somehow. It hadn’t tried to stun Shadow at all. He wondered if the lizards could only stun so often.

  They were on their way to getting the glands they needed. They would continue to develop plans to kill the lizards with better efficiency. The one thing Roland finally decided was that he could only take about eight hides with him when they left. They were so big that he wouldn’t be able to carry more than eight and he would need to use a travois.

  The next night they were back at it. This time, dropping the rock on the lizard after jumping up worked a lot better. The lizards just seemed to send out a blast of stun when they couldn’t determine exactly where the attack was coming from. They knew when someone walked up fairly close to them, but they couldn’t determine when someone was in the air above them.

  After seven kills, they traveled even further south. The lizards were getting harder to find in the area. They found another cave that they could work from. Roland had gone up the mountain and retrieved some wood so that they could build a travois. It was going to be a long haul getting the hides out. Fortunately, they had discovered a bush that produced a plum-like fruit. It was red with orange flesh in the middle. The seed was big and the fruit was sweet and juicy. That helped supplement the meat diet for Roland anyway.

  After settling in the new cave, Roland decided he should check on his status. He had hopes that his levels were increasing. He was pleasantly surprised.

  Status Panel











  Heath Regen




  Mana Regen




  Stamina Regen









  Dexterity +2 per level



  End +5 and Str +5



  Active Status Conditions



  Animal Bond



  Available Points


  He had made another level, to 24. He was within one level of reaching level three with the guild. Level three in the guild would open up more jobs. The higher the level, the better pay. The more dangerous too. Roland just realized he had missed his birthday. He was now 19 years old. Gaining a level netted him 5 points and gaining another year gave him another five points to use. He would put five in Intelligence and five in Wisdom. His dexterity went up the usual two points for the level and the increased year in age gave him another two also. His mana pool was huge. Or at least it seemed to be, compared to where he started. His mother must have so much mana. He would have to think on that for a while.

  Roland and Shadow headed out again tracking the Stun Lizards. They found five in as many days. Then things went cold for a few days. They decided to move again. Further south now, the cave they found wasn’t as good as the last two caves had been. The number of Stun Lizards was greater. In this area they were able to get 10 lizards. They had 22 glands in the alcohol jug. Roland had 44 glands of poison and the eight hides. This was turning into a very successful adventure. He was still at level 24. They decided to head back to the capitol. They would continue hunting Stun Lizards until they left the desert, or they reached level 25.

  By the time they got back to the Centaur Lands, they had killed an additional eight Stun Lizards and now possessed a total of 30 glands. Roland had achieved level 25. When they returned to the capitol, they would be able to get their level three Adventures Guild seal.

  When they entered the Centaur camp, they received a nice welcome. They remained for several days and enjoyed the friendship of the centaurs.

  The trip back across the farm lands of Lancaster was comfortable. Pulling the travois across the land everyday did wonders for Roland’s strength and endurance status. Each increased by four points. This had been one of his greatest adventures yet. It had also brought both Roland and Shadow their closest encounters with death. Shadow had almost died fighting the Ettin. Roland had almost died after being ambushed by the Stun Lizard. Would completing level 3 quests put him and Shadow in even greater danger?

  Shadow just shook his head. Roland got the feeling that the wolf wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Chapter 4

  Business Partners

  Roland and Shadow entered the capitol in the late afternoon. He had so many things that needed to be completed. He was hoping Hazel was fine and that she was still in the house. She might have taken the gold and run. He didn’t think she would but you never knew what others would do.

  As they approached the house, he could hear noise coming from inside. He also noticed the scent of other people he had never smelled before. Both he and Shadow started to prepare for the worst. He pulled out his Elven knife and a throwing knife. Shadow prepared to rush in. As they quickly opened the door, Shadow lead the way with Roland right behind. Shadow was face to face with a young lady frozen in place with fear. Roland was standing before a young man with his mouth gaping open. Hazel was also at the table looking shocked.

  “Roland, what are you doing?” Hazel was pulling the girl away from Shadow while Roland, realizing that the young man wasn’t a threat, put his knives away.

  “Well, the scents we smelled were of people we had never met
and we thought maybe you were in trouble.”

  “These two people are my employees. Let me introduce you to Blane. He scours in the woods and gathers the herbs I need. This young lady is Vivi. She sells the elixirs at the booth for me. I am still in school, so I needed someone to work for me while I’m there.”

  Roland had several questions pop into his head when he noticed some shelving that hadn’t been in the house before he left. “What is all this?” He was pointing to the shelves. “What do you mean, sells at the booth? What booth and what are you selling?”

  “Well, I took the money you left me and I purchased a booth and a license to sell items in the market square. I hired Vivi and Blane to do the things I wasn’t able to do while I’m attending school. It is so good you are back. The elixirs you make are better than mine. They sell very well and I’ve made back our investment already. Vivi and Blane are old friends. They were glad to have a way to make some money. The shelving you see is for our stock and supplies.”

  “Our investment?”

  “Yes, our investment. Since you put up the capital, and are paying for my education, room and board, I have decided that whatever I make, half will go to you. When I become a successful merchant, you will be well off Roland.”

  “I didn’t ask for anything in return. You don’t have to do that.”

  “No I didn’t, and you didn’t have to step in to save me either. So, like it or not, you are my partner.”

  This wasn’t what Roland expected upon his arrival home. Shadow was stunned too. “Well, if you could help, I have some lizard hides outside I need help bringing in here.” They all went out and helped to bring in the hides. Roland also picked up his pack. They finally finished bringing everything into the house. The house suddenly seemed very small.

  Hazel looked at the hides. She quickly counted the eight hides. “So, you could only get eight lizards?”

  “No, I could only carry eight hides. I left the rest to rot in the desert.”

  “Then you left two hides in the desert? We should have sent a pack horse with you. Those two hides would have paid for the extra cost of a horse or mule.”

  “No, we left 22 hides in the desert. We would have had to bring a wagon with us for all the hides. Believe me when I tell you, the horses or mules wouldn’t have survived the trip.”

  “You’re telling me you killed 30 lizards?”

  “Yes, we were very successful once we figured out how to hunt the beasts. It wasn’t as easy as we had thought it might be.”

  They all had dinner together talked about the changes which had occurred the last several weeks. Afterward, Vivi and Blane left for the night.

  Roland was the first to speak after they departed. “So, tell me about these two friends of yours.”

  “Well, Vivi and I worked together a few times. She is getting older and she is starting to show she is more than a street rat. We happened to stumble upon each other a few weeks ago and she asked for help. Shortly after you left, I decided to buy a booth and obtain a license to sell products at the market. I needed someone at the market to keep the product moving. She needed a job, so it worked out well for both of us.”

  “How does Blane work into all of this?”

  “Well, Vivi brought him with her one day. He had tried to get in with the Thieves Guild but they rejected him. Vivi felt bad for him and she asked if I had a job for him.”

  Roland and Shadow looked at one another. Shadow was the first to think. He smelled like the tunnels below the city. I think he is with the guild. He was looking for something to steal. He knows we just brought in the hides and glands. They are going to be coming for us before we sell them.

  Shadow, if I wasn’t thinking the same thing, I would have said you were paranoid. We should get ready. I’m sure they will be coming soon.

  “Hazel, I have some bad news for you. Blane is working with the Thieves Guild. He has a smell that Shadow and I both recognize and we are sure that he is working for them. He knows we have the glands and the hides. They will be coming for us before we can sell them to the alchemists.”

  “Vivi wouldn’t bring a thief into my business.”

  “She might not know he is from the guild or she might have been forced to bring him here. They might be using her. The thing we need to prepare for immediately is someone trying to steal from us tonight. They know we have expensive things and also who we are, and in general what we are capable of doing. They will be bringing several people. The first thing you need to do is barricade yourself in the bedroom. We will take care of the rest.”

  Hazel was downcast and she went into her room. They then began setting up traps outside the house and around entrance. The glands were hidden outside the house buried in the ground. Even if they gained entry into the house, the thieves weren’t getting the glands. Roland and Shadow prepared themselves outside where they wouldn’t be seen by the thieves as they approached.

  Roland cast shadow illusion on them both. Shadow took the street level as always while Roland took to the roofs. He arranged his bow and arrows for easy access. It was shortly after midnight when the first signs of mischief arrived. Shadow let Roland know they were coming from the east. The first thief stepped in a spiked trap and tried not to yell. Another thief helped him up and pulled him back into the dark shadows.

  Roland thought they would become a bit more cautious after the first thief stepped into the trap. But thieves weren’t known for their intelligence most of the time. By the time Roland arrived back at the house, three more men in dark attire showed up to help. It was now two against four, with the first injured thief unable to assist. Shadow was disappointed and insulted that the guild had only sent five men. The thieves’ next step sat off another trap. It was a knife that cut the leg of the next thief. They were laughing at what, to them, looked like a fairly ineffective trap. But the knife had venom from a Forest Asp on the tip of the blade. The thief succumbed to sickness by the time they were trying to pick the lock on the front door of the house. The next trap went off at the lock. A needle with Stun Lizard poison struck the hand of the third thief. He was out almost instantly. The last thief, realizing he was the last one standing, started to turn and run when the butt of a knife struck him on the back of the head.

  The rest of the night, Roland and Shadow spent transporting the thieves to the first tavern they knew was controlled by the guild. They piled the bodies up next to one another. They left a written note on the thugs. It read, “Leave us alone. We didn’t kill your men out of our good faith.”

  The two men who were poisoned were, however, on the verge of life or death. If they didn’t make it, they couldn’t blame Roland or Hazel. At least he hoped they wouldn’t blame Hazel.

  Hazel was a mess by the time Roland and Shadow returned. She hadn’t heard anything back in the bedroom. Together, they waited for the sun rise.

  Vivi came by the house first thing that morning. She had already heard the news about the Thieves Guild members piled up at the tavern. The lower city was abuzz by the event. Blane hadn’t shown up that morning to accompany Vivi to Hazel’s house. She was afraid something had happened to him. When it was revealed to her that Blane was part of the Thieves Guild, she was aghast. She apologized for bringing him into Hazel’s business. She had no idea that he was part of the Thieves Guild.

  Roland, Hazel, and Vivi walked to the Alchemist Guild. They brought the jug of alcohol containing the glands from the lizards. They entered and a young lady stood at the counter. “I’m here to turn in some Stun Lizard glands. I have them in alcohol to preserve them.”

  “How many do you have in here?”

  “There are thirty glands.”

  The young lady laughed like it was a joke. “You mean three glands.”

  “No. I meant I have thirty glands in the jug.”

  She took another look up at Roland and the two girls standing behind him. “You mean to tell me that the three of you harvested thirty glands?”

  “No. I harvested the gl
ands. These young ladies just came with me to turn in the glands.”

  Her eyes became big and she backed up. “If you will give me a moment, I need to get someone.”

  She came back a few minutes later with a middle-aged man carrying a large pan. The man spoke as the young lady stood back. “So, you have quite a few glands for us.”

  “Yes sir. It was an open job at the guild.”

  “It’s good to know the Adventures Guild has some good men. Let’s count those glands.”

  They began counting the glands and the alchemist’s excitement grew with each one retrieved from the jug. “I have never seen so many glands together at any one time. I don’t believe I’ve seen these many glands at any given time since I’ve been in the guild. Thirty glands in good condition.” He pulled out three gold pieces out of his leather money purse. “At 10 silvers per gland that will be three gold coins.”

  “The job also said that if the glands were brought in 10 at a time then a bonus of 50 silvers would be awarded. So with thirty glands that would be one gold and 50 silver in addition to the three golds.”

  “You are right young man.” He handed Roland another gold and counted out 50 silvers. “Please remove that job announcement when you get back to your guild. We aren’t going to need any more glands for a few years.” He turned and left the room. The young lady just smiled as Roland and the girls left the Alchemist Guild.

  They went straight to the Adventures Guild to pay for his and Shadow’s taxes. The tax was a whopping 90 silvers. He went to the bank and deposited 2 of the gold pieces into his bank account. Next, he went down to the first floor and was officially promoted to a level 3 with the guild, along with Shadow. It took him almost two years to go from level two to level 3. The idea that he could hit level 4 anytime this decade was too much to think about.


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