Caged: Book 2 Of the King's Hand Series

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Caged: Book 2 Of the King's Hand Series Page 11

by B. A. Monaghan

  “How in the world did you find this place?”

  “Oh, it was easy. I walked past here several times. I’ve never seen anyone living here so it took a while for me to find out who owned the place. It used to belong to the people who owned the warehouses on each side. They were merchants. The couple didn’t have any children and when they passed away the place was sold at auction. A merchant company purchased it and forgot about it. They just wanted the warehouses. When I approached them about renting the house, I told them it was a one-bedroom place. No one even remembered that they owned it. They didn’t want to come out and look at the place, so instead of renting the place, I purchased it. It cost us 1 gold coin. We are now the proud owners.”

  Hazel had a smile a mile wide. She thought she had just succeeded at a major coup. She pulled Roland through the gate. It had a broken lock that needed fixing. They stepped through the front door into a living room. Off to the right was a dining room that looked to lead into a kitchen. Along the back wall of the living room was a door.

  They opened the door in the back of the room and stepped into a small hallway. At the end of the hall was a window. There was a door to the left and a door to the right. In the other direction was a door to what Roland assumed was the kitchen. There was a doorway without a door next to the kitchen door. Behind it was a set of stairs that went up. Hazel took him into the room through the left door first.

  “This is the office. We can share it if that is ok with you.” This room had a window looking into the front yard.

  “I can’t imagine why I would need an office. It might as well be yours,” Roland replied.

  The side walls were covered in shelving. The floor was a dark hardwood. The windows and ceiling had fancy wood trim. The front wall and back wall were a dirty white, almost brown paint.

  They left the office and went across the hall to the other door. This room is a bedroom. The movers were setting up Roland’s bed and were placing his pack and other items in a closet. “It is a little big for me. Why didn’t you take it?”

  “Roland, you’re the one in charge. You get this room. Don’t you like it?”

  “Hazel, I’m overwhelmed. I have never imagined living in a house like this. I never even thought that a house would have an office in it. It’s great Hazel. You astound me.”

  They went back out into the hall and walked to the kitchen. The kitchen contained a stove, cupboards, and a water pump which pumped into a copper tub. “I’ve never seen a water pump before and we have one in the house?”

  “Roland, most of the better houses in the city have water pumps.”

  They continued the tour. The upstairs had three rooms. The first was just an open space at the top of the stairs. Two doors were at end of the big room. Vivi would occupy one, and Hazel the other. The open area would be for whoever joined their team.

  They went down into the basement. The basement contained a rock wall and a rock floor. There were several rock columns holding the house up. Hazel held a candle holder as they checked out how big the place was and how much storage it provided. This was almost like a real nice root cellar. They could store a lot of herbs down there and the herbs would last a long time.

  As they walked around the wall in the basement, Roland noticed the candle flicker, like a breeze had hit the flame. He stopped and felt for a breeze. It was light but he could feel it. There shouldn’t be a breeze in a basement. He started looking at the wall next to them.

  “What’s wrong Roland?”

  “There is a breeze coming from this wall.” As he pushed against the rock wall it moved. It screeched loudly too. He pushed harder and the wall gave way to a tunnel. Cobwebs were everywhere. No one had been through here in a long time.

  “I had no idea this was here Roland. I am not responsible for this.”

  “It’s ok. Let me see what is down here.”

  Roland cast shadow illusion on himself and Shadow. He also cast his new spell Night Vision. It was very impressive. He could see well enough, even in complete darkness.

  Roland, I can see in this place. Did you do something to me?

  I cast a spell on myself called Night Vision. Somehow, you can see as well as I can with it.

  You do share eye, ear and nose sensory with me. It would make sense that if your sensory became better mine would also.

  Well, I’m not sure how this whole thing works sometimes, but I like the fact that you can see too.

  They continued down a tunnel that was flat with sturdy beams holding up the walls and ceiling. They came to a door. They opened it and found themselves in the city sewers.

  Shadow can you believe this? We can get into the sewers from our new home. This means we can get into the thieves’ tunnels from our house. We will need to make sure we secure this. It is obvious they don’t know about this place. No one has been down here in a long time. Whoever owned this house was a smuggler too.

  They closed up the door and went back to the house. They closed up the wall and then wedged a piece of wood into the crack to keep anyone from entering through the sewers. Hazel was waiting for them.

  “Well, what did you find?”

  “This tunnel goes all the way into the city sewers. The owners of this house must have been smugglers. No one has used the tunnel in a very long time. I’ll get some locks and traps we can use to prevent anyone from coming in this direction. I will also get better locks for the house and the gates.”

  They had a big dinner that night as they discussed what things needed to be done. They agreed that keeping the look of an old home might be a good idea. No reason to attract attention. Roland insisted on getting beds for anyone who stayed with them. So Vivi, and whoever else worked for them, would get a bed and dresser. A desk was needed for the office, furniture for the living room, and more utensils, plates and bowls for the kitchen. Roland would take care of those costs. It was Hazel’s responsibility to get the best deals with the money Roland provided.

  That night Roland and Shadow left through the window of their room. A tree was growing just outside his window which provided a dark shadow for the two of them to get out without being seen. It was unlikely that anyone was looking here in between the warehouses. When they hit the ground, an owl hooted above them.

  This gave Roland an idea. He discussed with the owl if anyone had been around the outside of the house that evening. The owl was irritated because he’d had this place to himself for as long as he could remember. It was agreed that if Roland walked through the grass at night regularly to scare up mice, the owl would keep an eye out on intruders. So as Roland walked through the grass, he scared up a mouse and the owl swooped down for his dinner.

  Chapter 5

  Bank Heist and a Jail Break

  Gaining access to the warehouse roofs on either side of the house was inconvenient. So, Roland and Shadow both ran across the city until they were out of the warehouse district. Roland then went up to the roofs and Shadow took to the streets. It was times like this when the bond between Roland and Shadow was the most fun. They made their way to Gnorbit’s house.

  Gnorbit was in a bad mood when they arrived. “Well, well, we finally get back to old Gnorbit. Did you find a lock you couldn’t unlock and needed old Gnorbit to open it for you?”

  “We just returned from the desert, Gnorbit. I haven’t been back but two days and I moved to a new house one of those days. The rent was too expensive where I was, so I had to find a cheaper place to stay. Which brings me to the reason I needed to speak with you.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Well I have this house. It has a metal gate out front that needs a lock that isn’t going to stand out, but that will be more secure than ordinary locks. The house needs a good lock too, both front and back door. There are windows as well that need to be secure. The basement has a hidden door which leads to a tunnel that opens through a door leading to the sewers. The doors are camouflaged, but I would like to secure the doors with sturdy locks instead of just hide them.�

  “Now you’re talking. I haven’t had a good challenge since they put me here. Let’s see what we can find in old Gnorbit’s workshop.”

  They spent hours discussing all the entryways into the house. The basement hidden door made Gnorbit giddy. It was agreed they would meet at Roland’s house in three days. Gnorbit would secure all the doors, windows, and gate with locks he built himself. He would inspect the hidden doors and then decide how to secure them. He would also make suggestions on traps that might be helpful.

  There would be a cost for Gnorbit’s help. He wore a magical bracelet made from gold with a beautiful sapphire. As it turns out, the Mages Guild had put a tracking device on Gnorbit. He wasn’t able to take the bracelet off so they knew where he was at all times. The bracelet only allowed him to travel up to a half of a mile away from his house. Fortunately, there was a market very close, but otherwise this was his jail.

  “Gnorbit I would love to have your help but I know the Mages Guild would have my neck if I helped you escape. I also know you have stolen a king’s ransom worth of goods that still hasn’t been recovered. I don’t want to be responsible for you stealing another king’s ransom.”

  “Ha, ha, ha, ha. I don’t need to steal anything else. I have more than I know what to do with. The problem is that I can’t get to it. I’m also not able to access my really good tools. I’m living in squalor here. I’m just looking to make this place a little nicer. Well, maybe a little more than just nice. I promise you I won’t be stealing anymore. I’ll just use what I’ve already stolen.”

  “Gnorbit, I know you are promising me that you’re not going to steal anymore, but what assurances do I have you are being honest with me?”

  “Well, you don’t really. You see if that bracelet is broken, those mages will track me down. I’m not a young gnome anymore. I’m over 400 years old and don’t want to be on the run anymore. I want to enjoy the fruits of my labors. I also want to keep creating my clever devices.”

  Gnorbit continued with his thoughts. “So, what I’m asking for is a way to get out of here on a regular basis. I want to bring in some nice things for my house. I want better food and some good spirits. You get me what I want, and I help you out with security and, when you’re in a pinch, I can make some excellent gear.”

  “What is it you need from me?” Roland was getting nervous. He was thinking this might be more of a cost than he was willing to pay.

  Gnorbit was looking smug. “I need a black rock. It is small but it is also very powerful.”

  To Roland he was thinking this was too easy. “You need me to get you a black rock?”

  “It’s not just any black rock. You can get it north of Fort Lawton in the dragon lands. They can be found all over the place up there, if you know where to find them. The good thing is you don’t have to go all the way up there to get one. It is also safer if you get it here.”

  “What does the rock look like and where is it located?” Roland felt like this was too easy. Nothing was this easy.

  “It is a Sable Rock. It is so black it absorbs any light near it. It also feels so nice in your hand that you don’t want to let it go. That is the problem. If you hold it too long it will absorb all the mana in your system. When you pick it up you need to put it in a metal box I’ve made.” He picked up a small box that looked like it was made of silver.

  “I know where three of these stones are located. You will need to get all three. The people who have them don’t really know what they are, and if they ever found out, it would be bad for everyone.”

  “So, where is it then?”

  “It is in the main vault at the Merchants Guild.”

  “What!? You want me to break into the Merchants Guild and steal three of these Sable Rocks?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what I need you to do.”

  “Why do the merchants have these rocks?” Roland was getting a bad feeling.

  “Do you remember when I told you that magic locks are useless? That is why I only use mechanical locks.”

  “Yes, but my mage mentor told me that magical locks couldn’t be broken.”

  “That is what they tell everyone. There are only a few of us who know about the Sable Rocks. How do you think I stole a king’s ransom? Put a Sable Rock up against a magical lock and it sucks the magic right out of the lock. It will suck it right out of you too, so you need to keep the box between you and the rock. It will take the mana that is closest and easiest to get. Sort of like water always travels the path of least resistance.”

  “The vault will be easy for you. I know the combination. I’m the one who made it, and I’m the one who installed it. Now, I’m sure they have changed the combination, but I also installed a back door so I could gain entrance no matter what.”

  “Why would they have you make the lock if you’re the best thief in the land of Lancaster?”

  “Well, they didn’t know I was the thief for a long time. And I’m the best thief in Canistan too. I was run out of that continent first before I came to Lancaster. I discovered the Sable Rock when I broke into the Mages Guilds’ vault. Sometimes information is better than gold.”

  “Ok, so if I get these rocks for you, how is this going to help you?”

  “I will use it to suck most of the mana out of this bracelet. When it gets so low, it will no longer emit a signal. They can detect the bracelet without it having mana in it. So, I can leave the bracelet here, leave and come back and no one is the wiser.”

  “Why do I need to take all three stones? Won’t one do the job?”

  “The merchants don’t know what the stones do. If they found out they could drain a mage, then they would drain every mage in the world. It would tilt the power of the land from the king and the mages to the merchants. If everyone found out about the stones, then everyone without mana would use it against those with mana. It’s all about the power. If the mages knew what I knew, they would have gone after the stones. They don’t know the merchants have the stones.”

  “I need a stone to get me out of jail when I want. You can have one, and then if you ever need help against a mage, or you need to get around a magic lock, you have your key. The third rock we should just hide where no one would ever find it. Like the bottom of the sea or something.”

  “How, exactly, am I to get through this safe you built?”

  “Oh, that is the easy part. I broke into that safe several years ago. I just took some information from the safe. No one even knew I had been in it. The best heist is the one that no one knows it happened. Now, your heist may go undetected for a while, but they will eventually find out. The good part for you is that it might take weeks or even months to figure out they are missing the stones.”

  “Well that still doesn’t tell me how to get in the safe.”

  Gnorbit took out what looked like three wires tied together at one end. The loose ends all had hooks facing in towards each other. Next, he pulled out a safe dial and the ring that would hold on to the dial. “This is all you will need. On the vault, you will find a dial and a ring just like this. You can see that there are three equal indentions. Push these three hooks into the indentions. Pull the dial ring out a fraction. Turn a quarter turn to the left, and then a quarter turn to the right. Finally, push the dial ring back in and open the safe.”

  “Is it really that easy?”

  “Why would I make it difficult for myself?”

  “Ok where do I find these Sable Rocks?”

  “The drawers are numbered starting at the bottom left of the room going vertically, and then to the right. You will want to find drawer number 43. Now, if they have moved the stones, you will have to search through the other drawers.”

  “How many drawers are there?”

  “The last time I was in that safe there were a few hundred. The drawers are different sizes. Some that are made just for a ledger to fit into. If you have to search for the stones, skip those and look at the smaller drawers. The stones are small. That is why all you will need is th
is little box.”

  “So when should I become a thief?” His mother would be disappointed in him if she knew what he was about to do.

  “I would suggest in two nights. That gives you a night to scout the guard routes and shift changes.” Gnorbit reached under his desk and pulled out a piece of paper that had the building plans for the Merchant’s Guild. At the bottom of the paper were guard numbers, guard routes, and guard rotations. “This might help you. I can’t say that anything about the guards is still the same, but they might. Bank security isn’t very original. I’m surprised banks aren’t robbed more often.”

  “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. While I’m picking up these stones, how much mana am I going to lose?”

  “I would take a mana potion with you. If you find the stones and get out quickly, you shouldn’t use too much. But if you’re too slow, it could definitely drain you. I only have a small amount of mana myself and it didn’t drain me. For me to lose mana isn’t a big deal. For a mana user, it might cause some distress. Just put the stones in the box quickly. They feel good when you pick them up. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. Make yourself move. Have a purpose and you should be in and out without a problem.”

  “Gnorbit, if you are playing a game with me and you double cross me, I’ll track you down and the mages won’t have to send a search party out to find you. They will find what’s left of you in a harpy’s nest.”

  “Roland, you’re the best student I have ever had. Actually, you’re the only student that survived the first three days of training. The trap on the stairs always got them. So, no, I’m not going to double cross you. I am going to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I’ve already built an addition to this house. They haven’t found that yet, and they won’t. When I’m done fixing it up you will visit me all the time because it will be so nice.”


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