The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story

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The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story Page 20

by Ruby Rowe

  While she’s gone, I use the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I return to the bedroom, she has the new sheet put on, but the same old, fuzzy tan blanket is on top of it.

  “Sorry about the room. If I’d known you were coming, I would’ve cleaned.”

  “It’s fine.” I smile at her. “I get to catch up with one of my only friends.” Gnawing on my lip, I debate whether I want to try to save her the way people saved me. It’s the right thing to do, but I also don’t want to lose her as a friend.

  “My life has been so much better since I got clean, Misty, and it’s not because I have a wealthy boyfriend. I feel better. My head’s clearer, and my body is healthier. I’m happy and have more energy. I’m even working and starting college soon.”

  She holds her hand up. “I know what you’re doing, and don’t be like those people who find religion and then decide they need to plant the holy ghost in every person they know.”

  “I’m only telling you how getting clean has made me feel, but you deserve a better life, too.”

  Placing a hand on her thin hip, she smirks. “So, are you saying you’re better than me now?”

  “That’s not what I meant. Fortunate is the word I’d use to describe myself, not better. I’m blessed that there were people who fought for me when I couldn’t. If there’s anyone I’d like to pay it forward to, it’s you.”

  She messes with the top of her messy brown hair.

  “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I don’t have money for rehab, and I don’t have a rich man who’d be waiting for me when I got out.”

  “But you have me. I’ll pay for you to go to rehab.”

  She quirks an eyebrow. “You’d do that for me?”

  “Yes, and after you’re out, I’ll pay for you to live in a safer neighborhood until you’re working steadily. I’ll connect you with a sponsor, and we’ll go to meetings together. Oh, and you’d love my boyfriend, Greyson. He’s cool and funny, and—”

  Misty grabs my arms. “Stop. You’re a walking pamphlet for the holy ghost.”

  I roll my eyes. “Look, think about it, OK? I couldn’t see you for the last several months because the drugs would’ve been too tempting, but it doesn’t mean I didn’t miss you or care. I promise I’d be there for you.”

  She hugs me, and the way she clings to me tells me her answer. She’s thankful I care, but she’s saying goodbye. Without a word, she leaves the room, and once I’m sure she can’t hear, I lock the door.

  I don’t trust Carter or anyone else who could show up at this house. My stomach aches, and I realize this time it’s from hunger pangs.

  I didn’t eat the food we bought, and I hadn’t eaten all day before that. Finding a Snicker’s bar in my grocery bag, I take a bite of it and chase it down with my bottle of Pepsi. So much for brushing my teeth.

  Not bothering to change, I lie on the bed and hold my phone up in front of me. Greyson has to be worried, and he deserves to know I’m OK.

  Me: Hi. I’m at my friend Misty’s, and I’m safe, meaning I’m not using. I’ll be in touch tomorrow.

  Greyson: I fucked up. I know it, and I’m sorry. I should’ve told you about the money and dealt with the consequences. It physically hurts me to be apart from you, but I’ll respect your wishes and not be a begging man. I love you.

  Covering my mouth, I clench my eyes shut. I feel his words in my tightening chest. He’s sorry, and I want to forgive him.

  I thought it would take at least a day or two to feel certain of my decision, but it only took me a few hours to figure out all I needed to know.



  “Yeah,” I call out with a groan after someone knocks on my bedroom door. Rolling over to face it, I hear the creaking sound before Lawrence walks in.

  “You have to get up. Brunch is in fifteen, and Camilla’s already mentioned Sasha’s name a few times this morning.”


  “You do realize you were an idiot last night and said she was sick and in this room, right?”

  Sitting up, I rub my face. “Yes, I recall, and I’m telling Camilla the truth. If I don’t, she’ll demand to come up here and check on Sasha.” Irritated over the situation, the little sleep I got, and my newly forming headache, I wave my hand toward the door. “Go. I’ll shower and be down in a few.”

  I pick up my phone to see if there are any new messages from Sasha, but only the time stares back at me. It’s 11:15 a.m., and I thought I might’ve heard from her by now.

  I was up most of the night, checking my phone frequently with the hope that she’d want to see me.

  I trudge to the adjoining bathroom to shower. This conversation with Camilla will be torturous, especially if she doesn’t know about the money I gave up. Ellis might be going on his four-day honeymoon alone.


  “Greyson, perfect timing,” Aspen says with a smile before she hands me a plate out on the patio of my parents’ home. I squint from the bright sun, and if I can’t be with Sasha, I’d prefer to go back to bed and draw the curtains closed. “Have you heard from her?” she asks, leaning into me.

  “No, and I’m sorry you had to put up with my pathetic ass for an hour last night.”

  “I was happy to listen, and I’m sure you’ll hear from her soon.”

  “Greyson,” Camilla calls out. Dammit. She pushes her chair back and heads straight for me.

  Fortunately, most everyone is already eating: Ellis, Liam, Lawrence, Mom, Dad, Estella and James. Aspen and I are at the food table, and my parents’ housekeeper, Harriet, is refilling some of the trays.

  “Sorry, I think it’s too late to hide under the table,” Aspen whispers.

  “Where’s Sasha?” Camilla asks. She searches my face while concern is etched on hers. Sighing, I set my plate back down. “Is she still upstairs?”

  “Sasha’s not here.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Can we talk inside?”

  “You’re scaring me.” She glances over her shoulder. “Ellis, can you come here please?” Her worried gaze returns, but it’s morphing into one of suspicion.

  Her forehead wrinkles, eyes squint, and she’s going to cause a scene if I don’t start talking.

  “Come inside, and I’ll tell you everything.”

  “No, you’re going to tell me where my sister is right now.”

  “Fine. We had an argument yesterday, and she left. She told me to tell you she was sick.”

  Camilla’s eyes widen. “All this time she wasn’t upstairs in bed?”


  “Is she at the penthouse?”

  “No.” I look away as Ellis walks up.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Greyson said Sasha was never sick. She went home because they had a fight.”

  “Did you tell Camilla about my inheritance?” I ask, looking at Ellis. “You know, the deal with me marrying Whitney.”

  “Shit, no. Why?”

  “Whitney’s douchebag, Sebastian, tried to force himself on Sasha, and he told her about the money.”

  Camilla grabs my wrist. “Wait, what? A man tried to hurt her?”

  “Yes, but I kicked his ass. Sasha’s fine.”

  “What’s this about money?”

  “Ah, shit. Camilla, I wasn’t trying to keep this a secret,” Ellis says. “It was Greyson’s personal business, and it didn’t even cross my mind to tell you.”

  She gives him a sideways glance. “Well, it seems to have become my business, and Sasha’s, too. Not to mention, you’re looking pretty guilty right about now.”

  “Don’t give Ellis shit over this. It was my place to tell Sasha. Not Ellis’s or yours. This is all on me.”

  “OK, so what upset her enough that she’d leave our wedding and Liam’s party?”

  I inhale a breath, and while glancing around, I discover our family is staring at us, waiting for my response. Great. Like all my drama hasn’t already been out there for the world to gos
sip about.

  Only Liam is oblivious to what’s happening as he eats a piece of bacon and swings his legs under the table. He’s a happy-camper since he gets to be spoiled by his grandparents the next several days while his parents are away.

  “Greyson, answer me.”

  Shit. I look back at her. “When I had to choose between Sasha or Whitney, it was actually Whitney plus seventy-five million dollars.”

  Her mouth falls open. “Wait. You mean you had to choose Whitney or give up seventy-five million dollars?”

  I nod, but Camilla giggles, which confuses the hell out of me.

  “Who thought of this joke this morning? You?” She points at me. “I can’t see Sasha coming up with this one.”

  “Baby, it’s not a joke,” Ellis says to her. “He had to pick the money or Sasha, and he chose your sister.”

  Like she has to think about it a while, she gathers all her auburn hair in the back and lifts it up, holding it against her head.

  “I’m supposed to believe that you had to give up seventy-five million dollars?”

  “It’s the truth, Camilla. My grandfather was determined I was marrying a Peterson, so it was a stipulation to receive the money.”

  Looking toward the sky, she whispers, “Wow.”

  “I know it’s crazy. I should’ve told Sasha, but I knew it would upset her. Whitney and my family were warned not to say anything, so I thought it would stay in the past. I never considered Sebastian telling her, but I should’ve known since the asshole hates me.”

  “Where’s Sasha now?” Camilla asks.

  “Don’t panic, but she’s at her friend Misty’s house.”

  “What? Greyson, no. We have to go get her. That girl is a drug addict.”

  “I don’t believe Sasha will do anything. She told me last night she was safe. She said something about having to see for herself that her past isn’t where she belongs.”

  Camilla rubs her forehead. “That girl is going to stress me out until the day I die.”

  “Sasha knows you and Ellis are leaving for a few days, so I’m sure she’ll text or call you soon.”

  “How are you being so calm about this?” she asks me.

  “If I hunt her down and make demands, she’s not going to forgive me. She was adamant about having her space. Look, it’s complicated, but I trust that she knows what she’s doing.”

  “Maybe, but I’m calling her. She never told me not to.” She starts toward the door to go inside. “I’ll be back.”

  “And I need coffee.” I walk to the end of the table and pour myself a cup from the silver pot.

  “Are you all right?” Ellis asks.

  “No, but I will be once I’m with Sasha. Everything feels right when I’m with her.”


  “It was a stupid thing to do,” Camilla says to me on the phone.

  “I know what I’m doing, and you need to trust me the same way Greyson needs to. I mean, I know I didn’t give you a reason to trust me for a lot of years, but I’m not that person any longer.”

  “But why would you go to Misty’s?”

  “Greyson tries to control everything happening around us, and I’m tired of him treating me like I can’t handle bad shit.

  “When I lost it after therapy over my past, I didn’t exactly help my case, so I needed to do this to prove to him that I can make decisions on my own and be in situations that could test my sobriety. He didn’t see it, but I handled Sebastian on my own.”

  “OK, I don’t entirely understand, but as long as you do, and you plan to come home, I’ll leave it alone.”

  “Thank you, and I’m sorry you had to hear about this today. I was trying not to involve you and Ellis. Are you leaving for Aspen soon?”

  “Yes, in an hour, and I’m ready to put my feet up in the cabin and do nothing but relax. After yesterday, I’m exhausted.”


  “I hope you have a good time, and if Estella and James need me to watch Liam while you’re gone, tell them to call me.”

  “I will. Please, Sasha, come back to Greyson. He did an amazing thing for you by giving up that money, but he’s lucky to have you, too, so you both need to figure out how to fix this once and for all.”

  “You’re right. I have to go. I love you.”


  “Son,” Dad says as he grips my shoulder. He takes the chair next to me on the patio and lays a white envelope on the table. I guess my leave me the fuck alone vibe wore off.

  “This might help.”

  “Help what?” I shove my plate away and take a drink of my coffee.

  “Your situation with Sasha.”

  “Since when do you care about my relationship with her?”

  “I like the girl. She’s a sweetheart, and I saw how happy you were yesterday before shit hit the fan. I’m partly to blame for this mess, so let me fix it.” He pushes the envelope closer to me.

  Blowing out a breath, I pick it up and pull out the paper inside it. My eyes scan the legal document.

  “Slick as always, Dad. Slick as always. Do you think this will work?”

  “It would’ve on your mother, and Sasha’s sweet like her.”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “Not to mention, I passed on the charm gene to you. I’m sure you’re capable of adding some of that to your spiel.”

  My phone vibrates, so I grab it off the table.

  Sasha: If you want to talk, meet me at our favorite place. I’ll be there gazing at a magnificent view while listening to my favorite song. Once while I was dancing to it, a man made me feel like I was the only woman on this earth. He gave me hope, and I’m not about to lose it now.

  “Hell. Yes.” Shoving my chair back, I jump up. “Dad, I have to go. Thank you for this.” I hold up the paper he gave me and run to the garage. I’m going to get my girl.



  While talking to my sister, I was reminded of her trip to Aspen where she and Ellis will be staying in a cabin for a few days. Unfortunately, with her high-risk pregnancy, they can’t take a longer honeymoon.

  Discussing her trip made me realize where I wanted to meet Greyson to talk, so instead of wasting time having Misty drive me back to the penthouse, I ordered an Uber ride from her apartment to take me to Greyson’s cabin. It was added insurance that we’d be going back home together.

  The driver drops me off, and once I tip him, I find the hidden key stored in a small fake rock at the side of the cabin. The record player is still set up on a table in the living room from the last time we were here.

  I put on Bob Seger’s “We’ve Got Tonight” and leave the back door open so the music can filter outside. I’ll play it over and over again until Greyson arrives and hears it.

  He’s going to see it was safe to trust me and how if he’s always honest with me and respectful of our relationship, I’ll be willing to work things out. I’m sure I’ll need forgiveness for doing stupid shit, too.

  I walk out onto the deck, and taking advantage of the wait, I behold the beautiful view before me.

  The landscape projects solitude and peacefulness, but it’s only perfect when Greyson’s appreciating it with me. I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone so much in only a day.


  I park at my secluded cabin, and as soon as I’m close to the front door, the faint sound of music fills my ears. Sasha beat me here, but where is her car?

  I smile, liking the fact she felt comfortable enough to use the hidden key. I walk in the door, and I can see her through the windows spanning the back of the cabin.

  She’s on the deck, resting her arms on the wooden railing as she looks out at the view of the mountains. I love the look of her ass in tiny black shorts.

  Her hot pink tank top reminds me of her youthful appearance, and I feel all warm inside as I recall the one she wears with the rainbow and unicorn on the front.

  Bob Seger’s “We’ve Got Tonight” is playing on the
turntable, but I stroll over and remove the needle from the album. She glances over her shoulder for only a split-second before turning forward again.

  I stopped it since she needs to hear all I have to say. Also, it can’t be our song any longer, and I’ll explain to her why.

  Walking onto the deck, I stand only a few feet behind her. I remove the folded-up paper from my pocket, and before I can read it to her, I take a deep breath.

  My entire future rests on my ability to convey what I’m feeling, and for a man, that’s not an easy task.

  “The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Make a Wish Foundation. American Cancer Society. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. The Salvation Army...”

  Sasha turns around, and her eyebrows knit as she hangs on to my every word.

  “American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Habitat for Humanity. Ronald McDonald House. Boys and Girls Club of America. YMCA of the USA. Alzheimer’s Association. Paralyzed Veterans of America...

  “Those, along with several hundred more charities, received the seventy-five million dollars I forfeited to spend my life with you. Sasha, I get that you don’t understand how I could give up that amount of money, but to me, this was a win in every way imaginable.

  “See, Whitney and I wouldn’t have left a mark on this world with that inheritance, but you would have. I want to spend my life with a woman who’ll think of others and appreciate what’s important in life.”

  She takes a step toward me, so I fold the paper up and put it back in my pocket.

  “Yes, I have the money to show you the world, but the world’s only magical to me with you in it. You make my life richer than any amount of money ever could.”

  “Greyson…” She swipes tears from her cheeks. “That’s so sweet.” Striding over, she loops her arms around my neck, and I’m overwhelmed by the affection present in her golden-brown eyes. “I love you, and thank you for loving me.

  “I went to Misty’s to prove that I was strong enough to leave that life on my own. I needed you to believe I could do it, too, and it’s why I wouldn’t let you rescue me.


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