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Pieces Page 6

by Shannon Pemrick

  “I am? Then why is it that you’re dying on the ground? Why is it that when you placed your trust in someone who appeared to care, he turned around and hurt you without hesitation, just like before? You can’t trust anyone. You can’t live with anyone.”

  “I want… I want to live,” I managed—my life slipping away with every breath.

  She laughed. It was a cold, dry laugh. “You want to live? Well, let me spell it out for you. We can’t. Our heart may beat so we can live, but all we can do is survive. There is no life for us. We have no future.”

  “Then… what’s the point… of living?”

  She snorted. “I don’t know. You tell me. You’re the one who wishes to live. You’re the one who finds irrational reasons to keep going. You’re the one throwing your trust into the hands of others who can’t be trusted. You tell me, what’s the point when all we’ve experienced is pain?”

  I couldn’t reply. I had no strength to. My eyes closed and my life faded. She spoke to me then, her words hitting me before the darkness took me.

  “You can’t trust him. He will only hurt you.”

  Chapter 6


  Itied my boots and looked myself over in the mirror before heading out of my room. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened between Raikidan and Laz yesterday. She had gotten angry and nearly went psycho-killer on Blaze, but I knew that was her way of covering up her embarrassment.

  Raikidan, on the other hand, had grown quiet. He sat at the bar and ate while he lost himself in his thoughts. But it was the look on his face that had given him away. I knew that look, and I knew there was something between the two that neither was willing to admit, the gods only knew why. I had a plan to get to the bottom of it, and since it was my turn to go get groceries today, I couldn’t see better timing to implement it.

  Raikidan sat on the couch reading, and Laz was nowhere to be seen. I guessed her to be in her room. She hadn’t been in the greatest mood this morning so I suspected she thought it be best to stay away from everyone until she felt better. I personally thought she should be doing the opposite, but no way would I get her to listen to that opinion.

  “I’m going shopping for food,” I said to Raikidan. “Can you come with me to help?”

  He looked at me with a raised brow and then stood up. “Sure?”

  I smiled. “Thanks.”

  I led the way down to the garage and headed for my favorite SUV. Hopping in, I grabbed the keys in the console and started the vehicle up. The moment Raikidan shut his door, I threw the car into drive and zipped through the garage.

  The ride to the store was quiet. I had thought up this idea and ran it through my head over and over to make sure I knew what to do, but now that I was doing it, I wasn’t so sure. I didn’t need to mess this up and ruin everything.

  “So, why’d you ask me to come with you?” Raikidan asked. “Rylan was free.”

  I chuckled. “What, am I not allowed to ask for your help or something?”

  “No, it’s not that. I just know he would have been more than happy to go with you.”

  I shrugged. “I wanted to ask you this time.”

  He grinned. “You’re trying to get him riled up, are you?”

  I did my best not to become embarrassed from the not-so-far-off accusation. “No, of course not.”

  “He likes you, so it’ll work. Quite well, actually.”

  I shook my head. “No he doesn’t. I’ve known him long enough to know how he reacts to someone he likes. It’s obvious for every party around him. He just sees me as a friend.”

  He snorted. “Then tell me, if it’s not because of him, why did you ask me? You don’t ask me to do many things with you.”

  “So I’m not allowed to at all?” I teased. He was too smart to buy my act and I liked it. Well, here goes nothing. “How do you feel about Laz?”

  He eyed me cautiously. “She’s nice. When she’s not having one of her moments, that is.”

  I giggled. He would say it that way. “That’s it?”

  “Ryoko, what are you trying to get at?”

  I took a deep breath. “Do you like her?”

  He sighed. “Ryoko, don’t start with this conversation.”

  I pulled into a parking space. “Oh we are going to have this conversation.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “I beg to differ,” I said as I climbed out of the vehicle.

  “Ryoko, drop it.”

  I walked close to him as we entered the supermarket and nudged him several times. “C’mon, I see how you act around her. And I saw that look when then the two of you had that accidental kiss. You liked it.”

  His movements became stiffer and he tried to grab a cart and ignore me, but I could see the slight tint in his cheeks. My nose also alerted me to the chemical change in his body. I was right.

  I continued to nudge him. “Admit it. You want another. You want to get to know her on a more personal level.”

  “Ryoko, I don’t, now stop it.”

  I grinned. I wasn’t going to give up. “You can’t lie to me, Rai.”

  He sighed with aggravation as I stopped to pick out some produce and lowered his voice. “Ryoko, I’m not human.”

  My brow furrowed and I looked at him funny. “What?”

  He looked around carefully and continued to keep his voice low. “I’m a dragon.”

  I dropped the potato in my hand and stared at him. “Y–you’re a what? That’s not possible.” He stared at me instead of replying, and I struggled to comprehend this. “But you’re—”

  “We’re not extinct.”

  I shook my head and then started laughing. “Don’t even try to pull that one on me. You’re trying to distract me.”

  Raikidan continued to stare at me and then, something happened with his eyes. It was slow, but they shifted from a normal human-like eye to a more lizard-like one. But this wasn’t like any lizard or snake eye I’d seen before, and I’d seen them all. As much as I wanted to believe this was a trick, I knew it wasn’t. This was something different. This was…

  “You’re telling the truth…” I murmured when his eyes suddenly changed back. I then yanked him away from the cart and into an empty isle. “Show me again.”

  He looked at me funny. “What?”

  “Do that eye trick again.”

  “Um, okay…”

  He bent closer to me and his eyes slowly changed once more. My body tingled and I felt bubbly. This was so amazing. I couldn’t believe dragons were still alive. And Laz knew this whole time! I can’t believe she was keeping this from us—from me! Me of all people. You think you know a person…

  I thought about this a bit more. This would explain a lot about her actions with Raikidan. Even if she were attracted to him, she wouldn’t see a way of it working. But my plans weren’t dashed, not in the slightest.

  “So, can I see what you look like?” I asked.

  His eyes changed back and he headed for the abandoned cart. “No.”

  “Oh, c’mon. I’m sure Laz has seen. Why not me?”

  “I said no, Ryoko.”

  I huffed. “Fine, back to what we were talking about before then.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. We’re not the same species.”

  “Okay, so what?” I challenged. Raikidan looked at me with surprise. “I’m a halfling and the person I’m created from was a child of a true interspecies relationship. It works.”

  He shook his head as he placed some carrots in a bag. “It’s not that simple with us.”

  “Whoever said it was? C’mon, admit that you like her.”

  He chuckled and pushed the cart on. “You’re so lucky you’re not a dragon. Your mother would have eaten you.”
/>   I laughed and grabbed a watermelon before we left the produce area. “I’m pretty sure if I had real nu-human parents they’d have dropped me off at an orphanage or shipped me off to a boarding school.”

  I went back to nudging him as we went down the bread isle. “Stop trying to change the subject on me. Just admit you liked that kiss and you like her.” Raikidan didn’t respond but I saw the redness in his cheeks appearing again. “See, see, thinking about it gets you all flustered.”

  He sighed and I waited but what came out of his mouth disappointed me. “Let’s finish shopping.”

  I huffed. “Fine, but if you want to finally admit how you feel and want some help in the right direction, come see me.”

  He shook his head and kept on walking. I followed, but I was working on plans to get these two to stop being so stupid, and a way to convince Raikidan to show me his dragon form. I was very interested in that too.

  Chapter 7


  The air smelled sweet, of spring flowers and the fresh scent of the lake. The sound of its lapping waves on the sandy shore enveloped my ears. A small girl with violet hair was crouching on the shore, crying. She didn’t notice my presence, or the water washing over her bare feet. She looked so miserable, as if she were lost and scared.

  Then a feminine, caring voice called out. I couldn’t make out what she was saying, but the girl could. She wiped the tears away with her arms and jumped to her feet with a smile. She ran toward the voice and I watched her.

  Some ways off, two figures stood close together. I couldn’t make out their features, but I could tell one was male and the other female, the source of the voice.

  “I’m coming!” the little girl called.

  She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. But, although she ran farther away from the lake, she didn’t get any closer to the two figures. The little girl didn’t notice, though. She continued to run, regardless.

  As she ran, she grew older until she became a young teenager. Although stronger and faster than she had been before, she still gained no more ground. Suddenly, the male figure turned and started to walk away. The woman who had stood next to him reached out, but didn’t stop him.

  “Wait, don’t leave!” the girl cried out. “I’m coming! Please, wait for me.”

  The male figure didn’t seem to hear, or stop to listen. He kept walking until he disappeared into the darkness of the surrounding woods. The woman who remained held out her hand and called again to the young girl.

  The girl tried to pick up her pace to gain more ground, to no avail. As she ran, she grew older once again. Now she was a mature young woman, and I recognized her. I blinked to make sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me.

  When I opened them, I was no longer watching the woman. I was running as she had been. I was running toward the woman who was calling. The young woman was me.

  “Eira,” the woman called again.

  “I’m coming!” I ran as fast as I could, but I knew I wasn’t going anywhere. I couldn’t understand why. Then the woman started to fade. I reached my hand out. “No, don’t go!”

  The woman continued to fade away. Suddenly finding the power to move closer to her, I lunged for her outstretched hand, but I was too late. As I made it to her, she disappeared, as did everything around me.

  I picked myself up off the ground and looked around frantically in the darkness. “Mom? Mom! Mom, come back! Dad? Dad, are you there?” I looked around some more. “Anybody?”

  No answer. Emptiness crept into my heart and squeeze so tight it hurt to breathe.

  “I don’t want to be alone…”

  Just then, a pair of strong, warm, masculine arms wrapped around me protectively. I smiled and rested my hands on his arms. I wasn’t alone. But who was with me?

  “You’re not alone.” The voice was deep and almost came out as a growl. “I’m here for you.”

  My eyes snapped open and I sat up—my breath heavy. I did not like that dream at all.

  “Eira, you okay?” I glanced over at Raikidan, who was standing next to my bed and had his hands positioned as if he had been about to grab me. “I came over to check on you because you were having a bad nightmare.”

  I took a deep breath and then slipped off my bed. “I’m fine, just go back to bed.”

  “But what about you?” he asked.

  “I said I’m fine,” I growled as I left the room.

  I headed straight for the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Turning on the sink faucet, I dipped my hands under the running water and splashed it onto my face. Taking a few shaky breaths, I leaned on the counter and stared at my reflection to collect myself, but my mind was abuzz.

  “Laz, are you okay?” Seda messaged. “I noticed how upset you were.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Okay,” she replied. “If you need someone to talk to, you know I am here.”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  I hung my head for a moment, and when I looked up again, I was taken aback by the red and black haired woman with piercing golden eyes over my shoulder in the reflection. I whipped around, but found no one in the room with me. Looking back at the mirror, I saw only myself reflected. Something was up. That woman I saw was the same one who had startled me before, after that mission weeks ago, no doubt about it. It wasn’t every day you saw a person with feathery wings. Who is that woman?

  I shook my head and cut the water flow. I’m crazy. I was the only one in here. I stared at my reflection. I look pathetic. I snorted. Such an understatement. So much turmoil over such… trivial feelings…

  I roared with anger and smashed my fist into the mirror.

  Seda gasped. “Laz.”

  The bathroom door flew open and Raikidan rushed in. “Eira, are you all right?”

  “Get out,” I muttered.


  “Please. Just… just leave me alone,” I begged in a hushed voice.


  He left and I stared at my broken reflection. It was a good look for me. The mirror showed most of who I really was for once.

  I sighed. “Seda, why am I such a screw up?”

  “Laz, do not say that,” she said. “You are not a screw up. Not even close.”

  “Yes I am. I can’t save people and I can’t connect with people. I can’t do anything right…”

  “That is not true. You do a lot of things correctly.”

  “Why does life have to be so unfair, Seda?”

  “Eira, you know I cannot see dreams. What did you dream about that has you so upset?”

  I hesitated. “My parents… Me being alone. Everything I love and hate. Everything I want but can’t ever have…”


  “I’m sorry, Seda, I shouldn’t be bothering you with my problems. I’ll replace the mirror tomorrow. Good night.”

  I looked at my reflection one last time and then turned off the bathroom light before heading back to bed. Raikidan sat on the windowsill, but I didn’t pay him any mind. I just lay down on my bed and waited for unconsciousness to take me.

  Chapter 8

  Isqueezed my eyes tighter to block out the light of the morning sun. I didn’t want to wake up, but truthfully, I didn’t want to sleep. Somewhere in between sounded like a nice idea.

  I snuggled deeper into my bed and tightened my grip on my sheets. At least I thought I was snuggling into my bed until it moved slowly up and down… like a body would while breathing. This concerned me, so I opened my eyes. My breath caught when I found myself curled up on a muscular chest covered by a white tank top, which my hand was securely grasping.

  “About time you woke up,” a smooth, husky voice joked.

  My cheeks flushed and my body warmed. I immediately let go and bolted up. Raikidan w
atched me as he lay where he was with his arms behind his head, as if nothing strange was going on.

  “You really are cuddly when you sleep,” he said.

  I let out a slow, annoyed breath. I wasn’t planning on yelling, but I wasn’t able to stop it. “I told you to stay off my bed!”


  “Why can’t you just listen to me for once?”

  “Eira, please—”

  “Why do you insist—”

  Raikidan sat up and placed his hand over my mouth. “Will you shut up and let me explain?” I glared at him but nodded. He let go of my mouth and lay back down. “After you fell back asleep last night, you had another nightmare. You were muttering and shaking, which turned into thrashing sometimes. I thought it’d be a good idea to wake you. I figured you’d want that, so I came over here, but as I reached you, you calmed down.

  “I went to go back to where I was sleeping when you reached out and grabbed my arm. You had a strong hold on me, and I didn’t want to risk hurting you by trying to pry you off, so I just laid here next to you. I figured you’d let go after a while, but instead you curled up to me and stayed there until you woke up.”

  I relaxed. I had jumped to conclusions. He hadn’t ignored what I had said, at least not intentionally. Besides the nightmare I had woken up to, I didn’t remember having any more, though I was sure I didn’t want to.

  I looked down at my lap. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it. If I were you, I would have reacted the exact same way you did. It would seem as if I wasn’t listening.”

  I looked up at him with apprehension, but I was put to ease at the sight of his cocky smile.

  I looked away and noticed a small vase with a bright flower arrangement. Picking the vase up, I looked at the various flowers and then pulled it close to inhale all the different scents.

  “Honeysuckle, snapdragons, and a single rose.” I sighed contently from the mixture of pleasant smells. “Not the most elegant arrangement, but not the worst either.”


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