Lost Star

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Lost Star Page 13

by Rebecca Royce

  Amber winced. “I am sorry. Truly.”

  Waverly laughed, a low sound. “These other two are Diana Mallory and Paloma Sandler. Paloma is Amber’s sister and my sister-in-law. Melissa Alexander, who runs this place, is Diana’s mother.”

  That was a ton of information. I rubbed the back of my neck. “It’s nice to meet all of you. How can I help you?”

  At home, I’d know what they wanted. They’d have come to my temple to get my help, whether I wanted to or not. As far as I knew, they didn’t know about those things. Unless the guys had checked in and told everyone everything. I supposed that would happen since I was leaving them. Had it already?

  “We think we can help you,” Diana spoke at last. “Well, Paloma can. She’s good at this. The three of us tagged along for fun. To get a little break from other things. I’m sorry. I’m rambling.” She hadn’t said very much. Did that count as rambling for her? She continued. “My uncle Nolan told me that you were wearing clothes that looked like they belonged to one of the Super Soldiers. We thought we’d take you shopping. You just woke up. You have nothing. Let’s get you fixed up.”

  I looked down at my clothes. Yes, I was a bit of a mess. But there wasn’t a thing I could do about that right now. “I don’t have any money, so these clothes I borrowed will have to do for now. Even though I’ll have to figure out how to do that while I’m looking like this.”

  Paloma met my gaze. She was stunning. So was Diana. In fact, all four of the women in front of me would be considered physically gorgeous. Waverly with her sweet gaze and sunset hair. Paloma with her sharp brown eyes and high cheekbones. Amber looked like she’d stepped out of the definition of the word stunning, and Diana, she was tiny and curvy, an incredible combination.

  I hadn’t been raised to concern myself very much with what I looked like. Still, I’d never felt more like a fish out of water. Although, I’d experienced the uncomfortable sensation frequently of late. At least two of these women had done extraordinary things that I knew about. If I had anything to bet with, I’d say the other two had as well. They were probably a force to be reckoned with.

  Motioning toward my room, I invited them in. “I don’t have anything to offer you, but I’d love it if you wanted to come sit down.”

  “Sienna,” Paloma finally spoke. “I know how it feels to have nothing. My story is long, but all I can say is that there were people who helped me when I was lost in the universe, utterly alone with no credits, no hope, and no future.”

  That made no sense. “Isn’t this your sister and your sister-in-law? How could you have been alone?”

  “Long story I will tell you sometime when I cook you a meal. Just as I’d like to hear your story. In fact, we’d all like to hear it, because who you are and why they want you is turning out to be really important. But beyond that, it would make me really happy to get to do for someone what was done for me. I know that you’ve been on Artemis with a bunch of people you don’t know, and maybe you’re sick of strangers. I get that. Only, strangers are only strangers until we know them, right? We can afford to buy you clothes.”

  Kellan walked away from the wall. “She can afford clothes.” He held out a tablet. “Here.”

  I stared at his tablet, my stomach clenching at what I knew he was offering. “I can’t take any more from you guys. I’ve already used up your time and placed you guys in so much danger, I can’t imagine it. You’ve done enough for me.”

  He held the tablet up even higher as though I couldn’t see it. “Sienna, Trenton is asleep. I can wake him up and get him to tell you that the credits are worthless to him and he’d really like you to buy what you need, or you can just believe me.”

  I sighed, taking the tablet. “Thank you. I’ll thank Trenton when he gets up.”

  Waverly put her arm around Paloma. “So you don’t get to pay. Looks like Sienna has…help, already. Do you think you’d let us come with you, Sienna? We know the best places to go on the station, where they won’t take advantage of you. A shopping day. I hate buying clothes, but I don’t mind doing it with them. We can be fun. Get a coffee. Some fun before this evening’s meeting that is sure to be doom and gloom, because all meetings are doom and gloom.”

  I smiled, despite my dour mood. Waverly must have one of those personalities that just made people want to be happier. “I’d love to get a few things that fit. And some company sounds nice.”

  Diana nodded, pointing down the hall. “This way. Back to the elevator. I’m not shopping, and I won’t be a help, but I like the company. And the coffee. That’ll be good. The baby had me up all night.” She pointed at her jaw. “Teething.”

  That sounded…awful.

  I had two bags of clothes by my feet and wore a whole new set by the time I sat at a table on the promenade with the ladies I’d spent the day with. They were nice. My initial impressions had been correct, but I hadn’t counted on liking them as much as I did. They’d done extraordinary things, but seemed to have no ego about it.

  Waverly nodded toward the other side of the shopping center. “Have you noticed your security?”

  “My security?” I looked around. What did she mean?

  She pointed. “Kellan. And Corbin. They’ve followed us most of the day.”

  “Really?” I finally saw where she indicated. “I didn’t know they were going to do that. Should I ask them to go? I mean…why are they following? Is it not safe here?”

  Diana laughed. She didn’t do that much, but when she did, it was really fun to see. “It’s safe. And we’re all being followed. Who’s on you, Waverly?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Canyon is around. I caught sight of him, which means he wanted me to about an hour ago. You, Diana?”

  “Damian never lets me out of his sight, and I guarantee Sterling is listening.” She shrugged. “I like it. I’d rather have their eyes and hearts with me all the time than ever be alone without them again. I’ve had enough of that to last a lifetime. If forever means all the time, that’s fine with me.”

  Paloma took a sip of her coffee. “I have Quinn. I can’t see him, but he’s here somewhere. I guarantee it. And Amber…”

  She shook her head. “There is some member of the Z Warriors around. Probably one of the Super Soldiers that Amari recently inducted.” She turned to me. “The Z have always been very intense. Add to that the Super Soldier aspect, and my husbands feel like they finally have the perfect bodyguards for me.”

  All of these women had multiple husbands. That wasn’t unheard of on my planet, but not as common as here. I wasn’t even sure I understood everything they were talking about, although I wouldn’t mind time like this, years to get to know them. As long as I could figure out some way I could contribute, some way I wouldn’t forever be on the outside.

  But none of them lived here. Mars Station belonged to Diana’s mother, and these women had their own lives. If I did manage, someday, to know them, it wouldn’t be here. In this noisy, metal, spinning place.

  I could see the beauty in the design, the colors, the way it was laid out so everything had a place. It was like a remote piece of art—sterile on the outside, but vibrant if I looked more deeply. Could people really live here their whole lives? Could they spend massive amounts of times on ships or stations? Could they live off planets forever? Never see a real sunset or experience actual sunlight?

  Diana, Paloma, and Amber had spent their childhoods here.

  They were all living on planets now.

  Diana caught my gaze. She leaned forward. “I know it’s overwhelming. Almost too much. Too many people. Too much stuff, like you’re existing inside a machine designed for war and commerce. Space stations are just places people go to buy things they need and leave. It’s weird to spend time here, knowing you’re basically in a transport area. Coming and going. Coming and going. My mother thrives in it. She likes the impermanence. No one matters, really, except the few who stay. I’d rather have consistency.”

  I blinked. “How did you know what I wa
s thinking?”

  “Most of the time, I have no idea what people are musing about. And then sometimes, I know entirely. I can’t really explain it.” She smiled at me.

  I shook my head. “I specialized in knowing what people needed, what they were thinking. But now? I have no idea what’s going on. Everything is a big giant mess in my head all the time. If you could sort me out, you’re rather remarkable.”

  I’d gotten all of their total attention by speaking those words. As fun as this had been, the shopping and chatting, they wanted some answers from me. The meeting was coming up, and it was about me. Blaze had brought me back so that the people here could figure out what to do with me now. They had to know me. They had to understand. The trouble was, I didn’t know myself.

  That troubling thought made me lift my head to stare at the fake world around me once again. It really did seem like it wasn’t real here.

  And then like something out of my nightmare, I saw him.

  My mouth went dry. There, across the promenade, looking at us—no, me—was the man that I’d remembered from the day Evander tried to take me. The Super Soldier they’d brought to scare me. I’d had to zap him to get away.

  It was Devil.

  Where had he come from?

  I wasn’t the only one to see him. I’d no sooner caught my breath on a cry I didn’t mean to make than Corbin rushed at him, his long hair strung over his shoulder as he got in Devil’s face. He hollered at him. I couldn’t hear what he said over the noise in the promenade, but Devil shook his head, fast. Kellan appeared on his other side. Devil lifted his hands up in the universal sign of surrender.

  I started to shake. No, I couldn’t let him take me, wouldn’t let him put all these people in danger.

  Amber jumped to her feet, grabbing my arm. “Sienna? You okay?”

  I shook my head. “No, that man. He’s here to hurt me. I know him. He…he tried to kidnap me.”

  She looked where I pointed. “Oh, that’s Devil. No. Sienna. He’s not here to hurt you. I’m sure he’s here to guard me. Shift change. Remember I told you about the Super Soldiers who work for my husbands now? He’s one of them. Amari, my oldest husband, he rehabbed him. Well, rehabbing.”

  “Are you listening?” Paloma was on her feet fast. “Sienna says that he helped to harm her. I don’t think she gives a shit right now that he’s suddenly part of the Chen Empire.”

  “Paloma, for goodness’ sake, I’m trying to explain,” Amber yelled at her sister.

  I didn’t care. Let them work this out among themselves. Who worked for who. Who was doing what. All I knew was that man was dangerous.

  “Hey.” Anders strode over to me. “He’s not getting anywhere near you.”

  No, he really wasn’t, because Blaze was in Devil’s face now, too. But they were surrounded by others who were equally as big, all of them dressed in black with purple sashes, the same uniform that Devil wore.

  Devil shrugged off Corbin and pushed at Blaze, who held steady, almost unresponsive before he spoke through gritted teeth. I wished I could hear what they were saying. It was just far enough it all sounded like noise and not actual words.

  Wade ran over to me. “You okay? What’s going on here?”

  I swallowed. “That’s Devil.”

  He swung around. “What the fuck?”

  “Wade.” Amber grabbed his arm. “He’s not a threat. Okay? He’s with us. He’s guarding me.”

  “Oh, I assure you, Dr. Chen,” it was Anders who answered, “he’s still a threat. However you dress him up.”

  Someone grabbed onto Paloma’s hand, and she shook her head. “Quinn, I’m fine. I’m not in any danger here.”

  “Better to leave it. Come on, P.” He put his arm around her shoulder, bringing her with him. “We’ll see all of them at the meeting when they’ve had time to cool down their tempers.”

  “Wade.” Amber really wanted his attention, but he wasn’t giving it to her at the moment as he searched my face for something.

  “Are you okay, Sienna?” He took my hand in his. “We can get out of here. That man isn’t going to get anywhere near you.”

  Mars Station security swarmed the scene. I could have laughed. They were half the size of the Super Soldiers. Others were around us. Everyone was talking, but not to me. It looked like the people watching my new friends wanted their ladies out.

  Trenton joined the crowd. He was fearless in the face of all of those Super Soldiers.

  Devil broke free of everyone, Blaze grabbing him and shoving him back. They were in each other’s faces with only Trenton trying to separate them.

  I didn’t want Devil closer. I could practically feel that day back home when he’d been brought to grab me, my utter terror, the idea that my uncle had sold me out…

  All of it hit me as though I was living it again. I didn’t think about where I was, didn’t consider what could happen, I just opened myself up and zapped him. Hard.

  He grabbed his head, falling to the ground as Blaze whirled around to stare at me. I hadn’t broken any rules. He told me not to zap his men, I hadn’t. We weren’t on his ship anymore either, and he was turning me over. I didn’t have to feel bad about this. I didn’t…

  My walls were down, the shielding I’d learned to do fled, and all of a sudden, a promenade’s worth of emotions struck me at once. Devil raised his gaze to glare at me. That was the last thing I could coherently think as my knees went out.

  Never in all of my years had I had so much…everything assault me all at once.

  Wade grabbed me, not letting me hit the floor. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

  That was the last thing I heard before my world whited out.

  “You’re okay.” Trenton’s soft voice reached me, bringing me back to wherever I was. It was quiet, just the sound of a beeping machine. A cool hand pressed to my forehead. “Think she just got a little overwhelmed.”

  Wade answered him. “Her vitals are good.”

  I opened my eyes. “Sorry… I didn’t mean it.”

  Trenton stared down at me. He raised one eyebrow. “Are you apologizing for fainting after you took down Devil with your brain?” His smile was huge. “We didn’t know he was here, or he’d have been handled without you seeing him.”

  Wade’s face appeared in my view. “Not so simple, actually. He’s under the protection of the Chen Empire. He’s not an enemy combatant. He was captured and rehabilitated by Amari Chen himself. But we can keep him away from you, and that is happening already.”

  I sat up, slowly, still feeling sort of dizzy. “I had to open my natural shields up to do that. It’s hard to explain. It’s like deciding to release an emotion. I let it go, and then I can zap. But then I have to take in everyone else’s emotions to do so. There were so many people on the promenade. It was too much.”

  Trenton pulled me against him, and I placed my head on his shoulder. He hadn’t touched me like this before, but I did need the hug. He smelled like cinnamon. What had he been eating or drinking? I smiled against the scent.

  “What would happen if you weren’t overwhelmed? If it had just been a few people. Or one.”

  I sighed. “If it had just been one, I’d have sort of taken on their emotion, helped them to handle it by lessening it. Taking it away.”

  He squeezed me tighter. “Then it becomes your problem to deal with whatever emotion they’re feeling?”

  I nodded. “Pretty much the idea. That’s why those of us that can do it are shut away. We’re kept to minimal contact so this kind of thing can’t happen.”

  “Like a professional empath. Seems like a huge amount of bullshit to me. Do people in your profession lose it early? Like if all you’re ever feeling is sadness and pain or pent up…I don’t know…anger. Or whatever. It has to be hell.”

  Wade put his hand on my back. “I told you before. I think it’s awful.”

  Trenton rocked me slightly. “Don’t ever take my pain, Sienna. I need it to stay upright.”

  I laug
hed, throwing back my head, and he grinned at me. “I’ll keep that in mind. I’m selfish, actually.”

  “How do you figure that?” Wade turned off the beeping machine.

  “I don’t want to do it, don’t want to help others. I have this gift, and I don’t want to do it. That’s pretty selfish.”

  Trenton shook his head. “That’s called self-preservation. I wouldn’t want to do it either. Hard enough dealing with my own emotions.”

  The door opened, and someone I didn’t know strode in like she owned the place. It occurred to me a second later that she did. This must be Melissa Alexander, Diana’s mother. They were both dark haired, but I didn’t think Diana looked that much like her, more like the man who stood behind Melissa. Her eyes were the same as his. That must be Diana’s father.

  I hadn’t yet heard his name.

  Melissa spoke, looking at me, not Wade. “How’s the patient?”

  “I’m better. Thanks.” I put out my hand. “I’m Sienna McKinnon.”

  She took my offering and shook. “Melissa Alexander. This is Geoff, one of my husbands. You’re feeling okay?”

  I nodded, and that seemed to satisfy her.

  “What happened on that promenade? How did you do that to Devil?”

  I opened my mouth to answer her when Wade interrupted. “I don’t know that Sienna has to answer that. It’s a skill she has. She uses it to protect herself, not for other reasons, and she’s not a threat to you or to anyone unless they come after her in some way.”

  Trenton rocked back on his heels. “She’s gentle.”

  I didn’t know that I was gentle, per se. I looked between them. Trenton and Wade were worried. They’d really not liked her question.

  “On my planet we have things called honeybees. I’m told they were put on all the terraformed planets. Are you familiar with them?” I asked Melissa.

  She nodded fast. “Very. We have them here for the arboretum and had them on Artemis when Cooper used to grow plants there.”


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