Royal Master

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Royal Master Page 9

by Emilia Beaumont

  He laughed. “You know, Frederick mentioned you once.”

  I looked up at him. “What?”

  Will nodded, a sparkle in his eye. “He did, a few months ago. He said that he didn’t know what he would do without you keeping him straight.”

  I smiled, my heart filling with both sadness and laughter. “Well that is my job, after all.”

  He grinned, a real grin that touched his eyes. “Yeah, that is your job.”

  I cleared my throat and downed my third glass, my head now feeling the full effects of the alcohol. Tomorrow’s headache better be worth it, I thought. “So Will. What can I do to keep you straight?”

  “You want to keep me straight, do you now? Ramrod straight?”

  “I want to help in any way that I can,” I said softly, looking at his rough hands as they rested on the bar top. He had nice, strong hands. Workers hands, not afraid to get them dirty.

  He sighed, turning on the barstool to face me head on, his hands resting between his legs loosely. I turned towards him as well, my breath catching in my throat as I allowed myself to really stare deep into his eyes.

  “Sophie, you can’t help me.”

  I reached out and touched his knee without thinking about it, feeling the muscle twitch under the palm of my hand.

  “Wanna bet?”



  “I don’t think you want to gamble right now…”

  “Maybe not, but I have faith in you. You can do this. It’s just going to take a little time and effort, but you will see. It won’t be all bad. You’ll still be able to have a life, I’ll make sure of it.”

  She was drunk. And perhaps a little delusional. But I let it slide. I could see the flush in her cheeks, the way her eyes were already starting to glaze over from the amount of potent firewater she’d downed. I doubted that Sophie had ever drank scotch that way before and why she was doing it now was beyond me. But the earnestness in her eyes about wanting to help me was tugging on my cold heart something fierce, like she really believed she could help me. She couldn’t. No one could.

  I glanced over to the stage and got an idea.

  “Have you ever done karaoke before?” I asked, and noticed that her hand still rested on my knee. It felt good there.

  She shook her head and a bemused expression appeared on her face. Her eyes flickered to the stage and back again.

  “Never. I’ve never been able to get enough courage, not even at university. I’m not a risk taker. Why?” Her eyes narrowed, full of suspicion.

  Not a risk taker? She could have fooled me. This woman had tracked me down twice and drank scotch like she was applying to be a dockworker. Plus, she was refusing to let me fail. If that wasn’t risk taking, I wasn’t sure what was.

  “What’s stopping you tonight?”

  She laughed and leaned back, removing her hand from my leg. I felt a twinge of disappointment as she did so. “I can’t. I mean, I could never do something like that.”

  I grinned and grabbed her hand, pulling her off the stool and over to the table with the big book that held the list of songs available.

  “Why not? You’re lucky you are with the biggest risk taker in all of London. Go on, it’s just me and half a roomful of party girls. No one will ever know. No cameras in here. Choose a song and sing your heart out.”

  Sophie bit her lip as she looked at the list of songs, shaking her head. “That reminds me, who are they all?”

  “The women?”

  She nodded. “Are they your friends?”

  “No. Erm, how can I put this delicately?”

  “Have you ever put anything delicately in your whole, entire life?”

  I scoffed. She had a point. “Fine. They’re the entertainment. The club hires them to well, entertain the members.”

  “And are you entertained?”

  “I will be once you get up on that stage,” I said with a grin.

  “I see… and when you mean entertain, you mean…?” she trailed off and locked eyes with me, her cheeks going red with every passing moment.

  “You’ve got a dirty mind, Sophie Mortimer. Who dragged your prim and proper, pretty little head into the gutter?”

  “You, Sir?” she said, then immediately clamped a hand over her mouth.

  “Oh really? You think this expensive place is the gutter, do you? I think you definitely owe me a song after that little faux pas.”

  She shook her head and tried to step away from table, but she didn’t get far. I reached out and stopped her with a hand on her arm.

  “I can’t do this.”

  Feeling her soft skin under my fingers I slid my hand down her forearm, over the delicate bones in her wrist and finally slipped my hand into hers, holding it tight.

  “I’m sure a woman like you can do anything you put your mind to. I’ll attend all of my meetings tomorrow if you sing one song,” I bartered as I tried to ignore the sudden current of electricity that trailed up my arm from touching her. Sophie was far from my type, too wholesome and driven to succeed. Too in control.

  She looked up, a smile playing at her lips. “All of them?”

  I grinned, mainly because she looked so damn excited at the thought.

  “Yeah, but you have to sing one song up here on that stage.” I thought she was going to say no. It was a pretty tall order for someone who had gone into a complete panic upon meeting my father the first time, but I wanted to see how far I could push Sophie. Something told me I hadn’t even scratched the surface yet.

  “One week.”


  “You heard. The price for one single song is one week of you going to all of your meetings. Without fail.”

  “Oh, so we’re negotiating now are we?”

  “Do we have a deal or not?” she said and placed her free hand on her hip and looked me right in the eye.

  “Three days,” I countered.


  “You drive a hard bargain. Four,” I said with a sly smile.


  I narrowed my eyes. Would it be worth it? Probably not, but I was starting to enjoy seeing her smile and happy. “Fine. This better be the best song ever.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up,” she quipped back with a giggle. “And if you fail on your part of the deal, then you’ll owe me big time.”

  I quickly led her back to our stools and signalled for the bartender to fix us two more drinks, then slid one into her hand before clinking our glasses together. “For courage.”

  She held it up, a defiant look in her eyes. “I think we’re both gonna need it. Tomorrow is the start of a brand new week.”

  I grinned, surprised to find that I was enjoying myself. There was no car chasing, no cliff diving, yet I had the same warm ecstatic feeling I had when I did those things. And for the first time since the news about Frederick my mind hadn’t been so consumed with the loss. I still felt like I was suffocating, but with her it was getting easier to breathe.

  A staff member came over, Sophie told them what song she wanted, and they set it up for her. She downed her drink before putting the glass on the bar top, then eyed the stage like it was her own worst enemy. I gave her a little shove, crossing my arms over my chest as she took a few steps towards it, a grin on my face. She wasn’t going to go through with it. I was going to be safe for tomorrow and have a great story to tell.

  When Sophie took the microphone and the music began, the grin slid off of my face.

  The song was hideous, Take a Chance on Me by ABBA, but she started belting out the words like there was no one listening. Fuck. She was horrible but she was doing it, and I wondered if I’d just been played or if she wanted me to find meaning in the words.

  Still, the more she sang, the more confident she got and I watched her strut around the tiny stage. The women were going fucking crazy; cheering her on and dancing. I winced as she hit a high note, her voice squeaked then stuttered as she ran out of breath.

  The song couldn’
t be over with fast enough for my liking but as the last notes played over the loud speakers, I found myself off my stool, clapping and walking to the edge of the stage, pushing the faceless entertainment aside to collect my brave secretary.

  Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes sparkling and any bad word I was going to say to her died on my tongue. It was in my nature to tease, but right then with her looking especially proud of herself and so goddamn beautiful I controlled the jokester within me. She stumbled and instead of speaking, I reached for her, my hands clasping lightly around her waist. She slid against me and I gritted my teeth as my cock nudged against her, hardening, wanting her.

  I told myself the reaction was purely instinct and involuntary. And could also be down to the fact that I hadn’t shagged anyone for weeks now. It was hard to find someone who could keep their mouth shut and not spill my secrets to the whole world the moment they left my bedroom.

  That was all that was. A simple reaction. But I knew I was lying to myself. I’d wanted her since I’d seen her in that tight little black dress… or even before that, when thoughts of ripping her frumpy frock off and fucking her up against a wall had crossed my mind.

  Her lips parted and I had a strong urge to kiss her right there.

  “I, um,” she started, straining against my hold. I reluctantly released her and she stumbled back towards me, her hands landing on my chest. I nearly groaned aloud as I felt her body pressed up against mine once more. Bloody hell. Who would have thought I was going to be fucking tortured by her?

  Her hand motioned to her head. “I don’t feel so well.”

  Buzz kill.

  She sagged against me and I wrapped my arm around her and scooped her up. I caught the eye of a staff member and nodded for him to approach.

  “You need a room, Sir?”

  “Yeah,” I whispered.

  “I believe your usual suite is free. I’ll get you the room key.”

  “What’s happening? I feel so dizzy.”

  He disappeared and I kept a tight hold on her in my arms. “Hang in there, Sophie,” I said. She buried her face into my chest and I felt all the tension in her body disappear and realised she’d just passed out.

  The man was back and he held the door open for me as I carried her to the elevator. “Sir, I’ve sent someone up to the suite to make sure you have everything you need. The door will be open.” He then slipped the key card carefully into my pocket while I still held Sophie.


  The ride was short and we didn’t have too far to go. A few steps from the lift, we were at the suite. The door was unlocked and opened as promised. Her hair tickled the bottom of my chin, and this close I could smell a concoction of sweet berries as we entered. I kicked the door shut with my foot.

  Idly as I made my to the large bed, I couldn’t help but wonder why Frederick hadn’t made a move on her, thinking up until tonight she was more his type than mine. They would have made a decent couple, though the thought of Frederick having the same good time with Sophie that I’d had tonight didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t know why.

  Perhaps because I starting to think of her as mine.

  I lay her down on the bed. She mumbled something but I couldn’t make it out. And for a moment I just stood there, watching her. Seeing her properly for what seemed like the first time.

  She let out a soft snore and I chuckled. She was going to hate herself in the morning with the massive hangover that was already brewing. And I was no doubt going to get the brunt of her bad mood that came along with it. But for a moment, this moment, I revelled in the fact that we’d just been two people who had enjoyed a brief but good time.

  With a quick look around the room my eyes fell upon my usual toys; whips, ropes, cuffs. All hanging up nice and neat. In a few swift movements I could have her strapped to the bed, ready to be played with. But I dismissed them all and found what I was looking for.

  I grabbed the bottle of cold water and the headache tablets the staff had been so kind to provide without me even asking for them, and moved them to the bedside table. Within Sophie’s reach.

  I was going to have a devil of a time explaining the room in the morning, but I let the worry slide away for now. I tried to imagine her reaction. Or what she would’ve thought right at this moment if she’d been awake to experience it. Would she have been petrified or excited to be in a bedroom with me? From our earlier encounter that day, I couldn’t know for sure.

  At the base of the bed I found a thick comforter and covered her with it. She moaned something then grabbed at a pillow and resumed her sleep, leaving me to stand there, raking a hand through my hair. Of all ways I thought my night would end, this hadn’t been anywhere on the list.

  Turning away from the sleeping beauty snoring gently in my bed, I walked into the living room section of the suite, kicked off my shoes and pulled my shirt over my head before falling onto the couch.

  I stared up at the ceiling in the dark and thought about Sophie. I had given her every reason to quit her position, to give up on me. Yet she surprised me at every turn, especially tonight. She had loosened up and not pushed me into anything. I could appreciate that. Maybe she wasn’t such an enemy after all. Maybe she was the only one that was on my side. I needed to give her the benefit of the doubt, be a little more willing to take her lead.

  And perhaps once I got her trust, she would take my lead. On her knees preferably.



  Sunshine pierced my eyes and I quickly shut them again to block it out. I felt like death warmed over. The gears of my mind whirled into action slowly, but they were getting there, creaking with each turn, as I tried to remember what had happened. I felt like I had a hangover. But couldn't understand or remember why.

  Snuggling deeper into the sheets a little more, I was surprised by the smell of the pillowcase under my head, not my typical flowery fabric softener but more of a neutral clean scent. The kind you’d find in a hotel or… Oh no.

  With a cry, I sat up quickly. Too quickly. Pain spiked through my skull as if I’d just been hit over the head with a sledgehammer.

  Cautiously I cracked an eyelid and fought back the nausea that had risen to the surface with the sudden movement.

  This was not my bedroom.

  This was not my bed.

  And these were most definitely not my sheets.

  My stomach rolled and all thought of where I was flew out the window. The only thing on my mind was finding the bathroom. It was either that or ruining these very expensive sheets. I hurried out of the bed, hunched over and magically found my way into a pristine bathroom.

  It was a few minutes before I could pull myself off the marble tiled floor and wash my face in the sink with cold water. My gaze in the mirror focused in on what I was wearing. I still had my dress on. Thank goodness. A quick check told me that all of my other clothing was still in the right places and I let out a huge sigh of relief. The only things that were missing were my small handbag and my shoes.

  Although pleased that I hadn’t done anything stupid, there was a tiny smidgen of disappointment that contradicted that very notion. Maybe I should do something stupid once in a while, take a page out of William’s book, perhaps.


  I froze and stared at my reflection. Slivers of the previous night started to return. And it dawned upon me that I’d dodged a bullet. If I had let myself lose control even more than I already had then I could’ve ended up in bed with my boss. The prince. Oh God. The thought didn’t bear thinking about; that would’ve been career suicide right there.

  Then more of the previous day flittered back into my memory, like an unwelcome raven coming to deliver bad news. Him asking me to bend over, his finger slipping into my mouth. His hand in my hand, the feel of him caressing my waist. Touching my hair. Fuck. I didn’t think those images were dreams. I might not have shagged him but… what I had done while drunk still remained to be seen and could still have a very real effect upon my jo

  With a sigh I eased out of the bathroom slightly unsteady on my feet and my head pounding horribly, wondering what I was going to say, how I was going to apologise. This had been such a bad idea; it was unprofessional.

  Knuckling the sleep from my eyes I studied the bed. Based on what I saw—one side was a little ruffled and the other side had the covers still on and flat—I concluded that I’d slept alone. Which meant I’d kicked Prince William out of his own bed… or he’d put me in some kind of guest room. I didn’t even remember climbing in it in the first place. This day was not starting off very well at all. Where the hell was I?

  For the first time I glanced up and took in my surroundings, noting the adequate but small space. It was a little cramped for it to be a part of Will’s rooms, so I didn’t think he’d taken me to Durham House.

  I stopped short just as I was about to wander into the next room. I had to blink a few times before I understood what I was seeing.

  Up on one of the bedroom walls, which I thought at first was just some bizarre art piece, actually turned out to be what looked like implements of torture. My mouth dropped open. Unable to stop myself as I took a closer look and stepped forward, my hand reaching out to touch the soft leather tendrils of… I didn’t know what. A whip?

  Were these Will’s? They couldn’t be… could they?

  Seriously, where the fuck was I?

  “Sophie?” I heard a man’s voice call, a whisper coming from the other room, and my hand instantly dropped to my side. “Are you awake?”

  It was Prince William. I would recognise his smooth low timbre anywhere.

  I covered my mouth and debated what to do. I knew I couldn’t hide out in the medieval torture room, but facing him was something I equally did not want to do.


  I took a deep breath. “I’m awake,” I croaked, resigning myself to my fate and followed the sound of his voice.

  I entered what looked to be a small sitting room. There was a blanket draped over the sofa, and cushions that had been propped up. Presumably this was where he’d slept.


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