Holding Strong

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Holding Strong Page 29

by Lori Foster

  What he couldn’t take was losing her.

  Somehow, he had to draw out the brothers and send them packing—once and for all.


  CHERRY WAS STILL drying her hair when the doorknob turned and Denver stepped in. He leaned against the doorframe, wearing that hot, intent look that never failed to fire her own awareness.

  “Almost done,” she promised as she finished smoothing her hair using his flat brush. She wanted to look as nice as she could after the calamity of the afternoon. Just being fresh and clean went a long way toward restoring her confidence. “Just so you know, I used your toothbrush.”

  “Help yourself to anything you need.”

  Oh, that husky timbre to his voice was so sexy. “Glad you feel that way.” She set the brush down and turned to face him. “Because I used your lotion, too.” Generic and unscented, but her skin was now soft and sleek.

  “You’re primping.” He put a hand to his groin and drew in a breath. “It’s not necessary, girl, you know that. It’s impossible for me to want you more than I already do. But I can be patient.”

  “Such a champion.” She caught the edges of the pale blue towel and drew it open wide, waited a heartbeat, then let it drop to the floor. “But I’m not as strong as you, and I can’t wait.”

  Before she’d drawn her next breath he had her scooped up in his arms and was striding for the bedroom. He came down on the mattress over her, kissing her long and deep while his hands cupped her breasts, kneading and cuddling.

  He said nothing as he freed her mouth and kissed a path down her body, licking, biting gently...sucking.

  Within only a few minutes she was lost. “Denver, now.”

  Instead of prolonging the pleasure as he often liked to do, he launched himself away from her, dug in the bedside drawer for a condom, and was back over her seconds later, kneeing her thighs apart, settling his weight on her.

  She braced herself, her breath held, her heart thundering. But he slowed, carefully holding her face, kissing her so tenderly while whispering, “Cherry...”

  He entered her in one steady, relentless press, staying firm against her until her body softened and accepted every thick inch of him.

  “There you go,” he whispered huskily. “That’s my girl.”

  She couldn’t speak. By now she’d expected to be used to his size, but each and every time it thrilled her anew to be so completely filled, so totally possessed.

  “Move with me,” he urged her, sliding a hand under her bottom and guiding her into matching his rhythm. Faster. Deeper.

  The pleasure tightened, sweeter and hotter.

  Denver pressed his face into her neck and groaned, his muscles flexing, heat pouring off his body. That did it for her. She clutched at him, muffling her raw cries against his shoulder as she let herself go. Seconds later, he did the same.

  It was nowhere near late, but as she felt Denver relaxing she trailed her fingertips up and down his broad back. “Know what I want to do?” she whispered.

  He groaned again, but manfully worked his way up to his elbows. He looked at her, then kissed her, and kissed her again. “Tell me.”

  Knowing he hadn’t had much rest lately, she hoped to persuade him to turn in early. “I want to sleep.” The yawn snuck up on her, perfect timing to stress her point and hopefully convince him. “I’m zoned, and you could probably use a good night’s rest, as well.”

  His beautiful eyes smiled at her. “God love you, girl, could you be more perfect?”

  She opened her mouth, but he said, “It was a rhetorical question. Sleep would be good, so stay put while I get rid of the condom. I’ll be right back.”

  As soon as he disappeared into the bathroom, she got up to smooth the quilt they’d displaced, then turned down the bed and crawled under the covers, still naked.

  He strode back in, but paused to stare at her. “Damn, but you look good like that.”

  Cherry reached a hand to her hair. “Like what?”

  “In my bed, in my house.” He held her gaze. “With me.”

  It’s where she’d always wanted to be.

  He turned out the light and joined her, pulling her into his arms. “We need to see about arranging it more often.”

  It was dark, quiet, Denver’s hold secure. She waited just a little too long before she got up the nerve to whisper, “Okay.”

  Denver was already asleep.

  * * *

  CHERRY STIRRED AWAKE to Denver making love to her—for the second time. The first had happened in the middle of the night. He’d roused her with a hand between her thighs, his mouth at her breast and before she had a chance to catch up she’d been coming.

  Now as he kneed her thighs apart and pressed into her, she opened her eyes to predawn light filtering through the curtained windows.

  At his easy entry, she realized she was ready for him and wasn’t even a little bit amazed by that. “Denver.”

  He kissed her. “Say it again.”


  “My name.” He rode her gently, his breath hot against her throat. “Say it.”

  “Denver,” she whispered on a moan, the word breaking as pleasure sharpened.

  “God, I love hearing that little catch in your voice when I’m inside you.” He closed his arms around her, sheltering her, cradling her close, bringing tears to her eyes as another release built and then shattered, making her cry out.

  The next time she got her eyes open, sunlight brightened the room and Denver sat beside her on the bed, holding coffee.

  He smiled when she looked at him in confusion. “Sorry, girl, but I think I loved you right into a stupor.”

  The mention of love threw her, then she turned her head and saw the time. Still early, thank goodness. “I need to get moving or I’ll be late to work.”

  Denver helped her to sit up then handed her the coffee. “You want to get ready here or at your place?”

  “Since I don’t have any clothes here, I’ll say home.”

  He grinned at her. “Clothes are good—at least when you’re with others. When it’s only us, naked works for me.”

  She sipped the coffee and made appreciative sounds. “I thought you would jog this morning.”

  His smile went crooked. “Already did that while you recouped.”

  “Oh.” Now she felt like a slug.

  He tugged the sheet down to view her bare breasts, let out a slow breath, and stood. “It’s going to take some getting used to, having you in my bed.”

  A complaint? She had her pride, too, so she lifted her chin. “If you’d rather I didn’t stay over—”

  His gaze shot to hers. “You’re right where I want you to be.” Then lower, more to himself than her, he added, “I’ll just have to figure out how to rein it in.”

  The rest of the morning went the same way, with Denver touching her repeatedly, kissing her often, saying things that could be taken a dozen different ways. When he dropped her off at work it was almost a relief just to let her brain rest.

  The weather was perfect and the kids got to play outside where they burned off some energy, which meant they were more settled when inside, too. It felt like she floated through the day, her happiness a live thing that made her heart beat faster and kept a smile on her face.

  She knew Denver had arranged to pick her up from work and when it was finally time to call it a day, she had to resist rushing out to him.

  But he didn’t resist. He’d parked at the curb and stood outside his car, dark sunglasses hiding his eyes while he waited for her. The second he saw her she knew, because his teeth showed in a beautiful grin and he started striding toward her.

  Oh, she could so easily get used to this.

  When they reached each other, his grin settled into a smile. “I assume being we’re surrounded by rugrats and their parents, I probably shouldn’t grab you up and kiss you until you’re talking to me in that hot, husky way, right?”

  “Probably not,” she said with dis

  “Then as soon as we’re alone.” He took her hand and led her to the car. Two miles down the road he pulled over, put the car in Park and reached for her.

  And sure enough, when he let her up for air, her voice was very husky indeed.

  After smoothing her hair, he said, “What do you need first? Dinner? Or would you rather head to your place so you can change and gather up whatever you need to spend the night while I check out your car?”

  Whatever you need to spend the night. “Um...” Cherry licked her lips. “You’re inviting me to stay over again?”

  Pushing the sunglasses to the top of his head, he gave her a heated look that made her stomach flip-flop and her nipples tingle. “Given what I want to do to you, what I hope you’ll do to me, it might be best to have the privacy.”

  What a terrific way to convince her. “Okay.”

  That slow smile came again. “I love an agreeable woman.”

  Again with the love word! “I...”

  “You hungry?” he asked as he put the car in gear and pulled back out to the main roadway.

  Bemused, she stared at him as she shook her head. “Not right now.”

  “Back to the house, then. I’ll check out your ride while you get together enough for a few days.”

  Only a few days, she wondered? Damn, but he had her so confused. She had no idea where they stood, if he wanted her over often, or just for the short-term.

  “Take a breath, girl.”

  She did, sucking in a shuddering lungful of air.

  He reached for her hand. “One day at a time, okay?”

  It no longer unnerved her, how easily he read her mind. She gave a sharp nod. “Okay.”

  During the rest of the drive, Denver asked about her day, about the kids she’d worked with. And he shared his day, telling her that he’d sparred with Leese, how Armie had been invited into the SBC, about the network Cannon had set up within the neighborhood.

  “Unfortunately, they didn’t find out anything last night. If anyone has been asking around about you, they’ve been really discreet.”

  “So everyone knows?” She shouldn’t feel so embarrassed—what had happened was out of her control. She was a child at the time. Orphaned.

  Mentally, she understood all that.

  But emotionally, the shame of it left her devastated. Her pathetic past showed her lack of family morality even before her parents had died. And after their deaths, she’d been dropped right back into the same situation, only without any affection, without any concern for her well-being.

  The past more than emphasized her lack of upbringing, extended family, friends.

  Her lack of...everything.

  “They know,” Denver said gently, “and they’re concerned. That’s all, honey. No judgment, no pity. Just understanding.”

  Because Denver was now involved, too, she pushed the humiliation aside. She wanted him protected, and his friends were in a great position to offer that service. They were well-trained fighting machines with lethal ability, already spending a lot of time with him, and they were also the most moral men she’d ever met.

  Denver probably thought he didn’t need the added security. But then, he didn’t know Carver, Gene and Mitty like she did.

  * * *

  DENVER KNEW SHE was trying to sound more upbeat and accepting than she felt when she said, “I need to thank the guys for their concern.”

  “Sure.” None of them would expect that, but if it made her feel better he didn’t see how it could hurt. He glanced her way, saw her chewing her bottom lip and wanted to say all sorts of things, most of them inappropriate to the moment. When he started declaring himself it’d damn well be in private so that as soon as the words were said he could take her to bed. He was better at showing than telling, and he wanted her to know every single thing he felt for her.

  “We’ll see them Friday night. That is, if you don’t mind our date including a trip to Rowdy’s bar.” She’d been to the bar many times while he was also there, but they’d never gone together as a couple.

  Pleased, she smiled at him. “That sounds like a perfect date.”

  “A movie first,” he clarified, wanting her to know he’d taken to heart her request for a real date. “Then a casual dinner, and the bar last.”

  “Denver,” she chided. “It doesn’t have to be all that.”

  Hoping she’d understand, he said, “I think with you, with us, it has to be everything.”

  She opened her mouth, but nothing came out until she finally gave a strangled, “Okay.”

  And again he laughed. “By the way, I called in our RSVP to Dad’s birthday party.”

  She went still in surprise. “You left a message?”

  “Actually, no.” He cleared his throat. “Dad answered.”

  Wincing, she asked, “How’d it go?”

  His brows twitched together. “Better than I expected.” Way better. He’d half expected his dad to kill the call—but he hadn’t.

  Tentatively, she asked, “That’s good, right?”

  “I could tell Dad was thrown by hearing from me.” He scratched his chin. “I explained, told him that Pamela had invited me over. At first he didn’t say anything.”

  “And then?”

  Denver hesitated. He wasn’t used to sharing, especially not with a woman. Damn, but it made him uncomfortable.

  Cherry touched his arm. “I don’t mean to pry. I know it’s private.”

  That made him frown. “I want to tell you.”

  “You do?”

  Strange as it seemed... “Yeah.” Then he gave her a look. “I want you to share with me, too.”

  “I do.”

  Not everything, but hopefully he could lead by example. He went quiet as he recalled the details of his talk with his dad.

  Sounding noncommittal, his father had asked, “So you’ll be there?”

  “If that’s okay.” Then to deflect some of the tension, Denver had added, “I’m bringing a date.”

  “A date,” Lyle Lewis asked, “or someone special?”

  That tone had been so familiar, so paternal, that Denver fell easily into the old camaraderie. “Very special.”

  “Then I look forward to meeting her.”

  Cherry nudged him. “Denver? Are you still with me?”

  “Yeah.” He was with her now, and if things went his way, he’d be with her always. “I told him about you.”

  “About me?” she squeaked.

  “Yeah.” Grinning, he said, “Hope you don’t mind that I set you up as the buffer, a way for us both to give a little. I want to introduce you, he wants to meet you. You okay with that?”

  She nodded fast. “Of course.” And then with less confidence, “What did you tell him?”

  “That you’re special.”

  Her lips parted. “Really? I mean, I am?”

  “Yeah,” he said softly. “Very special.”

  Looking more than a little dazed, Cherry stayed quiet for the remainder of their ride to Merissa’s house. Denver would have loved to know her thoughts, and usually he could sense them. But on occasion she could be so unreadable.

  Her silence would have worried him, except for that small smile playing at her lips.


  Brows up, she turned her head toward him. “Hmm?”

  As he parked, he said, “How about you go grab your keys and I can take a look at your car before we head to my place? That way I’ll know if I need to pick up anything to fix it.”

  “Are you sure you want to bother with this? You have so much you’re juggling already. I know your free time is precious.”

  Not as much so as his time with her. “It’s not a problem.” He drew her in for a soft kiss. “Grab enough clothes so you can stay the night again.” Rather than give her a chance to question that, he said, “It’ll save me time in the morning.”

  That’s all it took to get her hustling. Denver went to her car and opened the hood to look inside, but nothing
appeared amiss. When he heard voices he turned his head and saw Cherry exit the house with Merissa following her, both ladies chatting and happy.

  Merissa wore shorts and an SBC T-shirt that, given its size, probably belonged to her brother, Cannon. She had a sandwich in one hand, a cola in the other.

  She followed as Cherry stored a pile of her belongings in the backseat of Denver’s ride. Seeing the two of them together always made him smile. Merissa was nearly as tall as her brother, but where Cannon was muscular, she was willowy. They shared the same light blue eyes.

  In contrast, Cherry was shorter, rounder, her shoulder-length blond hair bouncy instead of straight.

  They were both lookers but in very different ways.

  Denver watched as they approached.

  “Moving pretty fast, aren’t you, Predator?”

  He gave Merissa points for keeping her gaze on his face this time even as he grinned at her use of his fight name. “You think?”

  Cherry snorted. “Seems pretty slow to me.”

  Giving her a hug, he said, “Then I’ll see what I can do about making up for lost time.”

  “There you go,” Merissa said, propping a slim hip against the fender and saluting him with the remainder of her cola.

  Denver leaned back over the engine. “I don’t see anything wrong. Turn the key a few times for me, will you?” If it was just a dead battery, that’d be easy enough.

  Cherry walked around him to the driver’s door, opened it—and screamed so loudly that Denver hit his head on the hood.

  Cursing, feeling a trickle of blood run down his temple, he squared off for a threat only to see Cherry slapping at her clothes and hair, backpedaling in a high-pitched panic.

  And no wonder. A dozen or more snakes spilled out of the car, writhing on the ground, mouths open, bodies coiled. Mixed with that horror, massive spiders, roaches, locusts and other creepy bugs fluttered and flew around the car.

  “Ack!” Merissa dropped her cola and ran all the way to the house, darting inside.

  After kicking the driver’s door shut, Denver grabbed a wide-eyed, horrified Cherry, who continued to dance and screech while he shooed bugs away and ensured no snakes were near her.

  “Shh. It’s okay, baby.” Holding her close, he pulled her around to the driveway. The snakes probably weren’t poisonous, but he didn’t know for sure. They didn’t look like the little garter snakes he used to see as a kid, and since moving to the more urban setting of Warfield, well, he hadn’t seen a snake.


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