The Other Side

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by Shawn Lane

  The Other Side

  By Shawn Lane

  Published by JMS Books LLC

  Visit for more information.

  Copyright 2017 Shawn Lane

  ISBN 9781634864121

  Cover Design: Written Ink Designs |

  Image(s) used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.

  All rights reserved.

  WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

  This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which might be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Published in the United States of America.

  NOTE: This book was previously published by Amber Quill Press.

  * * * *

  The Other Side

  By Shawn Lane

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 1

  “Nick, Dr. Carmichael wants to speak with you.”

  Internal Affairs Detective Nick Sorenson grimaced and took a sip of his strong coffee. He had a raging bitch of a headache and the last thing he wanted to do was talk to a pain in the ass like Carmichael. He turned away from the report he’d been inputting on his desktop computer to face Jessica Lewis, the perky blonde who’d stopped by to deliver the news.

  “Tell him I’ll call him back.”

  Jessica grinned. “Sorry, but he’s not on the phone this time. Says he’s tired of you avoiding him. He’s waiting in conference room one.”

  “Fuck.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “What about Kent? Can’t he talk to him?”

  “Maybe, but he insists on talking only to you.”

  Nick eyed her. “You’re enjoying this far too much.”

  “Better you than me.” She placed a mug of coffee on his desk. “Bring him this. Coffee with cream and sugar. Just like he demanded…er…asked.”

  “How long has he been waiting?”

  “Only a few minutes.”

  Nick was tempted to make him wait some more. Just to be an ass. Carmichael would deserve it. Too bad it would make him just as bad as the man. He pushed away from his desk and stood.

  He grabbed both mugs of coffee and headed down the hallway toward the conference room. Ray Carmichael had been calling all week to talk about what he called the “Axis of Evil” in the “corrupt” Los Angeles Police Department. Nick had been happily ignoring the outspoken doctor.

  With his hands full, Nick kicked the closed door.

  “Come in,” a voice said from within.

  Gritting his teeth, Nick called through the door, “I have my hands full, could you open the damn door?”

  After a few seconds, the door opened. Dr. Ray Carmichael stood just inside the room.

  Nick instantly recognized the good-looking African American man from the television interviews he’d done. He would guess Dr. Carmichael was probably in his mid-thirties. He had closed-cropped black hair and thin wire-framed glasses. About six-foot-three. Rather than being particularly muscular, he appeared trim and fit. The picture of health. Like a doctor, Nick supposed. A wealthy one if the tailored navy suit he wore was any indication.

  “Here.” Nick thrust the mug of coffee into the man’s hand.

  “Detective Sorenson I presume?”

  Nick sighed and set his own cup down on the table. “Yeah.”

  “At last.” Carmichael nodded.

  “Have a seat.” Nick indicated the seat the man had obviously occupied before he’d opened the door. An open laptop computer had been placed on the table. “Look, there was no reason to come into the station.”

  Dr. Carmichael sat down and gave Nick a superior smile. “On the contrary, detective. I found myself tired of your avoidance tactics.”

  Nick cleared his throat and took the seat across from him. “I wasn’t avoiding you. I’m a busy man.”

  “So am I, detective. I know when I’m being purposely ignored.” His eyebrows rose behind the glasses. “I shouldn’t expect anything different from the LAPD.”

  Nick rubbed his temples. He held onto his patience by a thread. The man might be hot and gay, at least according to the interviews Nick had seen and read, but the bastard was running for political office claiming he would clean up the police department. Nick didn’t think the department had that many problems anymore. The way Dr. Carmichael spoke of the police, every single officer was on the take, racist, or an animal. Maybe all three. Tell that to his stupid cock. It was half hard.

  For God’s sake, the good doc might be gay, but so what? Nick didn’t have to be attracted to every gay man out there. Geez.

  “If you prefer to speak to my captain, Dr. Carmichael, I’m sure I can find out his schedule and—”

  “I don’t need to speak to your captain. You’re the detective in charge of my brother’s case, aren’t you?” Carmichael reached for the laptop and pressed a button. “I intend to make notes.”

  “I really cannot discuss the investigation with you, Dr. Carmichael.” Nick understood the urge to take care of a younger brother. He’d do anything for his little brother, Caleb.


  Nick blinked and stared at Carmichael who wasn’t currently looking at him. He seemed engrossed in the computer screen. As though he hadn’t dropped his voice to a low and seductive timbre. Okay, he must be imagining that.

  He shifted in his chair and was tempted to pour his coffee in his own lap. Burn the arousal right off.

  “Okay, Ray. The investigation into the alleged beating of your brother is ongoing and—”

  “There was no alleged beating.” Carmichael had now turned his dark gaze away from the computer and it was now focused fully on Nick. Sparks of anger practically shot from those chocolate eyes. “My brother was beaten, detective.”

  “Nick,” he heard himself say. Hated himself for it, too.

  Ray’s eyes flared with awareness ever so slightly. If he hadn’t been staring so hard at the man, Nick might not have even seen the subtle awareness.

  He’s attracted to me.

  “What I meant is the alleged beating by officers of the LAPD. I realize your brother was beaten and I sincerely hope he is doing well.”

  Ray’s brother, Devon, had been driving in South Central Los Angeles in the early hours one summer morning when he’d been pulled over by a patrol car. Devon ended up severely beaten and in the hospital.

  “The incident was videotaped, Nick,” Ray said softly. “There is nothing alleged about it. There is nothing to be investigated. I want to know what the police department is going to do about it.”

  “The officers have been suspended.”

  Ray snorted derisively. “With pay.”

  “That’s not my decision. Ray, I sympathize with you and your family, but the investigation is not complete.”


  “Excuse me?”

  Ray closed the laptop, his lips t
hinned. “You don’t sympathize with my family. Your sympathies are with the corrupt police department. All cops are alike. All dirty. Every one of you.”

  Anger flashed through Nick, but he tried to push it away. He’d learned the hard way anger didn’t solve anything.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way, but I can assure you that I’m doing a thorough investigation into this matter. If you would like to have someone else assigned to the case, I’m sure I can have my captain call you.”

  There was a hesitant tap on the door just before it opened a fraction.

  “Sorry to interrupt, Nick,” Jessica said. “I just need a moment of your time.”

  “Be right there.” He glanced at Ray. “Sorry, I’ll be just a minute.”

  Ray waved his hand but did not respond. With a shrug, Nick left to see what the crisis was.

  * * * *

  He should not be checking out the man’s ass. But damn, Nick Sorenson was a fine looking man. Not that he was Ray’s type.

  Ray had dated white guys before. Generally they looked like stock brokers or models for GQ. They definitely did not wear faded ass-hugging jeans, Led Zeppelin T-shirts with coffee stains, and a five o’clock shadow. Not to mention a tattoo peeking out from the short sleeve of that same T-shirt and a gold hoop earring.

  Usual type or not, Ray found the sandy-haired, blue-eyed detective absurdly attractive. He did not normally find muscle-men sexy, yet the defined biceps of Nick’s arms had drawn his attention several times during their brief conversation.

  He’s probably not even gay.

  True he saw no wedding ring and he had the hoop, but that didn’t mean he was gay. Lots of straight guys had earrings. Hell, he was gay and he wore no such adornment. Even still, he couldn’t stop picturing Nick naked. He shifted in the seat to relieve the pressure of his hardening cock. It would be a fine thing for Sorenson to come in and see his boner. He snatched up a file he’d brought with him and covered his lap. Probably too obvious that’s what he was doing.

  Ray tried to remind himself the man was a cop and therefore the enemy. Cops beat his younger brother nearly to death just for being black. Devon was no criminal. Their father, before his retirement, had been a minister and their mother an executive at a bank. They’d been raised in a hard working middle-class family with values. Ray had worked his way through medical school to become a well-respected neurologist. Devon owned his own restaurant. Yet the color of their skin made them automatically suspects in the corrupt LAPD.

  Even now Nick Sorenson tried to deny the culpability of the cops who’d beaten Devon. Next he supposed they’d claim Devon beat himself. No way. He would hire the best lawyers in Los Angeles if necessary. With his intent to run in the upcoming city council elections, Ray had wanted to handle the matter himself. He might have to change his mind.

  The door opened and Nick entered again. He ran his long fingers through his wild, somewhat spiky sandy hair. Ray’s gaze went to the man’s full sensuous lips that boasted a slightly twisted smile.

  “Sorry about that, Dr. Carmichael.”

  So now they were back to formality, Ray noted. He tapped his fingers on the conference table. Earlier he thought he’d detected a hint of interest in those cerulean blue eyes. Now, however, Nick looked like he was back to business. A pity.

  Nick sat down. “Look, like I said before, I can’t really give any details, but I assure you we’ll be in touch with your family very soon.”

  Trying to push aside overwhelming disappointment at being so thoroughly dismissed, Ray shook his head and picked up his laptop and papers he’d brought with him. He didn’t know what he’d expected. The cops would always cover for each other.

  “Very well, detective. I will be calling you later this week.”

  Nick nodded. “You’re certainly welcome to do that.”

  “And I’m sure you will be conveniently out to my call.” Ray sighed, frustrated, and stood. His irritation at getting no answers had taken care of his erection at least. Too bad he still found the damn detective so appealing.

  Nick stood, too, and was only an inch or two away from Ray. “No, I’m sorry about that. I’ll be around. Really.”

  He could smell the detective’s arousal. Damn. His own cock perked up again in reaction. They were so close he could grope the detective through his jeans. He wouldn’t, of course.

  Ray didn’t like to mix dating with business. He’d have to get over his attraction to Nick. The last thing he ought to be doing was ogling the guy covering for his brother’s attackers, anyway. Only, he didn’t want to forget his attraction to Nick.

  “You, uh, married, detective?” Ray heard himself ask. Smooth, Ray.

  Nick blinked rapidly and stared at him. “Excuse me?”

  Ah, hell, he’d started it now. “Married? I don’t see a ring.”


  Was it his imagination or had Nick’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink? Man, that was sexy. While Ray wasn’t shy, he didn’t know how exactly to ask Nick about his sexual preferences.


  The light pink darkened to a red. “Um, n-no. Well, I’m, that is,” Nick broke off and opened the door of the conference room. “Do you need help finding your way out of the station?”

  Ray smiled. “No, I know the way. See you, Nick.”

  Nick stared at him, his tongue darting out to trace his bottom lip. He nodded. “Yeah.”

  Ray walked out of the police station to his car, aware of the glares he received from most of the cops he passed on the way. He supposed they all must know who he was by now. He’d appeared with his brother on television after the beatings and of course in interviews about his candidacy.

  But now he had a new dilemma. It was probably crazy, but he didn’t want Nick Sorenson investigating the beating of his brother. He’d spend far too much time admiring the man’s ass and wanting to kick it at the same time when he stonewalled Devon’s case. That sealed things for him. He would have to talk to Kent, Nick’s captain. Ray never mixed business with pleasure and he would be way too distracted. Of course, if Nick weren’t on the case there could be other possibilities.

  * * * *

  That afternoon Nick had just come back from lunch when Captain Alex Kent poked his head out of his office.

  “Sorenson, in my office now.”

  Nick frowned and set the fresh mug of coffee he’d just poured from the station coffeemaker on his desk. He glanced at Jessica sitting at her nearby desk.

  “What’s up?”

  “I dunno. Just got back myself.”

  Nick walked down the aisle to the captain’s office, wondering at the sharp tone in Kent’s voice. Shrugging, he knocked.


  Nick opened the door and stepped into the cubicle sized office. “You wanted to see me, captain?”

  “Yeah. You’re off the Carmichael case.”

  A heavy pit formed in Nick’s stomach. “I’m what? Why?”

  Captain Kent, an aging bald man with dark piercing eyes, raised an eyebrow. “This case has controversy all over it, Sorenson. I’d think you’d be happy to be taken off.”

  “No one likes to be taken off a case, sir.”

  Kent nodded. “Maybe. Anyway, the case will be handled by Johnson.”

  Nick wondered if his being white and Johnson being black had anything to do with the change. He grimaced. “Did Dr. Carmichael request this change by any chance, captain?”

  Kent crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, staring at Nick for a moment. Finally he shrugged. “Yeah. He said he doesn’t trust us to investigate it fairly, but if he has to have cops investigating cops he would prefer an African American investigator. He said it was nothing personal against you.”

  “Sure. Bastard,” Nick said angrily. “I didn’t give him the platitudes he wanted so he had me removed.”

  “Whatever. You’ve got plenty of other cases, Nick. Be grateful you’ve got one less headache. I want a report on the alleged marijuana use
in the valley division on my desk by Friday. Now get out of my office.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  * * * *

  His desk phone rang at five-thirty that night. He’d just been considering going home. He stared at it wondering if maybe he should ignore it.

  He picked it up. “Sorenson.”

  “Nick, it’s Ray Carmichael.” The rich, deep, sultry tone was back. A shiver went up Nick’s spine. His balls tightened. Fucking bastard.

  “I’m not on your brother’s case anymore, Dr. Carmichael.” You shit, you got me removed.

  “Ray. I know, that’s why I’m calling.”

  “Hmm?” Nick frowned into the phone.

  “I wanted to tell you why I wanted you off the case, Nick.”

  Nick plopped his legs on his desk and crossed them at his ankles. “I know why. Captain Kent said you wanted a black detective.”

  “That’s what I told him, yes. It seemed easier to tell him what he would have expected to hear. But that’s not why.”

  “What is the reason then? I didn’t give you the answers you wanted?”

  “No, although, you didn’t. You spent more time avoiding me than just giving me simple answers.”

  Nick opened his mouth to retort but Ray cut him off.

  “Anyway, the truth is…I wanted to see you socially.”

  Nick’s jaw dropped. He straightened instantly in his chair. “You…you what?”

  “I hope I’m not way off base here, Nick. I sensed you were physically attracted to me this morning. If I’m wrong I’d like to know.”

  Fuck. His erection pressed against his jeans. He glanced around the station, certain the remaining detectives knew. No one glanced his way.

  Nick licked his lips and lowered his voice. “Dr. Carmichael—”


  He closed his eyes, feeling his cheeks heat. “I…yes. Yes, I am attracted to you.”

  A low, throaty chuckle sent electric jolts through his hard cock. “Excellent. I’d hate to be the only one interested. I’m unable to mix business with pleasure. It’s unethical. That’s why I asked Captain Kent to remove you from Devon’s case. I’d like to see you. Are you free for dinner?”


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