Black Light: Suspended (Black Light Series Book 4)

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Black Light: Suspended (Black Light Series Book 4) Page 13

by Maggie Ryan

  “I’d much rather look at fields and play with the puppies.” She lifted her head from his shoulder and said, “And, of course, play with you.”

  He kissed her lightly and dropped his arm, sliding his hand beneath her naked buttock, giving it a squeeze. “I’m very glad because I am thinking of all sorts of delightful games we can play.”

  Owen pulled the car under the awning in front of the restaurant. A valet stepped forward and opened the doors. Dillon slid his hand from its hiding place and stepped out, turning to offer Charlie his hand. She hesitated, as if judging the best way to slide across the seat and he grinned. It was delightful watching her inner submissive struggle with the ‘good girl’ image that had probably been drilled in her since birth. Finally, she took his hand and allowed him to help her slide across the seat. He didn’t miss her look back and knew she feared she’d left a puddle on the leather. Bending down, he whispered, “Don’t forget, you’re in the company of fellow kinksters. A little wet spot is to be expected.”

  “Oh my God,” she moaned, and sure enough, the color he’d come to crave appeared on her cheeks.

  Owen had chosen well, the restaurant was quiet and elegant. They were led to a table in front of a bank of windows, the dome of the capital building as their backdrop. Dillon pulled out a chair and as Charlie began to sit, he whispered, “Dress up.”


  “Everywhere tonight,” he confirmed.

  She darted her eyes about but must have decided that she’d draw more attention to herself half crouched than seated, so with a lift of her hands, her skirt came up and she sat. Dillon pushed in her chair, bent to kiss her cheek and took his own seat. “What would you like to drink?” he asked.

  “A glass of chardonnay, please,” she said and Martha decided to have one as well. Their drinks arrived and Dillon lifted his glass.

  “A toast. Thank you Martha for being Charlie’s friend and for bringing her back into my life.”

  Martha smiled. “And thank you for not letting the butterfly slip back into her cocoon.” They all clinked their glasses. They talked for a few minutes and then opened their menus.

  “Don’t order just a salad,” Dillon said. “You’re going to need your energy.”

  Charlie looked at him and smiled. “In that case, what would you suggest? I’m more of a BBQ or Tex-Mex kind of gal.”

  “You have any allergies?” he asked and when she said she didn’t, he suggested she have the surf and turf.

  “I’ll have the surf,” she countered. “Eating too much causes me to get sleepy. I’d hate to fall asleep on you.”

  He chuckled and they placed their orders. While they waited, Martha asked about the farm and Dillon enjoyed listening to Charlie’s excitement as she talked about the dogs. “They are so cute and so amazingly smart. I can’t wait to watch Dillon tomorrow.”

  “Charlie told me that Lucy is a German Shepherd. Is that the only breed used in the K-9 corps?” Martha asked.

  Dillon shook his head. “No, when the corps started there were over thirty breeds originally approved for training. However, it didn’t take long before that was changed. There are seven breeds used now. I’ve worked with huskies and collies, but German Shepherds are what I see most.”

  They talked about the training a bit and he smiled. “I’ve found that a lot of the times, it’s not the dogs that require the most training; it’s their partners. You’ve got to be in good physical condition as well. But the most vital thing is to match the right person with the right dog. You make that connection and there is nothing better than watching that bond grow so strong.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to watch,” Charlie said, taking a roll from the basket on the table.

  Owen chuckled. “Just be prepared. If I know my little brother, and I do, he’ll have you running the course with the others. Speaking from experience, it can be pretty brutal. You’ll be climbing walls, swinging from ropes, and crawling through mud.”

  “Really? Oh, wow, that sounds fantastic!”

  Martha shook her head. “And here you complained about that facial mask at the spa.”

  Charlie laughed and shrugged. “True, but this sounds like fun!”

  Their food arrived and when Charlie’s enthusiasm dimmed, Dillon looked over. “What’s the matter?”

  “I- I didn’t expect it to look like that,” she said, pointing to her plate. “It’s staring at me!”

  Dillon chuckled and reached for her plate where an entire lobster was presented on a bed of rice pilaf. He expertly cracked open the lobster shell, reducing it to edible segments and tucking the head, and eyes, away on his plate before setting the meal back in front of Charlie.

  “Thank you,” she said, “I expected just the tail.”

  “Like I said, you’re going to need your energy and I’m not talking about the obstacle course tomorrow. You’ll need a big breakfast as well.”

  Charlie dipped her first bite into the melted butter and put it into her mouth, giving that moan that he so loved to hear. This woman was not only intelligent and gorgeous, she had an enthusiasm and love of life that was absolutely charming. He couldn’t wait to put her through her paces… both at Black Light and Quantico, not doubting for a moment that she’d excel in both.

  Each couple agreed to split a dessert. Owen and Martha picked a seven-layer slice of chocolate cake with a decadent layer of chocolate ganache between each layer. Dillon and Charlie chose a slice of cheesecake covered with a raspberry puree and dotted with fresh berries.

  “This is positively sinful,” Charlie exclaimed as she took a bite of the cheesecake.

  “I agree,” Dillon said, taking his own bite and then leaning towards her, another bite on his fork. “It’s a sin to have to settle for these berries when what I really want are to nibble on yours.”

  She turned as red as the raspberries as she accepted the bite. “You’re incorrigible,” she said once she’d swallowed.

  “Baby, you haven’t even begun to see what incorrigible looks like,” he countered, his eyes locked on hers. “But you will.” He paid the check and stood, offering Charlie his hand. Pulling her up, he leaned down and kissed her. “Ready to play?”

  “Very ready,” she said, her eyes sparkling.

  When they entered the psychic shop, the woman was again seated at the table. She smiled and nodded, tilting her head towards the curtain. Luis opened the door and the four of them walked through.

  “This is just so cool,” Charlie said as they walked down the tunnel. “It’s unlike any other club I’ve been in. Frankly, I’m a little surprised there’s no secret handshake.”

  “Well, there kind of is,” Martha said. “You didn’t get to see it last night because I’m not a full member, but… Dillon are you a member or come as a guest occasionally?”

  “Are you kidding? I couldn’t sign up fast enough once Owen told me about the club’s existence.”

  “Good, then you can demonstrate the secret handshake for Charlie. Oh, and are you still going by Rose?”

  “I’m not sure I understand the need for using a different name. I mean, I saw a lot of faces last night that I’ve seen in the newspaper or on TV and understand that they might want to, but Owen and Dillon don’t use aliases.”

  Martha giggled. “Leave it up to you to consider it as an alias versus a pseudonym.”

  “If I left it up to you, I’d be called Tex,” Charlie shot back.

  Dillon chuckled. “You are definitely not someone who looks like a Tex. But, it’s totally up to you. You’re both my Charlie and my yellow Rose, so your choice.” He grinned. “Or, you can do what a lot of guests do and pick something that describes you instead of a name. Some submissives choose things like ‘Daddy’s Girl’ or ‘Princess’.”

  “Um, no thanks. I’ll stick with Charlie if that’s all right.”

  “Then Charlie it is,” Dillon said as they approached the desk where Danny was sitting.

  “Welcome back,” Danny said with a smile.
  “Okay, Charlie, pay attention and watch this,” Martha said, “Go ahead, Dillon, show her.”

  “Good grief, Marty, are you ever going to stop topping from the bottom?” Owen asked.

  “Hmmm, perhaps I need some private lessons,” she said, fluttering her lashes up at him. “Perhaps you can recommend someone, Sir?”

  “Maybe we should start calling you Brat,” Owen said, but was smiling as he did.

  Dillon pulled Charlie closer and then flipped his palm up, passing his wrist under a light. Where there had been nothing before, his skin now glowed, showing the two letters, BL, and some kind of bar code beneath that.

  “Oh, wow, that’s even better than a secret handshake,” Charlie said, watching the tattoo disappear once Dillon pulled his hand free.

  “Keeps members from having to carry their wallets,” Dillon explained. “Everything from drinks, food, and toys are put on your account with a single scan.” He led her to the frosted window and demonstrated again as he paid for a guest pass. Once Martha had signed in, they placed their purses with their phones inside a locker, Dillon adding his wallet, keys, phone, and watch.

  The club was packed even though it was a Sunday night. Owen left them to go change for duty, but the trio went to the bar. Dillon sat on a stool and then lifted Charlie onto his lap, causing her to blush as he swept her skirt back before setting her down. “What would you like to drink? There’s a two drink limit and since we had wine at dinner, you’re allowed one more.”

  “Really? That seems a bit unusual as liquor is normally where a club makes most of its money.”

  “It’s actually a good policy. This isn’t a normal club and making safe, sane, and consensual choices is easier if you’re not blitzed,” Dillon explained.

  Charlie ordered a vodka and cranberry and Martha requested a screwdriver. Once their drinks and Dillon’s bourbon arrived, his tattoo was scanned to pay. They had just taken their first sips when another trio approached them.

  “Charlie, let me introduce you to the brilliant people who opened the two hottest clubs in town,” Dillon said. “This is Jaxson Davidson, Chase Cartwright, and this lovely lady, is Emma Fischer. This is Charlie.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Charlie,” Jaxson said, shaking her hand. “We saw you last night but never got a chance to come over and introduce ourselves.”

  “Wow, you both look even better in person than in all those magazine spreads.” Charlie said, her eyes wide and her cheeks pinkening. “Well, that sounded a bit stalkerish. I meant to say, both your clubs are incredible.”

  “I knew I was going to like you,” Chase said, foregoing the handshake, lifting her hand and kissing the back of it instead.

  “And, at the risk of sounding even more like an idiot, I want to say what you three did… that night of the senator’s fundraiser, being totally open about your relationship, well, that was even more incredible than this club.”

  “You don’t sound like an idiot at all. I know it had to shock a great deal of people, but it was actually very freeing. I hope to get to know you a lot better,” Emma said, reaching over and giving Charlie a hug.

  “I’d like that,” Charlie said.

  They chatted for a few more minutes and then left to speak to other members. “It’s nice to see they are really as happy as they appear in photographs,” Charlie said as they watched them walk away, Emma between the two men who both had arms wrapped around her back.

  “Yes, it’s even better that they opened a fabulous place where others can enjoy their kink,” Marty said. “And speaking of kink, it’s time for me to find a partner.”

  “Oh, I thought maybe you and Owen—” Charlie began.

  “Keep sending those positive vibes,” Marty said, jumping off her stool. “I figure that sooner or later that man won’t be able to resist giving me a lesson or two. I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

  “Owen’s not going to know what hit him,” Charlie said. “When Marty sets her mind on a goal, she doesn’t stop until she reaches it.”

  Dillon grinned. “Don’t underestimate my brother. He’s just enjoying playing cat and mouse.” He took the last swallow of his drink and set it down. “You didn’t get to see much of the club last night. How about I give you a tour?”

  “Sounds good,” Charlie said, finishing her drink as well.

  Plucking her from the stool, Dillon placed his hand at the small of her back, his fingers caressing bare skin. He bent and kissed her cheek. “I am a huge fan of this dress.” He waited until she looked up and smiled before he added, “But, it is still coming off.”

  With her blushing again, he began the tour. “As you saw last night, there are some raised platforms. They can be rearranged as needed but are generally used for demonstrations.” He pointed towards one side of the room. “Those booths are available for semi-private play. Some have small beds, one a chaise lounge, and another has a massage table. The curtains can be closed if more privacy is desired.”

  He pointed out a coed bathroom, explaining that there were showers inside that were available and often shared. When she asked if there were separate restrooms, he pointed those out as well, explaining there were cubbyholes inside where clothing could be left if desired. As they walked, they passed people who were simply chatting but joined a group who were watching a scene. A woman had been bound to the St. Andrew’s cross and two men were wielding floggers against her back and ass. Several spectators were seated on loveseats in a semi-circle and others stood. Dillon didn’t watch the trio, he watched Charlie. She was so focused on the scene that when he slipped behind her and slid his hand into her bodice to play with her breasts, she startled and then leaned against him. Her nipples were already hard little points. They watched until the woman arched and screamed, her body convulsing as she came. The men untied her, positioning her on her hands and knees to take their own pleasure, but Dillon had a different agenda.

  “Are you ready to begin our game?” he asked, kissing the nape of her neck, loving the tiny purr she gave.

  “Yes, Sir, but you haven’t told me what game we are playing.”

  “You’ll see, but first, we need to do a little shopping.”

  She looked up at him, her nose crinkled. “We’re going shopping? We just got here.”

  “This is not only a great club, its owners are savvy enough to know that where there are games to be played, there are toys to be bought. As Sherlock Holmes said, ‘Let the games begin’.”

  Chapter 10

  Charlie watched with a mixture of excitement and trepidation as she studied various items on display in the glass cabinets of the ‘store’. She saw different types of lubes next to shelves with dildos of every size and color as well as shorter, fatter plugs that made her bottom clench with the memory of Dillon inserting such a toy in her ass. The sight of shiny silver clamps made Charlie’s nipples pucker at the thought of having the sensitive little buds caught in the clamp’s wicked little teeth. The variety of implements amazed her. Everything from paddles made of wood, plastic, or leather, as well as crops were waiting to set a submissive’s ass on fire. She felt her breath catch at the display of floggers, the falls spread out in a fan pattern so that a prospective buyer could make their choice of smooth strands or knotted ones as well as choose which type of material they preferred. Her mind was whirling with all the infinite, delicious possibilities when the woman behind the counter turned to them.

  “Good evening, Sir, may I help you?”

  “Good evening. Yes, I believe you have an order ready for me, Dillon MacAllister?”

  “Yes, Sir. Just a moment.”

  As she stepped away, Dillon turned to look down at Charlie who was shaking her head. “What? You didn’t think I was going to spoil the surprise did you? What sort of game would it be if I left clues right out in the open?”

  Though she really had hoped to see what he’d choose, Charlie had to admit that allowing her to peruse all the offerings and yet not know what he’d decided
upon added to the anticipation. She smiled up at him. “I do love solving a good mystery, Mr. Holmes.”

  “That’s the spirit. Shall we make it a bit more difficult, my beautiful Watson?” Dillon pulled her to him and moved her a few feet down the counter. “Pick one,” he instructed, waving his hand over the glass behind which various blindfolds were displayed. A shiver ran through Charlie. Not only was he not allowing her to see the toys he’d be using in their play, he was obviously going to be denying her the sense of sight during their scene.

  “The red is very pretty,” Charlie said.

  “It is and you will look stunning wearing nothing but it and your red heels.”

  Charlie wondered if it were possible to come from anticipation alone, as her body responded to his words.

  “Here you are, Mr. MacAllister,” the clerk said as she set a bag on the counter.

  “And the red blindfold, please.”

  “A lovely choice.” The woman removed the blindfold and when she began to open the bag to put it inside, Dillon stopped her, taking it and turning to Charlie.

  “Turn around,” he instructed.

  Though she hadn’t expected to be blindfolded so quickly, she turned and closed her eyes as he placed the blindfold over them, and tied it behind her head. It wasn’t unlike just shutting her eyes and yet the psychological effect was immediate. She realized that she’d not be able to take a single step without Dillon to guide her. Already having a submissive nature, she felt a deeper sense of trust given to her Dom. When he turned her again, she felt a bit unsteady on her feet which had nothing to do with the fact she was wearing stilettos.

  “Put your hand on my arm. It will help your balance,” Dillon instructed, guiding her hand to his forearm and giving it a squeeze.

  “Thank you, Mr. MacAllister. Enjoy your evening.”

  “We shall,” Dillon said and then again placed his hand over hers. “We’re going to walk slowly but I won’t let you go.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said. It was strange and yet exciting. She knew they passed people as she could hear voices coming and going. The club was crowded and yet, true to his word, she never even brushed against another person.


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