Accidental Trifecta

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Accidental Trifecta Page 15

by Avery Gale

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kneeling naked on the floor of a moving car isn’t as easy as it sounds and CeCe wasn’t noticing a lot of concern from the two Masters sitting on either side of her. For the first time since Master C had collared her in the middle of the Dark Desires main lounge, CeCe wanted to curse at him for his unreasonable command. What on earth was his plan? Why did she have to hide on the floor—naked? She hadn’t been to the island in over a year and she was being cheated out of seeing the sights along the small coastal highway leading to their small cottage. Sure it was quickly becoming dark and Thomas had seen her naked plenty of other times, but she had been looking forward to seeing the water lapping at the beach as the full moon rose over the water. But most of all she had no idea why she was being punished. What could I have done to make him so angry?

  She felt a tear splash on to her bare thigh and realized the conversation between the two men had ceased. “Pet?” When she raised her eyes to meet his, CeCe was surprised to see his puzzled expression. “Why are you crying?” Is he serious? I just don’t want to do this all the time anymore. The sudden realization rocked her to the very foundation of her soul and the sob that emerged from her caused her Master’s look of concern to shift quickly to panic. “What the fuck?” She didn’t understand the meltdown either, but his response hadn’t helped her that was for sure.

  “Christ, for somebody so smart you can be really dim sometimes.” CeCe turned to Master Carl as he spoke and saw him reaching for a soft throw she hadn’t noticed earlier. He wrapped it around her shoulders. He leaned down and picked her up as if she weighed nothing at all and set her on his lap. When he pulled a soft cotton handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed her face, CeCe sobbed so hard he finally gave up and simply cuddled her against his chest. “Just let it all out, sweetness. Holding in all that stress always cycles back, you know, not to mention, as a doctor, you know exactly how bad it is for your health. Adding all that to the side effects of your concussion, hell, it’s a wonder you aren’t homicidal.”

  The problem was, CeCe had gotten so accustomed to taking care of those around her that she didn’t even know what she liked or needed anymore. She’d just started to realize how narrow her life had become when her Master suggested this trip. Pinning so much on one vacation had been a dumb idea, but it had still happened. When she raised her watery gaze to her Master, he was looking at her with a stern look that caused her to involuntarily wince. His curse sent a fresh wave of tears down her burning cheeks.

  CeCe’s softly muttered apology was met with a snarled, “What are you apologizing for exactly, pet? For being unhappy and not speaking up? For not taking care of yourself to the point you are so fragile I’m actually considering hospitalizing you? Or for choosing a Master that is such an idiot he ignored a thousand signs that should have told him how unhappy you have been?”

  His words hit her like a slap. He sounded so angry and far too close to a “release” for her peace of mind. Sure they were legally married, but everyone she knew living the BDSM lifestyle considered a collar much more binding than a wedding ring. “No. Please. Don’t.” She heard the pleading desperation in her voice and choked on the racking sobs that tore through her and she pressed her hands over her collar as if she could keep him from unlocking it.

  “What the hell?”

  “Just don’t say anything more. Let me deal with her. I’ll get her calmed down. My guess is that she thought you were punishing her by making her kneel naked on the floor. She’s been through a lot and from what I’ve heard, she was already coming from a pretty tenuous place. The only thing about this that really surprises me is that it’s taken so long to surface.” By the time he’d finished speaking, Carl had pressed kisses to her eyelids and she’d calmed enough she was just hiccupping short sobs. “Close your eyes, baby.” When she did, he cuddled her closer, “Breathe with me. I’m not going to count it because I want you to settle enough to feel when I’m taking a deep breath and letting it out.” CeCe concentrated on synchronizing her breathing to his and in just a few seconds felt the heavy weight of physical and emotional exhaustion draining away. Letting herself slide into a peaceful sleep was the easiest thing she had done in a very long time.


  Carl had watched as CeCe skated closer and closer to an emotional ledge as they’d driven down the highway and wondered how long Cam was going to let it go on. He remembered hearing her say she was looking forward to seeing the ocean but he hadn’t realized she’d be so upset at not being able to look out the car windows. Looking at Cameron Barnes now, no one would believe he was considered one of the best Doms around. The man’s reputation as a club owner and trainer were practically legendary, yet he’d made a series of errors tonight that let Carl know just how distracted he was.

  “I wanted to surprise her.” When Carl didn’t respond, Cam went on, “I didn’t want her to see the outside of the house as we drove up. I wanted to lift her out of the car and make it a big deal.” He ran his hand through his hair in agitation. “Christ, how could I be so blind? It just seems like the harder I try with her the further I push her away.”

  “Maybe you need to listen more and arrange less.” Carl wasn’t surprised to see Cam’s puzzled expression. “What I’m trying to say is, you need to listen with your heart. Most women, hell, most people in general, will tell you what they need if you are just willing to listen. You don’t listen to her. You provide for her physically and sexually, but you aren’t even in the building when it comes to her emotional needs. I know that submissives are nurturing by nature, hell, they thrive on helping others, but that doesn’t mean they never have needs of their own.”

  Turning in to the short drive leading to the beach house, it was easy to see why she’d been disappointed. The moon was full and the waves made the light look as if a million tiny fairies danced along the surface. It was spectacular. He asked the driver to stop and then turning her on his lap so she wouldn’t see the house, Carl kissed her awake. “Open those beautiful eyes, sweetness. Take a look.” Her eyes fluttered a couple of times before the long lashes managed to stay up. He heard her sharp intake of breath and smiled over her head at Cam. “Looks like every light imp in the Caribbean is here tonight to greet you. See how they are dancing on the water? I’d say they are quite pleased you have returned.”

  Her eyes never left the window. Her childlike look of wonder sent a lump into his throat. God, I could fall in love with her so easily. Who was he kidding, he was already falling for her. He wasn’t sure any of this was going to work out, he only knew keeping her safe had to take precedence over everything else. Her softly whispered words brought him back to the moment, “Thank you. Thank you for waking me. I wanted to see this so badly. And it’s even more beautiful than I remembered. I can’t tell you how many times the memory of the light waltzing across the surface helped me weather a storm. I’ve told Chloe all about this place. I know she isn’t old enough to fully understand or remember my words, but sharing it helped me remember how peaceful it is.”

  Carl looked over at Cam and wasn’t surprised to see the look of adoration and wonder in his eyes. He’s learning. Carl let her look for several minutes as they compared the lights of various vessels anchored off shore. He smiled at her curiosity and enthusiasm, wondering what she’d been like as a kid. It was easy to see how much she enjoyed learning. I’ll bet she drove her parents to distraction asking questions. He could picture her as a kid, eyes wide and pink pouty lips open in awe. Whispering close to her ear, he let his lips brush against its warm shell, “Okay, now before we get out I want you to promise you’ll do exactly as your Master tells you. He has a surprise for you and I’m hoping we get to play with you tonight. Playing is so much more satisfying than punishing and I’m looking forward to sinking my cock balls-deep in you. I can hardly wait to feel your body clenching me so tight it’s just this side of pain as you milk the cum from me—it’s the sweetest feeling in the world.” It had been so long since he’d bee
n a woman’s lover rather than just her Dom for the night, hell, it wasn’t even usually for a whole night. He rarely scened with the same woman more than twice because he’d learned the hard way how easily some submissives developed attachments.

  Cam slid her off Carl’s lap and slanted his mouth over hers in a kiss hot enough Carl felt his own body responding. “Close your eyes, pet. Don’t open them until I tell you. I have been dying to show you this gift.” Carl watched as his friend carried his lovely slave to the top of the sandy beach and lowered her bare feet on to the warm sand. Both men chuckled when she sighed and curled her bare toes in the pristine white sand. Turning, Carl glanced at the house, obviously Cam’s staff had known they were coming because it looked like every light in the place was blazing brightly. It wasn’t as large, but the lights were just as spectacular as Prairie Winds on a club night, particularly one when Tobi had planned something special.

  The Prairie Winds Club’s specialty shops were being duplicated by almost every exclusive sex club in the country and the concept was quickly spreading outside the U.S. as well. Just last week Carl had sat in the Wests’ office and listened in as Tobi and Gracie talked to a group of club owners in Japan. Aside from the obvious language challenges, the cultural differences also came into play. The owners had a difficult time understanding why Kyle allowed his submissive and an employee’s sub to speak so “vulgarly” with other men.

  Tobi and Gracie had gaped in open-mouth horror at the speakerphone before coming clear up out of their chairs. Tobi West was a tiny little blonde bombshell and seeing her standing with her hands on her hips tapping her foot in frustration made her look like a pissed off Tinkerbell. Gracie had looked over at one of her husbands, “Jax? Would you please explain to these gentlemen that Tobi and I are most certainly not vulgar, we are simply trying to help them with their marketing plan, which wasn’t all that impressive when we got it if you want to know the truth.” Jax had been leaning against the rock fireplace and winced at her comment.

  “Now, Cariño, remember you nor Tobi were as open to this sort of thing when you first came here. Remember how embarrassed you were the first time you had to set up a display of anal plugs and lube?” Gracie’s cheeks turned scarlet in an instant and she quickly signed something to Jax that made Tobi giggle. Jax and Gracie both had deaf siblings so they often used American Sign Language to communicate privately, but it looked like Tobi was learning as well. Figures, the little imp is far too nosey to stay out-of-loop for long. Jax shook his head, “Don’t bat those big brown eyes at me, brat. You’ll be spending some quality time over my knee this evening for that comment.”

  Carl had almost laughed out loud when he’d heard Tobi whisper, “Lucky girl.” Carl was sure the damned ornery woman had waited until he’d taken a big gulp of coffee before she’d spoken. And Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, that shit had burned coming out his nose.

  Shaking off the memory he’d been lost in, he and Cam stood beside CeCe, he smiled at Cam when he realized flanking her had already become second nature for them. The gleam in Cam’s eyes let him know his friend understood. “Open your eyes, pet.” Carl saw her eyes open and widen as she gasped in surprise. Cam had shown him pictures of the small bungalow before the renovations, so it was easy to understand her surprise. Hell, even the landscaping looked like something you’d see on a home improvement show. What’s the name of that damn show my sister watches? Pimp My Yard? No…oh hell, I don’t remember.

  A curving walkway paved with smooth, flat stones with soft lights buried at the surface of the soil illuminated the way to the house. Three large boulders had been placed randomly on the beach and even from this distance, Carl could see embedded anchors for restraints. Fuck me. Hope we get a chance to test-drive those. We’ll give those folks on their fancy boats a show worth breaking out the scopes for. Carnal images were playing like an old-time movie reel in his head as he watched the moon’s soft light illuminate her pale skin. She almost shimmered in the soft golden light and his body responded so strongly he was grateful he’d worn cargo pants, not only had they been comfortable on the plane, they were keeping his cock from bursting out the front zipper of pair of jeans.

  Dr. Cecelia Barnes was stunningly, heart-stopping, breath stealing gorgeous. Carl doubted there would have been a single Renaissance master who would have been able to resist capturing her on canvas, preserving images of her beauty for future generations. She was curvy with a natural grace that made her movements so fluid she often looked to Carl like she was floating.


  “Oh, Master, it’s so beautiful. I can barely believe it’s the same house.” CeCe knew she’d miss certain things about the quaint home they’d purchased together, but this was a far better version. Even though it was altogether different, he’d also managed to keep some of the original architectural style. “It’s amazing, really it is. You’ve taken a place that was already special and made it truly spectacular. The landscaping is breathtaking and I can’t wait to explore it. I can hear the waves lapping at this beautiful beach, but I also hear falling water.”

  “Yes, love, there is a waterfall along the north side of the house. There is a small, very private all season courtyard just off the new master suite. The wall of our suite retracts so the courtyard becomes a part of the room as well. I think it will be one of your favorite features of the remodel. But I will admit it is actually my second favorite.” CeCe recognized Cam’s expression and knew from his lust-filled eyes he’d rebuilt the small dungeon. She’d have to be blind to miss the possessive look in his eyes and she wondered if they would actually make it inside before the two of them took her.

  CeCe thought she might melt right into the sand, her Master knew how much she loved waterfalls—they calmed her when she was too busy to get to the ocean. She’d had a friend in college who had been into all things New Age and had assured her the reaction was anything but unusual. Pointing out the body’s high percentage of water, her friend had explained the connection humans felt to water, but not necessarily the intensity of her own. And once her sweet friend had started talking about “cell memory from previous incarnations” CeCe’s attention had drifted back to her black and white world of science. She suddenly realized both men were watching her with a fierce look that made her wonder what she’d missed. “I’m sorry, I got lost for a moment remembering how a friend in college tried to explain the body’s connection to moving water. She was nice enough, but a little out there if you know what I mean.” She realized she was rambling, something that only happened when she was spent, so she stopped herself before it got any worse. “Damn it.”

  She was shocked when she heard Cam’s soft laughter, but when she raised her eyes to his, she was surprised to see he was looking at Carl and not at her. “She is very random when she is stressed or overly tired. Since I very much want to watch you fuck her, I am going to go with stressed. Let’s go up to the house and see if we can’t help her focus a bit.” She’d seen the burning hunger in her Master’s eyes before, but that had been a smoldering fire compared to the raging inferno consuming them now. Holy crap on a cottontail, I don’t know what he’s planning, I hope it doesn’t melt me.


  Anchored off shore, Craig Allen watched as Cam led Cecelia and Carl into the beach house. The remodeling had taken so long Craig wondered if the workers were incredibly lazy or if there was more to the project than met the eye. Since he couldn’t image Master Cameron tolerating laziness, he was going with the later. Watching them move through large French doors facing the ocean, he tried to imagine himself in Dr. Barnes’ place. What would it be like to be sandwiched between Masters’ Cameron and Carl? How would it feel to have one of them pressing his steel shaft between my lips and the other pushing himself into my ass? How would the ridges of Carl’s penis feel as they rubbed over my tongue? Would the two of them taste the same? No, I’m sure Cam would taste more rugged, his musk would be more pungent. Carl would taste more subtle, he’d always been smoother than
his best friend back in school, so I think he’d have a softer, more natural scent. But I’d make sure I got to taste them both.

  Cameron would push past the tight muscle ring of my ass, the burn would add so much to the pleasure I’d just barely be able to rasp out the words to beg him not to stop, but of course he wouldn’t because I’d belong to him. I’d be caught in a whirlwind of need and arousal. Taking them at the same time—end for end, would be sensual overload. With Carl pressed to the back of my throat and Cameron so deep in my ass his balls would lay atop mine, I’d be close to spontaneously combusting. And then they’d start to move. In and out with soul torturing slow passes designed to ramp up the anticipation for all three of us. They’d both start out whispering what a good boy I was being—the best sub they’d ever had, but soon they’d be shouting how much they wanted to fill me with their cum. And when they both pounded me into a mindless mass of need, Master Cam would lean over and take me in his hand and squeeze. He’d shout for me to come with them and we’d all three go over together before collapsing in a tangled mass of limbs.


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