Dante's Immortality: Beginnings

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Dante's Immortality: Beginnings Page 12

by Antonio Terzini

  He wasn’t sure how he felt about that piece of information. The academy might not be worth it to him if he had to expose his Classifications. “What do you mean?”

  Alexander saw his expression and attempted to reassure him. “If the academy didn’t know what your Classification was, they wouldn’t know how to train you. Even though the academy focuses on individual freedom, there are still some mandatory classes. A Mage won’t learn how to fight with world essence manipulation, and a Warrior won’t learn mana manipulation.”

  World essence manipulation and mana manipulation?

  World essence manipulation seemed standard, it was how he activated the Status on his wrist. But if there was a class for it, there were clearly uses for it that he wasn’t aware of. That alone might be worth going to the academy to learn, but he had never even heard of mana manipulation. “Do you have to show your Classification to the academy?”

  “Yes, otherwise they won’t accept you.” After considering it for another moment, Layla continued. “Sometimes nobles will only show one of their Classifications. To nobles, power is everything. Anytime one of us has a useless non-combat Classification, it is seen as a sign of impure blood. But hiding a Classification is pointless, everyone will assume the worst anyways.”

  So, he could join the academy if he only showed one of his Classifications, but the one he chose would be crucial. Alexander had said his Classification would change his curriculum in the academy. He didn’t know what mana manipulation was but, it sounded useful. He also hadn’t learned how to properly use a sword yet.

  Another way to choose the Classification he would reveal, would be to use the Classification that would bring him the least amount of attention. Edward had mentioned that he recognized his Blader Classification, and even though he said it was rare and powerful, his reaction wasn’t too extreme. Also, revealing his Blader Classification wouldn’t put him at risk. Even if someone attacked him with a way to neutralize his Blader skills, he had three other Classifications to take them off guard.

  Layla saw the pondering look on Dante’s face and sat forward expectantly. “So, will you tell us your Classification now?”

  “I guess so, I have the Blader Classification.”

  There was no obvious change on Layla’s face, but Alexander’s mouth was agape.

  “A-Are you sure you have the Blader Classification?” Alexander seemed to be having trouble coming to terms with the new information.

  “Um, yes?” He now had a feeling that Edward had underplayed how rare his Blader Classification was. Edward said that it was rare and powerful, but there were plenty of rare and powerful Classifications. Lance’s Lancer Classification, for example, was rare and powerful. It wouldn’t have elicited a response like this though. Dante silently cursed the man.

  Layla’s expression changed to something he couldn’t comprehend, then she stood and walked off.

  Dante turned to Alexander, who was staring at him with a blank face. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Alexander began to rub his forehead. “You didn’t, but the fact that you didn’t even know about the academy is a massive issue.”

  He was really starting to regret telling them about his Classification. “What do you mean?”

  “My house, House Calman, originated in the Outer Edge region. We were actually the ruling house in Kenguard before we moved into the Outer region. Initially, we had trouble finding a foothold there because no one wanted to join a new and unstable house, and we had a hard time recruiting combatants. It was why our house set up the academy in the Outer region, it is a tool to recruit talents from all over the Outer Edge region every year. It is, for example, where we recruited Sir Andres.”

  Alexander looked over at Dante. “We pay a yearly stipend to nobles in the Outer Edge region, nearly a fortune, so that they will send anyone with a rare Classification to the academy. That fact that we almost missed out on a Blader Classification because someone didn’t tell you about the academy…” He cleared his throat. “Needless to say, there has been a large oversight.”

  “Is the Blader Classification that rare?”

  Alexander looked at Dante as if staring at an idiot. “Are you serious? There is only one Blader Classification in the entirety of the Outer region; Edward Ailloss. Not only is he the head of one of the strongest houses, but he is also a complete monster. Recently, when his son was murdered, he wiped out an entire house in one night, singlehandedly. He killed thousands.”

  Damn him. I should have chosen a Classification no one has heard of.

  Just as Dante began to curse Edward internally, Layla came back, dragging Sir Andres by the arm.

  Sir Andres didn’t look happy to be dragged around their makeshift camp. “What is this all about?”

  Layla wasn’t in the mood for his attitude and snapped at him. “What ‘this is all about’ is a Blader Classification not even knowing about our academy.” She pointed to Dante.

  Sir Andres looked at Dante. “Him? A Blader Classification?” The sarcasm was almost palpable.

  Dante had an ugly expression on his face, it seemed it was too late to take his words back.

  Sir Andres just snorted, pulled out a short sword from the sheath at his side, then tossed it to Dante. “Let’s see what you can do then.”

  Chapter 12

  Dante’s Immortality – Chapter 12

  Dante caught the short sword that Sir Andres tossed him. As soon as the cold steel touched his hand, he could feel the familiar, strange sensation from the weapon, as if it had its own awareness.

  Sir Andres then pulled out his other short sword, and leveled it at him. “Ready?”

  Ready for what? I didn’t even agree to anything.

  ‘Ready’ must have been the knight’s warning signal, because as soon as he said it, he lunged at Dante. Sweeping his sword towards Dante’s left side.

  Dante easily parried the blow. The knight seemed to be testing him, but when his sword collided with Sir Andres’, it felt like he swung at a mountain. The impact from the swords clashing together ran through his arm, almost costing him his grip. Dante’s eyes went wide at the impact, and he cursed internally.

  As soon as Sir Andres’ sword was deflected, the knight’s eyes narrowed, and he seemed to take Dante as more of a threat.

  The knight leveled his sword and came at him again, this time Dante was prepared and knew the Knight’s Strength. As Sir Andres stabbed at him, he moved to the left, using his Agility to dodge the blow completely.

  Just when he thought that the threat was gone, he felt a tingling sensation on his right side. Like when the goblin sneak attacked him, but far less distinct. He reacted instantly, allowing his sword to be moved as if on its own, it felt like gravity was pulling it to protect his side.

  As soon as the sword moved there, he felt like someone had just bashed it with a sledgehammer. Sir Andres had somehow gone from a fully extended stab, sword motionless, immediately to a quick slash into his side.

  The knight didn’t pause this time. Sir Andres began to rain blow after blow on him, sparks flew everywhere, and he was pretty sure that the knight was out for blood. As the fight progressed, Sir Andres moved faster, struck harder, and became even more vicious.

  He had already blocked dozens of blows from striking his vitals, and didn’t counterattack a single time. He didn’t even know how to handle himself with two swords, much less one. His usual tactic of blocking with one weapon and attacking with the other wasn’t going to work.

  The fight progressed that way for a few minutes. Every strike that Sir Andres made, the one that followed was slightly faster, and harder.

  After a furious exchange of blows, the knight slapped his sword from his hand with sheer power and swung at his neck. He could feel the tingling sensation from earlier in his neck, far stronger this time, as if saying that death was imminent, but he had no weapon to block the attack. He had a few options; he could create a new sword, he could blink away, or he could hope that the vicio
us knight in front of him didn’t chop off his head.

  He decided to go with the latter, he really didn’t want them to know about his other Classifications. Besides, he didn’t think the knight would actually kill him.

  The tip of Sir Andres sword pricked his neck as it came to a stop.

  Dante just heaved a sigh of relief and fell to the floor, panting. He was completely exhausted, and to make things worse, the knight standing over him wasn’t tired at all. Sir Andres held out a hand to help him up, and although he almost slapped it away, he thought better of it and accepted.

  When Dante finally stood up and looked around at his surroundings, he found everyone at the camp looking back at him astonished. At first, he was confused, but then Alexander spoke up. “How are you so strong, didn’t you just get your Status on the last Day of Holy Bestowal?”

  He cursed himself, he hadn’t even thought of underplaying his strength when Sir Andres had surprised him like that… Dante’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  Of course, they wanted to test me off guard. Why else would Layla drag him to me without warning?

  He didn’t even know why they would test him. Numerous Classifications could swing a sword well, the fight would have proved nothing… He needed to be warier of nobles, they all seemed to be playing some game that he was a pawn in.

  Dante smiled back to Alexander. “I got lucky, and a dungeon party took me along to collect loot for them. When we defeated the dungeon boss, I even got a monster crystal shard, and it gave me a lot of world essence.”

  After hearing his response, the rest of the guards who were watching them began to talk among themselves and disperse from the area, returning back to their tents and fires.

  Layla grinned. “Wow! You were lucky to be brought along to a dungeon so soon after you got your Status.” She looked him over with a seemingly worried expression. “You look exhausted, maybe you should go to sleep early. There’s plenty of room in Alexander’s tent for the two of you.”

  Alexander covered his mouth and yawned. “I’m also feeling pretty tired.”

  That was poorly done… and obvious.

  Dante looked between the two, they looked like they were worried about him, but he couldn’t help but be suspicious.

  He decided to go along with Alexander. Clearly, that was what they wanted from him.

  He had a lot to think about, the two of them were acting far differently after they found out his Classification. Edward’s acting made theirs seem like a joke.

  If Layla’s first instinct on finding out his Classification was to get Sir Andres to test him while he was off-guard, she was far more cunning than he had thought, and Alexander’s sloppy act of being tired at the end had done nothing but help confirm his suspicions. Then again, it may have just been a coincidence in both cases, and he could be overthinking things… But for the time being, it would be best to act as if he wasn’t.

  He regretted revealing his Blader Classification more than ever, it likely meant one more noble house in the Outer region trying to rope him in.

  It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing though. Alexander had said that their house used the academy to recruit new combatants. If they were going to attend the academy with him, they would most likely try to win him over slowly, with all the perks their house could give him. He definitely wasn’t averse to that.

  He needed to get stronger, and if the academy would help him do that, he was more than willing to use the nobles who were trying to use him in turn.

  Even if they wouldn’t let him go of his own free will, leaving them afterward wouldn’t be that much of a problem either, he just needed to build up a certain amount of trust with them, and they would drop their guard.

  Dante rubbed his forehead. The entire situation had become problematic, he was enjoying Alexander and Layla’s company before, but now didn’t know how he felt about the two. He just hoped that he was overthinking things…

  * * *

  Layla Calman

  Shortly after Dante and Alexander left, Layla turned to Sir Andres. “Well?”

  The knight thought it over for a moment. “There’s something off about him.”

  “What do you mean?” One of Layla’s eyebrows quirked up.

  “I’m not sure…” Sir Andres just let out a long sigh. “His attributes were all over the place. Not only was his Dexterity crazy; but his Agility, Strength, and even Constitution were all higher than average as well.”

  His words didn’t bother her in the slightest. “So? We know from Edward Ailloss that the Blader Classification is unusual to say the least, all of his attributes are higher than they should be as well. It’s probably some sort of passive skill.”

  “Yes, but Edward has another Classification that would increase his attributes… I think the boy may have another Classification as well.”

  She thought it over for a moment. “That should be almost impossible if he is a commoner in the Outer Edge region. Do you think he is secretly a part of some noble house?”

  “I doubt it, if a house in the Outer Edge region had a descendant with two Classifications, much less one as rare as Blader, it’s unlikely they would let him just wander around unescorted.” Sir Andres glanced back at Layla. “Also, his appearance is quite strange, we should have heard something about him by now if he was a noble. What do you think we should do?”

  “It doesn’t matter if he is a part of a house or not. Even without a second Classification, his potential with the Blader Classification is worth my time to recruit. For now, we need to build a closer relationship with him.” She paused to look him in the eye. “We can’t let anyone else know that there is a Blader Classification in the Outer Edge region though, tell the guards to keep everything they saw quiet, and help him apply to the academy as a Warrior for the time being.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  * * *

  Dante winced in pain as he felt every bump of the carriage jolt through him. Not only was he sore from the fight with Sir Andres the night before, but his arms felt completely destroyed from absorbing the impact of the knight’s sword during the fight.

  One nice change, but also slightly disconcerting, was that they didn’t have the two escorts in the carriage with them today.

  He tried to ignore the jolting pain in his arms from being jerked around by the carriage and, clearing his throat, he turned to Alexander and Layla. “So, why do so many people go to the academy?”

  They were both visibly excited at his interest, and Alexander was the first to speak up. “Our house provides the academy with resources that are usually unattainable for denizens of the Outer Edge region. Not only are there numerous different enchantments that we power through shipped in essence crystals, but the academy also owns multiple dungeons that are restricted for students use only.”

  The news was more than surprising, enchantments were beyond rare in the Outer Edge region. “Enchantments?”

  Layla nodded. “We hired Enchanters from the Outer region to lay down several enchantments in the academy, some of them are costly to run, but well worth it for the training opportunities they provide.”

  That part, he didn’t understand. To the best of his knowledge enchantments only gave objects certain powers, like the enchanted stone he possessed. They could also do things like make weapons more powerful, but he didn’t see how that could help with training. “What kind of training opportunities could enchantments provide?”

  Alexander had look of concentration on his face, thinking it over for a moment. “I think the ones at the academy are somewhat basic, but they should be able to do very simple combat simulations. I can’t say for certain though, since I haven’t been to the academy and have only heard some second-hand knowledge.”

  “Combat simulation?”

  “Yes, they are made by enchanting a room with runes that create apparitions, they can be attacked and attack without harming the person using the enchantment. It’s pretty much like fighting an opponent that doesn’t die for as long a
s you want.”

  That sounded amazing, he could already imagine how much it would help him to be able to test his skills in a simulation.

  Alexander saw Dante’s excited expression and winced. “Even if we helped you get access to the training rooms, they would only be training dummies that stand still at best. The ones that do actual combat simulation cost a large number of essence crystals to keep running, which means you would have to pay to use them, and they are expensive.”

  That piece of news hit him rather hard. He had multiple opportunities to collect money or valuable items, but didn’t because he hadn’t had a use for money in the past and no one would sell to him. Thinking back on his stupidity, Dante cursed himself. He should have robbed the first group of robbers, or cleaned out the members of his dungeon party that Edward killed…

  When he got to Kenguard, he would need to find a way to make money.

  Still, the academy was beginning to sound like a much better opportunity than he had imagined. “What kind of things can you learn at the academy?”

  Layla smiled. “Everything. The better that you perform within the academy, the more that you will be able to accomplish. While it may be true that there are certain… dangers within the academy that will need to be overcome, it is still safer for lone combatant’s overall, rather than traveling on their own.”

  The way she compared surviving in the academy to traveling by yourself was definitely alarming. The mortality rate for single combatants was staggering.

  Dante was just about to ask about the academy’s dungeons when the carriage stopped.

  Alexander stood up and stretched out his legs. “It must be time for our midday meal, I could have sworn that we still had an hour or two, but I’m not complaining.” He walked over to the carriage door and stepped out.

  Dante looked over at Layla with eyebrows raised, they definitely shouldn’t have stopped so soon. She just shrugged at him.

  Just as he was about to get up and check what was going on, Alexander came back in the carriage, face pale and covered in vomit. He didn’t say a word, just sat back down on the bench while staring at nothing.


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