Playing With Fire (tales of an extra ordinary girl)

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Playing With Fire (tales of an extra ordinary girl) Page 21

by Gena Showalter

  “I felt his hesitation, remember? He needs to get over it, and joking about it is the best way to help him do that.”

  “You want to be eaten?” I withdrew a T-shirt and pants. I didn’t bother with shoes. Those had fallen off during the change, but they hadn’t been damaged. “You weren’t close enough to see how sharp his teeth are.”

  “ Rome wouldn’t hurt me. He’s all bark and no bite. Wait. He’s all purr and no bite. Damn.” Tanner laughed. “They just keep coming. I’m unstoppable. I’m the Joker. Hey!” His eyes widened, and he clapped his hand on his thigh. “That can be my superhero name. The Sensitive Joker.”

  I snorted. “Except you’re so not sensitive.”

  “I am, too. I’m sensitive to other people’s feelings.”

  “I think your new name needs to be the Amazing Ass.”

  He grinned in agreement. “I do have a cute ass, don’t I?”

  God, I loved this kid. I straightened and tucked Rome ’s clothes under my arm. “Why don’t you fix lunch or something? It’s time, right? Breakfast was, like, hours ago. I’m starved.”

  He arched a brow, the one that was pierced, and the silver rings winked in the light. “Or we could make out before you take Rome those clothes.”

  I slapped his shoulder, but I was having a hard time maintaining a stern expression. “How have I not fried you up like battered shrimp?”

  “You’d be lost without me, and you know it. I can feel the love. Don’t try to deny it.”

  I flipped him off and strode outside. His laughter followed me. Instantly, heat wrapped me in its sticky claws. Rome was standing in the exact place I’d left him. His arms were at his sides, and he made absolutely no effort to cover himself.

  He was smiling, daring me to look. Responding to the challenge, I did. I looked. Finally. I’d wanted to all along, anyway. I stopped a few feet away from him and allowed my gaze to linger. My mouth watered, and as I’d feared, my blood heated. He was, without a doubt, a prime specimen.

  “One day you’ll have to return the favor,” he said huskily.

  Stand naked in front of Rome, in front of such perfection when I was far from perfect? “I don’t think so.”

  “You will.”

  “Maybe,” I hedged.

  “Definitely.” The long, hard length of his penis twitched.

  “Almost definitely.” I tossed him the clothes.

  As he deftly caught the garments, there was a tenderness to his expression that hadn’t been there before. I mentally applauded myself for noticing. It was quite a feat, considering that his manly assets held me in thrall.

  I gave him absolutely no privacy as he dressed, starting with the pants he worked over his strong thighs and hips. I’d already looked, so there was no going back now. I didn’t really want to go back. I just wanted this man. Oh, how my skin tingled, heated.

  “When this is over-” I said, then caught myself and pressed my lips together. Don’t go there, Jamison. All the heat died.

  He was in the process of jerking the shirt over his head, but he stilled. His fingers poised over his chest, at the hem of the shirt. His tanned, rock-hard abs remained visible. “What?” he demanded. “What were you going to say?”

  “Nothing. Hurry up, and we’ll start practicing.”

  With a final flick, he had the shirt in place, had his delicious body covered. I felt a twinge of loss. What kind of idiot was I to insist such a delectable morsel cover himself? He closed the distance between us, grabbed my hand and escorted me out of the view of the cabin. When we stopped, he faced me and tipped my chin with a hot fingertip.

  Our gazes locked. “What were you going to say, Belle?”

  I gulped. What if he didn’t want to see me when this was over? Yes, he was attracted to me now. And yes, he seemed to like me. A lot. But he could be one of those guys who abhorred all mention of a future. After Lexis… He could be one of those guys who freaked out at the first mention of the dreaded R word. Relationship. As if the word were synonymous with hell and evil.

  “Nothing,” I insisted. My jaw clenched stubbornly.

  “Then I’ll take a few guesses. When this is over do I want to sleep with you? Yes. When this is over do I want to see you again? Yes. When this is over do I want you to spend some time with my daughter? Yes. When this is over do I want to smear you in chocolate syrup and lick it off? Yes.” He paused. “Did one of those cover your question?”

  I nodded, unable to speak past the sudden lump in my throat. He really did want to see me again. Tendrils of happiness slithered through me, making me grin like a loon.

  Expression fierce, he tangled his hands into my hair. “You fascinate me, but I’ve told you that, right? I’ve wanted you since the first moment I laid eyes on you, and the want has only grown.”

  My jaw fell open in wonder.

  He took that as an invitation.

  His lips swooped to mine. His tongue immediately thrust inside, and that addicting flavor of feral man consumed me. He released my hair, cupped my chin and tilted my head, angling me for deeper contact. I moaned in ecstasy. My hands rained down his roped chest, wishing like hell the shirt would suddenly disappear. I wanted skin on skin. Man on woman.

  I wanted the animal in him unleashed.

  But damn it all to hell, I was already heating again, and the consequences could be deadly. I jerked my lips away, panting, “We shouldn’t. I could cause a fire.”

  “Give your emotions to me.” Dark arousal pulled his features taut. His voice was a honeyed purr. “Give your passion and fire to me.”

  My teeth sank into my bottom lip. “What if you’re hurt? Tanner’s not here to tell me when it’s too much.”

  “Give me.”

  Rome crushed his mouth to mine. I was helpless to resist. As I licked him, sucked him, bit him, he hauled me against him, lifting me high, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. The hard length of his erection pressed against me, somehow bigger, somehow hotter. Pleasure speared me right where I needed it most. I trembled; I burned. I tried to hold the fire inside me. My blood boiled; my skin pricked with red-hot heat.

  If I wasn’t careful, the raging inferno inside me would burst free, consuming the forest. Consuming Rome. I didn’t want to hurt Rome. I didn’t want to scare him away, make him determined never to kiss or touch me again.

  “I’ve never been so desperate for a woman in my life. Give me your fire, Belle. I’ll control it.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  Through our clothing, he rubbed his penis against my clitoris. Friction. Desire. Absolute pleasure. I gasped at the heady sensations. He sucked my tongue, hard. “Give it to me.”

  “No.” I couldn’t stop moving. I arched against him, the action utterly necessary for my peace of mind, but dangerous. So dangerous. The fire inside me speared all the hotter, threatening to devour. I grasped at it, trying, trying, trying so hard to hold it inside me.

  “Give.” Bite.

  “No.” Nibble. “What if you’re wrong? What if you can’t control it?”

  “Let me try. Give it to me, and I’ll make you come,” he promised. He carried me until the cool bark of a tree pressed against my back. His erection slid up and down, the fabric of my jeans adding to the delicious friction.

  “ Rome… ” His name was ripped from my throat, hoarse and needy. A plea.

  “I was watching you earlier, when you made it rain, and you looked so sad my chest actually clenched. I wanted so desperately to take your sadness away, and suddenly I was. Trust me on this. Let me try.” He shoved against me, hitting directly, and I was lost. “I think I can do it again.”

  It had worked once, and he was right: it could work again. Gradually, I allowed myself to relax my guard. The heat and flames I’d tried so diligently to control rushed from me as if floodgates had been opened. They swept over Rome, who groaned. Instead of burning him, however, the flames were absorbed into him.

  Had I not been so distracted by his seduction, I would have jerked in
shock. As it was, I could only tighten my hold on him. His tongue moved against mine more frantically. His hips arched more deliberately. My head fell back. I simply didn’t have the strength to hold it up. He bit at my neck, nipping the flesh, then licking the sting.

  “See?” he said, his voice as hoarse as mine had been. Tension bracketed his eyes, but it was aroused tension. Aroused pleasure-pain. “We did it. I’d hoped I could filter the flames, take the most violent of the heat, and it worked.”

  “I don’t understand how you’re able to do that,” I managed to moan as I squeezed and kneaded his back. Time slipped out of reality. Here, now, I had Rome and I had pleasure and I hadn’t started a fire. Nothing else mattered.

  “If I hadn’t learned to cage the animal inside me, it would have overtaken me. I would be only animal. I thought, hoped, I could cage your fire, and so I have. One day you’ll do it on your own, but until then… ”

  I kissed him again. Our teeth scraped together as our bodies strained and arched. He palmed my breast, pinched the nipple.

  “Speaking of one day, we’re going to do this naked,” he breathed.


  “In a bed.”


  “One day you’ll be mine.”

  His hand dived inside my pants, past-nope, no panties, because this naughty, pleasure-giving thief had hidden them-and into the wet heart of me. Instant contact, exactly where I needed him most. His fingers buried deep, pounding, pounding. “Yes.”

  I jumped over the sweet edge and screamed. Stars winked behind my eyes. My whole body tensed, relaxed, tensed, spasming as intense pleasure rocked me.

  I held on to Rome, afraid to let go lest I fly away to the heavens. Images raced through my mind. Images of Rome naked and inside me, his cock replacing his fingers as he claimed me from behind, then took me from every position possible. Images of-

  “Viper?” a familiar voice called. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Hold on a minute, I’m on my way out. You better not have hurt her, Rome, or there will be serious hell to pay.”


  WHILE I BATTLED A plethora of desires (namely, to kill Tanner, strip Rome, scream, cry, beg for more of his loving) Rome pulled his fingers from me, then moved away from me entirely. His expression was taut-no longer in a good way-and pained as he readjusted his pants.

  Trembling, I righted my clothing, unable to draw in a steady breath. “I finished, but what about you?” I whispered. My gaze flicked to his swollen fly. “You’re-”

  “Fine. I’m fine. Nothing we can’t take care of later.” But his gaze lingered on my hardened nipples, dipped to the apex of my thighs, caressing. A hot, wistful gleam appeared in his eyes. Then he did something unexpected and wholly erotic. He licked his fingers-the fingers that had been buried inside of me.

  His eyelids closed in surrender. I almost came again, the action was so arousing. Almost wicked. Definitely naughty.

  Tanner raced around a tree and spotted us. “Belle?”

  “I’m good,” I said, my cheeks reddening. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  He ground to a halt and studied me, studied Rome ’s back. “Oh. Oh. You guys were having sex. Gross. Just gross. Cat sex. I’m going back inside. Try to keep your mind on the objective, you two. Jeez, am I the only one here with a work ethic?” He turned on his heel and marched back to the cabin.

  Rome looked at me, and we both burst into laughter. “That kid,” he said.

  “I know.”

  “Now that I know what you taste like, we can get back to work.” He spun away from me, his shoulders stiff. It was only then, with distance between us, that I realized the extent of what had just happened. I studied him, searching for signs of damage. There were no red marks, no blisters. It had worked. Ohmygod, it had really worked! Rome had actually taken my fire into himself and completely tamed it. He’d kept it from raging, kept it from hurting anything-or anyone.

  We could be together.

  We could make slow, languid love. We could enjoy hard, fast, raunchy sex. All without the fear of consequences. Just the thought was enough to reawaken my desire. Soon I’d have him inside me. Completely.

  A shiver of delight coasted up my spine as I prepared for our next practice session. I’d get to start a fire, just not the kind I wanted. Not yet.

  Without stopping for a lunch break, we spent the next two hours creating flames, rain, snow and wind whirls. I actually did a good job. Rome stood at a distance, filtering my emotions. Without Tanner, he didn’t know how much to filter, but that wasn’t what he needed to work on. He had to practice filtering without becoming aroused.

  With every distraction, I had to start over-but overall, I made progress. Hopefully, in a few more weeks (probably months, sigh) I’d be able to create the desired results instantly, even with distractions all around. Even when Rome was aroused.

  What frightened me, though, was that as I improved I began to enjoy my abilities. Wielding and controlling such power was heady. Intoxicating, like an addictive drug. A wild adrenaline rush. I started to picture the things I could do once I truly mastered these powers. If someone pissed me off, I could burn off his hair. If someone threatened me, I could ice her home. Who wouldn’t enjoy dishing out that kind of revenge?

  I mean, a few weeks ago, I’d borrowed Sherridan’s car for a job interview. Ten minutes into my drive, I’d been pulled over by the most egotistical, I’m-above-the-law cop ever allowed on the force. Officer Ken Parton was his name. As if I’d ever forget.

  I hadn’t driven in a long (long) time, so of course my license had expired. Guess what? He arrested me. Yep, the stupid prick cuffed me and hauled me down to the station as if I were a hardened criminal. He booked me and everything. (Maybe my comment about his Dolly man-boobs pushed him over the edge. Who knew?)

  So yeah, I now have a record. All because one jerk-off got his jollies from intimidating women. Am I bitter? Hell, yes. If I’d had these powers then I could have drowned that miserable bastard in a hailstorm, could have frozen his balls to his thigh, could have twirled him in a violent tornado.

  Note to self: look up Officer Parton when I return to the city.

  “What the hell are you thinking about?” Rome said.

  I blinked and shook my head, scattering the dark thoughts to the back corner of my mind. However, that failed to extinguish the small fire kindling at my feet. I stomped on the embers. Black plumes curled upward and slithered around me. I coughed, only then realizing what I’d been doing. Planning to hurt someone. The officer deserved it, sure, but that didn’t make it right.

  Damn. This was what Rome had feared would happen to me. That I’d grow to love my powers and be unable to give them up. Wasn’t that what he had said? People killed for power. People craved it, became monsters for it.

  I’d wanted so badly to give up my powers when they were uncontrollable, but now that I was beginning to see exactly what I could do-and would be able to do-I wasn’t sure I really wanted to return to my normal self. Officer Parton had clearly been enamored of his own power. Would I be just like him?

  I sighed and my shoulders slumped.

  “You okay?” Rome asked. He strode to my side and wrapped his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on top of my head. “That was a pretty heavy sigh.”

  “Hey, are you guys going to start kissing again?” Tanner called from the cabin window. He pretended to gag. He’d been watching us the entire time, throwing out bits of unneeded advice and unwanted orders like “try to make a naked ice sculpture.”

  “Did you ever make lunch?” I retorted. Or was it dinnertime now? Either way, I was starved!

  “I do not cook.”

  Exasperated, I threw up my arms. “Then how do you eat?”

  “Takeout.” Tanner shrugged. “Maids.”

  “Maids?” I expected him to laugh, but he didn’t. He was totally serious. Great. I’d invited a Richie Richerson to join the Squad of Doom. Wait. Never mind. So not a cool name for us. “Just
make sandwiches or something. We’ll join you in a minute.” I hoped. My stomach rumbled.

  “Fine.” Scowling, Tanner stomped away from the window. I heard him mutter, “I’m just the empath, so I get the grunt work.”

  Rome maneuvered behind me to block me from view, wrapped his arms around my waist and said, “You never answered me. What brought that sigh on?”

  “I was just thinking.” A slight breeze wafted past us, cooling my sweat-beaded skin. His body sizzled against mine, eclipsing the coolness, but no way in hell I’d ask him to move. I liked him where he was.


  “Powers.” I paused, considering my next words carefully. “If you could give up being a cat-”


  “Jaguar. Whatever.” Jeez. Like there was a difference? “If you could give up that ability, would you?”

  He offered no hesitation. “In a heartbeat.”

  “Even though you can get into places normal humans can’t? Even though you volunteered for the DNA splicing? Even though you can-”

  “Even though,” he interjected firmly. “Whatever the advantages, there are far more disadvantages. Like the fact that Vincent would love to recruit me for OASS by any means necessary, which puts my family in danger.”

  Somehow I’d known he would say that.

  “I’m not saying I hate everything I can do.” His hands rasped down my arms, up my chest, and cupped my breasts. The man obviously liked to touch me. “I’m not saying that at all.”

  “Then what are you saying?” I asked breathlessly. His hands were big and callused, and I felt the abrasion through my cotton shirt, felt the phantom imprint that branded my very soul.

  I’d had other boyfriends; I’d always enjoyed sex. But something was different with Rome. His slightest touch excited me like nothing else ever had.

  “I’m saying the good doesn’t outweigh the bad. Yes, I’m able to see more clearly in the dark. Yes, I can smell things I couldn’t smell before.” He paused, the silence laden with sinful intent. “Yes, I know when a woman is aroused before she does.”

  “How?” I squeaked, suddenly embarrassed. Heat spread and branched from my cheeks. I’d been aroused by him so many times I’d lost count.


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