Sweet Caroline

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Sweet Caroline Page 14

by Becky Lower

  She took hold of his hand, startled when his fingers squeezed hers. His eyelids fluttered open, and a flash of recognition showed in his startling blue eyes.

  “Caroline, I’m so sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. You’re alive and, according to the tired nurse, you don’t have a life-threatening emergency. You got lucky. The accident could have been so much worse.” Caroline’s eyes clouded, and she glanced at Grant through a teary haze.

  “But I woke you and got you out of bed. You were the only person I could think of to call.” Grant’s voice sounded weak and raspy, still recovering from the tube stuck down his throat during surgery.

  “Yeah, you did. I can think of only one way to pay me back.” Caroline’s cheeks expanded as she held her breath, and she took a seat since her legs felt like cooked spaghetti noodles.

  “What’s that?”

  She expelled her deep breath and took the leap. “Once you get out of here, you need to marry me as soon as possible. The nurse didn’t much care for giving me any information since I’m not your next of kin. If she hadn’t had the phone log handy to verify that you asked someone here to call me, I wouldn’t have gotten anything out of her. I don’t want that to happen again.” A light sheen of sweat broke out on her body as she waited for Grant’s response.

  The corners of his mouth curved upward, and he tugged on her hand. “I’ll marry you, Sweet Caroline, on one condition. You need to kiss me now.”

  She leaned over and planted a big, wet, noisy kiss on his lips. Her heart pounded inside her chest, but this time fear wasn’t fueling the uptick in her pulse. Her future was sealed by his easy acceptance of her rash proposal. If he could make her heart pound on a daily basis, she’d be in heaven.

  Chapter Twenty

  If getting banged up had been all he needed to do in order to finally seal the deal with Caroline, he would have arranged to have someone give him a beating. While he drove home, he hadn’t planned on a car coming out of nowhere and bending the driver’s side to the point where the Jaws of Life had to be used to extricate him. He’d been fortunate not to suffer any major damage to his body, but his beloved SUV had been totaled. His broken arm would heal, his collapsed lung now worked fine, and he itched to leave the hospital in the dust and head home. Especially if home meant more time with Caroline.

  A few days after the accident, he got his release papers from the hospital. Caroline insisted on driving them to his home since he still took pain meds. In preparation for the short trip home, he slid into his sweat pants and a shirt. He had a bit of trouble getting his shirt on since the cast on his arm limited his movements and every muscle in his body ached, but he managed. His down time in the hospital these past few days had given him time to ponder how sweetly she had proposed.

  He might have been groggy, but he hadn’t been so out of sorts that he’d forgotten. He had a future to plan. Would a late June wedding be too soon? The timing made sense since school would be on summer break, and after Father’s Day there would be no major holidays for The Treasure Chest to contend with. That only gave them one month’s time. Could a wedding be planned so quickly? He hadn’t even chosen a ring yet. He roamed the hospital room, doing an idiot check to make sure he’d picked up all his personal items from the bathroom. Then, he sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Caroline. For his future to begin. Every minute took an eternity.

  Finally, her sneakers squeaked on the tile floor as she hurried toward him. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He breathed in her signature scent. “I thought you’d never get here.”

  She kissed him gently.

  But he drew her back in for another taste. He needed more than gentle touches. His good arm wrapped around her, and his hand glided down her spine, coming to rest on her curvy backside. His lips never left hers, and the way she responded to his touch made him certain they were meant to be together.

  “Let’s go home, shall we?” He rose and piled his things together.

  A nurse entered the room with a wheelchair.

  Caroline held his hand during the entire trip to the front door. He must have nodded off during the ride to his home, because the car sat in his driveway before he could take a breath.

  “Can you get to the door by yourself, or do you need to lean on me?” Caroline stood by the open passenger door.

  He peered up at her and then unwound himself from the car and stood. “Yes to both of your questions.” He looped an arm around her shoulders, and they made their way up the sidewalk and into the house.

  “Sit here on the couch while I get your things out of the back seat.”

  Grant sank into the soft sofa, his legs collapsing under him. He would be a good patient and be perfectly content to follow Caroline’s orders as long as she stayed close.

  After hustling back into the house, she set his bag of personal items on the kitchen counter before focusing her attention again on him. She shot him a worried-brow look and took his hand. “Let’s get you into bed.”

  Every ounce of energy was needed to rise from the couch. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered, “I thought I’d never get that invitation.”

  She kissed him, laughed, and then slowly headed toward the bedroom. “This isn’t exactly how I thought the scene would play out.”

  He fell into bed, taking her with him. “You thought about us in bed together?”

  She scooted off him and lay by his side, careful not to jostle his broken arm. “Yes, of course, I did, but in my mind, you were awake and able.”

  “I’m awake, and I’m able,” Grant mumbled as he slid into sleep.


  Caroline shifted off Grant’s body, but she could only move as far as his side of the bed. His good arm held her waist in a death grip, but she welcomed his embrace, feeling at peace for the first time in ages. Since she finally admitted to her feelings, she’d spent her evenings rolling out scenarios in her head of how their first overnight would be spent. Even her active imagination never put this one in play. She pulled the covers over Grant’s delicious body, covering herself as well. As she started to drift off, she snuggled closer to his side. The scent of his clean-smelling aftershave mingled with his musky maleness and intoxicated her. Much better than hospital disinfectant. She could get used to having him in her bed.

  Her mind quieted as she ran through the events of the past few days and how she had responded. Now calm settled over her like the warm blanket she’d tugged over them. She had a wedding to plan, which under normal conditions would throw her into a full-blown panic. Because her partner was Grant, any venue she chose, any gown she’d buy, any odd addition she’d make to the service, he’d go along with. So, what did she hope for to make her big day special?

  An outdoor wedding, most definitely. Maybe in Acadia Park. Her parents in attendance, of course, as well as Abbey and Penny’s parents and Grant’s family. Bridesmaids would be limited to two—Abbey and Penny, with his two brothers as groomsmen. And the man she loved beyond reason by her side. More than enough, more than she’d ever hoped for, especially after suffering for a long, unhappy year before moving to Lobster Cove. She deserved happiness and children, with a loving, caring man in her life. She could almost believe Grant had been by her side ever since they first met, waiting for the right time to come forward. Unbelievably, she’d nearly let her chance slip away.

  She should get out of bed and start a list of the things needing to be done before the wedding. As if sensing her idea, Grant tightened his arm around her even more. The list could wait. Right now, she needed to be near Grant. All her defenses had crumbled. She had taken her rightful place beside him—just as she’d hoped when she spent her teenage summers here.

  “Ah, Lobster Cove. You’ve worked your magic on me once again,” she whispered as she nuzzled into Grant’s shoulder. Magic had made her first meeting with Grant so memorable. Lobster Cove magic.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Caroline emerged from th
e dressing room of the bridal shop and stood on the pedestal in the center of the viewing room. She hoped her cousins would agree that she had picked out the perfect gown. She held her breath as they examined her from every angle, as if they were hungry wolves circling their prey.

  “The gown’s lovely, cousin.” Abbey cradled her expanding belly in her hands as she and Penny circled her. Their tears matched Caroline’s.

  “Not at all suggestive but yet suggestive just the same.” Penny chimed in, touching Caroline’s gown which hugged her body, the V-neckline deceptively modest.

  Caroline gasped. “That’s the same comment I made about your gown. I’m surprised my silly words registered.”

  Penny straightened the back of the gown, adorned with crystals that caught the light before she glanced at Caroline, a smile illuminating her face. “I can recall every little thing about my wedding day down to the last detail. Now we have to make certain yours is every bit as spectacular.”

  “So, we’re in agreement on the gown?” Caroline prodded the two who still fussed with the dress. They nodded so she stepped off the pedestal and grabbed both of them into a hug. “We’ve picked a spot for the wedding, too, and our plans are well underway. Let me change and I’ll tell you all about what we’ve decided on.”

  In the space of a half hour, Caroline paid a down payment on the gown and promised to return for a fitting the following week. She and her cousins agreed on their lilac-colored bridesmaid gowns. Then they stopped at the little coffee shop next to the wedding store, and Caroline filled them in as she inhaled the scent of finely ground coffee. “We’ve decided to have an outdoor wedding in Acadia Park.” She hoped they would react appropriately. “At Jordan Pond.”

  Penny and Abbey shared a glance before Abbey leaned over the table and hugged Caroline. “Couldn’t have picked a better spot myself. Jordan Pond is where Charlie proposed.”

  Moisture welled in Caroline’s eyes, and she blinked back her threatening tears. For a change, these were happy tears, so she really didn’t mind if one or two spilled over. “The ceremony will take place at the pond. Then we’ll head over to the restaurant for a small reception. Nothing really fancy.”

  Penny grinned widely. “You and Grant are fancy enough. You don’t need any trappings.”

  Caroline smiled at Penny’s jack-in-the-box grin and traced the pattern on the tablecloth with her finger. “Took me long enough to figure out things, right?”

  Abbey stilled Caroline’s hand by placing her own on top, trapping her. “I’d say you took only as long as necessary. You didn’t need to go into overtime to win this game. I believe the apartment above the shop is magical. First, Penny finds her true love while living in the space and now you. Who will be next?”

  “I can’t wait to find out.” Caroline laughed. “Maybe you two should run an ad. ‘Magical apartment for rent. The love of your life awaits.’ I’m only grateful the place could be available for me when I needed the magic.”

  Penny removed a pen from her purse and flipped over her napkin. “Right now, we need to plan the bridal shower. And the rehearsal dinner. And the wedding music. Acadia doesn’t allow any loud music, but maybe a guitarist or a violinist to play the wedding march…” She added line items to her list while Abbey caught Caroline’s gaze and nodded in Penny’s direction.

  “After Penny finishes her list, you can delete anything you don’t wish to include. You know she feels better to have a list to work from.” Abbey grinned. “How about having someone play one or two of your songs, Penny, while the guests are assembling?”

  “What a great idea!” Penny scribbled away.

  Caroline caught hands with both of them and paused, waiting for their gazes to connect. “I love you both as if you were my sisters instead of my cousins, and I’m so happy things worked out so I can stay here in Lobster Cove and share the rest of my life with you. Cleveland became a cold town once I no longer had Michael. Mom and Dad had migrated south. I hated my job, and the friends we had before Michael deployed all left me as if they were afraid the same fate might befall them.”

  Abbey and Penny both squeezed her hands at the same moment. “We’re happy you’re in the Cove, and we’re here for you. For the rest of your life.” Abbey spoke for them both.


  Grant waited with his brothers, Harry and Linc, for his bride to appear, amazed at how quickly things had come together. The permit had been granted for the ceremony to take place in Acadia National Park, and the day dawned crystal clear with a blue sky and sweet-smelling, salt-tinged air coming in off the Atlantic. Jordan Pond appeared tranquil and mirrored the evergreens and the jagged mountains in the distance, as if the pond were a sheet of glass.

  This day had been a long time coming—more than fifteen years, in fact. Now, the time had arrived. In a few minutes, Grant would marry the only girl he’d ever dreamed about having a future with. Unless she’d changed her mind and bolted at the last minute. He had trouble catching his breath. “Can’t keep the grin off your face, can you?” His best friend, Del, came out of his seat and slapped Grant on the shoulder. “I had that same sappy grin at my wedding with Penny.”

  “I recall your wedding quite well,” Grant replied as he ran his finger around the neck of his dress shirt, which had suddenly tightened. “Your ceremony was the day Caroline reentered my life.”

  “So, pay attention now, because Caroline will quiz you on every little detail for the next twenty years. The song the guitarist is playing is one Penny wrote and Jennifer Nettles made famous.” Del puffed with pride at Penny’s accomplishment. “And the tune is a contender for song of the year at the CMAs.”

  Grant listened to Del with half an ear, understanding his attempt was to keep Grant calm. In hopes of catching a glimpse of a white gown, he peered through the evergreens. So far, nothing. His brothers had left him alone with the priest in order to escort the bridesmaids down the aisle ahead of Caroline, and Del returned to his seat—both signs the ceremony would begin shortly. He hoped he’d not stumble over his lines. He hoped he could recall in which pocket he’d put her ring when the time came. He hoped he wouldn’t faint.

  The violinist joined the guitarist, and the music grew a bit louder. The small gathering of family and friends stood as Harry came through the pines with Abbey on his arm.

  She appeared beautiful and serene, even with her baby bump. Maybe especially with her baby bump.

  Then, Penny and Linc made their slow stroll through the evergreens.

  When he finally glimpsed of his bride in her sparkling white gown on her father’s arm, Grant’s eyes misted over. He swiped at the tears and stared at the lovely picture in front of him. Grant drifted through the ceremony in a haze. He answered appropriately and even though his fingers trembled, he got the ring out of his pocket and placed on her finger without mishap. He couldn’t stop staring at Caroline. She appeared poised and cool, but he noticed a slight tremor when he took hold of her hands. Momentous days should invoke tremors. His insides jumped higher than a center going after a rebound.

  Soon enough, the ceremony ended, and Grant could finally take his new wife in his arms and kiss her in front of the assembled gathering. They posed for pictures, and the photographer even captured their mirrored reflection in the pond before he finished. They strolled through the evergreens on the path back to the restaurant where they enjoyed a celebratory meal of lobster rolls and the signature popovers for dessert. He didn’t have any appetite, but the guests polished off their meals in record time.

  They’d be leaving in the morning for their honeymoon in Mexico. As they left the restaurant and Grant placed his arm around Caroline’s shoulders, he hesitated and stared at the lush scenery around them, encapsulating the moment in his memory. Somehow, he couldn’t get all that excited about Mexico anymore.

  Here at home, in Maine, with the love of his life by his side and the natural beauty all around him, he was content. He took a deep breath of the balsam-scented air and smiled. Despite a sand
y beach and warm water, the tranquil scene in front of him couldn’t be duplicated in Mexico or anywhere else. He had all he ever needed right at his doorstep. Best of all, the goodness had been waiting for him all along.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Caroline settled into the hotel room near Portland International Jetport before she came to the realization she didn’t need Mexico, a honeymoon, a fancy gown, or any other bells and whistles. Both she and Grant had chosen the honeymoon destination and were quite excited with the idea. Now, she had everything she’d ever needed right here, not in Mexico. She wrapped her arms around Grant’s neck and drew him in for a kiss.

  “I can’t wait to see you in a bikini when we get to Mexico,” he whispered in her ear. “You don’t get much opportunity to wear one in Lobster Cove.”

  “Hmmm,” she replied, hoping not to wait that long to reveal themselves to one another. “We have one thing missing from our otherwise-perfect lives.” As she spoke, she peppered his face with kisses.

  “I’ll do my best to give you anything you want. Always.” He laced his fingers through her blonde tresses, which he’d insisted she leave down for the ceremony. “What do you need?”

  “Children. At least two of them.” Her laughter bubbled from within. “Are you ready for a family right away? Because I don’t want to wait.”

  In response, he backed her toward the bed and lowered her to the mattress. “I’ll do my best, Sweet Caroline.”

  He sank onto the bed alongside her, not once relinquishing his hold.

  His kisses were soft while she still processed the way he’d now said, “Sweet Caroline,” his voice sounding like a caress. Then she turned her attention to the feelings his kisses invoked. She’d never thought she’d ever again feel this way for any man. Her time with Michael would always be a part of her, but now he would be just a memory as she moved along through her new life. Her life with Grant, standing beside him as they navigated through their days together.


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