no were to run

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no were to run Page 11

by Robyn Peterman

  Easy peasy.

  Or not…

  Chapter 10

  “I will not open it. I will not open it. I will not it,” I whispered frantically to myself as I tossed and turned in my enormous bed. “I. Will. Not. Open. It.”

  The knocks at the door of my suite came hourly all night long. And hourly I ignored them. I knew he could bust it down if he felt so inclined and I was fairly sure he had a key, but he waited for me to let him in—very un-Dragon like. His politeness, even though he was keeping me up all night, confused me. Nicolai was a mass of contradictions.

  I couldn’t let him in. If I did, I knew exactly what would happen. My focus had to be on the mission not the missionary position…not that I imagined something so bland would be Nicolai’s position of choice.

  Sleep was impossible, so I simply counted the minutes until the short sharp knocks would resume.

  He didn’t disappoint and he didn’t give up.

  This was going to be a problem.


  The day dawned bright and chilly. I’d barely slept a wink, but for some reason my mind was clear. Most likely it was the newly acquired acceptance I’d gained from the Dragons. It was a relief and now that I had their trust, it was time to come clean and give them mine.

  I’d held back sharing the plans to empty my father’s accounts and sell off his property holdings. I’d needed to withhold information incase the Resistance rejected me. Nicolai would be unhappy that I’d held such an important card close to my chest, but so be it. Maybe, he would get angry enough to leave me alone.

  Doubtful but possible. Damn it, the thought of him giving up depressed me.

  Hell, I was a mess and the day had just begun.

  “Your fighting was impressive last night, Sir…I mean Ma’am…I mean Co-General,” Cade stuttered as heat crawled up his neck and landed on his handsome and now mortified face.

  “Dima. Call me Dima, Cade,” I told him with a grin as I shook his hand and looked around the Command Room. Thankfully the animosity from the other Dragons toward me was gone. “I’ll even answer to hey you as long as you’re polite. But if you call me Princess, I’ll take your ass out.”

  “I’m the only one allowed to call her Princess,” Nicolai said as he came up behind me and deftly moved me away from Cade.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed as he smiled and waved to the entering Dragons while pushing me across the room and away from everyone.

  “Listen to me and listen to me carefully,” he said tersely. “Not real sure what’s happening here, but I just wanted to tear the head off of my best friend. I’ve known Cade for three hundred years. Because he was talking to you and you touched him, I wanted him dead where he stood. I don’t like this. I don’t understand it. But I’m having a hard time controlling it. Pun intended.”

  Glancing down, I realized he wasn’t fibbing. The bulge in his pants was enormous and my knees went weak. However, he was insane if he thought I wasn’t going to speak with the male lieutenants. I was one half of the team leading these people. I needed to have their backs and they needed to have mine.

  “Um…not gonna fly, dude,” I told him, slapping my hands on my hips and raising my defiant gaze to his. “I’m not hitting on anyone here, not that it would be any of your business if I was, but you will not tell me who I can speak with.”

  “Do you like Cade?” he inquired stiffly.

  “He seems like a nice person,” I replied with an eye roll.

  “Well, I like him a lot and I really don’t want to kill him. He’s my closest friend other than my brother. So I would greatly appreciate if you’re going to speak to him or any other male you keep at least six to ten feet between you and said male,” he growled and then banged his head against the wall. “I can’t even believe I’m saying this shit.”

  “Neither can I,” I said. “Were you really going to kill him?”

  “Yep, I was. I almost shifted right in the room, which would have blown the walls out. So until I figure out what the problem is, will you be a good girl and do as I ask?” he implored with his eyes closed and his hands in his hair.

  “What about Seth?” I asked as I watched his brother enter the room.

  “What about him?”

  “Can I talk to him?” I snapped sarcastically.

  Nicolai glanced over at his brother and winced. “Not sure. I think I’m good with Lenny, but that might be it at the moment.”

  “You know, this will be a clusterfuck in a battle,” I said as I watched Maria enter the room and peer around warily.

  I assumed she would avoid me. I would simply wait until she was ready to make the first move.

  “Yes,” he growled. “The thought has crossed my mind. I’ll talk to Lenny and my mother after the meeting and I’ll get this fixed. In the mean time, don’t talk to the men.”

  “I can’t…”

  “Okay,” he conceded with a groan. “You can talk, but at a distance. And for God’s sake don’t smile at any of them or touch them. That would equate to you being responsible for me having to burn them alive. We clear here?” he inquired with a pained expression.

  “Yep,” I told him as I very carefully walked away, hugging the wall so he didn’t eliminate any of his friends—or God forbid, family.

  “Dima,” Seth called out as he crossed the room headed straight for me. “You were magnificent last night.”

  Oh hell no, he was coming in for a hug. I ducked and tried to avoid the incoming affection, but Seth was persistent.

  “Stay away from her,” Nicolai bellowed.

  The room went silent and everyone stared at me and then Nicolai—then me and then Nicolai—as if we were opponents in a tennis match. If the stakes weren’t so dire, I would have laughed.

  “I’m sorry, what?” Seth asked, confused as he backed away from me cautiously.

  “Dima has…” Nicolai started and clearly had no clue where to go.

  “A cold kind of thingie…of sorts,” I lied and then closed my eyes and shook my head in embarrassment.

  Dragons were impervious to disease. I was thinking on my feet but my balance was way off because of the idiot with a monster erection who wanted to murder all the men in the room.

  “She’s somewhat claustrophobic.” Nicolai came up with another appallingly ridiculous reason and I bit back my laugh with effort.

  “Actually, it’s that I’m, you know…um, dangerous because I sometimes light up like the Forth of July,” I tried again, completely at a loss for anything that made sense. We were Dragons for God’s sake. Fire didn’t affect us at all.

  “With no warning,” Nicolai added. “So touching her could give someone a nasty um…booboo.” He finished lamely and then banged his head on the wall again.

  “You did not just say booboo,” I choked out on a strangled giggle.

  “Yes. Yes I did,” Nicolai grumbled in disgust.

  Seth’s smile practically split his face and I thought I saw him give his mother and Lenny a look. What the hell was going on here? Did he know what Nicolai’s murderous issue was about? If he did, he was going to fix it fast. I was clear that Nicolai preferred the male lieutenants in the room not be aware that they were at risk of being burnt to ash. I would respect that, but this had to end—immediately.

  “All right then.” Seth was still smiling. “Let’s get down to business. I’d like to rearrange the seating a bit here so I can divide people into teams. Ladies, you’ll be at the far end of the table and gentlemen you’ll be on the near side. I’d like our Generals to take the ends of the table. Dima, please follow my mother. And Nicolai, you will come with me.”

  I heaved a sigh of relief and watched Nicolai do the same, for the moment everyone was safe. The Dragons stood and followed Seth’s directive without complaint, but they were still giving Nicolai and me strange looks. I didn’t blame them.

  Seth clearly knew what was happening. I just hoped he could solve it quickly.

  Maria was to my right and refused to ma
ke eye contact. Now that I knew she was my brother’s child, the resemblance was uncanny. I longed to touch her, but I didn’t dare. She would come to me in her own good time and I wouldn’t force it. The thought that she’d survived over four hundred years without my protection clawed at my insides, but she would never go unprotected again. I also had plans to teach her how to fight. She was a disaster waiting to happen.

  “I think we can make inroads if we can get to the King’s finances,” Cade said as he opened a laptop and began pulling up spreadsheets.

  “That’s next to impossible, we’ve tried,” another lieutenant named John said. “His accounts are world wide and…”

  “Can I stop you?” I asked as Nicolai tensed and watched me like a freakin’ hawk. Ignoring his ridiculous behavior, I went on. “I was going to bring this up today. Until I had your trust, I held back some of the plans I already have in motion. I’m comfortable with including you now.”

  “Go on,” Nicolai said as his lips thinned with displeasure.

  Maybe I could piss him off so much he wouldn’t want to kill his buddies…

  “My father’s accounts and properties are being hacked as we speak. My plan was to strip him of all assets and let his regime crumble. His wealth and properties are his hoard. Destroy the Dragon’s hoard—destroy the Dragon. In the chaos that would ensue as his inner circle and army were no longer funded, I was going to strike.”

  “Alone?” Seth asked, appalled.

  Nicolai’s fist hit the table and he swore viciously. All eyes in the room turned to me. I wasn’t sure if he was angry I’d withheld the information or if it was me going in Rambo style to kill my father.

  “That’s not the best plan I’ve ever heard, dear,” Elaina said kindly as she patted my hand. “However, now you have the Resistance behind you and you’ve opened up a very fortuitous opportunity for us.”

  I smiled and let out an audible sigh of relief, but it was a bit premature.

  “Let me get this straight,” Nicolai said so calmly, most Dragons at the table blanched. “You were going to go in alone and take out your father.”

  “Yes,” I said. “Your hearing is outstanding.”

  “Your death wish is extreme,” he shot back angrily. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  I’d had about enough of the dictator at the end of the table. “I have a small window of time in which to accomplish my goal,” I ground out. “As of a week ago, I was on my own just as I have been most of my life. Now, I have an army behind me. I’m no longer going in solo. Drop it and be happy that my father will be in financial ruin shortly.”

  “I won’t drop it until you tell me why you have such a specific window,” Nicolai stated as he sat back and crossed his arms over his massive chest.

  “Not important and none of your business,” I informed him and then ignored him. “Back to the matter at hand. My friend, Junior is a computer hacking genius. I had most of the passwords so it saved some time. We’re also going after the land and all offshore accounts.”

  “Junior?” one of the females named Lena asked.

  “He’s an alpha Werewolf and before anyone makes a disparaging remark, please understand I will smackdown hard on any of you who speak poorly of my friends. I’m part of a very mismatched pack including Werewolves, Vampyres and Were Cows. They accepted me and my…I mean me when no one else would and I would die for them.”

  “Did she say Were Cows?” I heard someone whisper.

  “She did,” another whispered back.

  “I did. They exist, no thanks to my father’s hatred of them, and they’re wonderful,” I informed the room. “I also think at this point I should ask Junior to come here. It would be faster and safer for all of us for me not to be communicating with him by phone. I’m using an untraceable burner, but still…”

  “So you’ll be quite rich when all is said and done, Princess,” Nicolai commented in an unpleasant tone.

  I put my head down for a brief moment so I didn’t zap his ass to hell with a fiery blast. “I’m already rich,” I countered coldly. “I’ve earned every cent I have, legally. Every last bit of money that’s gained by wiping out the monarchy is going to charity and to research a cure for the wolves that my father had a hand in trapping in their shifted form, Asshole.”

  Lenny’s eyes shot to mine and he looked at me curiously. In fact, all eyes were on me and they were baffled.

  “What the hell is the problem here?” I demanded. “Are all of you so prejudiced that you have a problem with the Wolves? They’re saving our asses.”

  “I can vouch for the Wolves and the Vampyre,” Seth said, much to my relief. “They’re trustworthy and have no issue with us.”

  Looks were traded amongst the Dragons. A few questions were asked and even though they were wary they also seemed fine with the strange turn of events.

  “So with your blessing, I’d like to have Junior come here,” I told the table.

  “You don’t need our blessing, child,” Elaina said. “You’re leading us along with Nicolai and we will follow.”

  “Is Junior the big one that hugged you on the beach?” Nicolai demanded as he stood up looking quite murderous.

  “Yep,” said with a grin and my middle finger lifted. “He sure is.”

  “Meeting adjourned,” Seth said quickly as he pushed his brother back down in his chair. “Cade, I want you to run drills with our people. After the less than stellar performance last night, I’m concerned many of them are not ready to fight.”

  “Yes, sir.” Cade bowed and then saluted. “Dima, I’m very glad you’re here and I’d like to personally apologize for any disrespect that I’ve shown.”

  The others nodded in agreement with Cade’s statement of regret.

  “Thank you,” I said. “However, trust must be earned and I probably would have behaved the same. We’re not a race that puts faith in much.”

  “And that needs to change,” Lenny said as he stepped up next to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

  My head whipped to Nicolai who was watching with narrowed eyes. His audible sigh of relief at being fine with Lenny near me was a good sign that he might be getting over his bizarre problem.

  “Lenny, Mother, Nicolai and Dima,” Seth said. “Please stay.”

  As the Dragons dispersed, Maria approached me tentatively. “Can I talk to you?” she asked.

  My heart soared, but I kept my expression neutral. “Yes. I can arrange that.”


  She looked like a lost child to me—not the man-magnet I’d thought her to be. Turning to Seth, I implored him with my eyes. If she wanted me, I was going. She might change her mind if I put her off.

  “Go,” Seth said with a smile and a nod. “I will speak with you later.”

  “I will speak with her,” Nicolai cut in and gave his brother a glare. “Not you. Dima go with Maria to your suite. Talk to her and then lock yourself in.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked as sparks of fire began to burst from my fingers.

  “Completely,” he shot back with sparks of his own bouncing around the room. “If you have a problem with that, I’d be happy to put you in lockdown for a few hours. Your choice.”

  “Here’s what you can lock down, little mister,” I growled. “You can lock down your big, fat, ridiculous ego or you can shove it up your ass. Either will work for me.”

  Grabbing a confused Maria by the hand, I stomped from the room. I was sure I heard Elaina and Lenny’s laughter following us out, but I was too furious to take any pleasure in it.

  Nicolai was treading on very thin ice.

  No one was the boss of me except me.

  Chapter 11

  “So what’s the deal with you and Nicolai?” Maria asked as we sat awkwardly together on the couch in my suite.

  That was certainly a loaded question to start our relationship off. Buying time, I fluffed all four pillows on the couch and then hopped up and grabbed two bottles of water. What the hell was the deal wi
th me and Nicolai? My Dragon and my human had completely different opinions on the subject. Avoidance was silly so I sat back down and examined the floral material of the couch while I figured out how to answer Maria’s query.

  The living quarters at the compound were nice and I was very aware I’d been given a coveted suite. It was comfortable and quiet and worked for me. Thankfully there was a kitchenette because I’d been eating alone due to my overwhelming lack of popularity. However, now that everything was changing for the better, I was excited to go to the mess hall. But mostly I was excited to be sitting with my niece even though her question made me uncomfortable.


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