Common Ground

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Common Ground Page 15

by Wendy Smith

  “You bet.”

  He kisses me, running his hand down my spine until it rests on my arse. “Thanks for coming to see me. Best lunch delivery ever.”

  I laugh. “Any time. Only not any time, because some of us have to work for a living.”

  He pouts. “Ouch.”

  “Later, ’gator.” I peck him on the lips again, and walk away toward the exit and my car. I smile sweetly as I pass Jessie. “Have a good day.”

  She crosses her arms like the diva she is, and with a flick of her head, storms off

  I don’t care.

  I have him.

  I know Josh is home when Melly squeals.

  He walks into the kitchen where I stand at the cooktop, stirring the sauce for dinner.

  I close my eyes as he nuzzles my neck. “Welcome home.”

  “I love it when you say that,” he murmurs.

  “My home is your home while you’re here. You don’t need that fancy house.” I slide the sauce from the heat to a vacant hot plate and turn to face him.

  Josh slides his arms around my waist. “No. All I need is you. Thank you for coming to see me today.”

  “I don’t think your co-star is too impressed.”

  He blows out a breath. “She’s quite something, isn’t she?”

  “If you mean she waltzes into my diner and talks to my staff like shit? Then yes.”

  He shrugs. “Try and ignore her. Some people let all this stuff go to their heads.”

  “You’re so normal. I don’t think you’ve changed at all. You’re still a pain in the butt.”

  I yelp as he slaps me on the arse before laughing.

  His eyes shine with amusement. “I’ve tried not to let it change me. It’s nice, but at the same time, there’s so much pressure. But now I have you back in my life, I’m sure you’ll keep my feet firmly on the ground.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s an insult or a compliment.”

  Josh laughs. “You’re not capable of bullshitting me. If I’m being terrible, I doubt you’ll hesitate to tell me.”

  “Oh, you know it.” I lean over and peck him on the lips. “I doubt you know how to be terrible.” Licking my lips, I continue. “I used to think you were, but after finding out the truth, I don’t think you have it in you.”

  He lets me go. “I’m so glad we found each other, Delaney. And that we can both put the past behind us. I still wish you’d come with me, but it doesn’t take a genius to understand you can’t just walk away from everything you’ve built.”

  I swallow hard. “We just need time. I need to know that you’re one hundred percent with me and Amelia. I need to know we’re solid before I can consider moving with you. How else will I know we’ll last or just fall apart?

  “It won’t. I swear.”

  “We’ve been together five minutes, Josh. Trust takes time. And I’m not talking about me trusting you; you have to trust me too.”

  He nods. “I know. I’m sorry I’m impatient. Sometimes, I feel like I’ve waited six years for this.”

  My heart weeps when he says that. It’s all my fault for rushing. But I was never patient, and even less so back then. And I’m not one to back down from confrontation either, but those simple words he said hurt me.

  But I can’t back down from this. I need to know Melly and I have that security.

  Even if it means delays in being together.



  Somehow, I’m not surprised when Jessie turns up in the diner the next day.

  I know it’s personal between us. It doesn’t take a psychic to know it’s all about Josh.

  It has been from the night in the club when she realised I was in the picture.

  I’m at the counter, and Trina is out serving customers when she arrives. She sits in a booth not far from the counter and smiles as Trina approaches.

  I can’t hear what she orders, but the next part is much louder.

  “Don’t take all day about it. Last time I was in here, the service was so slow.”

  Trina shrinks, but I’m not about to take that.

  “If you think the service is that bad, you’re welcome to take your business elsewhere,” I call out.

  Those green eyes fix onto me. “What did you say?”

  I take a deep breath. “I said, ‘You’re welcome to leave’. There are other food places in town. Maybe the pub would be a good choice if you want your food faster. They sell packets of potato chips. You get given them as soon as you pay. Novel concept. I know.”

  Walking around the counter, I don’t stop until I get to the table. I smile at Trina. “It’s okay. I’ll take it from here.”

  “Back home, the customer’s always right,” Jessie says.

  I take a look around. Every single eye in the place is on me. I can’t let my temper control me, but I sure as shit am not going to put up with her any longer.

  “In case you hadn’t noticed, Jessie, you’re not back home anymore. You’re in my diner. And I’m telling you to get out.”

  With a flare of her nostrils, she stands, and storms toward the door. “This isn’t over. At least I’m not whoring it up on the set with any man who’ll take me into his trailer.”

  “If whoring it up means having sex with my boyfriend who’s also the father of my child, then I guess that makes me a whore.”

  Behind me, someone starts to clap. I don’t want to drop my gaze, but I bet anything it’s Pania.

  Jessie scowls. The door opens, and of all people to walk in …

  “Uhh everything okay?” Josh looks between Jessie and me.

  She barges past him out the door, and I’m left breathing heavily, still watching the exit.

  “Good on you, girl.” Dave pats me on the shoulder as he passes me to leave.

  “That was awesome.” Pania’s voice comes from behind me.

  Josh reaches me, and takes my hands in his. “Are you okay? What happened?”

  “Jessie diva happened. She’s just so awful.”

  “Delaney, take a breath.” He’s so close, and I throw my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight.

  “I’m fine. She was just a complete bitch to Trina, so I told her to leave. She had a tantrum.”

  “Mummy said the B-word.” A little voice comes from behind me.


  “Sounds like it’s the right word to use.” He grimaces. “I’ll be glad when this is all over. I’m never making a romantic comedy again. It’s so not funny.”

  “She called Mummy a whore. What’s that?” Amelia asks.

  “It’s a not very nice thing to say and you are never saying it again.” I let go of Josh and walk to Amelia, wrapping my arms around her.

  “She was such a bully, Mummy. Just like Oscar at school He’s a meanie.”

  “I hope he’s not a meanie to you.”

  She shakes her head. “No, but he’s mean to Lucas sometimes.”

  “Do you want me to talk to Lucas’ mother and let her know?”

  Melly shrugs.

  I look over my shoulder at Josh. “The whole town knows you’re Amelia’s father now too.”

  His eyebrows rise. “I thought we …”

  “I lost my temper.”

  “It was a thing of beauty,” Pania says. “Jessie did accuse Delaney of W-H-O-R-I-N-G herself out.”

  I could kiss her for spelling it while in front of Melly.

  “She what?” Josh says.

  “Apparently I was with any man who would take me into their trailer. I told her only my boyfriend and the father of my child.” I cock my head. “Maybe I should have specified that you’re both of those.”

  He smiles, reaching for my cheek and running his thumb down it. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. We’ll be fine if she stays away. Which she should do because apparently the food is terrible and our service is slow.”

  It’s Josh’s turn to scowl.

  “Just leave it, Josh. She’s not worth worrying about.
She’ll be leaving town soon enough.”

  He frowns.

  “Honestly, don’t worry about it. She won’t be back in, and you’ll be finished working with her soon enough.”

  “She shouldn’t treat you like that, though. No one should.”

  I shrug. “You’re a bit biased. She’s not the worst person I’ve ever dealt with.”

  He’s conflicted. His brows waver, and I just know there’s something cooking in that brain of his.

  “Why don’t we all go home and pretend none of this happened?”

  It takes a moment, but he nods.

  “Daddy.” Melly reaches for him, and he scoops her into his arms and plants a kiss on her forehead.

  It doesn’t matter anymore if people know about us.

  That cat is well and truly out of the bag.



  Despite Delaney wanting me to leave her confrontation with Jessie alone, I can’t see how I can.

  As it is, I need to tell Delaney something tonight, and she’s not going to like it.

  But it wouldn’t sit right with me if I didn’t tell her.

  I’ve never mixed my private life with my professional, but I want to spend my forever with Delaney, and we haven’t had the conversation about my career and the things I do to make a living.

  I love what I do, and while love and sex scenes aren’t really my thing, I do them without too much of a complaint. It’s my job. And I’m relieved that this rom-com at least isn’t big on either. While my character does fall in love with Jessie’s character over the course of the movie, we only get one big on-screen kiss. Which is a relief.

  Maybe I wouldn’t have cared so much if I hadn’t found Delaney. She knew what I was when she met me, only then I hadn’t been half-naked on the big screen with a beautiful woman. At least the kiss with Jessie is fully clothed.

  I’m a professional. But Delaney undoes me. And after losing her once, I can’t be dishonest with her, especially after her run-in with Jessie.

  The thought of what I have to do tomorrow makes me sick to my stomach.

  Amelia’s in the living room in front of the television. I would be in there, but instead, I follow Delaney into the kitchen while she sorts out plates of food she brought home from the diner. I could eat those burgers every night— they’re my favourite as Delaney makes them. Maybe I shouldn’t but I’ll work out a while longer tomorrow if it means indulging with her. Besides, I’ve filmed the one shirtless scene I had in this movie.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” I say.

  “What is it?” She turns to face me.

  “Tomorrow’s my big kissing scene with Jessie.”

  Delaney’s expression stays surprisingly neutral. “Oh. I was trying not to think about that. I figured you’d have to kiss her, seeing as it’s a romance movie.”

  “Are you jealous?” I study her expression closely. Delaney’s pretty good at hiding how she feels, and I don’t think today is any exception.

  “No.” But she doesn’t hide it fast enough. I see a flash of irritation in her eyes.

  “Liar.” I laugh.

  “Maybe I wouldn’t feel so bad if she wasn’t so annoying.”

  I slide my arm around her waist and pull her to me. “It might make you happier to know that because this is a romantic comedy, I almost kiss Jessie much more often than I actually kiss her. We kiss once at the end.”

  Delaney bites her bottom lip before letting go and laughing. “I guess those are the rules.”

  “They so are. Boy and girl meet. Boy and girl fall in love, but both are too stubborn to get their shit together. Boy and girl screw it all up. And then finally …” I pull her the rest of the way into my arms and she squeals as I dip her. “They kiss.”

  I lean down and kiss her. She tastes of ice cream, and when I finally pull away, I scowl. “You and Amelia had ice cream without me.”

  “She wanted a slice of pie when we were at the diner.”

  “Oh, she did, did she?” I raise her to a standing position. “What about me?”

  Delaney’s eyebrows dip. “Aww you’re so cute when you pout.”

  “That’s the idea.”

  “I saved a piece for you too. It’s in one of the bags.”

  “Have I told you just how much I love eating your pie, Delaney?”

  Her cheeks redden, and she laughs again. I love making her laugh. It’s the best sound in the world. “I’m pretty sure I know.”

  “Well, once I’ve eaten the food, I’ll show you just how much.”

  She rolls her eyes and pushes me away.

  “I love you.” I study her reaction. It worries me that she’ll get scared because life with me is going to be nothing like it was before. There’s a lot that both Delaney and Amelia will have to get used to.

  “I love you, too.”

  For a moment we stare at each other.

  Delaney breaks first, laughing. “You should see your face. Were you scared to say it?”

  I shrug. “Maybe just a little.”

  “No more being afraid, Carter. You and me were meant to be.” Her eyes shine with happiness.

  “Glad you see it that way. Does that mean you’re coming with me when I go?”

  The light that was in her eyes disappears. “Not yet. I mean, long term we will, but there’s a lot I need to work out here. Pania’s not just my friend; she’s my business partner.”

  “I understand.”

  “I hope so, because this is something we have to be careful with. It’s going to turn our worlds upside down whenever we do it. Especially when you’re travelling around on location.”

  Running my hand down her arm, I take her hand. “I’m going to stop doing that so much.”


  “I’ve been thinking. I’ve got this movie and the next one that I’m filming basically back-to-back. And then I’ll focus on jobs based in LA. I’ve got a house we can live in there, and it seems like the perfect place for us to be based.”

  She takes a moment, but she nods. “I thought that would be the case.”

  “Reece has been talking forever about us setting up a production company of our own. Maybe it’s time for us to spend some time doing our own thing.”

  Delaney’s smile shows me I’m on the right track.

  “You think that’s a good idea?” I ask.

  “Does that mean I get to meet Reece Evans?”

  Laughing, I squeeze her hand. “Are you using me to get to Reece?”

  “Maybe.” She places her index finger on her chin as if she’s seriously thinking about it. Cocking her head, she laughs. “No. I just want us to have whatever stability we can get. We both owe it to Melly.”

  “We do. I want that for her too. Her life’s about to change in a big way, but I think as long as the three of us are together, we can do anything.”

  Her whole face lights up. “I like the way you think. Now, let me get this dinner served and we’ll talk after Melly goes to sleep.”

  I leave the kitchen feeling like we’ve taken a step forward.

  I’ll take it.



  Despite the situation being very different, there’s a feeling of déjà vu that comes over me when Josh leaves.

  We’ve been together for such a short time and soon we’ll be apart. Separated by oceans.

  This time it’s different, but the way my heart aches thinking about him leaving makes me feel somewhat the same.

  “I’ll call you every day,” he murmurs in my ear.

  “I’m not holding you to that. I know you could get busy and forget.”

  He shakes his head. “If I’m not going to be able to call you for any reason, I’ll tell you.”

  My eyes fill with tears as he grasps my arms. It’s not fair. I swore I’d never cry over him again, and even though it’s for a different reason than last time, I’ve already broken my promise to myself more than once.

��Delaney. You’re it for me. You always were.”

  He kisses me with so much tenderness, the tears escape and roll down my cheeks.

  How can he make me any promises when he’s so far away?

  “Talk to me.”

  His eyes search mine.

  “I love you,” I say. It’s all I have left in me right now.

  “I love you too.” He wraps his arms around me and I close my eyes. I’m just glad Amelia said her goodbyes before she went to school today. That was emotional enough, but she has far more confidence than I do in this situation.

  I’m feeling guilty just for doubting our relationship. Since we got back together, we’ve been solid. There’s nothing that should cause me any doubt. But we haven’t yet agreed on anything to do with the future.

  Finding common ground is so hard.

  “I need to go. But I want you to know just how much I do love you. You and Amelia are my whole world, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make this work.”

  “I know,” I whisper.

  “More than anything, I wish you’d come with me, but I understand why you’re not.” He lets me go, and looks at me with so much pride it hurts. “You’ve built your life here, and it’s hard to walk away when you’ve worked so hard. I’ll give you all the time you need, but we have to work this out.”

  I nod. “We both need to do a lot of thinking.”

  Josh just shakes his head. “I’m just thinking about when I can be with you again. Now, I have to go or I’m never leaving.”

  “I wouldn’t complain if you stayed.”

  He gives me one last hug, and a deep kiss that takes my breath away.

  “Josh,” Mitch calls to him. “We’ve got to get going.”

  “Later, ’gator,” I say.

  He smiles. “See you, my favourite Australian barista.”

  “You might just have inched in as my favourite Canadian again.”

  After a peck to my lips, he turns and walks toward the plane. I let out a sigh and watch until he reaches the foot of the stairs.

  Jessie stands in the door to the plane, and I can feel her evil eye from where I’m standing.


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