Common Ground

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Common Ground Page 17

by Wendy Smith

  His eyes narrow. “You’re a smart one, aren’t you?” He leans forward. “Make it ten million dollars.”

  “Why are you so scared of Josh and I being together?”

  For a moment, he says nothing.

  “You nearly killed his career the first time around. He’s twenty-five and hasn’t peaked yet. You’ll bring him down before he gets his chance to really soar.”

  Tears prick my eyes, but I’m not about to let this man win. Even if I’m still unsure how this is going to work. But I was the one who walked away all those years ago when Josh did nothing wrong, and I owe him the chance to love both me and Amelia.


  It’s not just me that Mac is trying to get out of the way. It’s Josh’s own daughter. Josh would never condone this.

  “Well, Delaney? Just think of what you can do for your daughter with that money.” He sneers as if my hesitation means he’s won.

  “I’m not remotely interested in your offer. What I want is to put my family back together the way it should have always been.”

  He shrugs. “I hope you remember that when Josh leaves you behind.”

  “That’s a chance I’ll take.”

  I fold my arms and lean back in the seat.

  Because even if in the end it’s Josh who walks away, then I did my best to give Amelia what I never had.

  A second chance to have her father in her life.

  It’s not a long drive, but the rest of it is spent in silence.

  I pretend Mac doesn’t exist. Tears prick my eyes as I look out the window, and I don’t take in any of the scenery until we come to a stop.

  Muffled voices come from outside, and I lean forward to see a guard talking to the driver.

  We’re nearly there.

  The light fades as we head into evening. But there’s still more than enough for me to see a Hawaiian woman standing outside the house.

  The incredibly large, blue-with-white-trimmings house. It’s beautiful, two storey with large verandah running around the outside.

  Of course Reece Evans owns a freaking mansion.

  She smiles widely at me as I step out of the car.

  “Aloha, Delaney. I’m Leilani, the housekeeper. I’ll show you to your room and arrange some food. You must be starving after your flight. I know the airplane food isn’t that great.”

  I smile. It’s nice to meet someone who seems happy to see me.

  “That would be wonderful. I’d kill for a cup of coffee.”

  She laughs. “You won’t have to. We’ll go to the kitchen and I’ll make some.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  “Come this way. Let me show you around.”

  I don’t look back at Mac as we walk into the mansion. I’m not going to allow him to continue any conversation about paying me off. It’s absurd. And Josh will know about it.

  If the outside of the building was impressive, the inside is even more so. A wide, sweeping wooden staircase leads to the second storey, and the rooms that are visible are massive. My whole house is about as big as the living room.

  “How about we do coffee first and then I’ll show you to your room? I’m sure I know what I’d want first,” Leilani says.

  “You read my mind. Sounds perfect to me.”

  She leads me down behind the staircase and into a huge kitchen. All I can do is stare with wide eyes at how beautiful it is, from the built-in appliances to the marble benchtops. A grin lights up her face.

  “Josh told me you were a cook. He said you had a thing for kitchens.”

  “It’s lovely. I like shiny appliances. Shame they don’t stay that way.”

  Leilani laughs. “The kitchen’s recently been renovated. I’m hoping these will stay like this for a little while. Take a seat.”

  I walk to the large table and pull out a chair. This is the most comfortable I’ve felt since leaving home. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. The air is scented with fresh baking and coffee, and my stomach grumbles.

  The sound of something being placed in front of me makes me open my eyes. It’s a platter freshly baked rolls, cheese, different spreads.

  “This looks amazing. Thank you so much.”

  “Anything else you need, just ask.” Leilani smiles before she goes back to the bench to pour me a coffee.

  I dig right in, slicing open a roll and filling it from the platter. I moan as I sink my teeth into it.

  “Hungry?” Leilani asks as she places the coffee down.

  “Starving. I had a chocolate-chip cookie on the plane. And that’s it. This is amazing.”

  She frowns. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  I shrug. “It’s okay. I’m just really glad to be here now. Do you know how long Josh is going to be?”

  She shakes her head. “He wasn’t sure. But he left crystal-clear instructions that you were to be well looked after.”

  I grin. That’s so Josh. It’s what left me so confused over the plane seats. Although thinking that leaves me feeling like I’m being ungrateful when he’s paying for everything. It’s hard to wrap my head around.

  “Are there many staff here?” I ask.

  Leilani seems to think for a moment. “Not usually. It’s just me and the driver. We have a company that comes in and takes care of the gardens, and while you two are staying here, security has been ramped up.”

  I widen my eyes. “Really?”

  She nods. “We have a security firm that watches the place, but whenever Reece stays, or in this case Josh, we get in extra security. Can’t be too careful.”

  That feels a bit weird to me, but I guess I understand.

  This is the life I’m going to have to get used to.

  After I eat, Leilani leads me upstairs to the bedroom I’ll be sharing with Josh.

  It’s incredible.

  The pale blue walls with white curtains leave the room looking so bright and airy. A large bed sits at one end of the room, and there’s a walk-in wardrobe opposite. My single suitcase looks wholly inadequate in comparison.

  “I’ll leave you to it. There are fresh towels in the en-suite if you’d like to take a shower or a bath, and just pick up the phone if you need me and dial zero for the kitchen.”

  “Thank you so much.” I want to hug her. She reminds me a lot of Pania’s mother. The two of them would probably get along great.

  “You’re welcome. Hopefully Josh will be back soon. I’m so happy that he found you, Delaney. I’ve been taking care of this house for four years, ever since Reece bought it, and Josh looks happier than I’ve ever seen him.”

  I grin. “I’m pretty happy too.”

  “You have a beautiful little girl. I’ve seen the photos. Next time, you bring her to come and see me.”

  Laughing, I nod. “I will. Promise.”

  “I’ll leave you to settle in, and remember, call me if you need me.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  She closes the door behind her, and I head straight to the bed. All I want is to shut my eyes for a little while.

  The mattress is the most comfortable one I’ve ever lain on. This is the luxury I expected from this trip. Today’s been exhausting, so it doesn’t take much to fall asleep.

  When I wake, it’s dark, and I slide off the bed and venture downstairs just in time to see Josh walk in the front door.

  His whole face lights up at the sight of me.

  “I’m sorry I’m so late. Have you been taken care of?”

  I nod. “Are you hungry?”

  He grasps my arms and pulls me toward him. “I’m starving, but I want a taste of you first.”

  All the tension in my body disappears when I’m in his arms, and he gives me a soft, but needy kiss.

  “Fuck food.”

  I squeal as he bends and scoops me into his arms. All is right with my world again, and I’m where I need to be—with Josh.

  Fuck Mac and his attempt to get rid of me. I’m stronger than that. We’re stronger than that.

sp; Josh carries me up the stairs and back toward the bedroom. I laugh the whole way.

  “I’m too heavy for this.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re perfect.”

  I bury my face in his neck for the rest of the way, and he sets me on my feet inside the door which he closes behind us.

  “How was your flight?” he asks.

  I pause. There’s no point in lying, and Josh knows me well enough to read me. “Not fun, but I’m here now.”

  “What happened?”

  I shrug. “Nine hours stuck next to a very tall, muscular guy who took up a lot of space and did not want to move when I needed to use the bathroom. I just hope I have an aisle seat on the way back.”

  “Wait. What?” He stares at me, and I smile.

  “Like I said. I’m here now with you; that’s all that matters.”

  “No, it’s not. You were supposed to fly first class. Or business class if that wasn’t available. No one should have been blocking your seat.”

  I shrug. “I was in economy. It’s how I flew to the US the first time, but an aisle seat would have been much easier. I survived.”

  His nostrils flare. “I’m calling Mindy. I gave express instructions for your fare. This is my time to try and impress you and convince you that you need to be with me. I wanted to give you the best.”

  I reach up and stroke his stubbled cheek. “Josh, it’s okay. You don’t need to impress me.”

  “But I wanted to.”

  “You’re so cute when you pout.” We can worry about this later. Right now, I just want him.

  He shakes his head and chuckles. “You disarm me every time. I can’t get angry around you. You’re the charming one.”

  I laugh. “I’m not sure I deserve that honour.”

  He takes my hand in his, raises it to his lips, and kisses my palm. “I love you so much. And I’m pissed that my grandstanding has been made ineffective by Mindy. She’s never screwed anything up like this before.”

  “At least you’re acknowledging that you were grandstanding.”

  “You’ll be in a much better seat on the way home, I promise.” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in tight against him. “That’s if I let you go home.”

  “Is there something in your pocket, or are you really pleased to see me?”

  “Stop trying to distract me.”

  “I shouldn’t have to distract you. You wanted me here, and you got me. Alone. For two whole weeks.” I run my tongue slowly across my upper lip. “Question is—what are you going to do with me, Joshua Carter?”

  “Oh, I can think of a few things.”

  I squeal as he bends, and throws me over his shoulder. We fall in a heap, unceremoniously on the bed, kissing and laughing.

  “Seriously? Your way of getting me into bed is to throw me on it?”

  He nuzzles my neck. “Do I really have to try to get you into bed?”

  “Are you saying I’m not virtuous?” I clutch at my chest in mock horror.

  “I’m sure you are. At times.” He grins. “You make me laugh. It’s so hard to focus when you’re around.” He kisses me hard.

  “It’s not exactly easy for me either.” I cup his face and look into his eyes. It doesn’t matter how I got here. I’m with him and that really is all that matters.

  Being with him again is everything.



  A gentle breeze wafts through the windows and across the bed, and I arch my back, enjoying the feel of it licking my bare skin.

  Josh is warm beside me, sleeping on his stomach, his arm flung over my waist. This makes up for yesterday.

  “You’re really here,” he mumbles.

  “Yes, I am.” I smile, and roll toward him.

  He looks at me with sleepy eyes. “I’m so glad you came. I missed you like crazy.”

  “I missed you too. What are we going to do while I’m here?”

  His lips snake into a smile. “I can think of a few things.”

  “I’m going to see the sights, and not just the inside of this bedroom.”

  Josh laughs. “We’ll go for a drive in the next couple of days, get some shopping done. Let’s load up those suitcases for your return trip. I want to spoil you and our daughter.”

  “Uh, suitcase. I travelled light.”

  He shrugs. “You’ll be travelling in luxury on the way back. I’ll get all that shit from yesterday sorted and find out what the fuck Mindy was thinking.”

  I sigh as he slides his hand up and cups my bare breast.

  “I love waking up naked with you,” he says.

  “I just love waking up with you.”

  He kisses my shoulder. “We could do this every morning.”

  “One day, we will. Depends on how well you behave while I’m here.”

  “Is that right?”

  I squeal as he kneels, then launches himself onto me. He uses his knee to spread my legs, and then he’s right there, his erection pressed against my leg.

  “I can feel how happy you are right now.”

  “Let me show you.” He scoots down my body, and I close my eyes when his tongue hits my clit. “I don’t need any other breakfast than you, Delaney.”

  “Really? My stomach is grumbling.” I sigh.

  Sighs turn to gasps as he taunts me, teasing me with his tongue.

  “I love you,” he says as he reaches for the condoms in the bedside cabinet.

  “I love you too.”

  His slide into me is torturously slow, and I meet his gaze as he lowers himself onto me.

  “Two whole weeks of this.” He kisses me again, and I’m lost in the sensation. Josh always knows exactly what I need.

  “I know. How are we both going to survive?” I tilt my hips to take him a little deeper. “I’ll even deal with your morning breath for this.”

  He lowers his head to my breast, sucking on the nipple.

  “Oh.” It’s all I’ve got left to say.

  “It’s not often that I render you speechless.” He laughs.

  “Make the most of it.”

  He shifts to the other breast, while moving slowly inside me. I didn’t realise just how much I missed sex until we got back together, and how hard the last six weeks have been.

  It’d be easy to become addicted to it with Josh.

  I close my eyes again, just enjoying that breeze across me while Josh worships my body. He’s right. We could have this every morning.

  I have some very big decisions to make.

  Afterward, I roll to my side and Josh spoons me from behind.

  “Come and live with me in the States when this movie's finished. We’ll make a fresh start—the three of us.”

  I shuffle over and roll onto my back to look at him. It’s what he wants. And I do too. But I vowed a long time ago not to be dependent on anyone.

  “I need to think about it. It’s not as simple as us just up and moving.”

  “It could be.”

  “I have a career, and obligations to take care of. There’s something I should tell you about too.”

  His jaw tics as if I’m about to tell him his dog died, or I’ve been sleeping with Damon. I’m sure he can tell it’s not good from my tone, but I can’t hold it in.

  “Mac offered me money to leave you.”

  Josh doesn’t need to say anything. The look of disbelief that crosses his face stabs me right in the heart. “What? When?”

  “Yesterday when I arrived.” Tears prick my eyes. “He offered me a million dollars to get on the next plan out of here. When I said no, he upped it to ten.”

  Josh’s eyes search mine. “I …”

  “You don’t believe me.” I fist my hands in exasperation.

  “It’s not that, it’s just that … he’s been so good to me. He knows how much I love you. Why would he …?”

  I hold up my palms. “I’m going to get dressed and go for a walk. You can work that out while I’m gone.”

  He reaches for one o
f my wrists. “Delaney, don’t.”

  “I’ve told you what I needed to. Now I’m giving you space to wrap your head around it. The flight attendant said there are markets not far from here. What I need is fresh air.” I pull away, slide off the bed and open the wardrobe. After slipping one of my dresses off the hanger, I throw it on the bed while I grab some underwear out of my bag.

  “We need to talk about this. I’m sorry if I didn’t react the way you expected,” he says.

  “What? Like believing me?” I tug on a bra, hooking it behind me.

  “Of course I believe you, it’s just—”

  “And that’s why I’m going for a walk.”

  I know I’m being pissy, but we promised to be always open and honest with each other, and with that comes an expectation of trust and belief. I should have told him last night, but we got so carried away.

  Pulling my dress on, I lather myself in sunscreen. Josh stays silent, and every time I glance at him, he seems to be brooding over what I said.

  Grabbing my bag, I storm out the door, hurt and angry at the expression on his face.

  What if he doesn’t believe me?

  What if Mac denies it and Josh chooses his word over mine?

  I never wanted to get in the way of anything to do with his career. Never in a million years would I have taken the money.

  For six years, I had a hole in my heart. Now it’s been filled and someone’s trying to tear us apart again?

  No fucking way.



  I don’t know what to do.

  Delaney thinks I don’t believe her, but it was the shock of hearing what she had to say that sent my head spinning.

  Reece has been telling me to ditch Mac for years. I’m his only client—at least, the only one that’s stuck around, and the most successful. But I keep getting the jobs, and his advice always seems sound.

  The only time I’ve broken away from that was when I went to New Zealand, and I have no regrets over it because it led me back to Delaney.


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