A Werewolf's Saga Books 1, 2, & 3 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets)

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A Werewolf's Saga Books 1, 2, & 3 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets) Page 20

by Michael Lampman

  Reese nodded, and typed. The center CCTV screen switched to another view of the building as the tapes from the end of last week came on the screen. “Which camera?” he had to ask next.

  Gary again thought about it with only one answer coming up that made any sense. “It has to be out front. That rent-a-cop doesn’t go anywhere else.”

  Reese typed in the information. When the screen switched to the time he typed, nothing was on the screen but the empty front doors of the building. Seeing that, he reversed the camera while the screen was still running, causing the view to run in reverse.

  Gary watched it briefly. While it ran, he turned around looking back to a tall gray colored cabinet that was just behind him, and just opposite the door to the room. There, he leaned up against it and thought about everything that happened. He let his mind race, thinking about that night. He thought about how he could have missed it. It made him mad. It stirred his soul.

  “Here,” Reese called out, and stopped the tape. He then pushed play.

  Gary heard him and spun back around, took the back of his chair and used it to lean in towards the screen. His eyes searched as he watched. He had to look for anything. He had to see all of it. On the screen, the rent-a-cop came through the front doors as Rachel walked with him, and they both disappeared to the right of the screen. Seeing that bastard with his girl only built up the anger within him. “That fucker,”

  Hearing his friend behind him, saying what he was, only made Reese laugh harder. “Jesus man. You went out what—once.”

  “Just keep looking at the fucking thing,” Gary shot back. He wasn’t in the mood to be chided. As far as he was concerned, the freak was with his girl, and she was no one else’s girl but his.

  Looking back to the screen, a dark blackish object just barely came into view at the bottom left of the monitor. He couldn’t see what it was, but he didn’t need to. He could tell it anywhere. He knew what it was.

  “I’ll be a son of a bitch.” Reese saw the thing move behind the bushes. “What’s it fucking doing?” He felt his mind rush with revulsion. He always felt that way when he saw the damn thing. He hated that he had to take care of it. He felt more than happy that it was now dead.

  To the screens right, the rent-a-cop came back into view and stopped at the center of the screen, just reaching the sidewalk when he stopped.

  “What the hell is he doing?” Reese watched the chubby guy then move slowly towards the bushes.

  Gary watched the screen closer. He had to get a better look at it. He had to be sure. He had to be absolutely sure that he saw it bite him. The screen looked dark, and he had trouble seeing anything at first. “I don’t think he sees it.” He watched the rent-a-cop move closer to the bushes and he looked like he had just bent down slightly towards where he saw it hiding.

  What happened next was fast. It happened quite suddenly. The rent-a-cop backed away to the right. He looked like he grabbed one of his hands, as he reacted to something that startled him. He also acted hurt. He also acted scared.

  To Gary it looked like something else entirely. He knew what that was. “Move in on the image near the bushes and bring it closer to the wimp’s left arm. Magnify it, and go back a few seconds.”

  Reese nodded and complied. He pushed the viewfinder over to the left of the screen, and watched the left hand of the chubby guy as it came inside the box, and he pushed slow motion on the controls. They then pulled themselves a little closer and watched as a dark oval looking object flared out from the bushes and came directly into contact with the chubby guy’s hand. He pushed stop, and then held his breath.

  Gary did no such thing. “That mother fucker!” He now knew he was right. Sure enough, with the screen now stopped, the rent-a-cop’s hand was there, and a snout came out of the bushes and took his hand. The thing bit him all right. It all happened just as he thought it did.

  Reese looked at the frozen black and white image on the screen and felt his revulsion for the thing come up again in his mind. “I’ll be Goddamned.”

  Gary stood back up straight. He felt completely satisfied by what he saw. “Call Ross, he’s going to need to know that we have a new pet for him.” He looked to the screen and to the top of Reese’s brown haired head.

  Reese nodded, as he went for the phone that sat next to the computer on his right, and quickly picked up the receiver, and just as quickly, dialed the number to Mister Ross’ office.

  Gary watched him briefly, and turned back to the screen. All he could do was pat himself on his back. He found what he was looking for, and Mister Ross had better reward him better this time around for it.


  The night felt magnificent as he ran through the grass. The wet grass felt so wonderful between his toes. The feeling of each blade felt more than just wet, it felt cool. It felt calming. It made him feel right. They surrounded him to the point of ecstasy, and it felt so wonderful that he could almost loose himself within the feeling that they gave him.

  The brightness of the moon overhead let him see everything with such clarity that it almost brought him into the realm of magic. He loved feeling it all, sensing it all, and being within it. The cool breeze passed by him and raked his fur, making it feel better than anything else in the world ever could. It felt better than life itself.

  Running along the sidewall of the building, he came out towards a lighted area, where the grass disappeared, and became replaced with a cold blackness that stretched out away from him towards the main road. He didn’t like seeing that blackness. It made him feel tragic. He hated how humans destroyed the green and replaced it with the black of nothingness.

  Stopping at the corner, where the wall turned towards the front, he looked out to the blackness, and could see him there. He was the one that he wanted. He was the one that he longed to be with and start over again. He could see that he was walking with the woman. He watched them both move away from him, and watched their golden colored halos as they moved. They looked so beautiful. They looked so rich. With them, they felt prefect. Watching them, he took the chance and moved to the bushes along to his left. There he would watch and wait. He didn’t have to wait long.

  The young one came back quickly and moved towards the front of the building, moved towards him, but soon turned, and headed back to the illuminated empty doors to his left. He had to get him to come to him. He needed him close. He had to get him to carry on his life.

  “Jimmy?” he heard a voice come up from within him. It felt so hard to let it come out, but he had to do it. He hated the sound, but he knew that he needed to make it.

  The one he wanted stopped and turned towards him. Excitement built within him as he watched him come to the bushes, and come to him.

  “Come here.” The voice came again. It was working. He was coming. The halo around him blazed.

  The one came to the bushes and came on the grass. He came right up in front of him and stopped. He knelt down and showed him that it was time to do this. It was time to bite.

  The man came closer.

  He moved fast. He moved out from the trees and bit down onto his hand. He tasted his flesh. He tasted sweet. He tasted strong. He released him just as fast.

  The man backed up and screamed.

  He watched him turn and leave him, holding his arm as he disappeared back inside the building.

  Watching him, he breathed. It was time to go. It was time end this. It was time to move on. He could hear footfalls coming towards him from behind the wall. Their smell followed the sound, coming on the breeze. There were so many of them coming that he knew that he had to go. He had to let them find him. It was time to show his self.

  He left the bushes and ran back to the corner of the building, and off in the distance, he could see the lights they carried bob as they moved. He left the corner, and ran off across the green, wet blades, moving towards the fencing that ran along the water that rushed behind the building. There, he would wait for his time to end. There, he would wait to be released. That
time would come quickly, for the men with the lights came on him fast.

  Surrounding him, he roared out, trying to force them to back off.

  The fear he caused then made them all move back. It made them wince. He could feel their hearts pound behind their chests. He could feel their breathing groan around the air. The pleasure of all of it felt so wonderful. It all felt so right to be worth his death.

  They moved closer and pointed their long weapons at him as several more of them came rushing to him from out of the darkness. One of them, the one that he hated more than all the others, aimed his weapon at him and didn’t hesitate to set it off.

  A loud crash blared out as a sharp flare of heat came into his back. It flushed his core with heat, and made him roar. The heat of the hit caused his body to burn from within. He screamed again, but this time the voice inside him came out stronger, until the roaring stopped and the pain disappeared. Soon, he was gone.

  Jimmy woke up, covered with sweat as his heart raced hard. He was lying in his bed, on his back, and sat straight up and looked around the room. He still felt them there with him. They had to be there somewhere in the dark. When he saw an empty room, he instantly calmed, and instantly breathed.

  Another fucking dream! What in the hell is going on with me? He couldn’t believe his own mind as he turned and looked to the wall towards the foot of the bed. The mirror on the closet door showed him his face. He looked soaked, so he wiped at his face with the back of his hand. He took a deep breath as he pulled his feet over to the side of the bed and hung his head down low, realizing what he just thought—what he just dreamed. He let his head bury into the palms of his hands, and the thoughts of the dream already started to fade. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand and saw that it was now a little after eight. It was time to get up. It was time to get ready for work.

  With heavy legs, he stood up and moved. He took only two steps when sharpness flew through his chest, and gripped his heart.

  Instantly, he raced both arms to his chest and wrapped his own torso, hugging himself, almost trying to keep the pain from spreading to the rest of his body. It didn’t work as the pain continued, racing from his heart to his lungs. It felt almost like all of his organs wanted to explode. The feeling continued to his back, ripped to his spine, and flared down his thighs. It all caused him to fall to the floor beside his bed. It made him collapse to his knees. The pain increased, moving through his arms, and continued down his legs. He screamed with a heavy moan as he fell to his hands. A cracking sound came from within him, as he could feel his back begin to slide under his skin. He could feel it bubble. It made him shake. It felt almost like his own skeleton was trying to force its way out from his own body. He fell to his belly, and screamed louder as his entire body shuddered from within.

  The pain raced through him like streaks of lightning. The flares felt so intense that all of the air in his lungs flew out of him with one giant blast of wind. His mind disappeared as he rolled over to his back, and his feet slid under the bed. Heat shot through his skin as his entire body felt like it was on fire. He screamed again as the heat built up, and carried through his skin and flared into his mind. His thoughts raced and his heart thundered harder, and his breathing grew short. He felt instantly like he was dying. He screamed as his toes began to crack under the bed. The sound of them breaking echoed around the room. He could feel his chest begin to heave. He could feel his arms twisting as they burned from within them. The feeling of agony raced through him like water from a faucet.

  He listened to himself scream. He listened to himself break. He looked up to the ceiling, and suddenly, and quite thankfully, everything stopped. The pain vanished as fast as it came. His heart calmed and all of the heat in his skin disappeared and cooled. With it all, he caught his breath.

  What in the hell? He raced his hands over his bare chest, and felt his body beneath his palms. Everything now felt normal. Everything felt right again. He sat up, using the bed sheets to pull himself up into a seated position on the floor. His back cracked some, but that’s all that it did. He looked to his bedroom door, and he took a deep breath. Am I dying? Is this what it feels like to die?

  Slowly, he picked himself up onto his knees. Using his right leg for balance, he stood back up to his feet. Again, his legs cracked some beneath him, but that was all that they did. All of the pain seemed gone. All of the agony left. He felt normal. He felt better than ever, and again, he took a cherished breath.

  Satisfied that he felt all right, he slowly moved away from the bed, and just as slowly, he made his way out into the living room. Standing in the center of the room, he turned back to the bedroom and looked back to his bed.

  What just happened? He questioned, thinking. His memory of what happened had already started to fade. In fact, he couldn’t remember what happened at all. He felt numb and completely out of place. Nothing was there, but he knew that something should have been. What was I going to do? He stepped over to his sofa and stopped by its arm. He reached for it, took the top of it with both hands, and gripped it firmly. What was I doing? He looked to the bay window and found his mind still blank. Am I losing my mind? He didn’t know. He knew that he should have, but he didn’t. He couldn’t think straight, and with it all, he shrugged. He shook his head, and looked back to the kitchen. He felt completely fine. He felt more than just normal, he better than ever. If there were something wrong with him, he would feel it, wouldn’t he? He didn’t think so, so he turned and walked into the kitchen, and made his way to the refrigerator with a solid stride in his steps. The only thing he felt was hungry, so he opened the door and immediately began the search for food. Then he would get ready. Then he would head off back to work.


  He made his way to work with his mind still in a haze, and nothing else on his thoughts. During the drive, he could think of only one thing and only one thing only. He couldn’t wait to see her again. He couldn’t wait to be by her side. He couldn’t wait to smell her scent. He couldn’t wait to hear her voice. It seemed like days had passed since he stood with her. It seemed like an eternity. He didn’t know how much more he could stand it, not being with her. He had to do it. He had to quench his thirst for her.

  Pulling into the parking lot, he found a space just at the back of one of the vans and parked. He stood out, bringing his thermos with him, and closed the door. All around him, the air felt cool, and the wind seemed calm. The nearly full moon looked down from brightly overhead. He looked up to it, watching it glow. It looked almost like it sparkled back to him with glee. It looked so beautiful. It looked so nice.

  Walking across the parking lot, he made it to the sidewalk in no time flat. He made it to the front glass double doors with a skip in his step. He had nothing but a general sense of wandering in his thoughts as he walked inside.

  Pat gave him the full rundown of everything that happened during the day, and when he finished, he left.

  He waited for him to cross the parking lot, before he took his chair behind the counter. He set his thermos down behind him, and now, all he had to do was to wait for the first hour to go by to start his tour. Then, he would go and see her. Then, he would go and smell her again. He couldn’t contain the excitement that he felt by just having that one simple thought alone.


  Twelve o’clock came so fast that when he saw the time, it almost knocked him out of the chair. He felt so excited to start.

  Quickly, he stood up, grabbed the wand, and put it in the back pocket of his pants. He grabbed the radio and clipped it to his belt. He took a very deep breath, and felt ready. It was time.

  He left the counter and headed for the stairs, and went up them without another thought about anything else. After hitting the first chip, he hurried along his way, made it down the hallway and headed for the entrance to the labs. Nothing else seemed to matter. He made it through the tour in record time.

  Reaching the entrance to the labs, he used his access card to go through the double d
oors and went inside. He was almost there. He was almost to her.

  Making it down the hallway, he felt like he was a small boy all over again. The excitement felt unbearable, and it seemed very hard to control. When he reached her lab, he stopped. The door was closed and the only window in the center of the door looked dark, telling him that she obviously wasn’t there. Where in the hell is she? Maybe she forgot. He had to think, but it was hard to do. This wasn’t like her. She wouldn’t forget. He knew that, so there for, there had to be a reason for it. He knew what she felt for him. He could feel it. She seemed excited to see him again. She felt excited to help him too. He was her answer for everything. He was what she was looking for. She’s not here yet. That had to be it. Nothing else made any sense, so he breathed. He relaxed. He turned.

  A heavy odor came to him almost all at once. The smell of mustiness came heavy in the air. It smelled masculine, but it also had differences to it. He could also tell that it was coming from the hallway back towards the entrance to the labs. It smelled strong, and smelled intense. There were several of them in fact, and they seemed to be all coming towards him. He recognized their stench. He knew them all too well.

  He ducked away from the door and headed to the next intersection, and there, he turned to the corner, and put his back to the wall. They can’t see me here. They can’t see me with her. He had to protect her. He had to try.

  Slowly, he turned back and peered around the corner, and looked down the hallway, but saw no one there. However, he didn’t believe what he saw. He knew they were still coming. He could smell them all coming closer, moving towards him with a steady stride.


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