Christmas in Texas

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Christmas in Texas Page 12

by Tina Leonard

  If anyone deserved the same, it was the Ranger. Andrea wanted to call him back, but realized he was probably exhausted so she didn’t say anything. He’d told her he’d see her tomorrow. She would make sure of it, because she planned to thank him again for giving her back her baby and her sanity.

  * * *

  ONCE HE’D LEFT Andrea’s room, Flynn went up to the second-floor nursing station to check with the doctor who’d been taking care of Jerry Sinclair. “Have you communicated with the man since he was brought in?”

  “No. He’s been in a dazed condition.”

  “While in that state, has he called out a name?”

  The doctor blinked. “No… Wait, yes—but not a name. He cursed and said something like ‘I’m screwed.’”


  “Let me know as soon as he’s able to talk. I’ll be in the lounge at the end of the hall.”

  No point driving home in the snow. There was nothing to go home to, and he’d have to be back here by eight to interrogate the patient. Flynn had slept in hospital lounges before and could do it again. He’d rather be here anyway if the patient became coherent enough to be questioned sooner than later.

  After the doctor nodded, Flynn walked down the hall reflecting on their conversation. The first thing an agonized father who loved his child would have done was call out his child’s name or his wife’s name, even if he’d been caught in a criminal act. That wasn’t this patient’s initial instinct. It sent up a red flag.

  Mrs. Sinclair had said she hadn’t actually seen her husband. There was one way to find out if the man who occupied that hospital bed was indeed Mr. Sinclair. Flynn had a gut feeling he wasn’t, otherwise he would have carried ID to prove he was the baby’s father and had the right to be with him.

  Tomorrow he’d take some pictures of him with his cell phone and ask her to look at them for a positive identification.

  Her story wasn’t that different from so many domestic-violence cases, except for one thing. Little Jack Sinclair had gotten to Flynn when the baby had finally snuggled against his chest. For the first time in two years, Flynn’s arms hadn’t felt empty.

  What a sight it was to see the little boy nestled against his mommy, so happy and secure. Both were blond and beautiful. When Flynn realized where his thoughts had wandered, he checked his watch. Ten after three.

  He could take his pick of the empty couches in the lounge, and he stretched out on the longest one. It was still too short. Before he did anything else, he phoned the number for Sheila North. The menu gave him an emergency number. He pushed the digits and waited.

  A woman who’d obviously been asleep answered. “This is Sheila North.”

  Flynn got right to the point. Within a minute relief washed over him to learn Andrea Sinclair had told him the truth about her case. For some reason that made little sense, he hadn’t wanted to suspect her of any wrongdoing.

  After promising to keep in touch with the attorney, he hung up and set his watch alarm for eight. But he needn’t have bothered, because the doctor wakened him at seven. “Captain Patterson?”

  Flynn sat up, instantly alert.

  “I’m going off duty, but wanted you to know the patient is awake.”

  “I appreciate your letting me know. What’s his condition?”

  “He’s recovering from a concussion. Barring complications, he can be released into police custody tomorrow.”

  “Have you found out his name?”

  “He won’t talk.”

  He would when Flynn got through with him. “Thanks for the information.”

  As the doctor walked away, Flynn got to his feet and found a restroom to freshen up. The mirror told him he looked like hell. He needed a shower and shave, but that would have to wait.

  Wanting a pickup, he bought a cola out of the vending machine and phoned headquarters. An officer needed to talk to both the person who’d found Mrs. Sinclair and the person on duty at the convenience mart and get any information they could to help the case. With that accomplished he headed to the patient’s room. One of the police officers on duty was seated in a chair outside. The two nodded.

  With the door ajar, he could hear the nurse telling the patient to cooperate so she could take his blood pressure. While Flynn waited for her to finish checking the man’s vital signs, he pulled out his cell phone and primed it so he could take pictures on the spot.

  In another minute the nurse came out of the room looking rattled. He took that moment to slip in. The patient had been hooked up to another IV and was in restraints. His arms were covered in tattoos. Flynn started taking pictures. The patient saw him and turned his head. So much the better. That gave him some side-view angles for his mug photo.

  He would email them to Nyall with instructions to put them into the computer’s database for a possible match. Flynn moved over to the bed. Going on a hunch, he said, “How much did Jerry Sinclair pay you to do his dirty work for him?” If her husband hadn’t been in that camper, then he’d probably hired a couple of guys to shake her up, and the other one was long gone with the camper.

  The man turned his head to the other side.

  “You’re under arrest for kidnapping, stealing personal property and attempting to cross state lines, which is a federal offense. Assaulting Mrs. Sinclair at the gas pump adds another grievous charge to the list. They’re stacking up against you. You want to cooperate first by telling me your name?”

  “Go to hell. I want an attorney.”

  “Both can be arranged. I’ll be back. While I’m gone, consider that if you tell me all you know about Mrs. Sinclair’s husband, I’ll get your sentence lightened when the judge throws the book at you.”

  Chapter Three

  One of the police officers had brought all Andrea’s possessions gathered at the accident site to the room. While the baby slept, she showered and washed her hair, then changed into another pair of jeans and a blue cotton sweater with long sleeves.

  The doctor had done his rounds and declared her and the baby fit enough to leave the hospital, on two conditions. First, he wanted her to check in to a motel and take it easy for another twenty-four hours before she did anything else. Second, she couldn’t leave the hospital until Captain Patterson had talked to her again. This was a federal matter and he was in charge of the investigation.

  Andrea had no intention of leaving until she saw the Ranger again. She owed him her life, because if he hadn’t found Jack, her life wouldn’t have been worth living. She needed to tell him that in person.

  While she drank the juice from her breakfast tray, she heard a knock on the door.

  “Come in.”

  Her senses quickened as the Ranger who’d been on her mind walked into the room. She decided he’d been up all night, since he had a noticeable beard, but it only made him more appealing, if that was possible.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Sinclair.”

  “It’s a wonderful morning because of you,” she said in a tremulous voice. Andrea started to get up from the chair, but he told her to remain seated and finish her food. Tears smarted her eyes. “How do I thank you for what you’ve done?”

  “All the thanks I need is right here.” He’d walked over to the crib and smiled down at her son. “He’s sleeping so soundly, you’d never know he’d lived through such an ordeal.” He glanced at her out of eyes shot with silver. “The fact that he’s alive is a miracle.”

  “I know,” she whispered. “Your being t
here at the right time was part of it. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

  “It’s my job.”

  She shook her head. “It’s a lot more than that. You deal with life and death every day. I’m convinced you were born with the extra capacity to help your fellow man. My baby is very lucky.”

  His expression sobered as he focused his attention on her. “How are you feeling this morning? I’m talking physically.”

  “I’m much better than I thought I’d be. The doctor said I could leave the hospital after I talked to you.”

  “With the caveat that you stay at a motel in town for another day to recover from the shock.”

  The Ranger knew everything. “Yes, he did say that.”

  He pulled his cell phone from his pocket. “I’d like you to take a look at some pictures.” He walked over to her and leaned down while he slid his thumb across the screen of his iPhone. An awareness of his masculinity caught her off guard. “Do you recognize this man?”

  “No. I never saw him in my life.”

  “He’s the criminal who knocked you down and stole your car.”

  “It wasn’t Jerry?” She jerked her head around, but it brought their faces so close, they were almost touching. As she jumped to her feet, he straightened. By now her heart was thudding in her chest for more reasons than one.

  “Does this mean it was some thug who decided to steal my car in a random act?” She couldn’t believe it.

  “My hunch is he and another accomplice are working for your husband.”

  Andrea felt sick again. “If that’s true, then it means Jerry’s still out there looking for me.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m going to get you to a safe place.”

  “Is there such a thing?” A tremor ran through her body. “Jerry has eyes and ears everywhere.”

  His jaw hardened. “It doesn’t matter. If your husband had nothing to do with this, then he doesn’t know where you are. Just the same, I’ll have my department contact the police in Carlsbad and have him picked up for ignoring the restraining order, and they can question him.

  “If it turns out he planned this kidnapping, then he knows it failed and the police are looking for him. He’s now a fugitive and I’m going to catch him.”

  He’d said that with spine-tingling conviction. She shivered when she looked at him. Those gray eyes so warm and tender last night had turned to flint. Jerry would be no match for him. Captain Patterson was a different breed of man.

  While she stood there trying to absorb everything, Jack started fussing. She turned to the crib, but the Ranger had gotten there first. “May I?” he asked. “He and I got acquainted last night. I wonder if he’ll remember me feeding him a bottle.”

  She smiled. “I wouldn’t be surprised. Go ahead.” After what he’d done, Andrea couldn’t have denied him if she’d wanted to.

  He handled her baby so expertly, he had to be a father himself. “Hey, little guy. How are you this morning?” He put him against his shoulder and walked the floor with him. “I bet you’re glad to be back with your mommy.”

  To her surprise Jack didn’t fight being held by him. “I think he does remember you.”

  “Maybe it’s my grizzly beard.”

  She chuckled. “Do you have children?”

  He kissed the baby’s head. “I did have a daughter. She and my wife, Michelle, were killed in a plane crash two years ago. Katie was only six months old.”

  “Oh no—” Andrea was devastated by the revelation. There’d been no miracle for him. “It’s not fair,” she whispered.

  “I was thinking the same thing about your situation.” He flicked her another glance. “Since you need another place to stay until tomorrow, I’m taking you home with me. It’s the best way I know to keep you safe if your husband is in Fort Davis waiting for you to be released from the hospital. After what you’ve been through emotionally, you and the baby need to get your strength back without any worries.”

  Andrea was suddenly short of breath. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

  “Since your case has become my responsibility, you’re under my protection until your husband’s whereabouts are accounted for. I’m off duty until the day after Christmas. If we go to a motel, it won’t have all the comforts of home and that’s what you and your baby need. But it’s your decision, Mrs. Sinclair.”

  He’d probably been up twenty-four hours straight by now and was dying to go home. Of course he was! But because of her, he couldn’t unless she went there with him. This would be one small way to pay him back. “Then Jack and I would be very grateful to accept your hospitality, but only as long as you call me Andrea.”

  “That works both ways. The name’s Flynn. While you get organized, I’ll take Jack’s car seat and install it in the back of my truck. I’ll ask the nurse to wheel you out to the front doors of the hospital. See you in a few minutes.”

  * * *

  FLYNN WALKED OUT to the parking area. Most of the cars had been cleaned off, but a few were still covered in snow. He scanned the lot for signs of a camper, but didn’t see one. The storm front had moved on, leaving the sun trying to break through clouds.

  While he warmed up the truck, he installed the car seat. As long as he was still alone, he called Nyall to let him know his plans and learned his boss had put out an APB on an older-model truck camper. Flynn asked him to get the police to check on the female flight attendant living in Albuquerque. Maybe Jerry Sinclair was with her, since they’d been involved for a long time.

  They chatted a minute longer, then he drove around to the hospital’s main doors. No sooner had he jumped down from the cab than he spied Andrea and the baby being pushed out in a wheelchair. With her hair the color of a fine white wine, he’d notice her anywhere.

  “Perfect timing,” she said as they met under the parapet. Her startling blue eyes smiled at him.

  “I’ll load Jack first.”

  “There you go, sweetheart.” She handed him the baby.

  He could smell her fragrance on the baby and his blanket. “Come on, little guy. We’re going to my house.”

  Strapping him in was quite a different proposition from last night when he’d had to release him from his prison. As he went back for the diaper bag and suitcase, the baby started to cry.

  “Uh-oh. Here—” She handed Flynn a baby toy from the diaper bag. “He likes this blue doughnut the best.”

  Flynn could understand why. Her son looked up into eyes that color all the hours he was awake. In a minute the baby was content and everything was loaded, including the attractive mother strapped in the front seat.

  He forced himself to look away, needing to concentrate on his driving and watch for any truck campers she might recognize. “You’re seeing Fort Davis under unusual conditions,” he said after they’d taken off.

  “So I gathered from the weather forecast yesterday. Considering the time of year, everyone got their surprise white Christmas. It looks pretty.” She was staring out the side window. “To be honest, I’ve been dreading it since Thanksgiving.”

  If anyone could relate…

  Lunchtime traffic on the main street had picked up. He pulled into a drive-through to get them a hamburger. Once they’d finished eating, he drove to the next corner and headed for the new housing development where he’d bought a small one-story house with vaulted ceilings. Flynn had chosen it for all the windows and the illusion of space. When he’d lost his family, every dream had been shattered an
d a light had gone out. Since then he’d had to depend on the sun to help him get up and face the next day.

  “I’ve been gone three weeks, so let’s hope my cleaning lady has been doing her job.” He hadn’t expected to wind up this last murder case until the New Year.

  He pulled into the driveway and pressed the remote so they could enter the garage. Seeing his gray Volvo reminded him he hadn’t driven it in over a month. When he went to the grocery store later, he’d take it to make sure it still ran.

  After he shut off the engine, she turned to him. “I’m aware you weren’t planning on company, so please don’t apologize for anything. To be honest, I’m still trying to figure out how to repay you. Rest assured that one day I will.”

  Her sincerity touched a chord inside him. In fact, everything about her appealed to him. With her wavy blond hair framing classic features, she was a natural beauty. He found he couldn’t take his eyes off her. The sound of the garage door closing alarmed the baby, who started to cry, breaking the moment that had Flynn spellbound.

  He levered himself from the cab and went around to undo him. “Come here, buddy.” It tickled him that when he held Jack against his chest, he stopped crying.

  “My son was rescued by a Texas Ranger and now it appears you have the golden touch,” Andrea said in a teasing voice. She’d come up behind him holding her purse and the diaper bag.

  Flynn smiled before reaching for the blue doughnut that had fallen. “We’ll see how long it lasts.” He unlocked the door into the laundry-room area that led to the kitchen. Except for the cleaning lady and his family, no woman had crossed his threshold since he’d moved here. He’d never expected it could happen under any circumstances. What in heaven’s name had possessed him?


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