Warriors Of Cadir (A Sci Fi Alien Romance Collection)

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Warriors Of Cadir (A Sci Fi Alien Romance Collection) Page 29

by Maia Starr

  I felt like I was being torn apart. No matter how hard my mind tried to convince my heart that being with Theren made the most sense for me, for Cadir, and for the human/Parduss alliance, my heart would only cry out in response.

  This morning would be the first time Theren would return to his usual work schedule, and I had no doubt that there would be guards in every corner of our small quarters. I probably wouldn’t even be allowed to leave.

  Theren reached across the bed, trying to find me. Usually, we would be curled up together, intertwined in heat. But I looked for any opportunity I could to get away from him.

  “There you are,” he whispered seductively and cozied up next to me.

  I turned my head away to avoid his lips, and he moved in for my neck, instead.

  “You smell amazing,” he said and licked my neck. “I’ve missed you more than I could ever describe,” he whispered, trailing a hand down under the covers and fixing it between my legs.

  He moaned when he reached my skin, and it was all I could do not to clamp my legs shut.

  “I love you, Hazel,” he said, still comfortably kissing my neck.

  Theren had never said those words to me before. I knew he had great affection for me, but he’d never vocalized it.

  “I realized that when I lost you,” he said, swallowing hard. “I do love you.”

  “So that’s what it takes for me to get a little affection around here,” I tried to joke.

  Theren let out an amused breath at my comment, but my lack of affection in return was palpable. It hung there like a dagger between us. But he didn’t falter. Instead, he grabbed my hand and led it to his hard penis, encouraging me to stroke it, but I couldn’t.

  Finally, he reached out and touched my breast: pulled my nipple between his finger, and I winced back.

  “Sorry,” I said awkwardly, pulling away from him entirely. “I’m just… a little shaken.”

  “You’re home now,” he cooed, pulling me back to the bed. “It’s going to be alright, Hazel.”

  His words made me want to cry, but not for their comfort.

  I wanted Orylis. I missed him. I needed him.

  I knew I sounded like a spoiled child: a horrible wife or girlfriend or whatever I was to Theren. But my heart belonged to Orylis and every day I stayed here was one more day where I felt something wrong stirring deep in my soul.

  “You’re right,” I said with a forced smile, placing a protective hand over my stomach. “I’m safe now. With you.”

  Theren looked pleased and got on top of me, pushing his long, thick penis against my center. I could feel it throbbing against my clothes.

  “Good,” he said and kissed me again. I reciprocated, but only to avoid any further suspicion. The kissing continued, familiar, but without passion. He dipped his tongue deep into my mouth and tasted me, pulling mine into a dance.

  My breathing quickened, drawn into the physical act, feeling sick: mind racing with thoughts of the baby inside me and how badly I wished it was Orylis on top of me. How badly I wanted to tell him we were going to be parents.

  Theren he ground against me: a long stroke up and back down. I felt a pulse of friction against my clit and the pushed him off frantically. “Stop, stop it!”

  He winced and threw his hands out in front of him as I scurried out of the bed. “It’s just me!” he said, and my heart sank even lower.

  “I said I don’t want to!” I yelled, pressed into the corner of the room.

  He swallowed and studied me carefully. “I know that you’re scared, but you don’t have to be. You’re not in the wilds anymore. You’re with me.”

  “I need some time,” I spat.

  An eruption of knocks banged on our front door, and Theren looked at me with calculation… but then pity.

  I would take it. Pity was better than suspicion.

  “It’s my soldiers,” he said unsurely. “We’re supposed to go back to the campus with the science team.” I nodded at him, and his eyes went soft as he suggested, “I’ll tell them I’m staying here today.”

  My eyes went wide.

  “No,” I said quickly. “Please. You’re right. I’m… I’m home now. We have to…” I stammered and then corrected, “I have to start letting things go back to normal. We should get back into a routine; you’re right,” I finished, trying to make it sound like it was his idea.

  “Okay,” Theren said, ignoring the rapping at our door. He came up to hug me and I sunk into the embrace unwillingly. “Besides. I think I have some news that will make you feel better.”

  I seriously doubted that.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “They’ve imprisoned Orylis.”

  His whisper hit my ear, erupting my whole body in tingles.

  “What?” I breathed.

  “Yesterday,” he said, running a hand up the back of my head.

  My head went dizzy as I looked up at him. “Why?” I asked, blinking, unsure if I said the word out loud.

  “To…” he said with a surprised laugh. “To kill him. I thought you’d be happy?”

  I felt the color drain from my face and knew that my next words had to be extremely careful. Fighting off the urge to throw up, I smiled at Theren wrapped my arms around him, bursting into sobs.

  “I’m so happy,” I lied, trying to pass off my tears as ones of relief.

  He kissed me, and I tried to settle myself.

  The worst part was how pleased he looked with my reaction. Like he’d given me the best news in the world.

  “He's being held in the Manaxula district,” he said. “So, far enough away from here that you won’t ever have to worry again.”

  “In the cells?” I asked.

  That was where the humans had gathered when we first landed. There was a square, glass building fitted with a collection of dorms that was sometimes referred to as the dungeon. It had ominous sky walkways and spires that shot up into towers on the four corners of the building.

  “May I… see him?” I asked, my lips trembling and tears spilling down my face.

  Theren shook his head, running a tan thumb over my lips.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said. “But you can attend the execution in two days if it will make you feel safer.”

  I burst into sobs then, and Theren held me close, stiffening against my tears, unsure of my reaction.

  “Should I stay?” he asked again, and I shook my head, smiling up at him with a shy laugh.

  “No, you go,” I said and squeezed him one last time before letting him go. “Go. You’ve… given me the best gift.”

  I forced the words out of my mouth, and he watched me, unsettled, before giving me a smile and making his way out the door.

  I had two days: forty-eight hours to get to Orylis while being entirely surrounded by guards.


  Chapter Fourteen


  Nariva lied.

  I wasn’t surprised by it, but it didn’t make it any easier to swallow.

  Guards came down toward me and took me to their dungeon, deep in the plenks. They put me down on a board and held me there: the Gilds.

  They tortured me, never asking for any information. Burning me with their fires, keeping me too weak to shift. I could feel the warrior ripping into my skin, dragging sharp nails down my back until I could feel the flesh between my wings splitting.

  They said nothing, which was the worst part. They didn’t shame me for taking Hazel or demand information about the Atherien. They just wanted to fight.

  At night they would throw me back in my cell, bruised and bleeding, and I would lay awake thinking about Hazel. Wondering where she was and how she was keeping warm.

  I wasn’t the type to let go.

  I didn’t wish for her happiness with Theren, not even if we couldn’t be together. In fact, the thought of them together sent sick pangs through my stomach.

  “H’sk!” came a familiar curse.

  I turned my head a
nd vaulted up out of bed, walking over to the thick bars and weakly setting my hands on them. A broad smile came to my aching face as I watched Veynore sneak in through the wide columns in the room.

  “Veynore!” I called in a whisper. “What are you doing here?”

  “Can’t leave a Dendren in the lurch,” he said with a wink.

  I paled: literally feeling the color drain from my face as I saw Hazel walk through the door and peek out from behind my friend.

  “What…?” I looked over at Veynore, and he smiled.

  “This one found me,” he said, pointing a thumb toward her. “Said you needed my help, like always.”

  “She… did she tell you about the attack?” I sputtered out.

  “She told me,” he said with a laugh. “But she has bigger news for you.”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, emotion tightening its way up my throat at Hazel’s warm hands cradled mine against the bars.

  “I couldn’t leave you,” she said through laughter and tears. “I thought I was helping but I… and they lied!”

  I gestured to the cage around me, my bleeding face, then teased, “You think?”

  She laughed, despite herself, and then squeezed my hand. “I talked to the SAEW. We have a shuttle waiting for us, but we have to get you the hell out of here. Now.”

  My eyes went wide: my head a fog of information. “I can’t,” I said desperately. “It’s fireproof or something. There’s a…” I looked down frantically at the keypad and smashed my hand against it. “There’s a code or something.” I looked up at her, still shocked. “I can’t believe you came back for me.”

  “I love you,” she said: smiled. “How could I not? I promised to leave with you.”

  “That’s sweet and all,” Veynore said, rolling his wrist to hurry us along, “But that’s not exactly the news I was talking about, Hazel.”

  I looked at her: cocked my brows curiously. I could nearly hear her heart beating through her chest. “Orylis,” she said in a quick whisper, “I’m pregnant.”

  My lips went wide, and I could feel a warmth flowing through my body. My Hazel. My child. I opened my mouth: so many words trying to bubble out at once, but I was too late.

  Theren entered the room and spat, “I knew it,” as he strode toward us, shoulders hunched and in full gear. He was ready to fight; I could just feel it.

  “You followed me?” Hazel yelled.

  “Wrong time to be incensed,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Veynore stepped in front of her, which only seemed to incite further rage from Theren.

  The powerful shifter walked toward his ex-lover and looked between us: watched the way my hand curled around hers instinctively. I struggled against the bars of the cage like a wild animal, and he didn’t so much as smirk.

  “You’ll sleep with… him?” he said, watching us. “After everything we had together?” His face contorted, caught somewhere between sadness and wild rage. “After you were assigned to me?”

  Hazel’s eyes went wide, and she burst into tears. “I’m sorry, Theren,” she said. “But please, please understand…”

  A silence fell upon us, and he stared at her, pained and furious.

  “I’m listening,” he enunciated.

  “I care about you so much, Theren, but my heart…” she set her hand on her chest, and I wanted to grab her and tell her to stop talking.

  “I see,” Theren nodded: eyes flicked to mine. “You love him.”

  She nodded, and I set my jaw.

  “And you want him out?” he asked, nearing my cage.

  Veynore and Hazel both backed away as Theren strode furiously toward it, letting out a hot breath: a fiery plume that raced down the hallway.

  The door went hot, and he input the code. When the door stalled before opening, the Gild Parduss grabbed it by the handle and began furiously thrashing his claws against it until the door came off its rails.

  He threw it to the ground and looked at Hazel. “He’s out now,” he said carefully. “Not that you’ll benefit from it.”

  “Theren, please. I didn’t mean for this to happen!” she called to him and he raced toward her, grabbing her by the neck and holding her high off the ground.

  “It doesn’t matter now, does it?” he screamed, the air from his call hitting her face like a gust.

  Veynore and I locked eyes.

  Without another word, Theren lunged toward Veynore and me, and I took to the skies in full form: we had speed on our side. Atherien Parduss were permanently half-shifted, making transforming into a full dragon a quick experience.

  The black shifter knocked Hazel over as he ascended after us. I flew into him, bashing him with my tail and setting him off balance. That was the best we could hope for, given the massive size difference between the Atherien and the Gilds.

  Veynore came up beside him and bit deep into his neck, sending Theren careening into the distance.

  I chased after him with a thick gust of my wings and Veynore and me took turns raining fire at him.

  Theren spun around and extended his wings before us, letting out a terrifying shriek.

  I shifted down so only my tail and wings sprung forth and dodged to the side. Veynore stayed in the sky, watching diligently.

  Theren didn’t follow suit, instead darting toward me in full form and knocking me to the ground. I could feel a crack in my ribs as he smashed me down with his tail.

  I should have stayed in full-form.

  Finally, he shifted into his human form and punched me square in the face. I went to grab his fists, but they were too quick for me.

  Knocked to the ground by the sheer strength of him, Theren hunched over and grabbed me in the side, pushing his claws out until they pierced my sides.

  I could feel the warmth draining out of me as he stood upright and pushed his boot onto my neck and twisted, setting his full weight on me.

  Veynore paced the skies, ready with a burst of fire, but he couldn’t fire off more than a warning shot without hurting myself or Hazel in the process.

  The black shifter twisted his boot on my neck more and looked over at Hazel.

  “This is what you did,” he said furiously.

  Hazel got on her knees, covering her stomach protectively. “Please don’t,” she cried, and he twisted his boot even harder.

  “Theren, stop!” Hazel screamed, throwing her body on top of mine. “Please!” She cried, looking up at him with beaming eyes.

  If he loved her anywhere near as much as I did. He would stop.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” Theren said, meeting her stare. He looked broken and, at that moment, I felt pity for him.

  I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to lose Hazel. To completely lose her. Not to see her in the mornings or make her smile. To lose that would be to lose life.

  Blood trickled out of my mouth, and I looked up at them, watching her weaken him with a single glance.

  “Please, Theren,” she begged: a cry escaping her mouth as she set both her hands on his foot.

  I thought she might say more, but with her single plead, Theren removed his foot from my neck. I gasped, drawing in heaving breaths. He looked down at me and spat. “Get up,” he said.

  I grabbed my neck, massaging it as I scrambled backward to my feet. I could feel the blood drain out my side as I stood but fought off the pain.

  Theren stared into my soul, and I raced to Hazel, grabbing her hand. She fell into my arms, and I held her there as we stood before Theren: tired and broken.

  He looked up at us, and I knew that from that point on, things between the Gilds and the Atherien would never be the same.

  But just like that, it was over. And I could do nothing but trust Veynore to take care of our people—to live up to my mother’s legacy.

  As for me, my life was with Hazel and our beautiful baby.

  “Go,” Theren said, and neither of us said a word.

  He didn’t watch as we left.

ong with Veynore, Hazel and I flew to the shuttle’s location, just as the SAEW had instructed. Hazel rushed onto the ship, greeted by a human pilot named Harper Allen.

  “All aboard!” the woman yelled and signaled for me to hurry along with the roll of her wrist.

  I hesitated outside the shuttle, turning to Veynore with a pit in my stomach.

  As if reading my mind, my friend pat me hard on the back and announced, “She’s worth it. If anyone is, she is.”

  I laughed. “I know.”

  The air went quiet again, and he turned to face me. “I pass the torch to you, a’sashon,” I said, shaking his hand. “Take care of my people. You are the Dendren now.”

  His eyes went wide, and then he nodded and shook my hand back.

  “You know I was better for it anyway,” he teased, and we both laughed.

  I looked around the paved field: the tarmac for the humans. I breathed in the last of Cadir and felt oddly excited. It was hard to leave an adventure that you hadn’t finished, but as I looked to the woman carrying my child, I knew a new was one just about to begin.

  “Ahara,” I finally said to Veynore, and he laughed.

  “Ahara,” he said in farewell.

  And that was the last of it.

  On Earth, I was placed with the SAEW. As it turned out, I wasn’t the first Parduss to be welcomed into their union, and I wouldn’t be the last. I was given a job doing just that—rescuing wayward Parduss from the threats on Cadir.

  I’d heard, years later, that the Atherien did survive the attack from the Gilds.

  That world was none of my concern anymore, but I was still glad to hear it.

  Earth was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as Hazel. I often teased her, asking why she’d ever left it in the first place. It had an abundance of food and rolling hills and valleys.

  “Hey,” she would say, head cocked and humorous tone intact as she rocked a crying dragonling in one arm. “If I never came to Cadir then you wouldn’t have this lovely wife to come home to every day.”

  I smiled, coming up behind her and grazing a hand across her stomach.


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