Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon) Page 3

by Maggie Ryan

  "Um, I-I didn't mean to get you in trouble," she said.

  "Red, you've been stirring up trouble since you were knee high to a grasshopper."

  "And you've been threatening to spa…" Her face colored as she left her sentence unfinished and attempted to step around him.

  "Where do you think you are going?"


  "We're not quite done here," he informed her. "There's still the matter of you cursing…"

  "I didn't!" she protested. "And why aren't you yelling at Mr. March? He curses all the time!"

  Though Jeb was positive that the man did and that his colorful language had influenced Rebekah to reciprocate with her own, he shook his head. "I'm not interested in what Mr. March does. And I was going to say that I was proud that you managed to catch yourself."

  "You were?"

  "Yes, Red, but we need to talk about the lies you told."

  Before she could speak, Jewel stood and came to her side. "Poor thing is exhausted and we need to get her home…"


  The one word spoken by Gabriel had all eyes turning to him. He pushed away from the wall, coming to stand beside the women. "The sheriff is right…"

  "But we need to get her out of this dress before she injures herself."

  "I'm not questioning that," Gabriel said before dropping his gaze to Rebekah's before lifting his eyes to rest on Jeb. "I just want to assure everyone that we will be having a discussion about every choice this young lady made this evening."

  "Good enough," Jeb said, "I'll leave the decision of appropriate punishment in your hands."

  "What-what does that mean?"

  "It means, little girl, that you don't have to worry about my spanking you."

  "I-I wasn't worried," Rebekah said, tossing her head, her braids swinging over her shoulders. "Only you seem to think such a-a barbaric act is acceptable. Perhaps you should take lessons from Mr. Gabe; after all, he is quite the gentleman."

  "Hmm, perhaps I shall," Jeb said, wondering exactly how naïve this young woman was. She'd always had a quick wit and a sharp tongue but it seemed she had a lot to learn about exactly how Gabriel Vasquez kept the women who worked for Jewel in line.


  Rebekah ignored his chuckle as Jewel took her uninjured hand and the three left to return to The Red Petticoat. She was really tired and needed some time to think about all that had happened. All she wanted was to find her bed but that would have to wait as Jewel led her to the room where two large tubs waited.

  "Um, I can bathe by myself."

  "Not tonight. You've got to keep your hand dry," Jewel said after unbuttoning Rebekah's dress. "Be careful stepping out, I don't want any glass to cut you." The dress was slowly drawn down her body to drop onto a towel Jewel had spread on the floor.

  "Sit here," Jewel said, leading her to a small stool. "By the time I've combed out your hair, the water will be nice and warm."

  Rebekah sighed as her braids were undone and the strands carefully separated. As a comb was drawn through her hair, she gave a small yelp, reaching up.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pull so hard."

  "No, it's not that," Rebekah assured her. "I bumped my head and it's sore."

  "Ah, I see," Jewel said, parting her hair to see the bump that had risen. "I'll be more careful." By the time her hair had been combed, small pieces of glass caught in the tines of the comb, Rebekah was almost asleep. She shook her head when Jewel's soft laugh awoke her. She looked up to see that Jewel had taken the large pails of water from their place on the fire and wisps of steam were wafting from one of the tubs.

  "Come on, let's get you bathed and into bed. Careful with your hand. Keep it out of the water."

  Rebekah could feel her face heat as she slowly undid the bows of her chemise and slipped it off. She'd never been nude before another person before. She practically jumped into the tub the moment she'd shed her drawers, unable to look at the beautiful woman who was patiently waiting.

  "Put your injured hand outside the tub, sweetie," Jewel instructed, bringing the small stool to the side of the tub. Rebekah did so, pretty sure one couldn't die from embarrassment and grateful that Madame Jewel seemed not the least bit concerned about the entire intimate process. Rebekah had to admit she hadn't been so tenderly bathed since she was a small child. Every inch of her skin was bathed carefully before her hair was washed, Jewel's fingers gently massaging her scalp while avoiding touching the bump. When she rose and was wrapped in a large towel, Rebekah yawned hugely.

  "Thank you, ma'am," she said, once more taking a seat on the stool to have her wet hair combed.

  "You are quite welcome. Let's get your gown on and then you can go sit by the fire in the kitchen to let your hair dry. If we're lucky, we can find some cookies that Nettie baked this afternoon. That and a nice cup of tea should have you feeling much better."

  Rebekah finally relaxed once she was dressed and served a cup of tea as well as was handed a huge cookie. She even managed a smile when the two were joined by Mr. Gabe.

  "Feeling better?" he asked, accepting a cup from Jewel and taking a sip.

  "Yes, thank you," Rebekah said. "I'm just really sleepy."

  "I'm sure you are," he agreed.

  "I'm just waiting for her hair to dry before tucking her in," Jewel said.

  "That's fine, but we all know there is the matter of a proper spanking yet to be given," Gabriel said.

  His words caused Rebekah to instantly stiffen, the bite of cookie she'd just taken turning to dust in her mouth. Surely she'd heard him wrong.

  "Gabe, I think…"

  "Jewel," Gabe replied, his tone not changing at all and yet Rebekah felt her bottom clenching.

  "I just mean she's so…"

  Hearing Jewel's words drop off, she saw the look the two exchanged. It had her stomach flipping with the silent communication that spoke volumes. "I know you are… are mad at me but I promise I won't ever lie to you again."

  "I'm glad to hear that," Gabe said, moving to squat before her. When her eyes dropped, the cookie forgotten in her hand, she felt her chin being taken by his fingers and lifted. "It takes courage to admit your mistakes and I'm proud of you for doing so. However, bad choices have consequences and will be paid for in order to teach a lesson."

  "But I've learned my lesson," she attempted. "I really promise never to lie again."

  "Words are easy to say, little one," Gabriel said, "but I've found that they are better remembered when accompanied by a hot bottom."

  "But I thought… I mean I told Jeb that you were a gentleman!"

  "And as much as I appreciate the compliment, it will not keep me from doing my duty, little one."

  "I-I don't want a span… spanking," she said, her face heating as even she could hear the petulant tone in her voice.

  Her eyes flew to Jewel but found the woman nodding her head, though her eyes telegraphed her sympathy as she said, "Honey, there are rules here that must be followed. I know it isn't pleasant but, well, discipline is necessary to keep our house running smoothly and our gems safe."

  "Finish your cookie and tea and then go to your room. I want you to kneel by your bed and wait for me. Understand?" Gabe said.

  "Please, I-I promise I'll be good."

  "I believe you but you'll still receive a spanking. Now, did you understand what I expect once you've finished your snack?" At her nod, he released her chin. "Good girl." Once he left the kitchen, she put the cookie, now mostly crumbs from her squeezing it in her hand into the embers of the fire and saw Jewel taking Mr. Gabe's place.

  "I-I thought we were just going to discuss…" her words trailed off as she finally admitted that some part of her had known all along that their discussion would lead to her being punished. Her face grew hotter as she imagined what Jeb must have thought when she'd taunted him about his barbaric beliefs. Had he known? Remembering his grin, she had no doubt that he'd been well aware that she'd be getting her bottom reddened before the night was over.<
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  "It won't be so bad," Jewel promised. "I'm not going to lie, it will hurt because spankings are supposed to hurt, but, I promise that you'll feel better after it's all over. You'll be forgiven and the matter won't be mentioned again."

  "That's easy for you to say," Rebekah countered. "It's not your ass…"

  "Don't curse," Jewel said softly. "That sort of language isn't used by ladies." When Rebekah huffed, she continued, "I realize this is a saloon and our goal is to entertain men in several capacities, but if you don't believe me, then let Mr. Gabe hear you. I promise, he spanks almost as hard for cursing as he does for lying."

  Rebekah saw Jewel's beautiful blue eyes twinkle. "You mean…" She didn't have the courage to complete her question.

  Does Mr. Gabe spank her too? Was that why she is so gentle and polite? Remembering how Jewel had not argued with Mr. Gabe when he simply said her name in that stern tone, a shudder ran through her body and yet she also felt a sense of inclusion. If Madame Jewel could take a spanking, then perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. After all, Mr. Gabe hadn't screamed or yelled at her. He'd simply stated that actions had consequences that needed to be paid. They're not gonna let me stay if I don't accept their rules. Face it, Rebekah McTavish, there's no way around it; you've earned yourself a spanking and need to be brave enough to accept it. Fine, I can pay for mine and then forget it. A tender bottom is a small price to pay to be allowed to stay. Though I can't move upstairs, yet, I won't be sleeping on the floor either.

  Running her fingers through her hair, she found it dry. Sighing, she stood, took her cup to the sink and then turned.

  "Thank you, I-I guess I'll um, go now."

  "We'll go," Jewel corrected, holding out her hand.

  "Oh," Rebekah said, unsure of exactly how to respond and yet felt a sense of relief at her words. While it would be horrible to get a spanking, perhaps with Jewel in the room, Mr. Gabe wouldn't spank her too hard.

  Once inside, Jewel released her hand. "Go on," she said. "Remember what Mr. Gabe said."

  Nodding, Rebekah went to her bed and with a final glance over her shoulder, she sank to her knees. Mr. Gabe must not have been far off because within a few minutes, the door opened and she just knew he was standing behind her. She shut her eyes, her acknowledgment of her position flooding through her. There was no attempt at fantasizing she was on her knees in prayer—well, not for a proper prayer. She was pretty sure God wouldn't be too interested in any plea for leniency. Not when she'd repeatedly cursed and lied. No, it was more likely he was nodding his head in approval of a sin being confessed and a naughty girl making her penance with a spanking.

  Still, she didn't need vision to know that the man who would be doing the spanking had taken a seat on her bed.

  "Look at me, Rebekah," he said softly. When she forced herself to obey, he continued. "Tell me why I'm going to give you a spanking."

  Wondering if this was the discussion he'd mentioned earlier, she discovered she didn't like it. Spanking was one thing, being forced to actually discuss it seemed a much worse price to pay; as if she were actually participating in her own punishment.

  "It's important that we discuss the reason why you are on your knees, little one," he said, his voice calm and nothing in his countenance speaking of anger.

  "I-I lied to you and Madame Jewel about my age," she managed.

  "That's right. Lying destroys trust, Rebekah, and we want to be able to trust you."

  "But, I didn't think you'd hire me and I just couldn't work for that bast…" Seeing his eyes darken, she felt ashamed for even thinking about cursing. "I'm sorry. I mean I couldn't work for Mr. March any longer." Glad when he nodded, she rushed to continue. "Besides, it wasn't really a bad lie…" When his eyebrow lifted, she was reminded of the sheriff and how his own brow lifted when he didn't like or believe what he was hearing. "I mean, it-it didn't really hurt anybody."

  "It doesn't matter," Gabe said. "A lie is a lie. I'm going to spank you for lying and, young lady, know this. Cursing is also a very spankable offense. You'll find yourself right back in this position anytime you do either. Is that understood?"

  "Ye-yes, sir."

  "And, repeat offenses will find the punishment increasing every time. That means a longer spanking as well as another implement other than my hand. Do you understand that as well?"

  Her tummy continued to do flip-flops as she nodded. She was no stranger to implements such as her hairbrush, a paddle, a switch and even her pa's razor strop. But she was a stranger to having anyone outside her family doling out discipline.

  "Good girl. Now, since your hand is hurt, I don't want to risk damaging it further. I will hold it while I spank you. Come, put yourself over my lap."

  Standing, she turned to find Jewel standing by the door. Seeing the blonde head give a small nod, Rebekah took the single step to where Mr. Gabe was waiting. She bent and he helped guide her over his knees. Her torso was supported by the bed on one side and her toes braced against the floor on the other. At his request for her injured hand, she put it behind her and felt him take it gently in his own. The fingers of her free hand had already twisted in the quilt that was covering her bed.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried not to whimper as she felt her nightgown being lifted until it was lying on the small of her back.

  "The next time you are over my lap, your drawers will be lowered and your bottom bared," he said.

  "Oh," she squeaked, grateful he was allowing her to maintain her modesty. She'd just die if he had bared her bottom. "There won't be a next time, I promise!"

  "I hope not," he said with a hint of a chuckle. Her thankfulness didn't last long as he lifted his hand and brought it down with a sharp slap against her behind. It didn't take but a half dozen before her squeaks turned into yelps and another six before she was attempting to roll off his lap.

  It seemed she'd lied again as the statement of her little fibs not hurting anyone was proving to be untrue. The lie was certainly hurting her. Another swat that cracked across the center of her bottom had her wailing, "Please, it hurts!"

  "Your hand?" he asked, his palm no longer swatting but remaining a heavy presence against her bottom that she couldn't ignore. If she said yes, would he stop? Despite the desire to lie, the swats she'd already taken were serving as a throbbing reminder of what happened to liars.

  "No-no, sir, but my bottom really hurts."

  "It is supposed to hurt. Let this spanking teach you a lesson," Gabe answered, "thank you for being honest, Rebekah."

  Evidently his gratitude for her honesty didn't include leniency as the spanking continued. Her efforts to escape were futile as he easily kept her in place until a second dozen had been applied to her churning rear. Tears slid down her cheeks as she yipped and yelped with every single crack against her flesh.

  "I hope you remember that promise, little one," Gabe said, pulling her up to stand before him and gently pressing her arms to her sides when she attempted to reach back to rub her stinging bottom. "I don't enjoy spanking you but I will if you make bad choices."

  "Ye-yes, sir," she said with a hiccup. "I'm sor-sorry."

  "I know are, but it's over now. You are forgiven and there's no need to speak of it again. Gabe stood, giving her a hug as Jewel approached. She guided Rebekah into bed, tucking her in and kissing her cheek.

  "Sweet dreams, Rebekah."

  "Thank you," Rebekah managed, her heart feeling lighter now that she'd paid the price for her choices. She blushed when Mr. Gabe bent and kissed her cheek as well.

  "Get some sleep. Everything will look better in the morning."

  "So I can stay?"

  Jewel answered, "Yes, I promised that once you paid the price for your naughtiness, all was forgiven. We'll start fresh tomorrow. Now, close your eyes and sleep."

  "Yes, ma'am," Rebekah said, her eyes fluttering closed as the lamp was extinguished and the couple left the room. She immediately turned onto her side, one hand moving to rub against her bottom. Though she wanted to s
tay awake and think about what had just happened, her body refused to allow it. Exhaustion pulled her into the sandman's arms before the tears had fully dried on her cheeks.


  Jeb pulled on the reins, halting his horse outside the saloon. Though he heard no sounds other than the wind blowing through the trees, he couldn't help but imagine the scene inside. Was Rebekah even now over Gabriel's lap, her dress up and her bloomers down? As the thought grew, he found he had no desire to grin. Instead, he felt a very unfamiliar feeling and realized that he was not the least bit pleased to think of the scene. Though he agreed that the young woman deserved a spanking, it was a bit of a shock to realize that he didn't want that spanking delivered by another. What the hell? He'd known Red since she was a young girl, often threatening to spank her if she didn't stop following him and Clay around. He'd never done so, of course, but hadn't hesitated to pop her arse earlier that evening. Holding her in his arms did more than keep her from further injuring herself on the shattered glass. It told him that little girl had grown up into a woman with all the right curves. How had that happened? The hoot of an owl drew him out of his thoughts and he gave his horse a gentle tap with the heels of his boots. He managed to keep her out of his thoughts as he rode to his cabin on the outskirts of town. It wasn't until he'd fed and watered Cappy and then washed himself, climbing into his bed that a vision of a feisty little redhead appeared in his mind's eye. This time he grinned as he wondered if the color of her bum matched that of her hair. When his cock stirred, he knew that she'd need to watch herself very carefully because he admitted that he fully intended to keep an eye on her himself.


  In another bedroom in the newly refurbished saloon, the owner of The Red Petticoat wasn't quite as comfortable. True, she was in bed, but she wasn't tucked beneath the sheets. Instead, she was tucked closely against Gabriel's stomach, his arm easily holding her in place. She wasn't allowed even the thin barrier of her drawers. Instead, she was completely naked, her bare bottom coloring rapidly as stroke after stroke landed against her flesh. Her cries were muffled by the pillow she was yelping into as her lover lit a fire in her backside.


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