Betting on Both

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Betting on Both Page 13

by Sheryl Nantus

  She would be damned if she let him go without a fight.

  In the meantime she busied herself with the minutiae of running the Majestic, looking over the newest renovation reports to see how things were going. It wasn’t so much a distraction as a way to keep herself focused, keep her eye on the prize.

  She scanned the latest updates. Under Julien’s direction the upgrade and redesign were going well. They’d even received a recent write-up in the local paper, applauding the attempt to revive the riverboat’s history and looking forward to the reopening.

  It wasn’t much but she sent a note to their publicity department asking them to send an invitation to the reporter. After that she buried herself in paperwork, finding plenty of work to occupy her time.

  Before Kat knew it her phone alarm rang, alerting her to the need for lunch. She’d pigged out at breakfast but now she needed something in her belly.

  Her hand paused over the screen, wondering if she dared to call Julien to join her. Or Cole.

  Too much? Too soon?

  She settled for ordering up a po’boy sandwich for lunch and ate it at her desk, alone.

  The answer to her morning request came in right after lunch, the e-mail flagged as sensitive and for her eyes only.

  Kat let it sit there for a half hour, fighting with herself on whether to open it or not, despite her earlier decision. Whatever was in Cole’s past, whatever had sent him flying from her room, was his secret.

  She could wait for him to tell her.

  Or she could pull rank, in a manner of speaking, and force the issue.

  But . . .

  The door flew open before she could make her decision and Cole strode in, his face flushed and sweaty. His white shirt was stuck to his skin, the tie almost an afterthought as it struggled to stay knotted.

  He looked as if he’d run a marathon and she suspected he’d scared more than a few employees during the rush to her office.

  “You . . .” He looked behind him before closing the door one bit short of a slam. The staggered breath brought his voice from a shout to a loud rumble. “You called up my records.”

  “Yes.” Kat stood, pressing her fingertips down on her desk. “Because I don’t believe you should be keeping secrets from me. From Julien. The way you left today, the way you walked out, it told me something was wrong. You can’t blame me for wanting to find out.”

  She hoped he couldn’t hear the tremor in her voice.

  He advanced on her. “That’s classified information. That’s only for the department head.”

  “Who the hell do you think I am?” Kat snapped. “I’m your boss. I have access to anything and everything that could affect your job performance.” She stopped still, regretting the words as soon as she heard them.

  Cole snapped to attention and threw her a salute. “Yes, ma’am. At your command. Would you like a quick fuck here on the desk?”

  She scowled at him even as desire flashed through her body at his rough words. “Don’t be an ass.”

  He walked around the desk and right up into her personal space, sending her pulse skyward. “All you need to know is that I can do my job.”

  “Of that I have no doubt. And I’ve never felt safer than when you’ve been with me.” She saw his cool blue eyes soften a fraction at the words. “But I don’t need you to just protect me. If you love me, if you really love me, you’ll trust me, and I’m not getting that feeling right now.” Kat pressed her palms against the desk, steadying herself. “Why won’t you tell me what’s burning you up?”

  Cole shook his head, the almost violent movement sending a jolt of fear into her system. “Not your business. Not your worry.” He took her hands in his, the heat almost scalding her skin. “Why can’t you trust me on this?”

  “I want to,” she whispered. “Why won’t you let me in?”

  “I . . .” He sighed. “I just need a little space. I need to process this. Then we’ll talk. I promise.” Cole stepped back, releasing her. “I’ll call you later.”

  He left, closing the door behind him.

  Kat sat and eyed the e-mail, the attachment sitting there waiting to be opened with a single flick of her finger.

  She moved the mouse over and deleted it.

  A few hours later Cole walked out of the elevator, exhausted and ready for a good long night’s rest.

  Alone. He’d spent enough hours fighting with his inner demons, barking at anyone who got in his way as he dug through the new hires and made sure the staff was up-to-date on the fire procedures.

  He paused, seeing Ed’s dour expression. The man was a steady, hard-working security professional who had worked with Cole on other assignments—very little got under the man’s skin.

  He looked as if he’d been forced to eat chalk.

  “Queen bee’s in a bad mood. Been that way since she came from her office.” The slender man jerked a thumb at the suite door. “Told me to shoot anyone who knocked at her door without her clearing it first. Including you.”

  Cole couldn’t help chuckling. “I hear you.” He dug the card key out of his pocket. “Good thing I’ve got my own entrance and exit.”

  Ed smiled. “Supposedly she’s been like this all day. Maybe this place is getting to her.”

  “Yeah. Maybe.” Cole tapped his temple. “I’ve got a bad headache. I’m in for the night.”

  The bodyguard nodded. “I’ll call you if she goes out, but given the mood she’s in I hope she just orders in.”

  Cole went to his own door. “I hope so too.”

  He went inside, hoping the next morning would be better.

  It was, in a way.

  Kat was gone by the time he’d gotten up, calling David in from the hallway to escort her to her office. The change in routine for her office had been passed to Cole and he hadn’t bothered to argue it.

  Choose the hill you’re going to die on.

  This wasn’t it.

  The day passed without any more than a glimpse of Kat as she went to her office and out on a site inspection, pointedly avoiding Cole.

  He sensed people knew there was something going on between him and Kat, but they more likely than not put it down as a professional issue. It was nothing new, the client often tiring of the constant attention and not willing to see the bodyguard’s point of view.

  Problem here was she’d seen more than just that.

  Cole looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. He hadn’t planned this, hadn’t wanted any of this.

  He thought a night with Kat McMaster would be enough to get her out of his system, satisfy them both along with a curious Julien. Give the woman her fantasy and then they’d all go off on their separate ways with nothing more than a delicious memory, something to reminisce over when he got to Las Vegas or wherever the job took him next.

  But she’d gotten inside and for the first time in years Cole wasn’t sure what to do.

  Julien’s phone call took Kat aback. It’d been almost a week since they’d spent the night together and she’d seen little of her hotel manager.

  Alone, that is.

  All she needed to do was look out her window to see him running around, talking to the workers, chasing the construction crews to make sure things were as he wanted them. It gave her a rush to see his enthusiasm, remembering how good they’d been together in bed.

  With Cole.

  “I was wondering if you’d like to go out tonight. All work and no play.” His low sensual voice had stroked the simmering desire inside Kat, tamped down by the dreary workdays she’d put in.

  “For you or for me?”

  “Both.” Julien chuckled. “How about a nice dinner out? I know this little café that has the best gumbo in New Orleans.”

  Kat cocked her head to one side, forgetting he couldn’t see her. “I hear that about every little café. Including our own kitchen.”

  She imagined him shrugging his broad shoulders. “Not my fault they’re all wrong. Including our own chef, and I’ll never confess I sa
id so.”

  “What about . . .” Her throat closed up, the emotions sealing her words away.

  “I’ll talk to Cole, get him on board. He’s had a week to figure things out and we’ve given him his space. Time for him to put out.” He chuckled. “Come on, chérie—we all need a break. At the rate things are going we’ll be on time to open ahead of schedule. Doesn’t get better than that. Let’s have a bit of a celebration before we have to knuckle down and make the final drive to get the job finished.”

  Kat smiled and nodded. “Pick me up in a few hours, at six. Don’t be late.” She hung up before he could reply.

  She stood and went to the window.

  She could, in all good faith, continue seeing Julien alone. It’d been her idea to have the threesome and she could end it at any time.

  But Cole . . .

  Kat sighed, remembering the way he tasted, the way he felt under her touch. So different from Julien, and yet in a way they were so much alike. She liked Julien, possibly loved him, but she cared for Cole as much, despite his hasty exit. It was obvious the man had issues but she wanted him, wanted both men.

  She rubbed her forehead.

  Nothing had changed between them, and yet everything had.

  She spun around and snatched up her coffee mug, tossing it at the office door.

  It shattered into a dozen fat ceramic pieces, spewing the cold beverage across the carpet.

  The door opened and Andy appeared, another member of her security detail.

  “Are you okay, Ms. McMaster?” He scanned the room before settling his attention on the broken mug.

  “Yes. Just an accident.” Kat waved him off. “Please call housekeeping. Thank you.”

  Julien spotted Cole at the far end of the parking lot directing the installation of the new security cameras. He wore a light windbreaker today, the pale blue matching the Majestic’s new color scheme. It didn’t completely hide the pistol at the small of the bodyguard’s back.

  As he approached Cole snapped at one of the technicians.

  “Point it at the damned parking spots. Do you want to have to explain to Kat McMaster why one of her customers got mugged, and we’ve got no film on it? Do you?”

  The man in question gave a nonchalant shrug, safe atop the light post. He returned to adjusting the angle of the camera, ignoring Cole and Julien as he muttered to his partner, interspersing English with Cajun French and discussing Cole’s parentage.

  Cole put his fists on his hips and glared at the pair. Julien didn’t know how much, if any, Cole understood, but the body language was universal.

  Julien tried hard not to laugh, turning it into a choked cough.

  Cole spun, putting the full intensity of his stare on Julien.

  Julien didn’t flinch under the man’s nonverbal attack.

  “Maybe you need a course in human relations,” he murmured, not loud enough for the workers to hear.

  He wasn’t here to undercut the man’s authority. That’d cause more trouble and they had enough on their plate to deal with.

  Cole opened his mouth as if to speak, then snapped it shut. He gave the technicians one last futile look and walked past Julien into the center of the parking lot.

  Julien followed, aware Cole was intentionally choosing a private spot for them to talk. It’d look like any meeting between the manager and security chief except for the topic of conversation.

  Cole stopped and faced Julien. “So what’s up?”

  “I’m taking Kat out for dinner tonight.” He studied Cole’s stoic expression. “What do you think about that?”

  Cole rolled his tongue inside his cheek, jamming his hands inside his pockets. “She can do what she wants. She’s our boss.”

  “She’s our woman,” Julien corrected him. “What’s going on with you, Cole? We have a beautiful woman in bed and she cares for both of us. And you’re tossing it all away because you don’t care for her?”

  Cole snarled and took a step closer. “I do care for her.” His voice was a low hoarse growl. “She’s my responsibility.”

  Julien frowned. “Was that night part of your job? Sleep with her, satisfy her fantasies, and then walk away back to your guard post?”

  “No.” Cole shook his head. “It’s complicated.”

  Julien reached out and cupped the back of Cole’s neck, drawing him in until their foreheads touched. “We are brothers, mon ami. Not in the flesh but in the heart. We both care for the same woman and want the best for her. Tell me what’s going on in that thick skull of yours.”

  Cole swallowed hard. “I’m not sure what’s going on.” He tensed up under Julien’s grip. “You have to understand, I’ve admired her from afar. Saw her pictures for years, thought about getting her into bed. Now I have and it’s not what I expected.”

  “Because of me? Because of the ménage?”

  “Because of me.” Cole tapped his chest. “I’m not a man who gives my heart away lightly. I thought I could be with her and with you and not feel so much.” He closed his eyes. “I’m not making any sense.”

  Julien smiled. “It’s been my experience in affairs of the heart that sense rarely makes an appearance. But you do care for her, yes?”

  “Yes,” Cole answered. “I’m just not sure if there’s more there. Or if I can give her more.”

  “I understand.” Julien didn’t fully but he wasn’t going to let Cole get away. He released Cole and stepped away. “You’ve been avoiding her for a week. I’m going to take her out tonight and, hopefully, make love to her all night long.” He paused, weighing his next sentence. “I’d like you to join us.”

  Cole drew his lips into a tight line. “Did she suggest that or is this your idea?”

  “Does it matter?” Julien said, fighting to keep his voice down. “She wants you, I can see that. And . . . and I want you in our bed as well.”

  Cole raised an eyebrow.

  “Not that way. You know that’s not my preference.” Julien raised his hands. “Believe me, it’s shocking to me as well. But I saw the way she came alive in your arms, in your embrace. She blossomed like a flower, opened herself heart and soul to the two of us.” He drew a slow breath. “I’ve never felt this with any other woman.”

  “And you think it won’t be the same if you make love to her by yourself?”

  Julien shook his head. “I’m crazy, I know. But I know it wouldn’t be the same, it wouldn’t be enough for her. For me.” He eyed Cole. “I know you don’t understand—”

  “Actually, I do.” Cole looked away from him, over toward the riverboat. “I told you I’ve been in this sort of relationship before. What you’re saying . . . I know all about it.” He pulled his lips into a tight line. “It’s an emotional rush like no other. It’s damned addictive and once it’s got hold of you it won’t let go.” He stared at Julien. “So, yes, I do understand.”

  Julien took a deep breath, holding back the urge to punch him. In the first place, he doubted it’d affect Cole much.

  In the second place he doubted he’d ever get a second chance.

  “Then what’s going on?” Julien pressed on. “Why are you acting like this? Don’t you want her?”

  “God, yes. I do.” Cole shook his head. “But it’s complicated.”

  “Complicated?” Julien fought to keep calm. “What the hell about this isn’t?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Listen, listen to me.” He cleared his throat. “I was only a teenager when Katrina hit.” Julien held up a hand, seeing Cole about to respond. “I won’t tell you stories because you’ve probably heard them all.” His throat tightened at the memories. “Some left the city because they thought New Orleans was done for.” He pressed his palm to his chest, feeling his heartbeat increase. “I couldn’t leave. I stayed and fought for what I love. And now I’ve found someone I want to love, that I do love, but it won’t work without you.”

  Cole said nothing.

  “You owe her an explanation if you’re not going to be with us, at the very least.”
Julien moved in as close as he dared, his nose almost bumping into Cole’s. “We’re going to the Bon Noir café for dinner. I’m picking her up at six. Join us as her security chief and as her lover.” He paused and decided to up the game. “Don’t send one of your flunkies to guard Kat because I’ll figure out a plan to whisk her away from under his nose and you won’t see her until tomorrow. Your choice.”

  Cole’s jaw tensed and Julien saw he’d hit a nerve. Either deal with the situation now or deal with it later as Kat slipped away from his safety zone.

  “See you there.” Before Cole could answer Julien strode away, keeping his pace as measured and calm as he could muster.

  I’ve thrown the gauntlet, paladin.

  Let’s see how you respond.

  Cole went back to his room using a headache as an excuse, calling one of his other men to finish supervising the camera installation. It wasn’t a total lie, the meeting with Julien creating a throbbing monster behind one eye.

  His world was crashing down around his ears, again. And he was getting damned tired of it.

  He dug into his suitcase and found the small photograph, the smiling faces beaming back at him. Another time, another place, another relationship.

  I miss you both. So much . . .

  Cole ran his fingers over the picture before putting it to one side and reaching for the bottle of headache pills he kept on hand.

  He dry-swallowed two pills and programmed an alarm into his phone before lying down.

  Maybe a nap would help clear his mind.

  The explosion was deafening, ripping the sound from his mind.

  Cole rolled to one side and stood, searching for his weapon. He’d only gotten to bed a few hours earlier and was still groggy.

  “They hit the hospital. Those bastards.” The shouts from outside drained the sleep from his bones, replacing it with cold icy fear.

  He snatched up his rifle and ran out of the tent, scanning the soldiers running by. It was still dark, the shadows warping and twisting as flashlights came on and people moved to their assigned positions.


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