Betting on Both

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Betting on Both Page 15

by Sheryl Nantus

  Ed, one of Cole’s oldest employees, was in the hallway. The silver-haired man raised one eyebrow as the trio came out of the elevator, hands all over each other. He stayed in place and didn’t bat an eye.

  Kat fished out her card key and opened the hotel door. She stepped through, one hand on Julien’s sleeve and the other firmly latched on to Cole’s tie.

  Ed’s stoic mask broke and he grinned, giving a short wave as Cole went in.

  “Right.” Kat released both men as the door closed. “Now, where were we?”

  Julien let out a laugh. “I believe we were about to ravish you beyond your wildest dreams.”

  She raised an eyebrow, her lips quivering as she attempted to stay serious. “I’ve got some pretty wild dreams.”

  He stepped up and placed a hand on her bare leg, gripping her thigh. “That’s good to hear.”

  Cole moved behind her, shucking his jacket. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  The imaginary weight on his heart had lifted, the confession clearing his soul.

  Kat sighed as Julien moved in to kiss the hollow at the base of her neck, both hands now skimming the edges of the sexy little dress. She kicked off her shoes and tossed her purse to one side.

  “Slow down,” Cole warned Julien as he unbuttoned his shirt. “We’ve got all night here. Don’t want you going off half-cocked.”

  Julien mumbled something into Kat’s ear, making her laugh.

  “Smart-ass.” Cole took hold of her waist and tugged her back, out of Julien’s grip. “Mine.”

  She gasped as he put his teeth to the dress zipper, lightly nipping the delicate skin at the back of her neck before pulling it down. He slipped to his knees and placed a kiss at the base of her spine, adding another naughty scrape of his teeth over the edge of her black lace panties.

  Kat gasped, grabbing at Julien to stay upright as she wobbled on unsteady legs.

  “Careful,” Julien warned. “Maybe standing isn’t the best thing right now.” He pulled the dress off her shoulders and let it fall onto Cole.

  Cole chuckled as he hooked his fingers into the thin black fabric and gave a fast yank. The remains of her panties fell atop the dress as Kat let out a sigh.

  He stroked his hands along her legs before reaching her waist. “I think we’re both woefully overdressed.” He caught Julien’s eye and nodded, taking control of Kat’s trembling body.

  Kat’s relief at finding out Cole’s secret had been replaced by an overriding need, a desire to let herself fly apart with both men.

  One of the rules she’d been taught during her time in New York and Los Angeles was the importance of letting go. There was nothing wrong with rewarding oneself after finishing a hard task or getting a job done. As long as you stayed within limits, it was a necessary and healthy thing to do.

  Kat laughed as she grabbed Julien’s dark blue shirt and yanked it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. His shocked look was quickly replaced with the sly, hungry, wolfish smile she’d become used to.

  “Our woman seems to have found her footing,” he rasped as her hands went to his belt, deftly undoing it and stripping it from his pants.

  “That could be a dangerous thing,” Cole said from behind her. He’d risen to his full height and she felt his heated breath on the back of her neck.

  She also felt something else.

  Sometime during her attack on Julien’s clothing, Cole had stripped and now he pressed against her, his arousal nudging her skin.

  “Yes,” she said, working on undoing Julien’s pants. For his part he stood there and watched, his heated gaze sending her pulse into overdrive.

  Cole chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her. “What’s the question?”

  “Whatever you want it to be,” Kat murmured.

  A gentle tug had Julien’s pants falling around his ankles, bunching up on his boots. Kat eyed him with a smirk.

  “Better hurry up.” She leaned back into Cole’s embrace. “He’s ahead of you.”

  “Not for long,” Julien rasped.

  Kat yelped as Cole picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. “See you later,” he called back to the hapless Julien. “You snooze, you lose.”

  She couldn’t hold back a laugh as Cole swung her around and laid her on the bed. His eyes locked with hers and all she could think about was what he’d gone through, what he’d risked by opening his heart to her. To them.

  Kat ran her hand through the short hair. “Thank you.”

  Cole arched one eyebrow. “I haven’t done anything yet.” The humor in his words belayed the emotion in his eyes, telling her he understood.

  “But . . .” He smirked. “I’m going to.”

  She was about to reply when his lips fastened onto her breast, his tongue swirling around her nipple, and all thought fled for cover.

  Julien’s familiar laugh broke through the emotional haze as he climbed onto the bed behind her. He descended on her from above, kissing her upside down.

  The world spun around her as Cole’s hand slid over to squeeze her other breast before caressing her side, fingers dancing over her bare skin.

  This . . . this was different.

  She could feel the change in the air, the interaction among the three of them moving past the physical side into something deeper, more intimate.

  Julien groaned as he deepened the kiss, circling her face with both hands.

  Cole released her breast with a wet pop and moved to the other one, dropping kisses along her skin. His hand moved to draw lazy circles on her belly before slipping between her legs.

  She was drowning in desire, the two men pushing every button she had to push her beyond arousal.

  Julien pulled away and kissed the tip of her nose. “I swear you get more beautiful every day.”

  Her eyes filled with tears suddenly, unable to deal with the emotional rush.

  “Shush.” Julien stroked her cheek. “You need to be told that daily.” He slid down the bed to lie beside her as Cole shifted his position, kissing his way along her torso.

  Kat let out a whimper as Cole nudged her legs apart with his chin, chuckling as he laid down a wet trail along her skin. The beard stubble brushed against her inner thighs and she couldn’t help rocking her hips, reacting to the stimuli.

  “I love you,” she choked out as Julien kissed her again, lightly squeezing one breast.

  “Damned straight,” Cole mumbled as he stroked over her inner core with his tongue.

  Kat moaned and reached to take hold of his head but was stopped by Julien. He gave a hoarse chuckle as he gripped her wrists, keeping her from moving.

  “I don’t think you want to distract him,” Julien whispered. He kissed her again, swallowing her squealing reply.

  Cole hesitated only a second before plunging his tongue inside her, his hands keeping her thighs apart. She struggled against his grip but it was useless, his strength working to bend her to his wishes.

  Julien took hold of her hands and stretched her arms over her head, pinning them to the mattress. He looked into her eyes, dotting her face with light butterfly kisses.

  “No holding back,” he whispered as Cole continued to stroke and tease her. “Not with us. Never again.”

  Kat arched off the bed as her world split apart into a thousand shards, each one reflecting Cole and Julien back at her.

  She came back to herself, curled into Cole’s embrace. Julien murmured into her ear as he ran his hands along her sides. Cole hummed a low, sensual tune while she took slow, steady breaths to try and calm her heart.

  “La petite mort,” Julien whispered. “That’s what they call it when you feel it so strongly, fall outside of yourself with pleasure. Translates to ‘the little death.’” His breath tickled her skin. “And then you come back, flush with the excitement of life.”

  Kat managed a laugh. “Dying sounds rather negative.”

  He nipped at her ear. “It gives you a greater appreciation of life.” He paused, his eyes widening as h
e took in what they were saying.

  Kat winced inside and lifted her head to look at Cole.

  We’re idiots, she thought. Talking about death when . . .

  Cole smiled, the most peaceful smile she’d ever seen in her life.

  “It’s okay.” He stroked her cheek before reaching past her to squeeze Julien’s shoulder with the same hand. “I’m fine.” His gaze narrowed. “But if you’ve got enough energy to talk—”

  Julien picked up the rest of the sentence. “We’re not done yet.” The ripping of a condom packet behind her sent a shiver through her as she imagined what he was doing.

  A minute later he nipped her earlobe as he drew her legs apart.

  She opened her mouth to say something but was stopped by Cole’s passionate kiss, his hand tightening on her breast as Julien pulled her leg atop his and slowly, agonizingly slowly, entered her from behind. He pressed against her and let out a low moan, lips pressed against the back of her neck.

  Kat closed her eyes tight, overwhelmed by the sensations of Julien filling her with measured, powerful thrusts, and Cole’s heated kiss, his tongue mimicking above the waist what Julien was doing below.

  Julien’s long, slender fingers gripped her hips as he increased his pace, accompanied by a series of gasps into her loose hair.

  She reached behind her and took hold of Julien’s dark locks, pulling them along her jawline. Her other hand went to the back of Cole’s head, getting a firm grip on his neck as his kiss deepened and she felt the familiar heat spiraling out from her very soul.

  Cole pressed his hand against her, his middle finger sliding between her damp folds to find the tender nub he’d so recently teased with his tongue.

  Kat whimpered into his mouth as he stroked it, the combination sending her racing up the virtual mountain faster than before.

  She sensed Julien was there as well, climbing with her. As his strokes became more erratic and powerful Cole increased his efforts, finishing her off with one last, almost painful twitch of his hand.

  Kat let out a staggered scream, hearing Julien’s shout in her ear. Her vision whited out for a second and she sagged in both men’s embrace, gasping for air.

  She must have fallen asleep for a few minutes, a few hours, waking only to hear the two men whispering to each other.

  “I’ll order a full breakfast,” Julien said. “Any requests?”

  She felt him shift away from her, the lack of his body heat sending goose bumps over her exposed skin.

  “Bacon. Plenty of bacon,” Cole replied. “And two pitchers of coffee. We’ve still got work to do before the reopening.”

  “Tell me about it.” Julien placed a wet kiss on the back of her neck. “I’ll shower first.”

  “Take your time.” Cole pulled her closer, sliding his leg over hers.

  Julien laughed softly. “I’ll take as long as I like, and you’ll do the same.” The soft click announced they were alone in the bedroom.

  “So,” Cole kissed her closed eyelids. “I see you’re awake.”

  She opened her eyes, unable to hide her surprise. “How did you know?”

  He grinned. “A shift in your breathing. The way you reacted to his leaving.” He tapped his chest. “This is what I do for a living, sweetheart.”

  Kat felt her cheeks burn. “Sorry. I didn’t want to interrupt you two. Sounds like you were making plans.”

  “We were talking about breakfast. And before that, if it was time to get up yet, or if we’d have another delicious encounter.”

  “And you decided there wasn’t enough time.” Despite the activity of the past few hours, she felt sadness creeping up on her.

  “Au contraire.” He laughed at her open-mouthed reaction. “What? You think Julien is the only one who can speak French?”

  “No, but . . .” Kat moaned as his hands roamed over her and under, grabbing her bottom.

  Cole leaned in and latched onto her bottom lip with his teeth, gently tugging. “Not enough time for us to order breakfast, all of us shower, and go out to work. Plenty of time for Julien to get things started and leave me with you.”

  “But—” she said again as he reached behind to snag a packet. “Julien—”

  “Julien approved. I think he’s also going to use all the hot water.” He kissed her again, ratcheting the heat up even as he fumbled with the condom. “We assumed you’d be okay with it.”

  “More than.” Kat pulled away and took the shiny foil square. “Here. Let me.”

  Cole slid onto his back and let out a throaty groan as she shifted down the bed.

  She couldn’t resist.

  Kat took hold of his balls, gently rolling them in one hand. She leaned in and delivered a wet, sloppy kiss to the head of his cock, the enthusiastic bobbing telling her he approved.

  Cole let out a cry as she pulled him into her mouth, running her tongue around the ridge and feeling him surge forward, barely able to contain himself.

  He punched the mattress with both hands before bunching the already tangled sheets in his fingers, twisting them into Gordian knots.

  Kat slid the condom over his length before moving to straddle him. She placed her hands on his chest and drew her nails over his nipples, marveling at the light fuzz covering his skin.

  Cole gritted his teeth as she rose over him and slowly, slowly lowered herself. She reveled in seeing him under her control, letting her lead.

  Kat threw her head back as he filled her completely, the same as Julien had done but yet so very different.

  Cole grunted and there was a trace of a whine in the noise. His entire body went taut, like a slender piece of wood drawn back to create an archer’s bow.

  Kat smiled and rose as slowly as she could, holding herself at bay when she wanted nothing else than to set a punishing pace. She already felt the first tingling of another orgasm singing through her body.

  Cole’s hands moved to her hips but he didn’t grip her hard, his fingers staying there only to help guide her as she moved, the cadence increasing with every second. She was in control, in total control, and she loved it.

  Kat arched back as Cole moved one hand to her center, providing nothing more than a point for her to lean on. She increased her movements, rotating her hips and bringing a growl from Cole.

  She shattered in a surprise burst of light, unable to contain her joy and letting out a scream she was sure the guard out in the hallway would hear.

  Cole almost matched her yell with his own, fingers digging into her hips as he shook with his release.

  Kat flopped onto his sweaty chest, gasping as he struggled to catch his breath.

  “Okay,” Cole mumbled. “Now it’s time for breakfast.”

  Kat used the last of her energy to laugh as she stroked his side and felt him tense in anticipation of a tickle attack. “Bacon. Me first.”

  Chapter Eight

  Cole was happy. For once in his life the stars were in alignment and he was in a good place. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to jump for joy or lie there, content with the woman in his arms. The decision was made for him when the bedroom door opened.

  “The food’s here.” Julien strolled in, fully dressed. His long hair was pulled into a tight, damp ponytail.

  Cole released Kat and winced, feeling the need to exercise despite recent events. He rarely missed his morning routines, and while this was a welcome replacement, his muscles demanded at least a good long stretch.

  He rolled off the mattress and stood with a loud grunt.

  “We need a bigger bed,” he announced as Kat looked at him with bleary, half-closed eyes. Julien laughed and tugged the tangled sheet up to cover her body.

  “Cover yourself or I won’t be able to restrain my need to climb back in.” Julien wagged a finger at the naked Cole. “You better not have broken her.”

  “Does she look broken?” Cole laughed. “We still need a bigger bed.”

  “So go requisition one.” She reached out and drew her fingers along his abs, sending a shi
ver through his body. “This is a hotel, after all. We’ve got to have a king-sized bed around here somewhere. And if not, we’ll order one.” Kat yawned and sat up, letting the sheet fall away. “Thank you for taking care of breakfast.” She eyed Julien. “I’ll thank you again tonight.”

  He grinned and Cole saw the sexual lightning flashing between them. “I’ll make a note.”

  Cole reached up, his fingertips brushing the ceiling over his head. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt either of you to start a fitness regime.”

  “I believe we’ve got a good one.” Julien leaned in and nuzzled Kat’s hair. “But if you’d rather do push-ups than push-ins, I’ll make up the difference.”

  Kat arched her back and let out an exaggerated groan. “I swear, I should dump both of you and get a pair of vibrators. At least they have ‘off’ buttons.”

  Julien looked at Cole and winked, drawing a smile from the satisfied bodyguard. “Do you now? Allow us to demonstrate a flaw with your theory.” He grabbed her around the waist and tickled her. “I know where your ‘on’ button is. Let’s see if I can find the ‘off’ one.”

  The shrieks only grew louder as Cole joined in, laughing as she tried to bat them away.

  Yep. He was happy.

  The next month was wonderful, the three of them spending more of their spare time together than apart. Julien kept his apartment off-site primarily for a break if and when they got tired of being together.

  Which wasn’t very often. Cole’s room had become more of a storage space for both men, the single bed now filled with Julien’s clean laundry. If housekeeping wondered about the sudden addition to their workload, they said nothing.

  Kat’s intuition was right. The staff didn’t care or if they did, they kept silent about the arrangement. There were a few winks and giggles from the women, a handful of knowing smirks from the men and, Cole suspected, a whole lot of envy on both sides. The men envied Julien and his loving Kat, and the women were thrilled with the idea of having both men in one bed. Public displays of affection never strayed past a kiss on the cheek, the three of them agreeing to keep their hands off each other until they were in private.


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