Leo: Zodiac Killers #9

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Leo: Zodiac Killers #9 Page 8

by WL Knightly

  “It’s not impossible. But I can promise you this, if there was something fishy going on, I’m going to get to the bottom of it when I get there.”

  “Oh, that reminds me. Weren’t you an original investor in his second store?”

  Bay sat up straight in his chair. “As a matter of fact, yes, I was. Seth Stone had invested as well.”

  “Well, with Seth dead, that just leaves you and me.”

  “He paid off his debt.”

  “That he did, but there was a clause in the loan forms. I drew them up myself. Maybe you should take a look at them. You’ve just inherited two sporting good stores or at least a part of them.”


  “I had it written in that if we helped him out, in the event of his death, we’d take ownership. He was supposed to tell you all about it. They would revert back to him after he paid us back, and then we’d still own a ten percent share if he passed away. When he finished paying us off, he seems to have forgotten to file it. It was in the contract you signed, Bay. Don’t tell me you didn’t read it.”

  He vaguely remembered. “Does Brandy know that?”

  “I imagine you’ll be the one to tell her. She seemed like a good girl, though. I’m sure you won’t have any problems with her.”

  That was the way she had come off, like a good girl, but Bay had to questions her All-American Sunshine act. She might be beautiful and blond, but so was he, and he wouldn’t trust himself if he were anyone else.

  Not only did she fake her marriage with Corey, and was no doubt collecting a nice windfall from him, but now Justin was leaving her his money too. She had to be good for tens of millions. There was no way he’d let her take it all without sharing.

  “I’m sure I can handle her.”

  “I’m sure you can,” said Lane. “But call me if you need anything. I know these things can be a pain in the ass if you don’t deal with them all the time and when so much emotion is involved. I’m sure she’s a real mess after losing two men she cared about so soon after each other.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. It might be nice to get away for a day or two.” He looked across the room at Mia whose head came up when he mentioned going away.

  He wasn’t sure what he’d have to do with her, but he didn’t think it would be a good idea for her to go along.

  After a friendly farewell, he got off the phone and walked across the room to his file cabinet. The deal he’d made with Justin all those years ago over the second store was recorded somewhere. He had always kept a folder of personal documents, and when he found it, he took it to the desk.

  Mia walked over to join him, taking a spot on his knee. “Here’s my list.” She had a list with about twenty things on it and passed the paper to Bay, who quickly skimmed through to the bottom.

  “Five of these are shoes.” She had a closet full of fucking shoes, but if she wanted more, that was what she’d get.

  She gave him a clever grin. “I’m a shoe whore; I can’t help it.”

  “You’ll have to be a much different kind of whore to get the rest of these things.” Her list consisted of mostly lingerie and sex toys. “I approve.”

  Her smile beamed, and she stretched out her neck to kiss him. “I thought that we might have some fun.”

  “You know we will.” He gave her a pop on the bottom, and she giggled.

  But then she sighed and reached up to stroke his hair. “Will I be going with you when you go away?”

  He closed his eyes, loving the feel of her fingers caressing his scalp. “I’m not sure. I’ll think about it, but it’s work-related, and it’s going to be something I don’t do a lot of. I shouldn’t bring any distractions along for the ride.” She was always his favorite distraction.

  “Think about it? I’ll be on my best behavior.” She reached down and stroked his cock through his pants.

  He hissed in a breath and looked into her eyes. “Hm, you really do fall right back into it, don’t you?” He patted her bottom and then kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you show me what you’ve missed most of all?”

  Without another word, she slipped down between his legs as he eased back in his chair. He knew right then how much he’d really missed her.

  Chapter 13


  It wasn’t bad enough that he had to waste an entire trip to New York City meeting up with Darek and Ken fucking Sin, but he’d had to get there flying coach for the first time in ages. He hadn’t realized how spoiled to the better things he’d become until he had to eat stale honey-roasted peanuts while the woman next to him picked her toenails.

  All of the shitty looks in the world hadn’t deterred her picking her talons, and he’d finally told the woman just what he thought of her disgusting habit. Nervous picker? Was that even a thing?

  He had made it to his hotel room by the end of the day, and when he called Darek, he told him the name of the restaurant he wanted to meet him at. He knew Bakes was owned by Bay Collins but hadn’t thought the man would be joining them until he walked in and saw the platinum head of his like beacon at a back table.

  Darek wasn’t there yet, but he was sure it wasn’t a coincidence. He walked over to the table, and Bay stood, shaking his hand. “Did you have a good flight?”

  Carter frowned. It was just like Bay to know which buttons to push. He had long believed the guy to be psychic. He pulled up a chair and sat across from him. “It was okay. I thought Darek would beat me here.”

  “You know how it is, busy detective, always on the case. He’s probably still trying to figure out who put out that hit on us.”

  “Yeah, I bet. How are you doing?” He gestured to Bay’s wounded arm. He’d expected Bay to still be wearing a sling, but he seemed to be doing well.

  “It’s good. I was lucky not to need a lot of therapy, and I didn’t lose the mobility they first expected.”

  He may not have lost a lot of mobility, but Carter could definitely tell that Bay favored his other arm much more. Was it a habit from the healing process, or was the man full of shit? Bay was just the type to play off an injury. He liked to think of himself as a god, totally untouchable.

  “That’s wonderful news, friend. I’ve been praying for your fast recovery.” Bay lifted his glass to his lips and took a long pull as whiskey was placed in front of Carter. “Thank you,” he said as he took a long look at the waitress’s ass as she walked away. “She’s nice. Did you hire her?”

  “No, I leave that fun to other people, but I have met her and could get you her number if you like. Or maybe have her drop by your hotel. I’m sure there’s not anything she wouldn’t do for me.”

  “Let me see how her service is, and I just might take you up on that offer.”

  “The wife still away on the mission?” Bay’s brows rose.

  Carter didn’t want to even think about Adrian. “Yes, and I dodged a bullet coming here. She was about to hop the next plane home.”

  “So, how are things back home? With the church? Is your congregation still in love with you?”

  “Are you asking if they’d have any reason to want me dead? The answer is no. I don’t believe anyone would try to take me out. The shooting had nothing to do with me.”

  Bay’s attention turned to something behind him, and he glanced around to see Darek had finally made it.

  The two men stood and greeted him. “I hope someone died,” said Bay. “Otherwise, you couldn’t possibly have a good excuse for making me wait.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t get away from the office. Lizzy wanted to know all about the meeting with Sin, when we’re going, what I will say and have Carter say and so forth.”

  “While you mention it,” said Carter, taking his seat. “What do you want me to say to him? Is there anything in particular we’ll explore?”

  “Darek tells me you have a rather strange past with Ken Sin.”

  Carter already knew what Bay wanted to know and where the questions were leading. “Yes, I knew him
quite well, better than I let on before. I was nervous that you’d all think I told him about Virginia, but I swear to you on the good book that I did not tell him anything that would make him come after us.”

  “I guess it could all be much worse, then,” said Bay, still not looking impressed.

  Darek shrugged. “Well, I think if Ken knew I was involved, he’d have already blown my cover.”

  “You’re right about that,” said Bay. “Make sure that you don’t let anyone, not even Sin, know that you two are old friends.” He directed the comment to Carter, who only slightly felt offended for being singled out.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to be here, Bay,” he said, giving Darek a pointed look.

  “Come on now; you didn’t think I was going to let you get away with not seeing me while you were in town. Besides, I’ve come to offer hospitality to an otherwise boring visit.”

  He looked around at the restaurant. “I must say, this is a nice place.”

  Bay raked his hand through his hair. “Thank you.” The waitress walked up and brought Darek a drink, and then Bay leaned over. “Bring us each a steak, medium rare, and put a rush on them please.”

  The girl was practically fucking him with her eyes, and Carter smiled, knowing that Bay wanted him to be envious of the attention. “Yes, Mr. Collins.” She turned and sauntered away with a bit more spring in her step.

  “Thank you,” said Darek, putting down the menu.

  “Well, it’s the least I can do. It’s not often our friend leaves his sanctuary to come to hang with us common sinners.”

  Darek smiled but took another drink as Carter sat back in his chair, hoping to look unaffected by Bay’s tone. “I thought I just might go by your other establishment for a bit of adult fun while I’m in town. I’m on a bit of a solo journey this time, lucky for me.” The last time he’d come to town had been with his wife, and she was so buttoned-up and proper, she’d faint dead away at the thought of fucking her husband in front of a mirror, much less seeing another couple fuck right in front of her.

  “You’re welcome anytime. I’ll call and make sure that your VIP band is waiting for you. I myself will be out of town.”

  “Where does excitement take you now, Bay?” Darek’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’re going to see your wife.”

  “No. I wanted to tell you, but I thought I might let you both in on the fun. I only just got a call from Lane earlier today.”

  “You’re going to see Lane?” asked Carter, wondering if it had anything to do with the shooting.

  Bay smiled. “No, I’m going to Justin’s house in Michigan. When Lane quit the practice, he gave me all of his cases and legal responsibilities. He said that Justin got with him some time ago and made a will. I’m going to go and make sure it’s all being handled properly, and it’s not really something I can do over the phone.”

  “You’re going to stay at Justin’s house?” Darek leaned forward in his chair. “Maybe you could look into Betty?”

  Bay shook his head. “No, but I’m sure I’ll have time to dig around. I will try to find something.”

  Carter needed to get a word in and put his hand flat on the table in front of them. “Wait, he had a will?”

  “Yeah, he did. With all of that money, it’s no wonder. I just don’t know why he left it all to Brandy Walker.”

  Carter’s head whipped up so fast that he could have sworn he heard the snap of a whip. “Brandy? As in Corey’s girlfriend?”

  Darek narrowed his eyes. “Why would he do that?”

  “Then who is this Betty person? His mother?” The last thing Carter needed was another heir gumming up the works of his plan.

  “She’s his online girlfriend, and the person we think is the real killer,” Darek said.

  “It’s a long story,” said Bay. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  “Why Brandy?” Carter didn’t know what was so special about the girl.

  Bay shrugged. “I guess they were pretty close. He left her everything apparently. Not a soul other than her to divide it with.”

  Carter’s head was swimming with emotions. Not only did he have a little anger, thinking that the bitch must have had something to do with Justin’s death, but she was also going to get a fuck ton of money, and his bargain with her was about to be renegotiated. He had told her half, and he meant half of all. He’d be sure to let her know.

  “She’s going to need a lot of prayers for wisdom,” Carter said. “You know, I’ve always wanted to see Justin’s house. I heard he built most of it himself and refused to use power tools. He was quite proud of it. I wonder if she’ll be selling it or not. I know I’d like to check it out and see if it’s something I might be interested in. Would you mind if I come along? I’d like to offer my condolences as well.”

  Bay smiled. “I think that would be great. I could use the traveling companion, and you can listen to my confessions and tell me if I’m going to Hell or not.”

  “You’d think that was clear already,” said Darek.

  Bay gave a sly smile. “Well, maybe you can save my soul then. Make a better man out of me.”

  “Then it’s all set,” Carter said. “When do we leave?”

  “Late tomorrow, when you’re done with your Sin ordeal. We’ll be making a road trip out of it and get a jump start on the weekend. Hopefully, we’ll be able to make it back home in time for a new week.”

  “That sounds good to me. I’m ready to get this meeting with Sin behind, but I think I’ll unwind at the club a little tonight, loosen up a bit.”

  Darek gave him a scolding look. “Just don’t get too relaxed. I need you to show up.”

  “I’ll be in the crow’s nest with Mia,” said Bay.

  Darek eased back off the table. “How’s she doing?”

  “She’s conflicted,” said Bay. “I thought things might go back to the way they were before, but when I took her out shopping earlier, she was a mess.”

  “You went shopping?” Carter couldn’t imagine Bay holding a shopping bag, much less going into a store on his own. “I figured you had personal shoppers.”

  “No, that’s reserved for televangelists.” He gave Carter a wink.

  “I wish. My church’s finances are tied up right now, and they canceled my lease on the private plane.”

  “Damn, that’s harsh,” said Darek. He and Bay exchanged an amused look.

  “If I see you later, I’ll say hi.” Bay took a sip of his bourbon.

  Carter liked being with the top man in charge everywhere he went. “Maybe you can introduce me to the dirtiest girl around.”

  “No, I’m sorry. I’m afraid Darek’s already run her off.”

  Darek looked up, giving Bay a harsh expression.

  “Wait, you were at the club?” Carter chuckled.

  “You should have seen the woman he was with. She was a Zodiac favorite. A real hellcat from what I remember.”

  “That’s enough,” said Darek. He turned his attention to Carter. “It’s over with us, and I’m already seeing someone else.”

  Carter knew better than to give Darek a hard time. The detective had no sense of humor. Bay wasn’t much better. Carter hoped that he and Bay would get along on the road. He wanted to meet with Brandy face to face and tell her that he was onto her newfound fortune and that he wanted half of that too. The only thing he had to worry about was Bay. He doubted that the man even realized that Justin had planned for Brandy to get Corey’s money as well.

  The conversation fell as their food came, and Carter noticed the strange vibe in the air between Bay and Darek. The two had exchanged looks several times, and he was sure that they both had their reservations about him.

  Once he had the money he needed, he’d be able to take care of his business and then some. With Ava wanting the job and on the verge of making a stink, as well as Keely’s threats, he had to be careful. Things could only get worse if he didn’t nip their threats in the bud.

  Once he had all of that money, not
only would he pay off the two women, but he was planning to keep his nose clean for a while and his dick in his pants. He didn’t need the drama that the woman always seemed to bring. He understood why his father had found Peggy, a woman to fuck who would be discreet with his indiscretions. He thought he’d found that with Ava, but now she was in a desperate situation and only making it worse for the both of them.

  Twenty minutes later, the conversation had come full circle, and he finished his steak. As Bay paid the check, Carter got to his feet. “It was good to see you guys, but I’m afraid I need to get back to the hotel and get some sleep for my big meeting tomorrow.” He gave Darek a smile. “What time should I expect you?”

  “I’ll pick you up at eight. That will give them time to have Sin ready.”

  “Sounds good, my friend. Thanks again, Bay. I look forward to our trip.” He looked forward mostly to getting his hands on Justin’s money. He only hoped that Brandy wouldn’t make trouble for them both.

  Chapter 14


  After Carter had left their little dinner party, Darek had warned Bay to keep an eye out for Carter at Taunt. So, he and Mia sat up in the crow’s nest and watched the cameras as she sat sulking.

  “Cheer up, or I’m going to make you gangbang that room of men.” He pointed to a screen, and Mia sighed.

  “I know better. You wouldn’t let me have that much fun.” She sank back in her seat and brought her knees up close to her chin.

  Bay didn’t understand her mood. He’d tried to make things back how they’d been, but when it came time to go shopping, she’d clammed up and gotten progressively more standoffish. “I thought I was going to give you some fun today. Why are you back to sulking?”

  “I guess I’m just not content.” She shook her head.

  “I thought things were back to normal.”

  She gave a weary laugh. “That’s the problem, Bay. I ran away from normal for a reason. I wanted all of those things you promised buying me, and for a moment, it was exciting, but then I realized it was just more of the same.”


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