Forgotten Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 1)

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Forgotten Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 1) Page 5

by Stephany Wallace

  “Don’t mind me. You may go back to your make-out session with the little princess.”

  I chuckled, running after her and caught her in my arms. Her back slammed against my chest as I held her tighter. “You have no idea what you speak of. I have no desire for her.” I whispered in her ear.

  She turned to face me but didn’t move from my hold. Her hands rested on my chest as though to push me away. “You have turned into a pervert, Kyr. I hardly recognize you.”

  I grinned. “Are you sure you are not talking about my brother?”

  “You are not amusing. Why would you even want to kiss her? She’s a Summer Fae for Goddess sake!”

  “I didn’t feel anything, Avrielle. I never do.” Her attitude changed with my words. Her gaze became softer as she briefly looked at my lips, then returned to my eyes. “Do you want me to kiss you too?” I half-joked.

  She ignored me, gently pulling out of my arms. “Do you think it’s because of your mate?”

  Her question gave me cause for pause. Our race, was meant to find our mates during the pairing phase of our lives—what we referred to as the Yaevastra orfay Bellirosmae—the Year of the Bloom. It happens as we reach full maturity, and our bodies become ripe for breeding, which usually occurs after we’ve lived our first five thousand years of life. However, our essence is the one to decide. During the Blooming, everything within us aligns and even our magic syncs with the universe, sending surges of our essence out there, in an attempt to call our fated to us.

  “Perhaps,” I finally answered.

  The memory of the moment my phase ended returned to me. My essence had closed once and for all without fulfilling its mating. It had occurred three thousand years ago. It wasn’t common, but it was known to happen.

  “I am the oldest son of the most powerful king in our realm. Next in line for the crown, and all my skills won’t matter if I step onto that throne incomplete. Our fated balances us, Avrielle. She’s meant to feed my desires, and steady my resolve, support my goals and make me stronger. There is a reason the Goddess made us this way. What kind of king will I be without a queen?”

  Her hand rested on my heart. “Based on what I already see in you, an extraordinary one.” Her words caused me to smile, yet the torture inside of me wouldn’t appease so easily. “You feel it, don’t you?”

  I frowned at her words. “What do you mean?”

  “They say that for a male once your essence closes unmated, the need inside of you increases. That you physically ache to be with your fated, feel her body open up to you, and that the anxiety only grows with time, until it becomes unbearable. Is it true?” She whispered, as though it pained her to even ask.

  My jaw tightened as I tried to repress the feelings clawing at me, yet her words had brought them right to the surface, smoldering and scorching my every cell until I could barely breathe. It wasn’t only that I craved a mate, but because of who I was, she had to be of royal blood too, which just made my endeavor all the more difficult.

  Avrielle instantly recognized the fire that leaped into my eyes. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  I shut them, taking a deep breath and regaining control of my body. Shaking my head, I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it meaningfully. “No, it’s okay. I trust you with everything. I always have.” Avrielle was part of the handful of people I trusted, in my kingdom or outside. When my gaze settled on hers, she smiled. “Yes, I feel it.” My thoughts became inquisitive as my gaze roamed her features. “Your Yaevastra orfay Bellirosmae—Year of the Bloom is about to begin.” I smiled hoping to lighten the mood. “So it is for both my brothers’, perhaps you’ll be mated to one of them. Ash could be your fated.”

  Her hand connected with my chest and I grinned. “Stop. I would probably be chasing women out of his room every day.”

  I chuckled and looked at her hand in mine while my thumb idly stroked it. “Would you leave my kingdom, if you mated out of it?” My gut tightened waiting for her answer.

  “Not if I have something to say about it.”

  I half smiled looking into her beautiful violet eyes again. It disappeared at the possibility of never seeing her again. “What if you don’t?”

  “Then they’ll have to tear me from your side, Kyr.”

  Avrielle’s eyes glistened as she looked at me and I knew she meant it. I stepped closer until her back rested against the cold stone wall behind her. My hands moved around her waist as my broad chest pressed against her full breasts and my gaze swept over her form. Avrielle was simply stunning. My fingers trailed a lustrous, violet strand of hair that fell over her alabaster skin. The soft silvery glow of it was mesmerizing. Her full bust strained against the crystal-encrusted corset she wore, giving me the most enchanting sight of her cleavage. Her chest slightly rose and fell while she tried to calm her breathing. I leaned down, and my lips brushed her ear.

  “If it was up to me to choose…” I let the words fade, unsure I could confess that much.

  “I know,” she whispered, her voice quivering. Her hands gripped my biceps as though trying to keep me close.

  Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around her, pressing her to me, and stroked the length of her neck with my nose, inhaling the scent of her. Avrielle smelled fresh as the snow, with a slight hint of flowers. It was subtle, but it was there nonetheless. A gentle whimper escaped her, reaching my ear when my lips kissed the delicate skin beneath her earlobe.

  If our magical nature had nothing to do with it, if I could decide who to love… she would be mine.

  It took everything for me to let go. “You were looking for me for a reason,” I said, stepping back and breaking the moment between us. “What was it?”

  Avrielle blinked, forcing herself to focus and calm her breathing. I smiled. I loved the way she responded to me. Finally, her mind returned to her task. “Oh, I almost forgot. Queen Serene has requested your presence.”

  My eyes widened. “Mother is awake?”

  Avrielle nodded, and I took her hand in mine, turned around and ran back to the west wing.

  I sat beside Mother as my chest constricted. Her eyes were closed as though it took great strength to open them. Her pale skin resembled mine, yet it had lost the soft glow that distinguished our kind. Instead, it glistened with a cold sweat; even her royal markings were barely visible under the distressed state of her skin. The swirls were black like mine, but seemed a faded-gray hue at the moment, with almost a translucent quality to them as though they were disappearing. Unlike mine, they fully connected; the swirls traveled upwards, forming the most beautiful design. A resting crown on her forehead. Her sleek, dull blue hair fell over her shoulders, all the way to her waist like the soothing waters of the sleeping river, covering her once curvy body.

  Avrielle bowed to our queen and walked towards the door. “I’ll be outside, if you need me.” I nodded, knowing her words were for me, but my eyes never left Mother’s face. The healers walked out of the room to give us privacy.

  “My queen,” I said softly, not to hurt her ears.

  Mother’s lips curved into a gentle smile as her lids lifted, her dazed gaze focused on me. She reached for my cheek. “My beautiful son. I heard you won the battle.”

  “Were you surprised?” I teased.

  Her laugh surrounded us. “You are as arrogant as your father.”

  I grinned. “That’s why you love me, because I remind you of him.”

  Her eyes filled with love. “Indeed. I can’t deny it’s an attractive quality. Nothing is sexier than a confident man.” She coughed, and I stood, pouring a glass of water for her and bringing it to her lips. “Will you help me sit?”

  I reached for an extra pillow and placed it behind her. “Better?”

  “Yes, my prince. Thank you.”

  I held her hand as my eyes once again roamed her frail form. She had been sick since the Great War, when one of the Summer Court Sorcerers hit her with a deadly spell, hoping to end my father’s reign as he lost his quee
n. As an Ethereal Faery, Mother was blessed with the gift of immortality. Her ability allowed her to go without water, food or even air, and to withstand any disease, which was the reason the enchantment didn’t kill her. Nevertheless, due to its potency, it almost drained the life out of her. Our healers had been able to keep her agony at bay for the past four thousand years, yet she was still ill, and too weak to enjoy her life. It was her episodic upturns that kept Father going strong. Everyone thought it was mother’s ability temporarily overcoming the curse, even if for a short time, yet I knew the truth.

  “There is no need for words, Mother. I know you need his help. Have you drunk the last of it?” She nodded. “Don’t fret. I shall visit Avra for you today.”

  She sighed relieved as I brought her hand to my lips. “I know, Kyr. You are the only one who I trust with this.”

  “I shan’t fail you. Ever.”

  Cradling my cheeks, she pulled me to her and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I smiled, she hadn’t kissed me that way since I was a child. “I know your king’s praise means more to you than mine. But you should know, you are the light of my eyes.”

  “You mean more to me than anyone else, my queen.”

  “She will make a wonderful queen one day,” Mother whispered, changing the subject, her gaze shifted towards the door.

  I let out a heavy sigh. “Perhaps in another kingdom, Mother. No one knows whose essence will call to her. Mine failed me already, that won’t change.”

  She smiled, reaching for my cheek once more. I leaned into her touch. “You’ll be a remarkable king, with a queen or without, but if Avrielle’s soul mate doesn’t call to her, claim her.”

  I offered her a small smile, choosing to let the conversation go. It was not the first time she had brought this up, and I didn’t wish to argue about it. Even if Avrielle didn’t feel the call of her mate and ended up unpaired like me, she would never calm my need, and she was not of royal blood. Our laws were clear.

  “I shall be on my way now so that I can return to your side soon.” I stood and kissed her forehead.

  “Send your brothers to see me, will you?”

  “Of course.”

  When I stepped into the hall, I found Avrielle talking to her mother Alannah, The Duchess of Qalia, Mother’s best friend.

  “Duchess,” I greeted, slightly bowing my head to her out of respect. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  “Kyr, it’s so good to see you. I hope you don’t mind the late visit but when I heard the queen had awoken I rushed over here.”

  “Of course not. You are always welcome here. Would you like me to have the ladies prepare quarters for you to stay the night? It will be much too late for you to return to Qalia, once your visit is over. Furthermore, you should make a holiday out of it. I know Mother will love spending this time with you. That is, of course, if the Duke of Qalia doesn’t mind us stealing you for a few days. Although as the treasurer, I believe he should be with Father at the moment.”

  The duchess chuckled. “Yes, he was in an audience with the king last I checked. And he can mind all he wants, but I can’t refuse your offer. I’ll be delighted to spend a few days with my friend. I have been so busy lately.”

  “I understand. I’ll give the order immediately.” My eyes briefly connected with Avrielle’s. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I have an important duty to uphold. I hope you’ll accompany us tomorrow for breakfast.”

  “Of course. Thank you again.” She smiled warmly, kissing both my cheeks.

  I held my hands behind me, and with a slight bow I turned on my heel and began to walk towards my chambers. Avrielle resumed her pace beside me. I smiled at her, and we walked in a comfortable silence until we reached my door.

  I turned, facing her. “I’m terribly sorry, I wish I could spend more time with you, but I truly must go.”

  She nodded, looking at her hands. “I understand. May I ask… is it a personal errand?”

  “You may always ask, and yes, it is.” I observed her as her demeanor changed.

  “Are you going to the tavern, perhaps?”

  I repressed a smile and took her hands in mine, forcing her to look at me. “No, I don’t desire that type of company. There is only one woman I want in my bed.” Her gaze nervously left mine and I fought the emotions inside me. I had said too much already. I needed to leave. “This is an errand for my mother. I’m sorry, but I can’t say anything else.”

  She looked into my eyes again, regaining her composure as my words settled. “I understand.” She turned and began to walk away.

  “Please forgive me,” I said, stopping her.

  “Why?” she spoke, without looking at me.

  I walked around her and cradled her cheeks. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I shouldn’t have held you earlier, and whispered those things in your ear.”

  Her eyes bore into mine. “Are they not true?”

  The undertone of her voice made my chest constrict. “Yes, they are.” I confessed. “But they change nothing between us, Avrielle. Soon you’ll be coupled with another man, and this will no longer be your home. My breeding time passed long before yours. I will never have a mate. Do you understand?”

  She nodded silently, as tears gathered in her eyes and sidestepped me, walking away from me. Taking a strained breath, I dragged my hands down my face and walked into the room to change into my riding suit.

  Chapter 3. Avra



  I dismounted my horse at the base of the White Haunted Mountain. It was the center of all magic in our realm and possessed more hidden secrets than many thought possible. All, except for me.

  I held Brock’s reins firmly as I took the last steps to the back of the mountain, his pulse raced under my hand as I stroked his chest, attempting to calm him. He always got anxious when we came here, sensing the danger that lay just behind the rock. I tied him to the last tree in sight and walked alone the rest of the way. Reaching for one of my daggers that were strapped to my thigh, I lifted my right hand. The tip of the blade sliced my palm, and instantly my blood began to spill. Without a second to waste, I pressed my bleeding wound to the mountain and watched the crimson blood turn a bright, sparkling blue.

  The rocks quaked and shifted, opening a large passage before me. By the time I stepped inside, the slash on my skin had mended, and the entrance behind me had closed once again, engulfing me in complete darkness.

  “Arthlae Isa glinhir tay!”—Alight!

  My command reverberated through the space, and a wave of power pushed out of me. One by one the magical torches ignited along the sides of the cave, at the base of the mountain. They lit the cavern, revealing the massive area that surrounded me and illuminating my way. The ceiling of the rock formation above me was over two-hundred-feet tall. I walked further in as the freezing waves began to reach my skin, mercilessly. I was a Winter Fae and naturally conditioned for the weather. Still, I felt the temperature drop harshly over me.

  Suddenly, Ora appeared. Her body was bare to me, but it wasn’t the first time I’d laid eyes on her. Her soft, pearlescent skin reflected the light of the torches above. Her long, platinum-white hair fell over her breasts and onto her knees, and it gathered in the center of her body, granting her modesty to my gaze. She was barefoot and stood only four feet tall in front of me. Ora was an Asrai. They were delicate females, endearingly small and shy. They lived hidden from sunlight, and if discovered, they melted away into a pool of water. They could only be found if it was their desire.

  “My prince,” her gentle voice reached me as she bowed her head. “I’m pleased to see you. My lord has been expecting you.” Without waiting for a response, she turned around and guided me deeper into the mountain. I followed, while a smile curved my lips. This place held many memories for me. I was only three years old when Mother first brought me here.

  “The memory of that day also brings a smile to my lips.” The deep, baritone voice thundered around the cave, and I realized we had
reached his chambers.

  I dropped to my knee, bowing my head to him. “My lord.” My gaze briefly shifted to my Dilrunarta Galothnae Kuru—Dragon Wings’ Cloak as it shimmered, responding to his presence.

  “Rise, my prince.”

  I stood, and let my gaze roam over the magnificence of his form. A frost white, ice dragon stood before me, in its entire splendor. Avra was a hundred feet tall, and nothing like the small wyvern dragons we had at the castle. He was a different race entirely, a rational, emotional and incredibly powerful being. Powder white scales covered his body. They began on the sides of his face and atop his head, varying in size and forming an impenetrable shield over him. They were crisp like the snow of my lands, except for the iridescent quality they possessed. A royal blue stripe, that seemed to slowly emerge from the white and ran from his forehead, along the length of his back, and over his hefty yet elegant tail. It reminded me of the bluish rock this mountain was comprised of.

  Horns, that almost seemed to be made of Alabaster protruded from his head, in different shapes and volume, forming a crown between the two most prominent ones. His glorious wings were folded behind his back, yet I knew without a shadow of a doubt that once spread, they tripled in span. The rubbery skin on them gleamed, connecting to my cloak. The wings instantly opened and propelled me upwards until I was at eye level with his brilliant blue eyes.

  He smirked. “Ahh, there you are. Much better. I dislike talking to you when you are down there.” I grinned, remembering how entertaining it was visiting him at my young age. He nodded, reading my thoughts. It was one of his abilities. “It was fun indeed. You used to play with my scales, pulling on them in an attempt to take them with you as a souvenir.” His throaty laugh resounded about me. “Thank the Goddess you finally realized it was no use. I’d hate to think of what you could do to me now that you are fully grown.”

  My Dragon Wings’ cloak flapped, holding me in the air. “I would never do anything to harm you, my lord,” I said resolutely. He nodded, confident I spoke the truth.


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