Forgotten Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 1)

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Forgotten Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 1) Page 11

by Stephany Wallace

  Our people applauded and cheered as the petals brushed their skins. Suddenly people were moving. Women and men walked towards their mates as though some higher force compelled them to each other—exactly the way Nyx had described it. The music began as the festivities formally started, celebrating each kiss, and each embrace of fated couples below us.

  My heart thundered in my chest as my eyes flew to Avrielle. To my dread, she was standing with her hands on the rail while she looked towards the bleachers. I followed her gaze and found Zephyr Blatnath, the son of The Earl of Quoisa staring at her. He moved through the multitude as though trying to get to her and I stood, vision clouding, fists clenching, blood rushing cold through my veins, heart ripping apart. Avrielle’s pained eyes connected with mine a second before I whirled around and stormed out of the balcony.

  The doors slammed against the walls and the glass shattered with the force of my push. Nyx and Ash rushed after me, so did Kah as I moved towards the stairs.

  “Kyr where are you going?!” Ash yelled, gripping my arm to stop me. I spun around.

  “I’m going to rip the head from Zeph’s body and watch him bleed until there isn’t a drop of the crimson liquid left in him. That’s where I’m going!” I roared, wrenching my arm from his grasp and continued down.

  Ash rushed past me, getting in my way. He cringed. “First of all, you sound just like our king, so let’s bring it down a notch or two.”

  “Or ten,” Nyx mumbled, behind me.

  I looked at him, but I couldn’t see anything other than Zeph trying to get to Avrielle. “Get out of my way!” I snarled.

  Ash slightly jumped, then stepped closer. “Okay, I see your point. He was looking at Avrielle and trying to claim her but—” My fist connected with his jaw, sending him against the wall. I walked passed him. “Damn it, Kyr!” Ash complained, scrambling off-the floor behind me. “Can you hit me somewhere other than the face?” I whirled around, and he put his hands up. “It was a rhetorical question.” He glared at Nyx, rubbing his jaw.

  When I turned again, Nyx was in front of me. “Not that I’m not all up for the bloodshed. Yay blood.” He fisted the air as though to support his statement, and fixed his glasses. I stared at him without really seeing him, while I panted from rage. “I mean, what kind of name is Zeph, right?” He huffed, and I snarled at him. “Anyway, I completely support you in killing him, but, um, there is a little detail you are forgetting.”

  “What?” I snapped, stepping forwards. My gaze went to the guards behind Kah. “Bring me Zeph’s head!” I ordered, and my power pushed into them. They turned around and began to run towards the door, pulling out their swords.

  “No!” Ash yelled. “Fuck, Kyr!” He blurted out, and ran after them.

  Oddly enough, Kah remained close. Would she try to stop me too?

  “Get out of my way or you’re next, brother,” I warned Nyx.

  He sighed, still standing in front of me. “I won’t move. I’m trying to stop you from making a mistake.”

  “Aaah!” I roared in his face, fists trembling. I could throw punches with Ash all day, we had done it since we were kids, but I had never hit Nyx. Although I had trained him to fight too, he was different. I had protected him since he was born. “Get out of my way!” I ordered him.

  His gaze softened, he knew I wouldn’t hit him. “You are not thinking, Kyr. Yes, Zeph was trying to get to her, but there is a reason behind it. She’s not yours. If he smelled her, it means he is her fated. Do you really want to be the one who takes that away from her? You say you love her. Would you want to curse her to feel the pain you feel every day, and live numb for the rest of her life?”

  The ire in me died with his words, swiftly replaced by pain. She’s not yours. The images of Avrielle in my arms last night, her lips on mine, and her body against mine returned. They blazed through me, incinerating my insides. I turned around and blasted my fist through the wall. Every bone in my hand fractured as the shattered rock fell to the floor, but it wasn’t even close to the pain I felt inside.

  “What the hell is going on here?!” Father demanded, standing at the top of the stairs. Mother stood behind him and placed a delicate hand on his shoulder, as I panted stumbling back against the wall.

  “He couldn’t handle the Blooms Ceremony, my king.” Mother answered, knowing very well there was more to it. “It reminds him he is unmated.” Father looked at Nyx and me, then his gaze fell on Ash as he returned bloodied, and panting, but for a different reason.

  “I had to kill the three guards.” He threw a red stained sword on the floor. “Your commands are stronger than mine, brother. I couldn’t stop them.”

  Father sighed exasperatedly. “All of you, in the throne room. Now!” He stormed down the hall, and my brothers and I exchanged a glance, then began to follow him. My hand throbbed, bones readjusting and healing as Kah’s pained gaze connected with mine. She’d heard us.

  Mother stopped me as I passed by her side. Her lips kissed my forehead, and she looked at me with tearful eyes. “I’m so sorry, my son. It’s time for you to leave.”

  Chapter 6. A Man’s Quest



  “I’m leaving the castle, Father,” I announced, the second we stepped into the throne room, before he could inquire about what had occurred.

  He whirled around shocked. “Excuse me?”

  My eyes briefly connected with Mother’s as she sat on her throne, then returned to him. “I’m going on a quest.” I stepped closer. “I need to take some time for myself. I’m going in pursuit of understanding, self-realization, and growth. I have learned all that I can from you, my king, and I feel that I have reached a stage in my life where I owe it not only to our people, but to you and to myself, to find out what I’m made of, and capable of achieving.”

  He took a deep breath, pensive and sat on his throne, reaching for Mother’s hand.

  “You have raised me in your own image, and it has been an honor to serve you and command the army in so many victorious battles, but it is time I discover how far I’m willing to go for my kingdom. There is a new path in front of me, one that I must take. No one knows what I will face in my hunt for self-discovery, and destiny but I shall take it nonetheless, and once I return I shall be better than you ever imagined, my king.”

  Father looked into Mother’s eyes, unsure. His gaze reached the guards. “Bring my High Counselor to me. She must weigh in on this decision.”

  “No!” I roared, while my heart slammed against my ribs. “Avrielle’s opinion has no place here. This is my life, and no one but myself and my king shall weigh in on this choice.” I stepped in front of him. “Father, allow me to commence my pursuit at once, for I know my destiny lies at the end of this road.” Using Avra’s words to aid my cause, I kneeled before him and kissed his ring.

  I kept my head bowed, but I sensed the moment he agreed. His hand gripped mine, and he pulled me up, staring into my eyes. “You are my pride. I know when the time comes, you shall rule with an iron fist and an implacable heart, just like your king.” The pride mixed with determination in the flames that ignited in his slate gray eyes. “And I’m certain after your return, you will finally win against the Summer Queen, she shall submit to us, her superiors, and we will rule over them all. The Seelie and Unseelie Courts will be no more. It shall all be the Winter Court, and subject to our ruling.”

  I took a deep breath, sharing the resolve running through his veins. That was what I had trained for all of my life, what I envisioned in my kingdom every time I closed my eyes, and what I wanted to accomplish in honor of my father. He recognized the emotion in my eyes and nodded once.

  “If you need this, I mustn’t stop you. There comes a time in the life of every man when he shall discover his own path. I assume this is yours.” I nodded. “Then you must go.”

  “Thank you, my king.”

  “I wish to go with him,” both my brothers announced at the same time, and our king leaned back, stunned. Mother s
miled pleased.

  “For what cause?” Father asked, staring at them.

  Nyx stepped forwards as I turned to face my brothers. “Where my brother Kyr goes, I shall follow.” He shrugged as though it was reason enough and I grinned. “Furthermore, who knows what Kyr will come across, and no one knows as much about these lands, its creatures, or even our history as I do. He could easily get lost without me,” he added, fixing his glasses and our king repressed an amused smirk.

  “I see, and which is your reason?” He asked Ash. Our king’s gaze hardened as he took in his appearance.

  I cringed, Ash had fought the guards so they wouldn’t follow my command. His ceremonial suit was torn and bloodied, his crown was missing, and he had a scratch on his face.

  Ash stepped forwards, and looked straight at Father. “I know we have never seen eye to eye, my king, and to be honest the reason is I have always felt inferior in your eyes, like I could never stand in my brother’s shadow.” I looked into Ash’s eyes, but he evaded my gaze. “I feel this journey will allow me to prove myself to you, and uncover the man I know I can be. Soon, I will have my fated and my life will forever change. I need to do this, and doing it by Kyr’s side will be the best way for me to become the son you have always wanted me to be.”

  Our king stared at him silently, as though digesting the meaning in Ash’s words.

  “There comes a time in the life of every man when he shall discover his own path,” Mother mimicked Father’s words, squeezing his hand. His eyes connected with hers, and as she smiled at him, I knew the decision was made. Mother was our king’s weakness.

  “Today your Yaevastra orfay Bellirosmae began,” Father reminded my brothers. “Have you smelled your fated women yet?”

  Ash and Nyx looked at each other bewildered, as though they had completely forgotten about it. They frowned and shook their heads to the king.

  “Very well, you may go with your older brother. Don’t be fooled my acquiescence. As soon as you return I shall arrange meetings in this castle with the viscounts, dukes, marquises, barons, and earls with blooming daughters, so we can determine who your fated are.” He ordered, his temper rising. “And you are to return in exactly one month. So whatever journey you must take better be completed during that time. I will not have my sons prancing around the forests of this realm, like lost creatures for months on end! You will not defy your king.”

  “Yes, my king,” my brothers and I answered in unison, dropping to one knee.

  Father nodded, taking a deep breath to let the ire recede, and I knew he wasn’t pleased by our request. I was certain if Mother hadn’t been here this wouldn’t have been the outcome. He gazed at his queen while she looked at us with hope through tear-filled eyes, and kissed her hand.


  “Prepare my brothers’ horses!” I ordered the guards as we stepped out of the throne room, and with a single nod they went on their way.

  Kah stood before me. “I’m at your service, if you require my company.”

  I smiled. “Thank you, Kah, but this journey is meant for my brothers and me.”

  “I’ll have your horse and sword readied.” She gave me a full bow and disappeared down the corridor.

  I took a deep breath and looked at the guard who stood at the entrance of the west wing. “Have Laurel meet me in my chambers at once.” My gaze returned to my brothers and settled on Ash. “That was quite a speech you gave our king.”

  He evaded my eyes, shrugging. “I knew what he wanted to hear.” His voice was convincing, but his demeanor told me that there was truth to what he said to Father.

  “Very well, prepare yourselves for our outing. We leave at dusk.” I informed them, and walked away without another word.


  My eyes roamed the room as Laurel and the maids finished preparing my bath, yet I wasn’t here. I was reliving the memory of Avrielle, as she looked at the earl and he moved through the people and towards the castle. Once again it brought an onslaught of pain, unlike anything I had ever felt. It mixed with the flames of need and anguish I was cursed with, scorching my insides.

  I didn’t have a mate, but the want in me didn’t seem to care. It needed to feel a female open up to me—one way or another. It was an innate need, a natural reaction that had no rationalization and when it wasn’t satisfied, it became a physical pain. All unmated men suffered from it, and some had even gone mad. I couldn’t understand why after being cursed without a fated, our bodies continued to need her. It seemed like a cruel punishment no man should ever go through.

  Resigned, I lifted my hand and silently gestured for the servants to leave. As the door closed, Laurel’s eyes connected with mine, sensing my need. I stepped closer, extending my hand to her.

  “Please forgive me, Laurel. I must ask for your comfort. I need you.”

  Smiling, she reached for me and stood before me. Her hands proceeded to undress me, and soon her touch became intimate. It was not the first time Laurel handled my naked body, after all, she was in charge of my care and often washed me as I bathed. Nevertheless, this was different, and she was the only one I allowed to be with me this way. She was the only one who could help me.

  Because Laurel was mated and she had already opened up to her fated, being with her was the only thing that helped me feel anything resembling relief, and reduced the growing anxiety inside me. My body didn’t respond the way it should, or would if she were mine, yet being with Laurel was the only thing that helped me remain sane. My time for pairing had passed, and the pain within grew every day.

  My eyes closed as my body responded to her touch. When my gaze returned to hers, she smiled undressing until her naked form stood before me. Holding her hand, we walked to my bed, and she laid down waiting for me. Her eyes traveled over the hard planes of my body and her arousal became evident, she wanted me to make love to her. My gaze roamed her body appreciatively. Beauty was the trait of our race, and Laurel was no exception. Curly turquoise hair rested over her small breasts; her fair skin lightly shimmered around her belly button, and thighs. She was a petite woman with a delicate body, a tiny waist, and slightly curved hips. The sight did nothing for me, she wasn’t Avrielle, but I still needed her.

  Her hands reached for me, and I laid on her, feeling her legs wrap around my waist yet I felt nothing. She moaned, her arms wrapping around my neck, and pulling me closer, her breasts pressed against my chest and still I felt nothing. I slid inside her, and I instantly felt the ache in my hardened body intensify, begging me to go further. I pushed into her—I found no barriers to stop me—and continued until I was fully inside her. Her body responded naturally, closing around me and pulling me in.

  I grunted on her neck, feeling some measure of relief mixed with pleasure, although the pain was still there, and I knew I wouldn’t find release. This was all Laurel’s body could give me, but I was grateful for it. I began to rock my hips into her, feeling her welcome me deeper every time, and I couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel if I were inside my fated. The pain lessened in me, until I was able to relax and breathe easily once again, and she trembled in my arms.


  I dressed after my bath was done and sat on my chair, feeling Laurel’s hands roam my hair, as she braided the sides in my usual warrior style. She was still naked from our session, believing it would please me seeing her like this. I hadn’t yet found a way to tell her to cover herself. I had no desire in seeing her bare skin, other than during our time together.

  The door suddenly opened, and Ash walked in. His eyes immediately went to Laurel’s naked body, and he stared at it admiringly. Laurel blushed under his gaze, yet she didn’t mind. “I don’t suppose you will reconsider gracing my bed with your presence?” Ash asked, taking her hand in his and kissing it. She smiled coyly but remained silent, returning to her task.

  Ash knew of our arrangement because he had suggested it, and Laurel’s husband had agreed. Apparently, he considered it an honor that his wife got to please the unmated p
rince. Although I was reluctantly a part of this game, I still didn’t understand how he could share his fated that way. It was the reason I only accepted Laurel’s intimacy when I could no longer stand the need.

  If Avrielle were mine, I would kill anyone that dared touch her.


  I forced myself to calm as a different kind of fire blazed through me, and stood from my chair. Laurel offered me a small bow and reached for her dress. Ash turned to face me as she began to cover herself.

  “I just came to let you know that everything is ready. Nyx and I will meet you in the great hall, when you are.”

  I nodded. “I shall be there soon.”

  Laurel exited the room as I moved towards my armoire, and reached for my Dilrunarta Galothnae Kuru. The second my fingers touched it, the wings disappeared.

  “What the fuck?” Ash said, as we stared at it in shock. I opened the drawer to reach for my daggers, and they disintegrated with a shimmery glow. The boots next to the door vanished next.

  “A physical illusion,” I confirmed. I knew them well. My gaze found Ash’s. “My effects never returned to the castle, brother. The Dragon Lord only wanted us to think they did.”

  “Which means they remained wherever you were during those two weeks.”

  I nodded pensively. My daggers and Dragon Wings’ Cloak were a part of me, as important as my limbs. I would never leave them behind.

  I walked into Princess Aura’s room and found her sitting on the four-poster bed as she cried with the maid by her side. The sight puzzled me.


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