Tickle His Fancy: Trident Security Book 6 (Trident Security Series)

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Tickle His Fancy: Trident Security Book 6 (Trident Security Series) Page 16

by Samantha A. Cole

  He ignored her gasp and lifted his hand, letting it smack back down on her bare ass with a resounding crack. A yelp was followed by her count. “One, Sir.”


  “Two, Sir.”


  “Thr-three, Sir.”

  By the time he reached number five, the skin on her buttocks and upper thighs was turning an angry shade of red. As much as he hated disciplining her like this, he knew she needed it. She was definitely a submissive, with lack of confidence issues, which wasn’t surprising after what she’d been through, but the self-doubt she had about her body would be banished if he had his way. If this was what it took for her to realize she was beautiful to him, and it was he who should be wondering if he deserved her in his life, then that’s what he would do.

  “Nine, S-Sir,” came out on a sob, and he stopped for a moment and caressed her tender flesh, giving her time to take a few deep breaths.

  “Are you still green, sweetness?”

  “Y-yes, Sir.”

  He dipped his finger between her legs to her folds and found them drenched with desire. He knew her body craved his dominance, and this was his proof. When he tapped her clit, she moaned, but that was all the pleasure he’d give her, brief as it was, until her punishment was complete.

  Removing his hand, he set about spanking her again, landing a few strikes right on her sit spots. He wanted to ensure she felt this for the next few days, to remind her why she’d been punished. Her body was now his—to care for, love, and cherish—and he wouldn’t tolerate any negative thinking about her image or self-worth.


  “Tw-twenty-four, Sir”


  “Twenty-five, S-Sir.”

  Fancy let out a huge sigh of relief in between her sobs and tears before Brody helped her stand for a moment and then laid her down on the bed. After removing his swim trunks, he spooned her, his chest to her back, tucking her sore ass against his groin. There was no hiding his erection, and he smiled when she gently wiggled her hips, despite her crying. Any doubts he may have had about her reaction to a discipline spanking were completely gone. She’d handled it well, and he hoped he’d purged those negative thoughts from her mind. While Fancy was a confident, strong business woman, when she wasn’t working, she needed to be under the care of a Dom—him, to be specific. He wanted her to be just as strong and confident in her private, personal life and would do anything to help her achieve that.

  Brushing her hair to the side, he kissed the shell of her ear. “Are you okay, sweetness?”

  “Mmm-hmm. I just feel a little perverted since all I want now is for you to make love to me.”

  While he barked out a laugh, his heart soared at her choice of words. She wanted him to make love to her. It was the first time she’d used those two words, and he’d be damned if it was the last.

  Chapter 17

  Brody’s cell phone chirped and he rolled over to grab it from the night table, silencing it before the noise woke Fancy up. Looking at the screen, he inwardly cursed. It was the alarm monitoring company Trident Security used. The only properties Brody received alerts for were his place, the Trident compound, his teammates’ homes, and Fancy’s shop.

  Anytime one of the systems they’d installed throughout the city and surrounding area went off, signaling a breach, an alert went to the monitoring company. A tech there would contact the police to respond and then the person or persons on the property’s notification list—usually the owner, manager, or another key holder. But in Fancy’s case, he’d made her the backup contact and she would only receive an alert if he or Corey didn’t respond first—at least until the vandal was caught. He wanted to know what damage was done before she found out, and then be the one to break the news to her—gently.

  After seeing it was the alarm at the bakery, he glanced at the time. Two-in-the-fucking-blessed-morning. He hated to rouse her, but if she awakened to find him gone, she’d worry. He also didn’t want to tell her where he was going, and he wouldn’t. Not until he figured out if it was a false alarm or not.

  Slipping out from under the covers, he quickly threw his clothes back on, then squatted down next to the side of the bed Fancy was on. Placing his hand on her hip, he gave it a little shake. “Fancy, baby, I need you to wake up for a second.”

  “Mmmm.” Her eyes blinked open, her voice filled with sleep. “Br-Brody? What’s wrong? What time is it?”

  “Just after 2:00. I have to run out. . .work related.” It wasn’t exactly a lie—he just didn’t clarify whose work it was related to. “I didn’t want you to wake and find me missing. It shouldn’t take long, and I’ll be back in a little bit.” He gave her a sexy little grin. “Keep my side of the bed warm for me.”

  “’Kay” She snuggled down under the sheets as her eyes fluttered closed once more.

  Brody was confident she’d be asleep again before he reached his truck. With his 9mm in a holster at the small of his back, he grabbed his cell phone and keys. He then made sure the alarm was reset and the front door’s dead bolt was re-engaged before he left Fancy alone in his house.

  When he pulled into the bakery’s parking lot, there was a patrol car and Corey Maguire’s truck at the far end. Two uniformed officers were talking with the fireman under one of the overhead lights. As he parked and got out of his vehicle, they turned their attention to him.

  He didn’t recognize either of the cops. “Hey, Corey. What happened? The monitoring company’s text said it was the back door alarm that went off.”

  “Yeah.” He extended a hand which Brody shook as the man introduced him to the officers. “Brody Evans from Trident Security, this is Matt Caulfield and Juan Rojas. I run into them a lot on the overnight shifts.”

  He exchanged handshakes with the men. Caulfield appeared to be in his early twenties, while Rojas had to be about fifteen or twenty years older. However, both seemed fit and alert, and probably wouldn’t have any trouble taking down a suspect. As a group, the four began to walk behind the building as Rojas spoke. “Doesn’t look like they gained entry, but if you pull on the door handle hard enough it rattles. Might have been enough to set it off. The real damage is the graffiti.”

  “Shit, again?” Brody’s anger began to spike. When he got ahold of the little punk responsible, he’d shove the spray paint bottle up his ass. The big, utility-green metal door had been a little loose on its hinges when he and Boomer had inspected it before wiring it for the alarm. While it had rattled, it had taken quite a bit of force to make it happen and would be highly unlikely to have been an accident if it did set off the alarm.

  The two officers shined their flashlights on the back brick wall so he could assess the damage. Vile words had been spray painted in bright yellow, and rage took over his preceding anger. Someone was calling Fancy—his Fancy—a bitch, whore, and cunt. Brody’s hands clenched into fists. “Fucking bastard. You better make sure you find this asshole first because I’m going to tear him limb from limb.” He didn’t wait for a reply. “I take it you didn’t go inside and check the camera feed.”

  Corey shook his head, pulling his keys to the shop from his jeans pocket. “No. It’s your system. I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet, so we were waiting for you. I didn’t want to accidentally erase anything.”

  “Let’s go in through the front, in case there are fingerprints on this door.”

  Within minutes, they were in Fancy’s office, and Brody was rewinding the camera feed on the program he’d added to her computer, looking for the asshole who dared to harass his woman. “There he is. Let me rewind it to when he first shows up.”

  The suspect’s actions ran backward at a rate of eight times the normal speed until he disappeared into the wooded area behind the shop. Brody hit play, and the four men watched as a person, presumably a male, but they couldn’t be certain, walked into the frame. He’d used an umbrella to shield his face and upper body from the security camera which he’d apparently known was there. After spray p
ainting the graffiti, the bastard had pulled on the door handle a few times, probably hoping to gain entry and do more damage. Not able to get in, the punk left the same way he’d come.

  Corey let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, that was no fucking help. The bastard even wore gloves so there won’t be any prints. I’m going to kill this fucker.”

  Shutting down the computer, Brody stood. “You and me both.”

  The two officers followed him out the back as Corey went out the front so he could relock that door. Caulfield and Rojas pulled out their flashlights again, and the latter said, “We’ll take a walk through the trees here and see if there’s any evidence that might have been left behind.”

  Pulling one of his business cards from his wallet, Brody handed it to the older officer. “Let me know if you come across anything. My cell number is on the bottom. And thanks for coming out.”

  “No problem. I’ll add the bakery to the patrol watch list, so it’ll get a few drive-by inspections during each shift.”

  “I appreciate it.” Brody shook their hands then left them to their work. He met Corey by their side-by-side trucks. “I’m really not looking forward to telling Fancy about this.”

  “Want me to tell her?”

  “Nah, she’s at my house, I’ll tell her. In the meantime, do you know anyone who can get that garbage off the wall in the morning? I don’t want her landlord pissed at her for something she’s not responsible for.”

  The other man nodded. “We have a power washer at my stationhouse that I can borrow. I don’t have to be at work until 1600 hours. I’ll go grab it now so she doesn’t have to see it in the morning.”

  “Thanks.” Brody pulled his driver’s door open and climbed in. “Call me if you have any problems cleaning it up.”

  Corey shrugged. “Don’t expect there to be any, but let me get your number just in case.”

  He rattled off the digits, and a few seconds later his cell rang with Corey’s number appearing on the screen. “Got it. Thanks.”

  “No problem. Night.”

  Driving home, Brody dreaded telling Fancy what had happened. He’d let her get a few more hours of sleep and tell her over coffee. Damn, he wanted to kill the mother fucker who was doing this.

  * * *

  In the locker room of The Covenant, Fancy was nervous as she changed into the fetish club wear she’d bought yesterday. She’d wanted to surprise Brody, so he hadn’t seen the outfit yet, but he’d sent her to one of the nicest fetish wear shops she’d ever seen—not that she’d seen many. He had also insisted on paying for whatever she purchased. When she’d arrived at the shop, she’d learned he’d called ahead and requested she not be allowed to see the prices of anything she was interested in. Apparently, the two women who worked there often received requests like that from Doms, and as they’d promised him, she had no idea what anything had cost.

  “Fancy, I’m so glad you’re here!”

  She spun around to see Angie and another woman already dressed in their club wear and suddenly wondered if she was overdressed. “Hi, Angie. Thank goodness you’re here. It’s nice to see a familiar face because I’m nervous as hell.”

  The striking blonde grinned. “Actually, Brody sent us in here to calm your nerves. He figured you could use some girlfriends to lean on. This is Kat Maier, Boomer’s fiancée and sub.”

  Dressed in a very, very, short, plaid schoolgirl skirt and an adorable matching bra, the brunette extended her hand. “Hi, Fancy. It’s nice to finally meet you. Bennie’s been raving about all the treats Brody’s been getting from your shop. And Angie won’t tell us what the new cake design looks like—she wants it to be a surprise, but said it looks awesome.”

  Shaking the other woman’s hand, Fancy smiled. “I’m glad you like it, Angie. It’s one of my favorite cakes to do.”

  Angie was dressed in a sheer, black teddy with matching thong. The sub was obviously very comfortable in her skin and, with a body like that, she should be. Kat was a little shorter than her friend. Actually, she was the exact same height as Fancy at five foot five, but she was thinner. Stop thinking like that! Brody said he loves your curves, and you should, too! Do you want another punishment when a pleasure spanking is so much more enjoyable?

  The door at the top of the stairs opened, and they heard several women chatting while heading down to the locker room. When they entered, Fancy was relieved to see a variety of shapes and sizes among the four women. One of them was wearing a bright purple wig and a huge smile. “O-M-G! Is this Fancy?”

  Startled that a stranger knew who she was, she looked to Angie for help, and the woman introduced her. “Yes, this is Fancy, and she’s nervous, so everyone rally around. Fancy Maguire, this is Shelby Christiansen.” She pointed to the purple-haired woman and then to the next woman in line. “Colleen McKinley, who is the office manager at Trident. And this is Mistress Roxanne and Kayla London.”

  Angie hadn’t needed to tell Fancy that the tall redhead was a Domme, she’d known it as soon as their gazes met. Her eyes were kind, but Fancy recognized the take-charge look and the way she carried herself as someone who was so not a submissive. Mistress Roxanne smiled warmly and shook Fancy’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you. The Trident subs have been chatty about the woman who finally caught Master Brody’s heart. I always knew he had good taste.”

  A blush stole over Fancy’s cheeks. The Domme’s wife was as curvy as Fancy was, if not more, and Mistress Roxy apparently approved of voluptuous women. Feeling better about her outfit and body, she finished getting ready, as the others did the same. A few more women entered the locker room and Fancy started to lose track of everyone’s names. There was Georgia, Cassandra, Sasha, and another Domme, Mistress China.

  Harper Williams walked in with two other women, and she hugged Fancy after spotting her. “I had a feeling you were a submissive the other night, but it wasn’t my place to ask. I’m so happy to see you here. We have to go out again with just the girls.”

  “That sounds like fun. Count me in.”

  The chatter in the room began to relax her. In addition to the nervousness she was experiencing about being here, she was still upset about the vandalism at her shop. Corey and Brody had taken care of the latest graffiti the other night and it had been gone when she’d arrived to open the shop. While it was her business, she was grateful they had handled it this time. Hopefully, the teens, or whoever it was, would be caught soon or eventually get tired and stop harassing her.

  Several of the women around her laughed at some joke she’d missed. Fancy realized that aside from a few get-togethers with her female employees, she hadn’t had an actual girls-night-out in a very long time. Well, that was one more thing to add to her list of how to leave the past where it belonged. She missed having girlfriends to go out with, even if it was just shopping or having lunch. Looking forward to this next phase of her life more than ever, she shut her locker door and took a deep breath before walking out to the club floor where Brody was waiting for her.

  * * *

  Standing outside the women’s lounge, Brody acknowledged several people who greeted him as they walked past his temporary, self-assigned post. The sensual jazz music that was usually played over the club’s sound system on Wednesday nights coursed through him and conjured up his own, personal porn flick of Fancy in his mind. He was dying to see what she’d picked out at the fetish wear shop, and was positive whatever it was she would rock it—which in turn, would make him rock hard. Hell, he was already halfway there just thinking about her in any fet wear. Thankfully, he was wearing his usual comfortable, faded jeans, which he preferred over the leather pants many of the Doms wore. Instead of a snug T-shirt, tonight he’d worn an open leather vest, a brown one that matched his cowboy boots.

  The door to the locker room opened, and Brody almost swallowed his tongue. Fancy was wearing a tight blue corset with some black floral design in it—paisley he thought they called it. The top pushed her breasts in and up, making her tantalizing bosom eve
n more attractive. The short skirt of the outfit was soft, black leather with a tulle underlining that flared it out a bit. He knew underneath she was bare, as he’d instructed her not to wear any panties, and the knowledge had him cursing the fact they couldn’t play tonight.

  He held out his hand for her to take as she stepped toward him. “You look stunning, sweetness. I have one thing to add, though, to make sure the horny vultures stay away from you.” From his jeans pocket, he pulled out the collar he’d purchased in the club shop yesterday and held it up for her to see. The necklace had an intricate design with a thin, black, leather cord threaded through the silver links. From the center, hung a black, onyx heart. When she was ready, he’d have a one-of-a-kind collar designed for her at the jewelry shop many of the local Doms went to. For now, he hoped she liked the one he’d picked out.

  Fancy gasped. “Brody. . .I mean, Sir, it’s beautiful.”

  “Something fancy for my Fancy-girl. I’m glad you like it.” He moved behind her, and when she lifted her hair out of the way, he clasped the collar at the nape of her neck.

  She spun around so he could see the delight in her eyes as she fingered the stone heart. “I love it. Thank you, Sir.”

  Pulling her close, he bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. As much as he wanted to kiss her silly, he had to keep himself in check. Damn the rules—he couldn’t wait until she was cleared to play. At least there would be plenty of things they could do when they got back to his place later. “You’re very welcome, sweetness. Now, let’s go see what we can check off on your limit list.”

  He escorted his sub around the club and introduced her to some of the members. Earlier, he’d told her not to go crazy trying to remember names. There were over 350 people who belonged to The Covenant so he would use his friends’ names often in conversation until she learned them. Most of the stations in the pit were active, and he studied Fancy’s reactions to the different types of play.


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