Pure White Rose: A Dark Romance (Rose and Thorn Book 2)

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Pure White Rose: A Dark Romance (Rose and Thorn Book 2) Page 10

by Fawn Bailey

  “I have to go to the studio,” Carina told us after breakfast. “Would you like me to tell Madame you’re back?”

  I exchanged a nervous look with Amber.

  “No,” I shook my head finally. “He could find out… I’m sure he knows about Madame, and I don’t want him finding out we’re back in town.”

  Carina nodded with understanding in her kind eyes, and we exchanged warm hugs before she told us to sit tight until she came back. With her parents going off to work, Amber and I were left to our own devices in their incredible apartment.

  Amber and I flitted from room to room, and I marveled at my own freedom. After months of being locked away kept only for Thorn’s entertainment, it felt incredible to be able to do anything I wanted to.

  I couldn’t read Amber though, despite keeping a close eye on her. Eventually, we settled in front of the TV with bowls of mac and cheese prepared by Carina’s parents’ housekeeper.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked Amber carefully, and she shrugged, never moving her eyes off the TV.

  “I guess it’s going to take some getting used to,” she admitted.

  “I know,” I said softly. “It’s going to be hard to adjust… but this is normal. The way we were treated before definitely wasn’t.”

  She didn’t reply, keeping her gaze fixed on the TV as she ate. She raised her feet up on the coffee table, and I cringed. It must’ve been worth a fortune, like the rest of the stuff in that beautiful room.

  I picked at my food absent-mindedly while my eyes danced over the room, coming to stop on Amber’s feet again and again. I was about to say something when my eyes focused on something on her ankle, a small black sign under her frilly socks.

  “Hey,” I said, setting my plate down. “What’s that?”

  “Huh?” she gave me a confused look over her shoulder.

  “On your ankle,” I clarified. “What’s that?”

  She glanced down and blushed when she saw what I was talking about. Right away, she put her feet down and turned her attention back to the TV, as if I hadn’t said anything at all.

  “Amber,” I said in a warning tone. “What the hell is on your ankle?”

  She stood up to leave but I was faster, reaching her in a few steps and pulling her sock down, the lace revealing a tattoo on her tiny, bony ankle. It was a coiled snake, the tattoo I’d seen time and time again on the other girls in the house.

  “They…” I whispered, pressing my palm to my mouth. “They did this to you.”

  “No,” she replied coldly, prying her ankle out of my grip and glaring at me. “I chose it.”

  “Chose… what?” I cried out. “What does it mean?”

  She raised her head high as she went on to explain.

  “It’s the serpent,” she said. “It’s the mark tattooed on all the girls who go through the mansion. Ellis said it was a sign of the man who sells us.”

  I twitched when she mentioned Ellis’s name, but that wasn’t the worst part.

  “Why is it on you?” I asked her roughly.

  “I wanted it,” she shrugged as if it were the simplest thing in the world. “Ellis asked me, and I said yes.”

  “You agreed,” I said. “To what, exactly? To be sold?”

  She didn’t answer, stubbornly staring ahead of her.

  “He said I’d be taken care of,” she finally said defensively. “That my life would be better for it.”

  “And you believed him?” I shook my head, trying to stop the tears from falling. “The man that kidnapped you. You believed him, after all he did to us both?”

  “How is that so much different to Thorn, Harlow?” she asked pointedly, turning her accusatory eyes at me. “Ellis and Thorn were cut from the same cloth. That’s why things ended the way they did. They were two of a kind, and there was only room in the world for one of them.”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” I accused her bitterly. “That man would have killed us both.”

  “And Thorn wouldn’t have?” she countered, and it shut me up. She sighed and got off her chair, shaking her head in exasperation. “Doesn’t matter now, anyway. I left with you. I chose to stay by your side. And that’s all that matters.”

  I didn’t say a word as she made her way out of the room. I was trying my best to understand where she was coming from. I knew she had a rough life, but I still didn’t understand why she could possibly choose this kind of fate - and willingly.

  I felt alone at that moment, cold in the knowledge that I had nobody else. My father was still alive, but since he’d shown absolutely no interest in me since my mother passed, I didn’t bother making contact again. He probably hadn’t even noticed I was gone.

  My only remaining friend was Carina.

  I remembered her moment of weakness when she found out she was pregnant, and the week when she lost her baby. I’d been there for her. Perhaps she could be there for me too.

  “Can we talk?”

  Carina raised her eyes to mine and seemed to understand something was wrong right away.

  “Of course,” she said gently, squeezing my hand. “I knew we would have to eventually. Come on, let’s go on the balcony.”

  Her parents were fast asleep and so was Amber, but Carina and I had stayed up late to watch a film we both liked. But now the credits were rolling, and I’d spent the entirety of the film wondering how much I could tell Carina. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her, it was more that I didn’t want to put her in any kind of danger.

  I followed her outside, where we gazed upon London illuminated beautifully in the night sky. Her parents’ apartment had an incredible view I knew I’d never get sick of. Still, I was anxious to get on my own feet, find my own place in the world after being a captive for so long.

  Yet I couldn’t help my mind wandering to Thorn again and again.

  At first, I’d tried to ignore it. Then deny it, pretend it didn’t exist. But it was there, the nagging thought in the back of my mind demanding I pay attention to the ever-present question eating away at me.

  Would he take me back?

  I wasn’t sure. A horrible, sinking feeling had settled in my stomach, a kind of premonition saying I would be the one to crawl back to him and beg him to take me back. Being away from him felt like being severed from a part of me. Painful and hard and fucking unbearable. I hated the pain, hated what it meant, and hated myself for the feelings I couldn’t squash anymore. It was painfully obvious now. I was in love… truly, madly, deeply - for better or for worse.

  “You seem a thousand miles away,” Carina told me, and I forced a smile on my lips. “What are you thinking about?”

  I didn’t answer, and after a couple of minutes, she reached over to me, her hand coming to rest on mine.

  “Is it him?” she whispered, and I swallowed my tears and nodded which made Carina sigh out loud. “Oh, darling. I have never mentioned this, but…”

  I looked up at her and she bit her bottom lip nervously and went on.

  “The father of my baby,” she managed to get out. “He… he wasn’t a very nice man. I think there are some similarities between him and the man who abused you.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said automatically.

  “This isn’t about me,” she said gently, smoothing my hair away from my face. “I just want to make sure you’re alright here after what happened. I understand abusive relationships, I really do.”

  I nodded as she gave me a sweet smile.

  “But I’m here to help,” she went on. “Anything you need, you can always ask me. I’ll be here for anything you need. You know that, don’t you?”

  “I do,” I nodded. “Thank you, Carina. But I’m worried…”

  I took a deep breath as she looked at me expectantly.

  “I’m worried he got Amber involved in some bad stuff as well,” I finally managed to get out. “She… she told me some things and they really made me worried about her safety.”

  “Look,” Carina said placatingly
. “He doesn’t know you’re here. He can’t hurt you anymore, Harlow. I know he’s done some bad things - and don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me anything - but I’m here to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

  I stared at her and she gave me a big smile, pulling me in for a hug.

  “I’ll make sure you’re safe,” she whispered, and I found myself nodding to her words, though for some reason, I couldn’t believe her at all.

  Chapter 16


  I held Harlow in my arms with an angelic smile on my face, wondering how she didn’t see right through me. I had never thought of myself as an amazing liar, but I surprised myself every day.

  Once she was feeling a bit better, I walked her to the guest bedroom and kissed her cheek before she drifted off into a restless sleep. I watched her for a while, the mean side of me demanding I hurt her in some way while she was so vulnerable.

  I was surprised by the nagging little voice telling me to pinch her, pull her hair, do something to hurt her. I could still manage to resist it, but still, the feeling was strange and unfamiliar. I’d never wished Harlow bad before. That is before she stole my fucking man.

  Once she was fast asleep, I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me despite Harlow asking me to leave a crack open so some light would fill the room. Oh well, it wasn’t the worst thing I could have done.

  I went to my own bedroom and decided to prepare myself for the next thing I was about to do. I put on a silk nightie, paired it with a kimono robe, and fluffed my hair. Then, I walked into Daddy’s study in the apartment which had been strictly off limits since I was a little girl. But that night, I didn’t care about any of those rules.

  I sat down in my father’s chair and twirled around, a bright smile on my lips. Then, I picked up the phone and dialed the number I’d memorized.

  “Hello?” a terse voice answered, and I smiled to myself, knowing that for once, the ace was up my sleeve.

  “Hello,” I said sweetly.

  “Are they with you?” the voice barked. “We’re on our way.”

  “No, they’re not with me,” I lied smoothly. “But I know where they are. I want to speak to him.”

  “You don’t get to ask for that,” Pia snarled at me.

  I could sense the animosity in her voice but I didn’t really give a shit. I was finally going to get what I’d wanted all along. I’d been waiting long enough, after all.

  “I’m afraid I won’t be able to divulge Harlow and Amber’s location to you,” I told her in my best fake polite voice. “I’ll only speak to Thorn, so please put him on the phone.”

  A long pause followed and my heart beat erratically in my chest. Then, I heard the phone being snatched away from Pia as a male voice answered.

  “Hello?” he growled. “Carina?”

  Just like always, I melted at the mere sound of his voice. He was addictive, delicious, dark and depraved but oh-so-wonderful nonetheless. Exactly what I was missing.

  “Do you know where they are?” he asked roughly, and I let out a sigh of annoyance.

  He was supposed to be wondering about me, worried about me. Why was he still on about Harlow? Hadn’t she proved how fucking disloyal she was by running away from him? It seemed like Thorn would never learn his lesson when it came to my friend, though I was more than willing to help him get there.

  “Maybe,” I purred seductively.

  I could practically see his knuckles turning white around the phone. He was angry with me, but I didn’t give a shit. I held the power, and we both knew it.

  “I know where you live, Carina,” he growled. “I’m in London already. We’re going to drop by the studio tomorrow.”

  “Don’t bother,” I said cheerfully. “By the way, the girls told me all about you. You sure do seem like a monster. I didn’t want to believe them at first, but after everything I’ve heard, I guess they must be right.”

  He didn’t respond, probably too busy grinding his teeth together. But all I did was smile sweetly before going on.

  “So, will you work with me or not?” I asked.

  “Listen, you stupid little girl,” Thorn growled down the line. “I know where you live. I know who your parents are. I could have all three of you dead by the morning. Do you understand?”

  I didn’t respond, just smiling to myself as I waited for him to go on with his stupid threats that meant nothing to me.

  “I mean it,” he went on. “Don’t think I’ll stop at hurting you, you little-”

  “I know you mean it,” I went on sweetly. “I know you do. But you know, I’ve been thinking about the same thing! Isn’t that funny?”

  “What the fuck do you mean?” he growled. “What the fuck are you on about?”

  “I was thinking,” I went on excitedly. “How easy it would be to hurt Harlow.”

  A silence lay between us and I giggled before going on.

  “We have lots of sharp objects around here, you know,” I sighed, twirling a letter opener between my fingers. “I could slit her throat just like that, and it would all be over. You don’t want to push me over the edge now, do you, Thorn? You don’t want me to lose my patience? I’ve been so very good to you, haven’t I? I’ve been waiting like a good girl…”

  “What do you want?” he ground out, and I smiled triumphantly.

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to play him forever. My window was small, but I intended using it to my advantage. And while Harlow was under my roof, I was free to feed him lie after lie until he gave me what I wanted.

  “Don’t you know?” I purred, putting the letter opener down with a loud clank. “I want you, Thorn.”

  A silence followed and he finally spoke up again after several excruciatingly long seconds.

  “I’m not replacing Harlow with you,” he growled. “Ever.”

  “I didn’t ask for that,” I said, trying hard to keep the anger out of my voice.

  Who did he think he was, anyway? I was better than that little bitch and always had been. It was him who was blind to the truth - but not for long. Not if I had it my way.

  “What do you want, then?” he asked.

  I could tell I was testing his patience but I didn’t particularly care.

  “I want you to take me with you,” I whispered. “Back to the place you came from.”

  “What?” he asked incredulously. “You want me to take you home?”

  “Home,” I repeated softly. How nice it sounded on the tip of my tongue… “Yes, I’d like to come home with you.”

  “And if I don’t?” he argued. “If I don’t agree to your fucking.. terms?”

  I paused for dramatic effect, but he didn’t seem to understand, mistaking my silence for indecision and laughing out loud.

  “You would never hurt Harlow,” he said plainly. “She’s the closest thing you have to a friend.”

  I bit my tongue before I cursed out loud, and went on to say, “Maybe not, but who knows? I’m feeling pretty unstable. Maybe just unstable enough to tell the police about your little side project, Mr. Thorn.”

  Now, it was his turn to go quiet.

  “Or maybe,” I went on sweetly. “I could tell Daddy you roughed me up when you were here last. Did you know Daddy has connections here in London? I know you do too, but nothing like this. I assume you don’t know the chief of the police department on a first name basis. He could have you arrested. He could uncover all the shit you’re doing back home.”

  “I can protect myself,” he said roughly, but I could sense the edge to his voice.

  “I’m sure,” I said. “But let’s avoid the problem altogether. Take me with you. I’ll let you have Amber, Harlow, and me. What’s not to like in that equation? Three for the price of one.”

  “I could kill you,” he went on. “The second I get my hands on you. What’s stopping me from snapping your neck?”

  I shivered at the thought, my pussy leaking through my sheer panties so desperately I bit my bottom lip in embarrassment.
  “That’s up to you,” I told him.

  I would take anything he would give me. Hurt me, fuck me, kill me. Anything he wanted. I’d do anything to feel his touch again. My obsession with Thorn was consuming me whole and it was getting hard to stop myself from fantasizing about our future once we got rid of goody-two-shoes Harlow and her faithful sidekick Amber.

  “Be here in the morning,” I said simply. “I’ll get everything ready for you.”

  He paused, but I could tell he would agree to my terms. There was nothing for him to lose. He’d gain three girls when he’d only lost two, and I was signing myself over to him freely, my only hope that he would eventually see how much better than Harlow Granger I was. I was prettier, sexier. I was smarter and a better dancer. She was a fucking wallflower but I was the star. And sooner or later, Thorn would open his eyes and see that.

  “Alright,” he finally said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He ended the call and I stared at the phone triumphantly before setting it down. I got up from my father’s chair, smoothed down my dress and took a deep breath before leaving the office, but not before making sure everything was in the same place as I’d found it.

  I walked down the hallway to Harlow’s room and prepared myself mentally for the role I would have to play next. Then, I slipped into her room wearing a sorrowful expression as I shook her awake. She got up with a cry, panic settling in her eyes but fading away when she realized it was only me. What a stupid fucking girl she was.

  “Harlow,” I said, fighting back the imaginary tears. “Someone called the house.”

  “W-who?” she stuttered pathetically, and I sniffled to add more effect to my performance.

  “The man who took you,” I whispered. “I think… I think he knows where you are.”

  “Oh my god.” She sat up straight, her eyes fearful as they connected with mine. “Do they know about Amber too?”

  “He doesn’t care about Amber,” I said, probably the only truthful thing I’d told her. “Just you… I’m scared, Harlow. He threatened me.”


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