Fighter's Claim: Devils Wind MC

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Fighter's Claim: Devils Wind MC Page 11

by D. D. Galvani

  “Whenever you come to the range, whether you’re with me or not, bring the gun in a case and make sure it’s unloaded. Double and triple check it’s unloaded before you put it in the case before and after you use it.

  “You understand?” I asked; she nodded her head yes, so I continued. “Today is just about you getting a feel for holding and shooting the gun. I want you to get comfortable handling a weapon.”

  I picked up the first gun, showing it to her. “This is a Sig Sauer P238 semi-automatic pistol. It’s a 380 and holds six rounds in a magazine that slides into the bottom of the frame, plus one in the chamber. There is very little recoil on it, which is one of the reasons I chose it for you.” I released the magazine, showed her that it had no bullets in it, then handed Tish the gun. She expected it to be heavy; I could see her surprise when it wasn’t. “I want you to be comfortable with it because you’re going to be carrying it on you.”

  I started pointing out some features of the gun; sights, safety, trigger, slide, etc. I made her pull the slide back a few times, as well as the trigger, to get a feel for them both.

  “Tish, this gun allows you to chamber a round with the safety on, but it will not fire until you release the safety; you can then drop the magazine, put another round in, and then you’ve got seven shots total. That’s important, babe.”

  I took down the piece, showing her, step by step, what I was doing. Once I had it back together, I loaded the magazine with 6 rounds, flipped the safety on, and put the gun on the counter. I put a fresh target on the holder then sent it out about twenty-five yards.

  “Come here, Tish.” I put her in front of me and showed her how to stand. “The gun is loaded, but you need to pull back the slide to get it ready to fire. Pick it up, and when you’re ready, pull the trigger until the gun is empty. Remember what I said: watch where you aim, and keep your finger away from the trigger until you’re ready to shoot. Put your earmuffs and safety glasses on now, babe.”

  She took a deep breath as she set the safety equipment back in place, then got into the stance I showed her and picked up the gun. She flicked off the safety, pulled the slide back, and pointed the gun at the target. She slid her finger along the frame until she found the trigger, squeezing like I told her. The gun went off, which made her jump, but she recovered and emptied the magazine. She flipped the safety back on and laid the gun down on the counter.

  I pushed the button on the wall; the target retracted ‘til it was in front of us. Her shots were all over but there were six, so she at least hit the target each time.

  Laughing, she threw her arms around my neck, pulling my earmuffs down to my neck. “Oh my God, that was fun,” she crowed. “Can I shoot the other two now?”

  “That’s my girl,” I said, smacking her on the ass and setting her away from me.

  I went over the mechanics of the other two guns so she could test each one. After firing both, she watched as I checked that each one was unloaded before putting them back in their cases.

  Tish tugged on my arm. “Can I watch you shoot them Jameson?”

  “Sure, babe.” I dropped a kiss on her upturned lips, then loaded the Sig. She sent a target out about twenty-five yards; I smirked and reached over, pushing the button to make it go out another twenty-five yards. Taking up my stance, I quickly fired off six shots. Tish pushed the button to bring the target back. She gasped when she saw the small cluster in the center.

  “Holy shit, Jameson!”

  “Babe, my weapon of choice is a Sig 1911, which is basically a bigger version of the first one you shot. I’ve been shooting since before I went into the Marines. I should be able the hit the target each and every time I aim. You’ll get there, babe, it just takes time and practice.” I checked then repacked the guns so we could take them out to the main counter.

  We saw Opry talking to a couple looking through the case. He acknowledged us but continued his conversation with them.

  Tish was looking in the cases too.

  “Tish, which one of the three you tested today did you prefer?”

  She looked up from the case. “I really like how the first one felt in my hand and how it shot, Jameson. I’m still a little scared, but at least I know a little about how they work. It was a blast shooting them, if I’m being honest.”

  Finished with his customers, Opry came over to us behind the counter. “So?” he asked, looking at Tish.

  I replied for her, “She liked the Sig, man.”

  He smiled. “Good choice, Tish. You see one you like in the case, Fighter?”

  “Nah, man, I got a particular one in mind, but I’ll get with you about it when you come over for the barbecue later,” I said.

  “My mouth is watering for them steaks, Tish,” Opry said.

  She smiled. “Good; bring your appetite and bring Sandra. I can’t wait to tell her about today.”

  I dropped my hand to Tish’s lower back to guide her out of the building and over to the bike. As I handed her the helmet, she went up on her toes to kiss me.

  “Thanks, Jameson, I had a great time.”

  Snaking an arm around her waist, I pulled her flush to my side before returning the kiss. “Anytime, babe. I want you to be safe.” I let her go and she finished buckling her helmet so she could get on the bike behind me.

  When we got back to the house, I unbuckled the helmet, setting it on the bike seat, then went into the house to find Jiji. She was making a three-bean salad in the kitchen and waved a spoon at me. “Sooo, where did you go, what did you do, get any action?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  “Jesus, Jiji,” Jameson said, coming up behind me.

  “You love me and you know it, big bro,” she said, coming around the counter with the salad in her arms.

  He slid open the door to the fridge so she could put the bowl inside, then kissed the top of her head. “You know I do, squirt,” he replied, “but you can also be a big pain in the ass.” He swatted her butt as she passed him.

  She giggled and tossed him a saucy grin, saying, “Bro, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  Jameson dropped his head in his hands and groaned. “Don’t say shit like that, Jiji, I don’t want to go prematurely gray for my girl,” he said, winking at me

  “Come on, Jameson, don’t you know that girls like a little snow on the roof? Even from here I can see a couple of grays peeking out from your long, flowing locks,” she teased.

  “Maybe Breech had it right; I should paddle that butt ‘til you can’t sit down,” he growled.

  “You just hate to lose, big bro. Bonus—you just got schooled by a girl,” she crowed.

  I chuckled. “Can you go light the grill?” I asked him. “There’s a fire starter in the drawer out there.”

  “Nice save, Tish,” Jiji said.

  “This is not over, Jiji,” Jameson said, walking to the sliders before stepping out on the deck and shutting the door.

  When Jiji and I were alone again, I told her about her brother taking me to the range. Her eyes lit up, “Oh my God, was it fun? How did you feel holding a gun, is it scary, can I go with you next time?” She threw all these questions at me in rapid succession.

  Jameson heard the tail end of her questions as he came back in from the deck. “Breech is going to teach you how to shoot, Jiji.”

  She frowned. “Aww, Jameson, can’t Danko or Opry teach me?” she begged.

  “Not my call, Jiji; Dukes set it up.”

  Sighing, she moved away. “Damn, well at least I’m gonna get to shoot,” she said. “You think I can get arrested for accidentally shooting my instructor?” she asked innocently. I stuffed a piece of tomato I was cutting into my mouth to stifle my laughter. Jiji looked up with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. “The planning begins,” she said.

  “Jiji, behave!” Jameson roared.
r />   My cell rang during their conversation, so I stepped away to answer it, still giggling. I should have looked at the display before I picked it up, but I was distracted.

  “BITCH! Didn’t think I could find you, did you?!” It was Aden’s voice.

  I screamed, dropping the phone. I could feel the panic setting in.

  Jameson rushed over, picking up the phone. “Who the fuck is this and what the fuck do you want?” he barked. I could hear the tones as the caller hung up.

  “Babe,” he said. “It was Aden, wasn’t it?” I was trembling so hard he held me, rocking me ‘til I calmed. “Fuck!” he yelled, banging his fist down on the counter. “I need to get ahold of Sonny, see if he can trace the call. Stay here in the kitchen with Jiji, Tish. Do not go outside without me, hear me?”

  I nodded my head, but he left already, pulling out his phone to call Sonny.

  Jiji came around the island counter, planting herself in front of me. “He’s not gonna hurt us again, Tish. Dukes promised he wouldn’t. Let’s finish up the prep for dinner and get these guys fed, okay?”

  I took a few cleansing breaths, trying to clear my mind, giving me a second to focus. This has got to stop. I couldn’t take having to look over my shoulder constantly waiting for whatever Aden had up his sleeve next. I hoped Sonny had some answers.


  I called Sonny and he picked up on the first ring. I relayed what happened.

  “Damn that fucking douchebag. I’m heading over there anyway, let me get with Dukes and tell him what’s gone down. I’ll try tracking the call when I get there. See you in a few,” he said, then clicked off.

  I was getting real tired of this guy messing with my woman! I wanted his balls! I knew the brothers were doing anything they could, but I still felt like Tish had a target on her back.

  The girl fuckin’ fascinated me. She took to shooting like a duck to water. She was fearful at first, but then she began to enjoy herself and what she was learning. She listened to everything I said, soaking it all in. She was smart, funny, beautiful, and had an innate kindness. Best of all she didn’t seam to know it, she was just being herself. No artifice, just her.

  I was falling hard and fast.

  When she got on my bike, I felt like we’d been riding together forever. She was a natural, moving with me unconsciously. I’d had a couple of Fender Fluffs ride with me but usually just to get them from place to place for a brother. I could see her riding bitch with me for a long time to come. Wasn’t that a fuckin’ kick in the nuts.

  I went back inside to see if I could help the girls, because the guys would be here soon.


  The house was full, music was playing, the guys were sitting around with plates full of good food and a cold beer, laughing or talking in groups or sitting at the table outside on the deck. I fucking loved that my brothers liked and accepted Tish.

  Dukes pulled me aside on the deck. “We have to get this guy, Fighter. He was dangerous before; he’s moved on to deranged. I don’t want him around the girls or my club.” Patting me on the back, he said, “You’ve got a good one there, Fighter, let’s neutralize the threat and move on.” He walked over to the grill and began loading a plate.

  Opry came up to where I was sitting on the deck with a full plate, two beers dangling from his fingers. He handed me one and sat down. Digging in, he motioned to me with his fork. “I heard about the message that scumbag left. We’re all on guard, Fighter. No worries, brother. So, tell me what you’re thinking for Tish’s Sig, Fighter.”

  I swallowed a couple sips of beer then I described one I saw a few weeks ago that a woman had brought to the Firing Line. “Hers had a pink pearl-handled grip and she kept it in a holster at her waist. I’m thinking the same kind of rig for Tish, but I want white pearl instead of pink.”

  He nodded but continued to eat. I drank more of my beer, watching him demolish the plate. “I’ll order it, should be here in a couple days. Should cost you about five bills.” Reaching into his cut, he pulled out a packet of papers. “She needs to fill this out for the permit and for her carry license,” he said.

  “Thanks, Opry,” I said, pulling the envelope towards me.

  “Man, that girl is fine, Fighter. I’m glad to see you happy.”

  I hid my smile behind my beer. “She likes Sandra too, so that’s a plus, huh, brother? Now Sandra has someone to do girl shit with, so you can spend more time at the club with us.”

  He smiled. “I’m a smart man, Fighter. Happy lady, happy life.”

  I laughed with him. “Words to live by, Opry, words to live by! “Let me know when the gun comes in and I’ll have the cash for you.” He gave me the thumbs-up while he finished off his plate, then wandered away to find Sandra.

  I finished my beer, got up, and walked around the house, stopping to talk to the guys as I came upon them. Looking into the kitchen, I saw Tish at the sink. Walking up, I caged her in with my arms on either side of her body.

  She leaned back into me, keeping her wet hands in the sink. “Hmm, you smell good, Breech,” she said.

  I backed up quick. “What the fuck, did you just call me Breech?” I saw her shoulders shaking with laughter, then lightly bit her ear. “You’ll pay for that later when I get you naked and alone,” I said.

  I felt her shiver, but she leaned her head back on my shoulder. “Promises, promises,” she said. I nosed aside her T-shirt to nip at her shoulder, planting tiny kisses along her neck. She tilted her head to give me better access so I slid my tongue out to lick and suck on her collarbone. She moaned, moving her ass backward to rub across my erection through my jeans. I groaned but pressed harder against her, and she whimpered before she tried to move away.

  “Jameson, we have a house full of people,” she protested.

  “Damn, girl, what you do to me,” I said, adjusting my dick but moving away from her enticing body.

  She looked back at me over her shoulder, winking before she blew me a kiss. “Right back at you, baby,” she said.

  Before I could drag her off to our bedroom, I heard footsteps behind me. Turning, I saw Lani wrestling with a full garbage pail. I went over to her and took it out of her hands. “I got that,” I said.

  She thanked me, then asked Tish, “Where is the box of garbage bags? These animals have almost cleaned you out of all that delicious food you and Jiji made.”

  Tish’s laughter filled the air. “I’m glad, Lani. It’s been a long time since we had such a large bunch to cook for.”

  I left the two ladies talking and went outside with the bag to dump it in the pail.

  Breathing in the night air felt good. I went over to the table on the deck to light up a smoke. I saw Murph coming around the corner of the house with Gears and called out to them, “You guys get something to eat?”

  “Yeah,” Gears replied. “Thank Tish and Jiji for us, man.”

  “Will do,” I replied.

  “We heard that asshole is still hounding Tish, Fighter; we got her back.”

  Taking a drag from my cigarette, I responded, “You’d better or it will be your ass.” They acknowledged me with a salute and moved on.

  Both these guys have been prospecting for the club for almost a year. I liked both of them and would be happy to call them brother when the time came. Stabbing out my smoke, I lifted my chin at them in farewell before going back into the house.


  I listened to the rumble of pipes growing more distant as everyone left the house. Jiji left with Opry and Sandra, who was going to let Jiji apprentice in her veterinary hospital. She rode away on the back of Breech’s bike. I really liked Sandra; she was sweet but had a mouth like a trucker. I needed her to teach me a few choice comebacks. When Jameson took the garbage from Lani, she remarked on how happy he was since I came along. She was sassy and smart and
she was perfect for Dukes.

  I walked into my bedroom, pulling off my jeans and T-shirt. Leaning into the shower, I turned on the water, adjusting the temperature. Reaching up, I loosened the braid Jiji had done for me today, pushing my fingers through my hair and massaging my scalp. “Ahh…” That felt so good. Discarding my bra and panties, I stepped into the shower and turned my face up to the spray.

  I felt two large hands palm my breasts from behind. He pulled me flush against his groin. I felt his hard dick pressing between the cleft of my cheeks. “Oh, God, Jameson that feels amazing,” I murmured, trying to push my tits further into his warm palms.

  “Mmm, babe, you like that, don’t you?” His fingers plucked at my nipples, rolling them around, pulling and twisting ‘til they were hard peaks. One had slid down my stomach ‘til his fingers found my pussy. I leaned my head back on his shoulder, letting my body enjoy the twin sensations of his big hands playing with me. He began kissing my neck, nipping lightly, and I rotated my hips, pressing against his erection. He inserted two thick fingers into my sheath, pumping in and out. His thumb strummed my clit, making the little bundle of nerves tingle. I sucked in a breath, rocking my hips in an effort to get closer to his fingers.

  “Come for me, babe, let me make you feel good.”

  The pressure started building inside, and I chased my orgasm ‘til it finally exploded. I came, clamping down hard on his fingers. I cried out, my body shuddering, legs shaking from the force of my climax.

  “Fuckin’ love that sound, babe,” he said. My body felt liquefied; had he not been holding me, I would have slid down to the shower floor.

  Slowly, my heartbeat returned to normal. Turning in his arms and leaning my upper body to rest against his chest, I said, “You didn’t get off.”


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