Night Hawk'S Bride (Tyler) (Harlequin Historical Series, No 558)

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Night Hawk'S Bride (Tyler) (Harlequin Historical Series, No 558) Page 23

by Jillian Hart

  Night Hawk staggered, leaning against the wall for support. “Marie—”

  “Is still alive. Barely. All we can do is wait and see.” Exhaustion shadowed her face, but she smiled. “I think she will recover. She’s strong. Her love for you is what pulled her through. I don’t think she could leave you.”

  Slowly the pain eased from his soul. “She looks so still.”

  “She needs her rest after what she’s been through. Bringing a new life into this world is no easy task. Come.” She gestured toward the bed. “Sit with her, and hold your son. Let her know how much you love her. That should help.”

  The chaplain offered his chair, and Night Hawk managed to stumble across the room.

  She looked like an angel, his angel. He collapsed onto the chair and covered her hand. Her skin was cold. Her face was drained of color. The sheet over her chest barely moved with her breath.

  “Your son.” The midwife handed the bundle to him. “Hold your arms together like this. Keep his head supported. That’s right.”

  The bundle weighed hardly anything at all, and it fit into his arms easily. The midwife pulled the blanket farther away from the small nose and mouth. Looking at his son for the first time, Night Hawk saw high cheekbones, a straight nose and a strong chin. So like his father’s face.

  Love filled his heart with such force that it washed away every hardship, every loss and every pain. The baby opened and closed his mouth, apparently asleep, but the movement grabbed hold of his heart with unbreakable force. Awe filled him.

  This is what comes from love, he thought, a precious, amazing gift.

  He loved Marie all the more simply watching her sleep.

  Dawn came gently and Marie moaned. Night Hawk waited, hoping she had the strength to awaken. Her fingers curled around his, and he smiled. She was going to be all right.

  “Night Hawk.” She opened her eyes, looking around as if unsure where she was and what had happened. Then her eyes widened. “Where’s my baby? What happened to my baby? Did he die—”

  “He’s fine.” Night Hawk laid one hand against her face and made her look at him.

  She relaxed when she saw his smile. “He’s fine? We have a son?”

  “Just like you said.” He kissed her brow. There would be passion between them later, when she was recovered, but for now there was enough tenderness for a lifetime.

  As if she felt it, too, tears filled her eyes. “Please, I have to see him. I have to know that he’s all right.”

  “He’s perfect. His grandfather is holding him.”

  “Papa?” She didn’t believe that. “Now you’re teasing me.”

  “I wouldn’t tease the woman who just gave me a son.” Night Hawk’s touch was a heaven she never wanted to lose.

  “Your father had a change of heart last night. He thought you died. He and I have talked, and we’ve reached a truce. He’s a tough man, but he does love his little girl very much. Maybe he’ll be better at showing it from now on.”

  “Your love matters to me the most.” She pressed a kiss into the palm of his hand. “For you are my shaylee, the brightest star in my heaven.”

  Night Hawk held her tenderly. His touch chased away all the night’s pain. It was a new dawn and a new beginning.

  Footsteps tapped into the room. Marie didn’t know what to feel when she saw her father, but when he handed Night Hawk the small blue bundle she saw that he no longer looked rigid or angry.

  “A fine job you did, daughter.” Henry smiled at her, a real smile. “I’ll be downstairs waiting for the chance to hold my grandson again. A good boy he is.”

  Henry looked awkward, then headed for the door. She watched him in wonder. Somehow during the night, the colonel had found his heart.

  “Look at our son.” Night Hawk leaned close.

  All it took was one look. Like a bolt of lightning striking her, she felt changed. Just like she had when she’d first seen Night Hawk. She was so in love with her baby boy, who was handsome like his father.

  “Look at what love can do.” Night Hawk kissed her on the mouth, a gentle caress that made her long for more.

  They gazed at their new baby for a long while, simply gazed at him. Remarking over the shape of his mouth, his bright eyes and the strength in his tiny hands.

  “I want to name him Blue Hawk.” Marie waited, watching Night Hawk’s reaction. She wasn’t sure. Maybe it was his people’s way for the father to name his son.

  “Blue Hawk he shall be.” Night Hawk nodded, pride radiating from him and she knew that she’d chosen well.

  “Marry me, Marie.” The man she loved said the words she’d been longing to hear. “The chaplain is downstairs, and I’ve already spoken to him. He’s agreed to perform the ceremony.”

  “Now? Like this?” Marie laughed, unable to keep her happiness inside. “I’m wearing a nightgown. And it isn’t mine.”

  “Yes, but the sheets are pretty.” Night Hawk shrugged. “We can wait for the flowers and a special dress if you like. But I want to start our life together as husband and wife as soon as possible. I don’t want to wait one more minute.”

  “Then yes, I’ll marry you.” Marie kissed him gently so he could feel each brush of her lips to his and know the depth of emotion that lay beneath.

  It was so easy to see their future together. Living in his log home, riding horses across the summer meadows and twirling on the winter ice. A lifetime of joy spread out before them. This beautiful day was only the beginning, for theirs was a true love, the greatest of all, and it would last for all time.

  Special thanks and acknowledgment are given

  to Jillian Hart for her contribution

  to the Return to Tyler series.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8383-5


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