The Long Weekend

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The Long Weekend Page 13

by Clare Lydon

  In a matter of minutes there was a clink of a belt buckle, a zip came down, trousers off and underwear discarded. And then TJ slid her left hand to cup Geri’s butt cheek and sucked her breast, while her right hand went to the heart of the matter, sliding down, circling, honing, wanting. Geri soaked up the feeling of flesh on hot flesh.

  Within seconds she was inside Geri, whose mind jumped to safety as her body took over. Waves of desire washed over her and she was rocking to TJ’s beat. In, out, round and round, the motion was seamless, the passion building. They locked mouths, tongues and lips desperately clashing, throats emitting guttural sounds.

  “Fuck, fuck…” Geri dug in and waited, gripping TJ’s arm so that she left a mark. She opened her eyes but the world was out of focus – the only reality was her, naked, being fucked by a stranger on a pub sofa. Perhaps in the morning it might seem a bit sluttish but right now it seemed heroic, like this was what she was born to do. All the blood began to rush down her body as her orgasm built. She was in full flight, she was soaring, majestic.

  TJ ramped up her rhythm and brought it home with a final flourish, kissing, rubbing, fucking, licking.

  Geri’s head flew back as she came full throttle, arching her body as if she was the star of an orgasm commercial. There was no let up as TJ played her out, not stopping for a moment, biting down on Geri’s lip as she slid deeper into her while applying just the right amount of pressure where Geri needed it.

  Geri thrust against TJ, rode the second wave, the third and then grasped her lover in a full embrace, holding her tight, feeling the aftershocks, her breathing ragged. Her mind was a mess as TJ kissed her neck, her breasts, her stomach, then travelled back up to her lips, smiling down at the spent force beneath her.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since the moment you walked in the pub on Thursday.” TJ’s mouth curled up at one corner in a triumphant smile. “I could seriously fall in love with you.”

  Geri opened her eyes and forced herself to focus on TJ’s dimple. Had TJ really just said what Geri thought she’d heard? Her heart was hammering in her chest – nobody had ever said that to her this quickly, and with that amount of intent. TJ slowly extracted herself and Geri felt the loss. She closed her eyes. Did life get much better than this moment? She doubted it.

  “It’s a shame we’re going home on Monday because I’d let you do that all over again and say that all over again.” Geri’s breathing was still ragged, uneven.

  TJ smiled her hundred-watt, dimple-laden smile. “Glad you approved. I wondered if a London chick like you wouldn’t be used to a whole other selection of moves…”

  “Just trying to fit in with the locals – and look where that got me,” Geri said. “By the way, how come I’m naked and you’re still fully clothed?” She pressed a hand to TJ’s right breast.

  “Because it’s my manor, my rules,” TJ said. She leant down to kiss Geri, her lips still warm and inviting. “But if you get dressed now I could be persuaded to come back to yours – where you staying?”

  “You should know it, the couple that run this own it apparently – The Lodge, up on the cliff.”

  “Yeah,” TJ said. She stood up, nodding quickly. “I’ve been there before. Nice place.”

  Geri wondered why she felt as if there was a sudden awkwardness in the air, looking up at TJ who was standing over her. She narrowed her eyes but couldn’t fully concentrate, her mind still refusing to fall back into some kind of order.

  TJ could fall in love with her – now that was news. Right at this moment, Geri was totally sure she could fall in love with TJ too.

  TJ picked up Geri’s jeans for her, shaking them out as she did. Geri’s black wallet fell out, falling open to reveal her identity. The glare of the light on the police badge caught TJ’s eye and she picked it up, flipping it open.

  “I wouldn’t have taken you as someone who carries around a mirror,” she began, but the smile faded when she saw it was a police badge. TJ swivelled quickly on the sofa, just as Geri swung her legs onto the ground and got up, groaning. Geri located her pants and hopped into them, then took the jeans from TJ’s hands.

  “You’re a cop?” TJ said it like that was the last thing in the world she’d expected tonight.

  Geri leant over and whipped the badge out of her hand, pocketing it back in her jeans.

  “No need to sound so shocked – do I not look like a cop?” Geri tried to work out the tone of TJ’s questioning and whether or not this was a deal-breaker. Geri hoped it wasn’t, as she’d already been playing through a number of scenarios in her head and they all involved TJ naked. She leant down and kissed TJ just to make her intentions clear.

  TJ kissed her back, then shook her head. “You don’t look like one and you don’t act like one, that’s all. At least, not like the ones around here.”

  TJ paused and assessed Geri, who was pulling her T-shirt over her head and smoothing it down before concentrating on doing up her belt, head bowed. TJ stood and put her arms around her, kissing her exposed neck.

  “But if I’d have known this was how they bred them in London, I might have ventured that way earlier and got myself arrested,” TJ whispered, her breath hot in Geri’s ear.

  Geri felt her body tingle from head to toe, her clit’s memory in particular still very fresh as it pulsed anew.

  “We’re not going anywhere fast if you keep doing that,” Geri said, ticking off her new lover with a pointed index finger.

  TJ narrowed her eyes wickedly. “I hope you brought your handcuffs for later.”

  Geri swallowed hard and fixed TJ with a smile of intent. “I never leave home without them.”

  Early Hours

  Back at the house, Stu and Darren readied themselves to drag an inert Kat up the stairs. Stu was hot and bothered, swearing at regular intervals.

  Abby, in contrast, continued the silence she’d kept up since they’d left the pub. She gave Darren and Stu a weak smile as she went up the stairs ahead of them.

  “Should we have taken her shoes off first?” Darren asked on stair two.

  Stu looked at him like he’d gone mad. “I’m not fucking stopping now. We’ll sort it out when she’s horizontal. How she’s made it this far in life I’ll never know.”

  On stair seven both men nearly dropped their load, Stu thinking about Geri and hoping she was okay. They both regained their hold before any major damage was done.

  “You shouldn’t have given her so much coke,” Stu chided as they reached the top step. “It just means she can drink more.” He frowned at Darren who shot him a look, his muscular biceps popping out of his T-shirt.

  “I’m not her fucking mother.”

  Now they were on level ground, they shifted Kat’s weight again for the final push, carrying her through the door by both turning sideways, then dropping her on the bed. There was hardly any noise, just the bounce of Kat’s body and the slump of her head sideways.

  Stu and Darren stood at the end of the bed looking down sadly.

  Abby stood at the side, looking beaten.

  “You need any more help from here?” Stu wrinkled his nose.

  Abby took the hint and shook her head. “I can take it from here.” She looked tired, drawn. “Thanks, guys.”

  Abby sat sideways on the bed looking at Kat sleeping, her breathing shallow. Her girlfriend was out for the count but for Abby, the fight was already lost. This whole situation was ridiculous.

  Perhaps it was her background of addict parents that made her stay so long – Abby always wanted to fix the problem, make it better. But it hadn’t worked with them and it wasn’t going to work now, either. Kat’s issues ran deep and it wasn’t Abby’s job to fix them. At least, she didn’t want it to be anymore. Kat had made it this far without her and she’d have to make it the rest of the way, too.

  But it didn’t stop Abby grieving for what might have been. She swallowed a wave of sadness, biting her lip to stop the tears.

tion would help. Abby got up and walked around the bed, taking Kat’s blue brogues off – they were scratched and dusty from the walk home. Then she grabbed Kat under both armpits, struggling to pull her up the bed – she was a dead weight. After a few tugs, Kat’s head was on the pillow. Abby didn’t bother getting her undressed – waking up in your clothes was never a good feeling and Abby didn’t want Kat to get away with this scot-free. Instead, she simply folded the duvet around Kat and pushed her onto her side and into the recovery position, just in case.

  Abby leant over and kissed Kat on the temple, then silently slid the wardrobe door open, took out her case and began to pack her stuff.

  Kat didn’t stir.


  Laura’s right ankle throbbed. She’d gone over on it this afternoon on the walk home and navigating the coastal path in the dark with just her phone to light the way had done it no favours. She’d tripped no less than three times on the journey down and once on the journey back up. She was nearly back at the top of the cliff now and there was still no sign of Tash. Her heart hammered in her chest.

  Perhaps she should have searched the house thoroughly first before diving dramatically down to the sea? If Tash was at home having a cup of tea she was going to feel like a gigantic berk. But Tash hadn’t been in the kitchen, the lounge or their bedroom when Laura had checked earlier.

  Laura’s ears tingled with the night chill, but it was eerily calm. Under normal rules, she might be spooked at her situation – on a clifftop, alone, in the pitch black. But tonight was far from normal so she didn’t allow such thoughts to manifest.

  She was breathing heavily after walking back up the incline and absentmindedly rubbed her belly which was protruding slightly over her jeans. After this weekend, after she sorted things out with Tash she needed to start eating better, maybe even take up running like everyone else. Still, this unexpected trip to the beach and back would have worked off some of those calories from tonight.

  Laura limped up the dusty, cold path and, after a few seconds, the light from the house illuminated the way. Then, senses heightened, she smelt Tash before she saw her. Laura opened the garden gate and turned left, seeing her girlfriend sitting on one of the garden benches, this one perched at the bottom of a wooden trellis, covered in ivy. The slatted wood extended up the back and jutted out overhead, providing shade on a sunny day. Tonight, as Laura looked at Tash, it seemed to be providing solace.

  Tash sat looking up to the house, chin resting on her knees, making herself as small as possible. She didn’t move an inch as Laura approached.

  “Mind if I join you?” Laura tugged down her hoody over the top of her jeans and flicked her hair to one side, tucking it behind her ears.

  Tash didn’t respond.

  Laura tentatively sat down next to her girlfriend, the cold wooden bench seeping through her jeans even though it wasn’t wet.

  Tash still had her eyes facing forwards, although she hugged her knees closer to her, burrowing down. She only had jeans and a top on, no second layer.

  “Are you cold?” Laura was already unzipping her hoody to give to Tash.

  This at least drew a response as Tash shook her head and put a hand on Laura’s arm.

  Laura stopped and rezipped, before settling beside Tash, staring ahead towards the house. Through the widescreen windows she could see the occasional body moving and the occasional head bobbing, but she couldn’t make out who it was.

  “I went down to the beach looking for you. I was really worried. Nearly fell off the cliff in the process,” Laura said.

  Still no response.

  “You must be really cold. It’s freezing out here.” Laura paused. “Can we do this somewhere… warmer?”

  “Do what exactly?” Tash’s words had more bite than the air. “Talk about your past conquests, how many of your friends you’ve slept with? How many more are there, Laura? How many more skeletons are going to keep jumping out of your closet?”

  Laura’s stomach heaved and she gulped. Yep, harder than she thought.


  Geri and TJ walked out of the pub bumping hips, their laughter piercing the air.

  TJ’s arm landed around Geri’s shoulders and happiness flooded Geri’s system. She wanted to punch the air, to sing. A feeling of safety wasn’t something Geri was used to, but she’d found it in TJ’s embrace. It was an odd feeling and one Geri had never expected.

  This had already gone way further than she’d ever expected and, what was more, Geri was stupidly happy. Perhaps TJ was the missing part of her jigsaw? Perhaps TJ secretly wanted to open a fudge shop, too? Maybe they could set one up together, making fudge all morning and making love all night.

  Whoa. What the fuck? Geri shook her head to dislodge such bizarre thoughts. Her orgasms had clearly affected her mental abilities. She blinked rapidly and sucked in sharply. Fresh air, that was what she needed.

  TJ placed a kiss on Geri’s cheek as they fell into an easy stride, TJ’s arm still wrapped around Geri’s shoulder.

  “So are you going to tell your mates how friendly the bar staff are in Devon?”

  Geri turned her head. “You want me to advertise your services? That would make me your pimp, you realise.”

  “Sexiest pimp I’ve ever known.”

  “How many have there been?” Geri laughed. “I’ll just leave what happened between us to their imagination. Besides, they’re probably all still wrapped up in their own melodramas right now.”

  The pair turned up the final small incline to the house before the steep drop down the drive to the floodlit abode.

  Geri was amazed at the number of stars on view in the blackness above them. Orion’s Belt, Cassiopeia, The Great Bear, The Frying Pan. Or was The Great Bear also known as The Frying Pan? Astronomy had never been her strong point.

  TJ had removed her arm, so instead, Geri took her hand as they strode down the drive together, looking for all the world as if they’d been doing it for years. Geri chose not to dwell on the fact TJ felt so right, but it hadn’t escaped her notice. Every sinew of her body was screaming to be close to TJ, to taste her, smell her, feel her.

  “I would ask if you were ready to meet my friends, but you’ve kind of already done that, haven’t you?” Geri tripped slightly on the uneven surface – she’d drunk more than TJ, although recent events had sharpened her focus, sobered her up.

  TJ reached out a hand to steady her. “Yep, but now I’m ready to meet them under different circumstances.”

  Another wave of happiness crashed down.

  Geri was just about to reply when a car’s headlights illuminated the drive from behind, slowing when it registered the duo in its headlights.

  “What the fuck…” Geri said.

  TJ and Geri moved to the side of the drive to let the car past, and Geri saw it was from a company called Abbeydale Cars.

  The driver gave them a crooked smile as he overtook them.

  Geri ran to catch him up, her knuckles banging on his window as he pulled up outside the front door. The driver rolled down his window and Geri did a double-take – she hadn’t seen anybody do that for quite some time. Rolling down a window rather than pressing a button. How quaint.

  “Alright mate – can I help?” Geri’s curiosity was out of the bag. Was this a cab for Tash? That would be a serious over-reaction.

  “Taxi for Abby?” the young man said. He had a crew cut and was wearing a Lonsdale nylon zip-up top which wasn’t quite as thick as his accent.

  Before Geri had a chance to respond the front door of the house opened. Abby stood in the doorway, suitcase in hand.

  Abby clocked Geri and TJ and stopped in her tracks. She’d clearly been hoping to make a quick, painless exit.

  “You’re going?” Geri said, her voice rising.

  Abby nodded and walked briskly to the cab, opening the door, leaning in and throwing her case onto the back seat. She went to get in, then stopped and hung on to the roof of
the cab with one hand.

  “I think it’s best all round,” she said to Geri. “Kat’s passed out on the bed and I’ve had enough for one weekend. Tell her I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  “Look, I said I was sorry about the phone,” Geri said. Her humour was misplaced: Abby just stared at her. “Just like that – without saying goodbye?”

  Abby straightened up, looked taller somehow. “I’m putting me first for once this weekend.” Her words hit the air with unexpected force. “Besides, I don’t think you’ll miss me much – I was only ever a sideshow in your gang. Now you can all get back to being your gang and I get to go home and wake up in my own bed without having to deal with one of Kat’s hangovers again.”

  Her last word was long, drawn out, exaggerated.

  Geri got the point as Abby went to get in the cab again, then paused.

  “One other thing – take care of Kat because she’s a mess. Get her to take her meds, get her to go to therapy, get her to talk about her feelings because nothing will ever change until she does.”

  “Are you sure going tonight is a good idea? Can’t you stay till morning and tell her all of this?” Geri walked around the car to stand next to Abby.

  Abby shook her head. “I’ve tried. Kat has to stand on her own two feet for once.”

  Geri gave Abby a sad smile and moved to hug her.

  Abby who held up a hand in response. “Don’t,” she said, shaking her head slowly. “I have to go.” She paused. “Might see you around,” she said as an afterthought.

  Geri nodded slowly and gave her a tight-lipped smile. She desperately wanted to save the situation for Kat, but when she tried to conjure up the right words to say, her mind drew a complete blank. Perhaps there was simply nothing more to say.

  Abby got into the cab and slammed the door.

  Geri watched the car speed away down the drive, kicking up a cloud of dust as it did. TJ was beside her now and they both watched the red lights get smaller until they were out the drive and gone.

  TJ walked over to the ajar front door and beckoned Geri towards her.


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