Beyond His Control

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Beyond His Control Page 10

by Aliyah Burke

  “I can never repay you for this,” Kenya whispered in his ear.

  He kissed her cheek and spoke from the heart. “You never have to.”

  She leaned back and cupped his face in her hands. Kenya was a beautiful woman, her dark hair had a few streaks of gray in it but that only added to her timeless beauty. “Come home with us. Your parents will be there.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed movement. He spotted the ones he knew were for him, moving closer. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” He readjusted the pack on one shoulder. Placing a kiss on her cheek, he stepped back and studied Kami one more time. She stood in the circle of her brother and father’s arms.

  “Sergeant Moser.” One of the men said.

  He sighed. “I have to go.” Glancing at the two who’d come to collect him, he nodded. “I’m coming.”

  “Wait a second,” Kenya said. “Where are you taking him?”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the rest of the Strong’s coming closer. I didn’t want this to happen in front of Kami. The men looked at him and he released another sigh. Lane who had an arm around his daughter slid the other one around his wife.

  “Caleb?” Lane asked concern obvious in his timbre.

  He stared in green eyes then glanced over to Kami’s brown ones. “I don’t have a choice. I’ve been UA.” Turning from the dawning light in Kami’s gaze he muttered, “Let’s go.” And he walked away without a look back. Not even when they escorted him in the back of the waiting SUV did he allow his eyes to wander back to Kami. Lord knows he wanted to but he refused.

  Be strong, Kami.

  Despite not looking at her again, she was present in his mind as he was escorted on the plane taking him to his own destination. The feel of her lips along his, her body pressed tight to him, all of that he took with him. And in his daydreams, he found solace from what was to come.

  Chapter 8

  I’ve been UA.

  Kami couldn’t get that sentence from her mind. She knew what that was. He’d come for her even though he knew he would be in trouble. She didn’t know what kind of trouble though. Moreover, the last thing I say to him is call him an asshole. Oh yeah, and I slapped him.

  She groaned and dropped her head in shame.

  “You okay, Kam?”

  Lifting her head, she found Alicia Sema staring at her, concern in her expression. Alicia was another doctor and a good friend. “I’m fine. Think I just need to get some food in me, is all.”

  Blue eyes assessed her before Alicia nodded and smiled before walking away, leaving her alone by the sink. Biting her lower lip, Kam stared at her reflection in the mirror. She had been back for three months now and no longer looked like death warmed over. Her face no longer sunken in, eyes didn’t stare back at her, haunted and desolate any more.

  It hadn’t been easy. The media, the recovery. Add to that going to both Evan’s and Missy’s parents and giving her condolences on what had transpired. The cuts and bruises had healed ribs as well. None of that stopped the nightmares. They still occurred. There were still nights when she woke up, a scream poised to escape—sometimes the bloodcurdling scream was what woke her—and of course the sweat ran in rivulets down her body. Nevertheless, she didn’t tell anyone of them. Especially not her family. They’d been through enough.

  “Dr. Strong, line four. Dr. Strong, line four.”

  She sighed, splashed the cool liquid on her face and dabbed off the excess. Her hair was falling out of the haphazard bun it had been in all day. Tossing the towel in the trash, she made her way to the nearest phone and hit the line waiting for her.

  “This is Dr. Strong.”

  The remainder of her day was busy. But then, most days in the hospital were. She was exhausted when she waved to the next shift and headed out the door toward the parking lot. Glancing at her wrist, she realized she had very little time to spare before dinner at her parents. She expelled a sharp breath and unlocked her Toyota to slide behind the wheel. Not enough time to go home, change, and make it out to their place.

  Her mind drifted to Caleb as she drove out of town and headed to her parents’ property. How was he? Did he think of her? What of that promise he’d given her? It will happen. She shivered with barely contained arousal.

  She bit her lip until the pain snapped her out of the dreamlike stance she was approaching. Get a grip, Kam. He’s out of your life. You’ll see him around the holidays when the families get back together. That bothered her. She didn’t want to wait that long.

  Her mind ran through scenarios and when she arrived at her parents’ house, she remained in the car for a while, mulling things over. A sharp rap on the window made her jump. Her brother stared at her though the glass and he had a black brow arched. She narrowed her eyes at him in mock severity and shook her finger at him.

  “What’s taking you so long?” he asked.

  Shutting off her car, she got out and hugged him. “I was just thinking. Long day at work,” she said.

  They entered the house together and headed for the dining room. Kissing her dad, she continued on to the kitchen to help her mother with the final preparations.

  “Everything okay, Kam?” her mom questioned.

  “Yes ma’am. Just…just a long day.” Short sleepless nights, long days, it all added up.

  “You look tired.” She patted her cheek. “You could have called and cancelled.”

  “I’ll be fine. Just need a good night’s sleep, is all.”

  Immediately her mom’s eyes filled with concern. “Are you not sleeping well?”

  Crap. “No, that’s not it. Just that tonight one will be all that’s needed.” She smiled with as much assurance as she could. “I’m fine, mama.”

  Kenya Strong stared at her daughter for a while before she turned away. Kami knew her mom didn’t entirely believe her and struggled to not smother her. An act which hadn’t worked, she was being smothered. She walked up behind her and hugged her tight. “Love you, mama.”

  Her mom patted one arm, her hand gripped tight for a few seconds before she let it go. “Love you too, honey.” A deep breath. “Now, let’s get these men fed.”

  Dinner was fun; Asante kept everyone entertained with his recounts of the day. He was an artist and had substituted for a class today at the college. However, through it all, she could feel the gauging and calculating stolen glances from her parents. They were worried about her.

  When she finally made it home, she took a hot shower and dressed in a camisole and a pair of boxers. Seated in her living room, she stared out at nothing, the soft R&B she had on not really making itself known.

  One thing was on her mind. Caleb. Glancing at the clock, she scowled at the time, time which she’d lost track of. Almost midnight. She shoved to her feet and headed for her phone. Pulling it out, she sent a text message to the person she needed to be in contact with, content come morning her message would be seen.

  Picking up a magazine, she flipped through the article on the African Savannah without really seeing the words. She jumped when her phone vibrated. Reaching for it quickly her eyes glossed over the caller ID and answered.


  “Hi, Kam,” Lalia said in a hushed tone. “I got your text, is everything okay?”

  She shook her head. “It didn’t wake you did it? I thought you may get it when you headed off for school in the morning.”

  “No, I was awake. We have a test tomorrow; I was finishing up my studies.” A slight pause. “What can I do for you?”

  Kam got up and began to pace. A nervous knot in the pit of her belly all of a sudden. It was one thing to think about doing this, something entirely else to enlist the assistance of the man’s sister.

  “I need to get in touch with Caleb.”

  “You have his cell phone number. Isn’t it working?”

  “I need to…to see him, Lalia. And I think if I call, he’ll tell me he’s too busy.”

  She chuckled slightly. “So you want to just show up.”
Lalia made that a statement.

  “Something like that.” Back and forth across the living room, she continued to prowl, the cool wood floor and area rugs not slowing her one whit.

  “Okay. Have a pen?”

  Hurrying to the writing desk along one wall, she grabbed one. “Ready.” Lalia gave her what she needed. “Thank you, Lalia.”

  “One thing, Kam,” Lalia said stopping her farewell.


  “I don’t know what’s going on between you and my brother. Lord knows you adults are crazy with your actions, but Caleb is still my brother and I love him. Don’t hurt him. I’m glad you’re home safe but if you hurt him or get him in trouble again, we’re no longer friends. Good night.”

  Click. Lalia Moser disconnected the call.

  Hurt him or get him in trouble again. What the heck did that mean? And just how much trouble had he gotten into for saving her? That was no idle threat from a child, Lalia meant every word. Pushing her final words to the back of her mind, Kam got up and headed for bed, determined to at least eke out a few hours of sleep.

  She got some. Not restful but she did get some. At work, she walked to her boss’ office and asked for some time off.

  “Of course,” Danny replied immediately. “I wondered if you’d come back to soon. You’ve been through a harrowing ordeal, hon. Take your time and come back when you’re ready.”

  “Thank you.”

  It was Wednesday and she would work until Friday. Then leave. She informed her parents on her lunch and told them she was heading out of state for a conference. While she hated to tell the lie, she didn’t want them to know where she was going. Or what her plan was once she got there.

  Like I have a plan.

  Friday after work, she drove to the airport and grabbed her bags from the trunk after parking in the long-term lot. On the shuttle, she swallowed trying to control the butterflies which had grown exponentially since she’d come up with this idea.

  She chewed on her pinky nail as she waited for the flight to be announced and continued to do so as it took off for the west coast. The flight took over eight hours with her plane change and the delay courtesy of the weather. When she arrived, the hour was late. Or early if you wanted to go by her internal time clock. Gathering her bags, she made her way to the rental car counter where she got her keys.

  Directions had been given and she got in her Chevy and set off. The closer she got the larger the nerves in her stomach grew. So much so, she felt quite like tossing her cookies when she pulled up and parked besides a large brick building. She got out and rubbed her hands along the cotton of her shorts.

  Gathering what little remained of her waning courage; she headed for the door and stepped through. There were four men in there and all of them stared directly at her. She swallowed and walked up to the counter.

  “Can I help you ma’am?”

  “I need to speak to Sergeant Caleb Moser please.” She was proud her voice only wavered a little.

  Dark eyes stared at her before he nodded and pointed to a bench in the corner. She watched him pick up a phone and stare at something before him. When he dialed, she made her way over to the wood seat and perched on the edge. Her insides tossed and turned much as they had when she performed her first surgery.

  The men behind the counter spoke to one another in low voices. She couldn’t understand them but she figured she was the point of conversation. Hooking her ankles, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. The door opened to admit a few more men who also stared unabashedly at her. She wet her lips and tried to remain calm.

  Her breath caught when the door opened to admit someone else. She knew who it was even before she caught sight of him. The reaction her body gave told her that. From her seat in the corner, she ogled him. Tight shirt, jeans, and shoes.

  “What’s up, Sergeant?” he asked striding toward the desk.

  The man behind the counter said something and Caleb turned toward her. His shock was obvious. He hesitated briefly before striding towards her. Hungrily she ate up the picture he presented. Who knew muscle flowed so elegantly? And dangerously.

  She pushed to her feet, well aware that the others in the building watched. His gaze had narrowed and he paused right before her.

  “Kami?” He flexed one hand and she wondered if he longed to touch her as she did him.

  “Hello, Caleb.”

  “What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” His gaze moved up and down her body and it reacted. Immediately.

  Before she lost her nerve, she took the bull by the horns. “I came to see you.”

  * * *

  Caleb couldn’t believe his eyes. It was three in the morning and before him stood none other than Kami. She wore a loose white tee shirt and some low-rise jeans. Her hair sat gathered up in a banana clip with a few tendrils free around her face. She looked good. Damn good. None of which explained what he was doing staring at her.

  He forced his body to behave and stepped closer only to be swamped by her evocative scent. Every inch of her called out to him and his nails dug into skin as he reined himself under control.

  She was here for him.

  “How’d you know where to find me?” he asked low, well aware of their rapt audience.

  Her gaze dropped before meeting his again. “Lalia.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  Straight white teeth rolled her lower lip. “I…I didn’t want to give you a chance to say no.”

  He groaned. “Let’s talk then.” She nodded and he saw the exhaustion she couldn’t quite hide. “When’d you last get some sleep?”

  A slight shrug. “I slept some on the plane.”

  When’d you get any good amount of sleep? “Come on,” he said reaching for her arm.

  The second he touched her he knew he was lost. Only one was created for him and this was her. Desperately ignoring his desire to kiss her, he steered them toward the counter, got her a pass, and escorted her out into the early morning hours.

  “Follow me,” he ordered. “Put this on your dash.”

  She walked silently to her car and when she was behind the wheel, he got in his truck. Then he led her onto base. Watching in the rearview until she passed he drove towards his room. He pulled into the parking lot and chose a spot with a free one beside it. She took it. He waited for her to get out and then he gestured wordlessly toward the BEQ building.

  Their steps were the only sounds in the building. Silence reigned in the elevator as it took them up to the eighth floor. The doors slid open and he checked both ways before leading her to his room. Then it was just the two of them, alone in his small living quarters. He flicked on some lights and moved away from her. With the room between them, he leaned against the wall, crossed his arms and stared at her.

  “Tell me the truth, Kami.”

  Her brown eyes inspected his room, missing nothing and yet he knew she searched for the words. When she fixed her gaze upon him again, he was reminded of the exhaustion in them. Her jaw wobbled slightly and he saw the sheen of tears gather.


  Pushing from the wall, he edged his way towards her. Her entire body shook when he stood before her. God damn it to fucking hell. I can’t handle her tears. She stood there, so valiantly, trying desperately not to let them fall. Trying to be strong.

  He reached out and tugged her against him where she fit so perfectly. Her arms stole around his waist and she gripped him tightly. Burying his nose in her hair, he closed his eyes and inhaled deep. She reminded him of innocence.

  “Have you been sleeping, Kami?” he whispered.

  “Trying to.”

  “Come on, sugar. You need some sleep.”

  He went to his dresser then pulled out a tee shirt he knew would cover her and handed it to her. Then he turned her in the direction of the bathroom and gave her a small nudge. While she was in there, he ran a hand over his face and bit back a few more choice words. He honestly had no clue how much more restraint he had
when it came to her. It didn’t take him long to shuck his jeans and tug on a pair of shorts.

  She stepped from the bathroom, hands clasped before her, almost demure like. She’d released her hair from its confinement to fall loose around her face, partially obscuring his image of her. Kami had her head down for a few moments before she lifted her gaze to his. His heart stopped and started much faster. Her eyes held such pain and heartbreak it almost drove him to his knees.

  Tipping his head toward the bed, he said, “Get some sleep, Kami. We’ll talk after you wake.”

  She turned her head to the left and stared at the bed. Her hands wrung nervously. Then she looked back at him. “What about you?” her question was soft.

  He paused and shrugged. “I can go crash with a friend.” Brown eyes filled with panic. “Or…I can sleep there in the chair.” Obviously, she didn’t wish to be alone. Large and luminous in the light those killer eyes of her stared at him. Swallowing back the lump, he had in his throat he moved toward her. “Or we can share the bed.”

  Though she didn’t verbalize it, her eyes told him of her gratitude. Locking his lust for her away, he shut off the lights, except for the one by the bed. She sat on the edge and he did his best not to imagine her stripped naked and laid back across his blankets.

  “Get under the blanket,” he ordered well aware his voice was gruff.

  She did, sliding towards the wall. He sat down and reached out to turn off the light. He had to be up in less than two hours. Stretching out on top of the blankets he closed his eyes and tried to forget how she tasted—like cherries and plums. She smelled fresh, like sunlight and crisp air. Just when he thought he had it under control, she pressed her figure along his.

  Damn it all, when did she get out from the blanket? He could feel her silken skin along his legs, her hand settled above his heart and her breaths blew across his chest once she settled her head upon his shoulder. I’m so royally fucked. Before he could demand she move or talk himself out of staying next to her, he’d gathered her close and laced his fingers, holding her where she lay. Kami gave a deep sigh and he knew within a minute she lay sound asleep. Him…on the other hand. Not even close.


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