The Artisan and the Duke

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The Artisan and the Duke Page 30

by Abigail Agar

  He walked over to her and squatted to face her. “Goodnight, Louisa. It was a pleasure meeting you.” He kissed her forehead and stood.

  In the library, Frederick handed Hobart a glass and sat. “What do you think?”

  “Your family is very nice, Frederick.”

  Frederick shook his head. “What do you think about staying? Perhaps forever.”

  “I can’t.”

  “But why?”

  “Look, Frederick, I can’t.”

  “You need to tell me why, Hobart. I can’t let you go unless I know why. Is it me? Are we no longer brothers and friends?”

  “Frederick, do you know how some people say you can go a year without seeing your best friend and pick up where you left off the minute you see each other again? We did that tonight after ten years, no less. It was never you. It will never be you. I just can’t stay.”

  “Hobart, please listen to me. I need to know why. My brain is thinking the worst.”

  “What is your brain thinking?”

  “That you killed someone. That you’re stuck hiding because you see no way out.”

  Hobart gave a bitter laugh. “You know me too well Frederick.”

  “So, tell me the details, and we’ll brainstorm about how to handle it.”

  Hobart sat back in his chair. “You’re serious. You want to help me get away with murder.”

  “I don’t know what I want you to get away with until I know what happened. First, how long ago did it happen?”

  “Look Frederick, I didn’t steal a chicken from the neighbour’s yard. People think I murdered someone.”

  “How long ago?”

  “Three years.”

  “Hobart, tell me the story.”

  “I was in a bar at the docks, drinking away the last money paid to me because the job was over when the bar wench started showing interest in me.

  “I saw what I thought might be her boyfriend giving me a harsh look, so I left.

  “So he tried to rob me, and I swung at him. I connected in the jaw. Then I connected in the ribs, and then I connected in the nose. Well, you know where this is going.

  “I walked past an alley, heard noise, turned and saw a fight.

  “Someone behind me yelled, ‘Hey you.’ I looked back, saw him looking at me, and I ran. As fast and as far as I could. When I stopped, I was in another neighbourhood in another part of town. That’s the part of town you found me in.

  I was afraid if I surfaced, I’d go to jail for murder.

  “Frederick shook his head and laughed. “I remember that murder. Quite sensational.

  “It was Jem Studder. Three years ago, he was found dead in an alley. He was wanted dead or alive for a string of murders that took place outside a pub at the docks. There was a reward. You could have collected two pounds.”

  “No kidding?”

  “No kidding. This calls for another drink.”

  “They apprehended someone for Jem Studder’s murder a couple of months after he was found dead. The case is closed.”

  Frederick handed Hobart his drink. “You’re not leaving me again. I’ve finally found you today after ten years of looking. After having finally found you today after ten years of looking, after hugging you, clinging to you, crying uncontrollably like a little girl out in the street in daylight, do you think I’ll ever let you go?”

  “Well, when you put it like that, no.”

  “I want you to stop hiding. You can live with us. If you don’t want to live with us, you need to live close enough that I can visit you every day or, at worse, every other day. I need you in my life.

  “You’ve got to admit having clean clothes, a bath, and food in your belly feels good.”

  Hobart smiled. “It does at that. Frederick, I’m as happy to see you as you are to see me. I’m just not blubbering in the street.”

  Chapter 4

  By the time Frederick distributed the profits from the last shipment, more investors were lined up to put their money in the fund for the next investment.

  Several gentlemen approached Frederick at his club, White’s, asking about contributing to the investments he oversaw. He told each potential investor that he would keep him in mind.

  He considered taking on more investors and capping each investor’s share, but he rejected the idea. His investors expected a big payout, and they wouldn’t appreciate it being diluted for someone new.

  Frederick didn’t have to invest. He ran his properties well, and compared to most of his peers, he was financially solvent. He did it because he enjoyed it. What else was he to do with his time?

  A potential investor, Barton St. John, the Duke of Hamilton was a very suspicious man. He never quite believed what people told him.

  So he ‘researched’ everything and everyone on his own. He was usually a tight wad when it came to money. However, he spent freely on private investigators.

  Enemies, friends, lovers, potential brides, family members. No one was off-limits. He found it never hurt to be prepared.

  His favourite hobby besides overeating and drinking heavily was his horses. He acquired them then sold them. He sometimes bred them. But he did it for fun.

  When he went to the Tattersall’s horse auction, he would gather a crowd while he explained why a horse was or was not worthy. He had a reputation for acting like a know it all, but when it came to horses, he knew much more than most.

  Frederick approached him one day at the club and asked for his advice. Frederick was in the market for a gelding and the go-to gentleman was Barton.

  Frederick spent some time with Barton at the club giving him an overview of what he wanted to buy. It was the first time Frederick had talked with Barton. He saw him around the club, of course, but they never had a chance to meet. He found Barton fascinating, but for all the wrong reasons.

  He obviously ate a lot more than was necessary, and he had the colouring of a drunk. But Barton was fascinating because Frederick couldn’t figure out Barton’s age.

  Was he youngish and had abused his body so much that he looked older or was he older with a baby face and smooth hands? Frederick could never quite decide.

  “But that is only if you plan to hitch him to a wagon,” Barton finished.

  Frederick was jolted back to the here and now. “No, no wagon Barton.”

  “That’s good. A workhorse should be used for pulling a wagon. A gelding is best to carry a single mount.”

  “I agree, Barton. I think we are of one mind about the right horse for me.”

  At the time of delivery, Barton’s research on Frederick was complete. Frederick was very pleased with his horse. During his research, Barton found out how lucrative his investments were and decided to become one of Frederick’s investors. And with anything Barton wanted, he had a way of getting it.

  “I’m pleased we had a mutually beneficial sale for your gelding. I would like you to consider adding me to your investors’ list. Do you think that could be done, Frederick?”

  “I’ll see what I can do, Barton. I might not be able to squeeze you in on every deal, but if one of my other investors passes on an investment or there is room for one more, I’ll let you know.”

  “That’s all I can ask,” he said with a smile.

  He did not want Barton as an investor. It was times like these that Frederick wished his word were not his bond.


  Hobart let Frederick know that he would need the money to buy the crates of exports he planned to deliver to India. Frederick went to the dock with two of his largest footmen acting as bodyguards. They stood on each side of the closed door of the office in the warehouse while Frederick and Hobart conducted business inside.

  Frederick dug under his shirt to a pouch two fingers tall he had wrapped around his chest.

  “Here,” he gave Hobart the pouch. “Everything you need. I could have taken in more, but I capped it. I’m glad I did. I can’t let these transactions get unwieldy.”

  “I'm one of your investors
this time. I know it’s unusual. I’ll give it a try.”

  Hobart laughed. “Don’t think you’ll add any pressure to this run because your money is in it?”

  Frederick grinned. “It never even occurred to me.”


  Louisa noticed increased activity coming and going through her father’s study. The men would stop by the parlour and pay their respects on their way out if they were visiting Frederick during calling hours.

  She would have loved to ask her father about the activity he was experiencing, but that was out of the question for her. She sighed. She didn’t want her head bitten off.

  One afternoon, after introducing a friend of his to everyone in the parlour then showing him out, he came back and sat for tea. Jack was also at tea.

  “I’ve heard mention of you, Lord Duggan. After we talk with the ladies, you can join me in the library.”

  “Yes, Your Grace.” Jack nodded.

  “Father,” Louisa said, “will you be attending the ball at the Prestons’?”

  “When is it?”

  “Thursday evening.” Louisa said.

  Frederick looked at Amelia who gave him a barely discernible nod.

  “Yes, Louisa. I will take your mother and you.”

  Louisa looked over at Jack and smiled.

  Frederick put his palms on his upper thighs with a clap and rose. He nodded, “Duggan.”

  Jack rose and bowed to the ladies before following Frederick to the library.

  “Drink?” Frederick said once the library door was closed behind them.

  “Yes. Thank you,” Jack answered.

  Frederick sat in a chair across from Jack. “So, you and my daughter seem to be getting closer as the season progresses. Am I right?”

  Jack nodded and took a sip of his whisky. He rarely drank whisky, and after just one sip did everything humanly possible to avoid coughing like a 15-year-old boy taking his first drink. He barely succeeded.

  “I enjoy your daughter’s company, and I would like to continue spending time with her.”

  “Tell me a little bit about yourself. Your father is dead, so you have already inherited the title?”

  Jack gave a small smile. “Yes.”

  “You have property in Salisbury and in London?”

  He nodded. “My townhouse is three blocks west of here.”

  Frederick swirled the whisky around in his glass. “In what condition is your estate in Salisbury?”

  “It’s in improving condition. I have taken on one project after another to bring it to excellent condition, and I will continue to do so. The roof, the windows, and the kitchen have all been made new. The oak floors and the stables are next on my list.”

  Frederick put his glass on the end table next to him. He leaned forward, his forearms on his thighs. “So, are you saying you are not under financial pressure?”

  Jack said, “No. My assets are strong and liquid. I am not plagued by drink or gambling or poor judgement. My financial position is strong.”

  Frederick stood, so Jack stood. Frederick slapped him on the back and said, “A pleasure having this talk. I’ll walk you back to the ladies.”

  When they walked into the parlour, they bowed, then Frederick excused himself. Jack sat and took the teacup Louisa offered.

  “Did you have a good talk?” Louisa asked.

  Jack nodded. “I can’t be completely sure, but I think so. I like your father. His style of speech is direct.”

  Louisa’s mother said, “Yes. It cuts through so much unnecessary posturing, don’t you think?”

  Louisa laughed. “Some say it’s an acquired taste.”

  “Well, I find it comforting to know the men at the club who know him like him,” Jack said.

  Louisa smiled, and Amelia grinned.


  Amelia and Frederick had a rare night alone at the dinner table. It was a welcome opportunity for them to catch up on everything happening around them.

  Frederick mentioned the latest ship run and its success. He told her of the new investor, Barton St John, Duke of Hamilton, and asked if she knew anything about him.

  “I’ve seen him at a few balls. His wife died two years ago, and he is in the market for a new bride. He’s out of practice courting women. At least I hope he’s out of practice and not just clumsy. I think he should look for a bride closer to his age.

  “The young ladies aren’t very attracted to him, no matter the title or the purse. And he’s not kept himself up. Besides his weight, his face and nose are red and blotchy. A sure sign of drink.”

  “Do they find him friendly and kind?” Frederick asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve only observed him talking with his peers.”

  They talked about Hobart for a while. Frederick told her how happy he was with their new delivery.

  “Does he have a woman in his life?” Amelia asked.

  Frederick shook his head. “No. Nothing new. He is happy with the way his life is arranged. Living on the docks, working on our ventures. He spends every day putting the past behind him and doesn’t require anyone else, man or woman, to live with him under his cloud. That won’t change.”

  “How do you like Jack?” Amelia asked.

  “I like him. I think it’s a good match. Do you think he’ll come to see me?”

  Amelia smiled. “Yes. I’m surprised he hasn’t visited you yet.”

  Frederick laughed. “Young gentlemen seem to think they need to get their affairs in order before becoming betrothed. I think they are dragging their feet, myself. Though, I don’t think she’ll have to wait much longer for him to come to me.”

  “Well, while he’s getting his affairs in order, she’s patiently waiting. I hope it works out. It’s a good match.”

  “He’ll get no argument from me.”


  The Prestons’ ball was quite spectacular. The Duchess enjoyed decorating her townhouse in shiny silver strips that caused the candlelight to persistently bounce off them. The flickering candlelight turned into lights like those emitted from fireworks.

  Louisa found it novel at first but soon tired of the constant flashes.

  The ballroom was so crowded she looked but couldn’t find any of her friends. Luckily, Emma and Rose found her.

  They chatted in excitement at the buzz in the room caused by the flickering light and the crowd. The girls decided to clump together next to the wall halfway down the ballroom.

  Percy came by and asked Louisa to dance.

  “Not if you step on my toes or squeeze my hands.”

  Percy grinned. “You take all the fun out of dancing.”

  Once they were dancing, having found their rhythm on the overcrowded dance floor, Louisa asked, “Where is Nora? Are you having difficulty finding her?”

  “No difficulty,” he answered. “It seems she is being courted by someone else. I think he’s after her dowry, but she is no longer listening to me. I would tell you I’m terribly upset, but it is better to have this happen now rather than later.”

  “Well,” Louisa was indignant, “she just made the worst decision of her life. Silly girl. You’re too good for her.”

  Percy laughed. “I knew there was a reason I wanted to dance with you.”

  Louisa shook her head. “You don’t ever need a reason to dance with me. Now, whom can we fix you up with? Let’s see.”

  “Stop.” He looked her in the eyes communicating to her that she needed to leave it alone.

  Percy let out a deep breath. “Thank you.”

  After the dance, Percy walked Louisa back to her group, bowed then joined his friends.

  “Girls,” Louisa said, “we need to find someone for Percy. He doesn’t want my help, but how can I stand by at a time like this?”

  “What happened to Nora?” Emma asked.

  “She has chosen to pursue someone else,” Rose said.

  “How did you know? I just found out,” Louisa asked.

  “I just heard it while you were d
ancing. It has circulated through the room twice,” Rose said.

  “Where was I?” Emma said.

  “Talking to your brother,” Rose answered.

  “Girls. Any suggestions?”

  “We’ll look and see what we can find,” Emma said, and Rose nodded.


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