Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3)

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Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3) Page 1

by Herrick, A. D.

  Rocking Away

  A Heavy Metal Romance

  Slava Pasha Series


  D. Herrick

  Copyright © 2016 A. D. Herrick

  All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, events, or locales are coincidental and not intended by the author.

  “What would rock and roll be without ambition, craziness, danger and fun?”

  -Pete Wents


  Rocking Away

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter One

  I finished buttoning up my pants and fished for a few bills in my front pocket, tossing them on the nightstand as I strode out the door, my shirt flung over my shoulder and shoes in hand. I didn’t turn back to see the look on her face. I had done this enough times to know what I would find. Disappointment and confusion would be etched into her features. They always wanted me to stay, always thinking that they would be the one that could win me over and steal my heart. Little did they know my heart was not up for grabs.

  As if the way to my heart was through their parted legs. These women had no clue. I learned early on to just take what they offered and to leave before they could come up with an excuse to spend any more time than necessary together. There were no overnight stays, breakfast in bed or second go-arounds. Hit it and quit it had been my motto since I was sixteen and I had yet to stray from it. I never slept with the same woman twice.

  Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t hate women and I didn’t take advantage of them. In fact, I loved women. I just hadn’t found one that made me want to stay, made me want more than a quick go around. I never gave any woman false hope or led her on. In fact, they begged for my cock. Though I knew their true intent, they wanted the bragging rights of fucking a rock star, to be the arm candy at awards shows, and to have a hand in my bank account. It wasn’t me or my well-endowed member that had them panting and begging. It was the money and fame attached to my name.

  I have never had to ask a woman for sex or pay for it. Since as far as I can remember, women have been throwing their selves at me and begging to get in my bed. The majority of the time I never made it to a bed. I took them wherever they were willing.

  Walking into the elevator I punched the number for my floor, taking the time to check myself over in the mirror. My hair had been thoroughly tossed. The girl I had tonight had been a wildcat in bed. Red streaks from her claws ran in striped across my shoulders and down my chest. Running my hand across them I could feel the angry whelps. I couldn’t help but smile, another satisfied customer.

  The elevator dinged signaling my floor and I strode down the hall to my room, desperate for a shower and a fresh change of clothes. I was glad we would be leaving in a few hours. I didn’t want to run into Tiny-black-dress again. The general rule has always been to never shit where you eat, though I couldn’t help it. I had just finished having a few beers with the guys down at the bar and had decided to call it a night. The little hellcat had come out of nowhere. She pounced on me in the elevator.

  Before I knew what was happening she had her tongue down my throat and her hand shoved down my pants. The feel of the silky skin of her hand wrapped around my shaft and I couldn’t say no. After all, I am but only a man. I pushed her back long enough to get her floor number and let her continue her assault on my member. By the time I got her in her hotel room she was naked from the waist up and my cock was begging to be buried hilt deep inside of her. I took her every which way but Sunday and she begged for more.

  Before stepping into the shower I removed the heavily loaded rubber from my cock and flushed it down the toilet. Rule number one. Never leave your batter just lying around. Women get crazy. And by crazy I mean bat shit crazy. There is no limit to which they will go through to try locking you down, especially when they see the dollar signs.

  I stepped into the shower and received immediate relief when the hot spray hit my back. Rolling my shoulders I let the scalding water work out the knots that had formed in my back and shoulders from tonight’s show. Rotating my shoulders forward and back in slow deliberate circles, I felt the muscles begin to relax. I could feel my traps release under the hot spray causing a moan of relief to escape from between my parted lips.

  Tonight had been our last show. We had been traveling for almost a year now and I was ready to be home. Back in the great ‘old U.S. of A. Don’t get me wrong. I fucking love what I do. I love the band and I love traveling. The new pussy doesn’t hurt either. But there is nothing better than laying your head down in your own bed, surrounded by your own shit and no fucking body telling you where to go, what to say or what to do.

  Katinka was due any day now and we made a band decision to take a year off. That means a year off from everything. No performances, no recording, and no publicity shit set up by our agents. A complete year to do abso-fucking-lutely nothing. I couldn’t wait to start.

  Stepping out of the shower I toweled off. Securing a towel around my waist I wiped a hand across the steam covered mirror. There was a sexy mother fucker staring back at me. They say the rock and roll life will age you beyond your years. I had yet to experience the backhand of the lifestyle. I ascertain it’s because of the clean lifestyle I live. Avoiding drugs and excessive drinking combined with hours in the gym and clean eating had served me well.

  A knock at the door pulled me away from my narcissistic admiration. Checking the security of the towel, I stepped out of the bathroom and pulled open the door. Standing there with one hand on her hip and the other on her protruding stomach stood the only woman who has ever owned a piece of my heart.

  She smiled up at me, flashing her perfect white teeth. Her smile was open and generous. Gripping the top of the door with my left hand I braced my hip against the door and gave her a cocky smirk. She arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips.

  “Out of my way McSlutty.” She barked, her dainty hand shoving me in the chest as she sashayed into the room, waddled was more like it but I valued my life enough not to say anything.

  “To what do I owe this honor, Baby Momma?” I asked cautiously as I shut the door behind me, never once taking my eyes off the pint-sized firecracker that just waltzed in. I loved her beyond measure but her hormones could turn her from the most loving cuddly angelic individual into a rabid honey badger in less than three seconds.

  “I came by your room a bit ago, you weren’t here.” She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. Her tone was accusatory though she covered it with her honey-sweet voice and a smile. That same voice that brought men to their feet on a nightly basis, I groaned internally.

  “I had to see a man about a horse.” I ran my hand through my hair nervously and gave a slight shrug of the shoulder in explanation, refusing to cave so easily.

  “You, sir, are full of shit.” She jutted out her hip and pointed a finger at me, her eyebrow raised to her hairline, clearly displaying he
r doubt in my words.

  I held up my hands in surrender. “I was jumped in the elevator on my way back to my room,” I admitted giving her a wicked smile, the same one that made the ladies drop their panties and pant on my cock.

  “So you went back to her room?” Her face blanched her eyes as wide as saucers, my smile having no effect what-so-ever on her.

  “Tink, do I look like an idiot?” my hands thrust out to the sides in hope to emphasize my point.

  Apparently, she did not take the question as rhetorical. She laughed and very colorfully said I was in explicit detail, an idiot. This woman would be the death of me.

  “I have to finish getting ready. I still have to pack.” I hoped that would be hint enough for her to leave. But of course, it wasn’t. To her ears, it was an open invitation to hang out in my room while I stood there like an idiot in a towel. The very idiot she proclaimed me to be.

  “I’ll help. They guys are driving me nuts talking baby talk.” She sighed and reached into the closet for my travel bag.

  Running to catch her before she tried to lift it I seized her hand. “Hold up Wonder Woman, can’t have you straining yourself. You are carrying the love of my life. It’s a very delicate, time sensitive package there.” I motioned to the basketball sized lump in her mid-section. “Tell me more about this baby talk.”

  Katinka rolled her eyes but complied. Inside I cheered a small victory over the warden.

  Setting the bag on the bed I motioned for her to continue. “No heavy lifting, that means you have to turn your head so I can dress. I don’t want you trying to grab my cock. Now tell me about this baby talk.”

  Katinka’s face scrunched up in distaste as though the thought of her holding my cock were repulsive. Though the twinkle in her gray eyes let me know she was curious enough to attempt to sneak a peek.

  “Don’t worry I didn’t remember to bring my tweezers with me. You’re safe.” The little d'yavol devil. My brows narrowed a smart retort on my lips. I had to fight myself from engaging her in a verbal bout. She was days away from popping and although it would be in jest I didn’t want her to do anything but lay around and relax. I knew she was tired of being handled with kid gloves. I just couldn’t bring myself to get her riled up.

  “They are all discussing their plans to keep her locked up in a tower and away from all of the boys. Seriously, they keep droning on and on and it is giving me a headache. Please don’t make me talk about it. I just want to be a normal person for a minute.” I could hear the stress in her voice. Stress was most definitely not something we wanted to put her through right now so I decided to grant her this small request. I could get the details from the guys later.

  I promised her I would stop talking baby talk if she would help me pack up. I was running behind schedule and really needed to pick up the pace.

  I dug through the clothes in the closet and pulled out a pair of faded Armani jeans and a black Dolce & Gabbana t-shirt. Slipping on a pair of boxers I quickly dressed my back to Katinka. Knowing her, she would probably sneak a peek just to see if I was telling the truth about my cock.

  While she was a happily married woman who I have known her entire life and loved like a sister, she was also a sex crazed hormonal pregnant woman and nosey as hell.

  I turned around to find her watching me, just as I had suspected she would. The woman knows no boundaries.

  “You have a tattoo of a Mr. Potato Head on your bum? Seriously?” Her face was split in two by the smile that graced her angelic face. Her eyes sparkled with the excitement of her find. I couldn’t help but smile. Her smile was infectious as hell. I shot her a devilish look and a wink, licking my lips seductively.

  Katinka was nothing short of a knockout. Her 5’2 frame had curves in all the right places and motherhood agreed with her making her skin glow and radiate. Her breast, though heavy with milk were the size of cantaloupes and still perky as hell.

  She could look every bit the rock star that she was and in the blink of an eye she could pull off the image of a runway model. Her deep chocolate brown hair was cut in a short pixie cut with the left side long and sweeping to her shoulder. Her steely gray eyes sparkled with mischief.

  Today she was dressed casually in a fuchsia tunic that hung off one shoulder suggestively and a pair of black leggings that wrapped around her legs like a second skin. Her tunic covered her ass, but I knew what was hidden, a perfectly sculpted ass, firm and inviting. The 6-inch spike heeled sandals she wore gave way to the illusion of her legs being long, feminine and that gave way to sinful thoughts.

  A long tassel necklace rested between her ample breasts, which had doubled in size due to her current condition. The visual foreplay she was providing was well played. Katinka was a walking talking hard on in the making and she knew it. I bit my lower lip and sent a prayer up to God to save me from myself.

  “Yes, I do. You must have been staring pretty hard to know about it, it’s only a half inch of ink.” I arched my eyebrow and smirked. I knew I had her. She couldn’t deny staring at my ass; it wasn’t a tattoo you could just accidently see.

  “Otvyazhis' Get lost.” She rolled her eyes knocking her shoulder into my arm. She passed by me landing an elbow in my stomach. She made her way to the closet and began to pull out my clothes. Instinctively my hands grabbed at the place where her elbow landed. It wasn’t hard enough to maim me but it still hurt like hell.

  I shot her a glare as her back was turned, my eyes narrowed into slits. “Ne milen'kaya mysh' Not nice little mouse.” I watched as her shoulders gave a quick shrug. Had she not been carrying my niece I would have picked her up and body slammed her on the bed. Seeing as how that was not an option at the moment I spun on my heels and headed back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

  I still needed to shave and brush my teeth. I compiled a mental list of all of the things I needed to take care of once we were back in Knoxville. One of which was to see my accountant. That took first priority. I filed away my to-do list as I primped and prepared for the excruciating flight.

  We had a private jet but that still did not make the twenty-hour flight anymore bearable. It would be the roughest on Katinka. We had private medical staff that would be traveling with us back home.

  They had been hired when we first found out she was pregnant. Her husband, Tosha, and my brother since childhood, would accept no less than the best for his gorgeous wife. You would have thought he had won the lottery when he found out he was going to be a father. In truth, he had done better than winning the lotto. He had won the prize of a lifetime.

  Katinka had worried that he was going to be upset and leave her when she found out she was pregnant. Quite the contrary, Tosha took to fatherhood with the excitement of a young child on Christmas day. He sought out the best medical team to travel with us on tour and extended our tour as to provide more time between traveling from city to city and country to country. The special staff was added to wait on Katinka and see to her needs and a chef was hired to prepare meals for her at her beck and call.

  Tosha doted on her as though she were the key to his existence. He was right to. She was an incredible woman. She had ten of us guys (me, Nikolia, Kiev, Ivan, and Tosha as well as the guys from the band Dark Tide, Kevin, Shep, G, Evan, and Ryan) wrapped around her little finger. I hated to guess what life will be like once she has the baby. From the moment we found out she was having a girl all of us guys went out and had a celebratory beer. In truth, it was the ten of us going out to drink away the heart attack we were all given. Watching over Katinka and protecting her was one thing, she was a grown woman. But watching over and protecting a baby girl. Now that was absolutely nerve racking.

  Katinka was the little sister of my best friend and the lead singer of our band Slava Pasha, Nikolia, or as we all call him, Nik. Her Husband Tosha was also in the band along with me, Kiev, and Ivan. The six of us grew up together from infancy.

  We all grew up together in Knoxville and have been friends since birth. Our parents were fr
iends in Russia and all migrated to the States together before we were born. They all bought houses in the same subdivision and decided to have children at the same time. That’s how all of us guys came about to be the same age. Katinka was a surprise and the only girl.

  Our dad’s, who were all best friends and had come over from Russia together with our mothers, had gotten together one day when we were teens and set up Nik’s garage for us to practice, I’m sure they had gotten tired of us playing in our rooms. The music was so loud that it made the windows rattle; however, our parents were always encouraging us to follow our dreams since as long as I could remember. Never once telling any of us that we couldn’t do ‘it’, the ‘It’ being whatever we decided to do with our lives.

  Our parents helped us obtain state of the art equipment, book gigs, helped us design a business plan and taught us all of the basics about how to run our band efficiently. Our parents had been agreeable as long as we promised to wait until we graduated high school and turned eighteen before we left home to launch our careers professionally.

  I was the baby of the group, born 4 months after everyone else. We had formed the band when we were just 15 years old. A bunch of punk kids running around chasing dreams of hot chicks and bright lights. Here we are 16 years later and living the dream.

  Though we were all as tight as a tick in a hound dog’s ear Nik, Katinka, Tosha, and I have bonded a little closer over our parents passing. We were left with just one another to lean on. Just because Ivan and Kiev still had their parents it didn’t mean we treated them any different. Their parents because of our pseudo-parents.


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