His Sweet Torment: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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His Sweet Torment: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 77

by Michelle Love

  Max had told Seth everything, and when Seth had met Jess for the first time, he gathered her in a hug that conveyed more than friendship, it was a promise. Max had fallen in love with him at that moment. With one gesture, Seth had made himself family. He reached over to grab Seth’s hand.

  ‘I love you, big guy.’

  Seth grinned shyly. ‘Right back at cha.’

  Max leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes, soaking up the late afternoon sun. Happiness. He’d missed it.

  The store’s doorbell rang and Seth levered himself out of his chair with a sigh. ‘Business calls.’

  A minute later, Max followed him into the building to use the bathroom. Washing his hands, he could hear Seth talking to a customer. Something about the man’s voice seemed strangely familiar and Max frowned, trying to place it. He walked into the store just as the man, a tall blonde-haired guy, was walking out. Seth was writing something down and Max, trying to be nonchalant, peered over his shoulder. His eyebrows shot up.

  ‘Order for the Storm/Wedding? Who was that guy?’

  Seth grinned. ‘Amelia’s boyfriend, Clem. He’s arranging the pick-up for the wedding. Not long now, huh?’

  Not long at all – two weeks and Theo and Jess would be married. Max couldn’t shake the feeling. ‘So who is this guy? Jess was pretty freaked out by him.’

  ‘Is she okay?’

  ‘She says it was just a panic attack.’

  Seth studied him. ‘You’re not sure.’

  Max scrubbed his hands over his face. ‘I don’t know. His voice sounded familiar is all.’ He glanced at the invoice Seth was filling out. ‘That his address?’

  Seth made a face at him. ‘You shouldn’t be seeing that but yes. Why?’ He looked at Max, frowning. ‘You’re not thinking of going over there?’

  Max shook his head. ‘Oh no. Just wondered how long he’s been on the island.’

  ‘Now you’re sounding paranoid.’

  Max sighed. ‘Yeah I know, but it couldn’t hurt to confirm or deny he’s not who he says he is. Just to be on the safe side.’

  Seth rolled his eyes. ‘Look, next time he comes in, I’ll call you.’

  Sensing Seth wasn’t happy about this line of thinking, Max agreed. But inside her was planning – if Seth wouldn’t condone his snooping, he knew someone who would. The one person who had the most reason to make sure Amelia’s boyfriend wasn’t the man who was trying to kill Jess.

  Jess herself.

  Theo slid a hand over Jess’s belly as they were driven away from the television studio. She smiled at his dancing eyes, his obvious joy. It had been a complete spur of the moment thing: Diane, the interviewer, had been fair and persuasive, but her journalistic instincts had made for some uncomfortable questions. It was when she had asked Theo what his dream was and he’d replied.

  ‘Me and Jess. The two of us, together, forever.’

  It just seemed the right, the true thing to add... ‘The three of us. Theo and I and our child.’

  Theo had been stunned then his smile was breath-taking and she knew she’d done the right thing. Diane had congratulated them effusively and it was all Theo could do to stay in his seat and not take Jess in his arms. She could see his body relaxing and smiled at him. ‘I love you,’ she mouthed at him, not caring if the camera saw her.

  Now, as Theo wrapped his arms around her, she leaned into him. ‘I’m sorry I put you through the last few days,’ she said, ‘I really was scared. But today, I just realized… I’ll never put the little bean in danger. I won’t permit it. This is our family.’

  Theo kissed her, his mouth rough on hers. ‘Miss Wood, when we get home, I’m going to strip every last piece of clothing from your gorgeous body and fuck you all night long.’

  She laughed, tangling her fingers in his short hair. ‘Why wait until we get home? That’s what a privacy screen is for.’

  Deftly, she straddled him, rubbing her hand between his legs, feeling his cock stiffen against the movement of her fingers. Theo sighed happily as he unbuttoned her dress, scooping her plump breasts into his hands, taking her nipples in turn and sucking on them, drawing the tiny bud as it hardened. Theo slid his hands into the bodice of her dress, stroking the velvety smooth skin as he trailed his lips across her collarbone, to the hollow at the base of her throat.

  ‘God, you are so beautiful,’ he murmured as he felt her hand free his stiff cock from his trousers. Kissing him, she moved the crest against her damp sex, up and down until he was half-crazed with desire then guided him inside, rolling her hips along the length of him. They rocked together, oblivious to the movement of the car, their focus unshifting. Jess thrust herself hard onto him, wanting to take him as far she could, Theo sucking on her nipples, hands gripping her hips hard keeping her impaled on him.

  ‘Fuck me, gorgeous,’ he whispered and she grinned at him, slamming against him as her excitement built. His fingers dug into her flesh as she rode his cock, her muscles gripping him, hitting every sensitive point , driving him insane. She threw her head back and his lips moved to her throat, hungry to taste her skin, feel the pulse of her blood. He bit down on her shoulder as he neared his peak and he felt her cunt tightened around his cock, her thighs around his hips. She came to a shuddering climax a second before he shot into her, hard, groaning, grinding his hips up into her.

  They caught their breath for a few moments before they reluctantly disconnected. Jess’s face had that flush that he loved so much and to him, now, pregnant with his child, she had never looked so achingly lovely. He pulled her into the crook of his arms and she snuggled into him. She tilted her head up for a kiss.

  ‘We should go tell your mom she’s going to be a grandmother. I know the interview’s not shown until Friday, but these days, it’s bound to leak.’

  He rested his forehead against hers. ‘You’re right. We should head over there but I may need to change first.’

  She grinned. ‘And that could take an hour…’

  Three hours later, Theo drove them both to his mother’s house. Jess looked up at the impressive mansion.

  ‘Can you believe in less than two weeks, we’re getting married here?’

  Theo took her hand as they walked up the stone steps. ‘I can’t wait.’

  Amelia was, predictably, over the moon about the news. ‘I have some news of a kind too,’ she said, grinning. ‘I think I’ve finally persuaded my friend Clem to be my plus one – I hope that’s okay?’

  She looked at Jess, her eyes searching the younger woman’s reaction. Jess’s heart gave a sickening thump but she kept her smile steady. ‘Of course it is. Whatever makes you happy.’

  Later, in bed, Theo’s head on her chest, she listened to the steady rise and fall of his breathing as he slept. She had talked herself down from thinking Clem was Jules in disguise mostly. She still thought it strange that Amelia’s new beau had avoided every effort to meet her and Theo – but, she reasoned, plenty of people were shy, or socially awkward and meeting the girlfriend’s grown up, superstar son was bound to make anyone nervous.

  Jess felt better, her fingers stroking gently into Theo’s hair, she gazed down at him. ‘I love you, funny face,’ she whispered. Unconsciously, Theo’s arms tightened around her and she closed her eyes, allowing sleep to wash over her. For the first time in weeks, she slept soundly without the nightmares that had plagued her.

  Max, however, couldn’t get the plan out of his mind but it wasn’t for a couple of days before he got Jess on her own. Thinking back, he pondered he probably have opened the conversation with something better than ‘I think you’re right about Clem.’

  Jess’s face had paled, turned green and she’d shot a look at Theo. They were in the garden and Theo was playing with the dogs. Seb and Tom were home from school and ganging up on their older brother as they teased and revved the dogs up into a frenzy. As fit as Theo was, the twenty-year age difference between him and the twins was beginning to show. Jess and Max were giggling at his exhausted demeanor and Max
decided to broach the subject then and there.

  Jess looked at him and he could see tears shining in her eyes. ‘Max, don’t.’

  He immediately felt sorry, especially seeing how her hand fluttered protectively over the tiniest bump on her belly. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have blurted it out like that. What I mean is, there’s something off about the guy. I’m not saying it’s…. him… I’m just saying there’s something about him we should maybe check out. You and me. I have his address on the island. You up for a little B&E?’

  Jess studied him for a beat then a small smile crept over her face.

  ‘Like Scooby Doo?’

  Max laughed. ‘Just like Scooby Doo. You can be Daphne. I’ll be Freddy.’

  Jess scoffed. ‘If anything, you’re Scooby.’

  ‘That makes you Shaggy.’

  ‘I can live with that.’

  They chuckled then Jess nodded, her face suddenly serious. ‘I would love to put my mind at rest once and for all. If he’s Jules, I’ll know immediately. I know him too well – even if it’s him, there’ll be some things he can’t do without. He’s too spoilt.’

  ‘Good. Then we’ll have to plan it for when… well, I don’t think we should tell Theo.’

  ‘Agreed. Well, he’s got a meeting Monday evening. Come over and pick me up as if we’re having dinner. I’ll clear it with Mike.’

  Max sat back in his chair, studying his friend. Even for her damage, maybe even because of it, Jess was a badass. She wanted this over. For a second, Max wondered if he’d done the right thing. Putting Jess in danger again? Theo would kill him if he knew.

  This time, though, he would be prepared. Max thought of the little .22 he’d kept in his car ever since Josh was killed.

  He was ready to use it if he needed to.

  On Friday, Jess and Theo shut the world out and set up camp in the living room, switching on the big flat screen. Theo grinned when Jess cringed at the first sight of them on the screen.

  ‘Camera loves you, beautiful,’ he pulled her to him and kissed her temple.

  ‘Who’s looking at me when a god is sitting next to me?’ She laughed as he rolled his eyes at her. The program went into an introductory package. Theo was studying Jess’ face.

  ‘Yeah, you’re joking around but you, nervous?’

  She nodded. ‘Sure, I’m worried about the edit. Too many times people have twisted my words or make me seem frivolous, hysterical or worse, a liar.’

  His arms tightened around her. ‘Not this time.’

  ‘You sure?’

  ‘Yep. You know why? Because you are none of those things, Jessie. Not even close.’

  She pressed her lips to his firmly. ‘I love you.’

  To her great relief, the interview was pretty much verbatim to what they had told Diane in the studio. There were more photos, video of Jess at work at the foundation and to her surprise and delight, interviews with both Gerry, her old boss at the college and the Dean, who spoke seriously about the painting Jules had destroyed and that he was sad that Jess had taken the blame for it.

  ‘My regret is I made Jess a scapegoat when clearly, I should have supported her against the man who has hurt, terrorized and damaged Jess her whole life. I regret that decision greatly and would welcome Jess back as an associate anytime she would like.’

  Jess flushed pleasantly at that but the glow faded quickly as the interview went into her relationship with Jules, and her stabbing. There was a brief clip of her being loaded into an ambulance, bloodied and broken, barely alive and worse, Theo, his beautiful face contorted with bottomless grief. She gasped, a brief intake of breath, a horrified sound and closed her eyes. Never again.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Theo’s voice broke in the middle of his sentence and she hugged him as hard as she could.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Theo…’

  ‘It’s not your fault.’

  But she felt like it was. She could have been stronger with Jules at the start, told her Mom, her step-dad. Would they have believed her? Then, she would have never thought they would, but now, looking back, maybe she had misjudged them. Her step-father had sent Jules away to school for a reason. Jesus, what a fucking mess of a family.

  Jules watched the interview in a quiet bar in town. He stared at Jess’s beautiful face, her smile, the way she looked at Storm, her voice – soft but with a new undercurrent of something else – strength. And then she’d said the words. The three of us… Theo and I and our child.

  She was pregnant. Pregnant. With Storm’s child.

  Jules’ fury knew no bounds. His jealousy rose up in him, a tide of vicious hate. He watched Jess as she smiled her happiness and he had never known such rage. Another betrayal. For this, he would make her suffer horribly before she herself died. Nodding to the barman, he brushed past the other customers and strode out purposefully into the street. Night was settling over the island, the rain unrelenting. He went home, found what he wanted and went to his car and drove out towards their house. Theo Storm’s child.

  He would make him watch while he slaughtered Jess and their baby.

  As the interview ended, Jess uncurled from the couch and went to the window. It was raining hard outside, thundering down, the lawn was already soaked. She felt Theo’s arms slide around her waist, his mouth on the back of her neck.


  ‘Shhh…. it’s just you and me now, Jessie…. all the pain is behind us…’

  Even if he didn’t mean it, his saying the words made her feel better. This was her family now. She turned in his arms and stared up into those intense green eyes she loved so much. Eighteen months and she’d lived and died a lifetime in those months.

  She reached behind her and opened the French windows, pulling Theo out with her onto the porch. Her face serious, she stepped out into the garden, the rain soaking her immediately and slowly stripped for him. Theo gave a hiss of feral excitement but she held up a hand, keeping him at bay. She was in charge now.

  Naked, she walked towards him, pushing him back down onto the porch steps. She ran her hand between her legs and stroked herself.

  ‘Theo?’ Her voice was soft, sensual. ‘What do you like?’

  Theo seemed entranced by the rhythmic movement of her hand, the way the rain clung to her skin, golden-hued in the dim light. His hand moved to free his cock, thickening and straining against his pants and he fisted the root as he watched her masturbate, stroking and pulling at the quivering length.

  ‘You…’ he said, his voice a low growl, ‘only you. I want to taste you.’

  She stepped closer and he clamped his hands on her buttocks and buried his face in her sex. Jess bit down on her lip as his tongue delved deep inside her, tasting and biting down on her clitoris until it ached with desire. He brought her to the edge of orgasm before looking up at her, his smile lazy and languid. With a swift movement, he rolled her onto her back, pushing her legs as far apart as they could go and grinding his hips against hers, teasing her entrance with the wide crown, nudging in an inch and withdrawing until she was almost screaming with frustration and anticipation. He kissed her roughly.

  ‘You want me?’

  She nodded. ‘God, yes, Theo… please…. now.’

  ‘Tell me.’

  ‘Fuck me, Theo, fuck me hard…’


  ‘Nail me to the ground, Theo, fucking fill me until I feel you everywhere.’

  He grinned, still teasing her, feeling the hot, wet arousal of her cunt against his straining cock. He pressed a finger just above her clit. ‘Will you feel me here?’

  She nodded, enjoying the game, prolonging her arousal. He trailed his finger up to the bottom of her belly. ‘Here?’

  ‘God, yes…more…’

  His finger circled her navel. ‘Here?’

  ‘Hell yes, god, Theo, please…. yes…..’ She screamed as he drove his diamond-hard cock into her, pressing her legs open hard, his hand on her belly, he could feel his cock slamming into the very end of he
r. This was feral, animal sex and they were growling, biting and clawing at each other, not caring if they hurt each other, just need more, more, more…

  Theo thrust with a fierce need to be inside her as deep as he could possibly be, his free hand plumping her breasts, taking each nipple into his mouth in turn, pulling and sucking until Jess was crying helplessly from desire. He pulled out before he came and ejaculated onto her soft belly, again and again, his semen mixing with the rain on her body. As he caught his breath, she slid down his body. Looking up, she smiled at him, sleepily sexy eyes shining. ‘My turn to taste you, Theo… I’m going to milk you dry, handsome.’ Then her lips parted over the crest of his cock and Theo closed his eyes as she took him into the warm hollow of her mouth, her tongue tracing a pattern over the tip, licking the salty taste of him, her hands at the root of him, pumping and stroking. She sucked at him hard, not relenting in her attack as he groaned and called her name into the gloom of the evening. He came again, almost violently, his semen gushing in a hot rush onto her tongue and she swallowed his seed down hungrily, the sight of her enjoying his taste made his cock tighten with desire, already semi-hard again after two orgasms.

  ‘I need to fuck you again,’ he growled and took her again, pressing her belly-first into the grass as he entered her from behind, her cunt slippery with her arousal. His fingers needed the tight round cheeks of her butt as he plowed into her, pulling them apart so he could see his cock driving into her. ‘Christ, you make me so hard, beautiful…’

  Jess’s answering moan was long and shuddering and he felt his cock unbelievably thicken more until it almost hurt, sliding in and out of her silken dampness. He came quickly filling her and immediately plunged into her ass, wanting to possess her in every way this glorious night. Jess, helpless, her limbs liquefying under the assault on her senses, on her body, coming again and again. Theo reached under her body to stroke her hardened clit, feeling it jerk and pulse under his touch and Jess gave a shuddering cry a she came again.


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