His Sweet Torment: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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His Sweet Torment: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 81

by Michelle Love

  She giggled. ‘Oh, you do?’

  Richard nodded, looking comically smug. ‘I’m a favorite of Big Bernard’s.’

  Lila snickered. ‘You mean you’re his bitch?’

  ‘Something like that,’ Richard laughed. He reached over and took her hand, winding his fingers between hers. ‘Seriously, though, Lila…thank you for coming. It gives me the chance to both say how much I appreciated your help that night…and to ask if I can see you again when they let me out of here?’

  Her stomach flipped, and she flushed with pleasure. ‘I would like that…but I really didn’t do anything.’

  He drew her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. ‘Yes, you did. If I had died that night, at least your lovely face would have been the last thing I ever saw. I’m okay with that.’

  His compliment was lovely, but she couldn’t help the grin that crossed her face. ‘Dude…’

  Richard laughed sheepishly. ‘Too cheeseball?’

  ‘A little but I’m okay with it.’

  Richard leaned forward and tentatively brushed her lips with his. ‘So, can I see you again?’ God, he was a cheeseball but so, so adorable with it…

  Lila leaned her forehead gently against his. ‘Yes, Richard Carnegie…you can…’

  Then…Friedman’s Lunch on 9th, New York City

  Charlie Sherman sat at his desk, staring into space. He didn’t hear when his partner Riley called him the first two times so when Riley threw a ball of paper at him, he looked up, annoyed. ‘What?’

  Riley grinned easily at him. ‘I said, we going to this place for lunch or what? I’m starving over here.’

  They walked the two blocks to the sandwich place. Riley ordered a Reuben’s while Charlie just stuck with black coffee. Riley smiled at his partner. ‘What’s with you? You’ve been quiet for days. Not that you’re not always quiet. But heck, you’re freaking me out. What gives?’

  Charlie grinned suddenly at his friend. ‘Who needs to talk when you’re around, buddy?’

  ‘Fair point.’ Riley took a huge bite of his sandwich. ‘How’s my girlfriend?’

  ‘Lila?’ Charlie laughed and shook his head. ‘Dude, you wish. Anyway, she’s good. I think she’s gone to see Richard Carnegie today.’

  Riley’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Really?’ Then he laughed. ‘Knowing Lila, she has no idea who the Carnegie’s are.’

  Charlie looked confused, and Riley sighed. ‘If you hadn’t landed me with the paperwork, you would know that the Carnegies are old money – serious New York old money. Richard Carnegie Senior is Bill Gates times a million. Absolute genius. Richard Junior, same thing. Harvard grad, brilliant, loaded and good-looking. And right now, probably hitting on my girlfriend.’ Riley suddenly looked crestfallen, and Charlie chuckled.

  ‘Yep, try and compete with that, buddy.’

  Riley studied him. ‘Can I ask you something?’

  ‘Go for it.’

  ‘I’m serious now…if I had the ‘in’ you have with a woman like Lila…there’s no way I’d let her go. Let some other schmuck graze on that pasture. No way.’

  Charlie laughed. ‘’Graze on that pasture’? Dude, that’s gross.’

  Riley shrugged. ‘I thought it was poetic.’

  ‘This,’ Charlie said, stealing a French fry and pointing at Riley, ‘this is why you’re single. Anyway, Lila has the hots for Woods, she told me.’

  ‘Oh ha ha,’ Riley scowled at his partner. ‘Don’t invoke the Evil W.’

  Riley and Woods Kinsayle’s sibling rivalry was the stuff of legend. Riley blamed his overly competitive father, always pitting the twins against each other from birth but the glee with which Woods, his older brother by five minutes, carried on the ‘feud’ into adulthood was annoying. Woods, a sports agent, crowed over his ‘lowly’ cop brother all the time, and it didn’t help that his gung-ho father loved his college football more than life. Both of them dismissed Riley’s career as if it were nothing. Thankfully, Riley was old enough to ignore the petty childishness of it – and lately, Woods had seemed more supportive.

  ‘Yo, kids. ‘

  Charlie looked up at the precinct’s desk sergeant, Joseph Deacon, a large dyed-in-the-wood New Yorker with the accent to prove it. ‘Hey, Joe, you want something to eat?’

  Joe looked regretful. ‘Nah, Claudia’s got me on a diet.’

  Riley snorted. ‘Bummer. Joe, you really are a character from those old cop shows, aren’t you?’

  Joe grinned good-naturedly. ‘You got it, kid. Anyway, I was sent to find you. Deke pulled in one of the guys from that assault a few nights ago. The Carnegie kid.’

  Charlie and Riley got up and went back to the station. Deke Holmes, a detective from another precinct, greeted them. ‘Thought you might want this one.’

  They thanked him and soon they were facing the arrested man. Charlie studied him; dirty, edgy, continually sniffing. Stereotypical junkie, who he’d expect to find out on the streets at that time of night. They interviewed him, but he didn’t tell them anything they didn’t know.

  Afterward, back at their desks, Charlie finally confessed to why he’d been distracted earlier, and Riley nodded along as Charlie said aloud what they’d both been thinking.

  What the hell was a guy like Richard Carnegie doing on the mean streets of New York at three am.?

  Now… Lenox Hill Hospital, Manhattan

  Just five minutes, Lila thought, five minutes without pain, that’s all I ask. It was searing, agony shooting through her with every movement. He really sliced and diced me, she thought now, with a humorless snort of laughter. Whoever you are, I hope you rot in hell.

  She’d woken up in the worst mood a few hours ago and couldn’t go back to sleep. The repetitive bleep-bleep of the machines keeping her alive was getting on her nerves as was the tube down her throat. With any luck, they'd take it out, now she was doing better.

  Was she doing better? She didn’t know. The doctors and nurses talked in hushed tones, just outside her room – it made her paranoid. Not as much, however, as when Charlie and Delphine did the same thing. There were no words for how pissed she was at two of the people she loved most in the world. No-one was telling her anything.

  And where the fuck was Richard? He was the person she was the angriest at. She knew she was wallowing in self-pity, but she’d been stabbed, for Christ’s sake. Shouldn’t he be here, holding her hand? She entertained a thought of him rending his clothes at the sorry sight of her…now you are being a drama queen, she thought. But it was breaking her heart not knowing where he was…oh God. The thought hit her like a sledgehammer.

  Was Richard dead? Did whoever stab her almost to death kill Richard too? No, no…She couldn’t stop the hot tears then, and she started to sob, choking on the tube down her throat. Oh god…that’s why they weren’t telling her anything…now she couldn’t breathe, the panic attack overwhelming her. No oxygen, no oxygen…the machines beside went crazy, nurses rushing in, garbled voices, a prick as a needle pierced her arm and then…


  ‘We had to sedate her, I‘m afraid, she had a panic attack. When she woke, she was calmer. She indicated that she wanted the tube out so we’ve asked for Dr. Honeychurch to come see if we can do that for her. We think Lila’s suffering from depression…she’s very down. Why don’t you go sit with her?’

  Charlie nodded, his face set. Delphine sighed, looking exhausted and patted his back. ‘You go in. I want to phone home, see if someone can come sit with her. Maybe Cora.’

  ‘I thought you said Cora was too fragile to see Lila like this?’

  Delphine, suddenly looking every one of her seventy years, shrugged helplessly. ‘I think Lila’s need is more pressing. You should get some rest too, Charles, you’ve been here practically every day.’

  ‘I do what I need to do for her,’ he said gruffly, then impulsively kissed Delphine’s cheek. ‘I should check in at work, though, see if there’s…’ He trailed off, but Delphine understood.

  ‘I’m going t
o call Cora now.’

  Charlie waited until the woman had moved away then knocked softly on Lila’s door. His friend was staring out of the window, dark shadows under her eyes, her cheekbones – never prominent before in her softly rounded face – were sticking out. Her whole demeanor screamed hopelessness.

  ‘Lila,’ he said softly, and she looked at him with dead, flat eyes. The startling violet had dimmed to a dingy purple, and the depths of pain in them were hard to look at. The hated tube down her throat was obviously uncomfortable. Lila pointed to the pad and pencil on the table next to her, and he handed them to her.

  I hate this.

  Charlie took her hand. ‘I know, sweetheart, I know. But, please, you have to get better. For me. For the people who love you.’

  She stared at him, her expression was hard, and when she wrote again, she pressed down on the paper so hard the paper ripped slightly.

  I’m so fucking pissed at whoever did this.

  ‘Me too, darling, believe me. I can’t believe anyone would do this to you, of all people.’ He stroked her cheek, and she leaned into his touch, her eyes filling with tears.

  She hesitated before writing again and when she did, her tears splashed on the paper.

  Is Richard dead?

  Charlie read the note and looked up in shock. ‘No, no, God, no he’s fine, he’s…Jesus…’ He looked away from her. Lila scratched out another note and tapped him furiously on the arm until he looked at it.

  Then why the FUCK isn’t he here?! What the hell is going on, Charlie, and don’t fob me off, or I’ll rip this tube out of my own throat and stick it down yours!

  Charlie half-smiled. ‘Don’t do that…just, breathe deep and I’ll tell you. Promise?’

  She nodded, never taking her eyes from him. Charlie blew out his cheeks.

  ‘Okay…Lila, sweetheart, Richard isn’t here because he’s not allowed to come. He can’t come. He’s in jail.

  Her eyes nearly boggled out of her head. Why? Does he know who tried to kill me? Did he go after them?

  Charlie shook his head slowly and met her gaze. For a second they just stared at each other then he saw realization dawn on her face. She shook her head.

  No. No. I won’t believe it.

  Charlie took her hand again, but she shook him away.

  Say it, Charlie. Say the words out loud or I won’t believe it.

  Charlie reached over to cup her cheek. ‘I’m so sorry, baby…Richard has been arraigned. He’s been charged with soliciting your murder. Honey…Richard was the one who tried to have you killed…’

  Lila’s breath was coming in short gasps, and she was trembling violently and even with the tube in her throat, the scream that came from the very core of her was a keening, howling sound of unutterable grief.

  Charlie would never forget it.

  Then…Diner, East Village, Manhattan

  ‘I cannot believe you’re a grown man, and you still like PB&J. Are you five? And with French fries and pickle? So gross.’ Lila grinned at Richard as they sat in the midnight diner. Richard laughed.

  ‘Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. You must have a weird food thing, everyone does,’ he waved a French fry in front of her until she snapped at it, clenching it between her teeth and he chuckled.

  ‘Oh, okay, let me think…while stealing more of your French fries…’ Lila shoved another one in her mouth and chewed. ‘Okay…how about pretzels dipped in Nutella?’

  ‘That’s not weird. Come on, you’re not even trying…’

  ‘Pineapple on pizza.’

  ‘That’s gross but pretty mainstream. Ante up, Tierney.’

  She grinned at him. This was their third date since he had gotten out of the hospital and she had to admit, every single one of them had been fun, playful teasing and getting to know each other. Tonight, he’d come to meet her after work, surprising her but she had felt such joy when she saw his boyish grin, that she forgot all her rules about not mixing work and pleasure and introduced him to her friends there. Tinsley, the new girl from Australia, had nudged her when Richard was talking to Mikey.

  ‘Girl, you get on that as soon as you can.’

  Lila had flushed. Although she hated to admit it, she couldn’t think of anything but his hands on her when they were together. So far, he’d kissed her cheek, brushed her lips lightly with his but hadn’t tried anything and God, she wanted him. She looked at him now in his t-shirt and blue jeans and wondered what it would be like to slide her hands under that shirt and…


  She shook herself and grinned ruefully. ‘Sorry, miles away. Um…I really can’t think of anything.

  Richard - Rich, he said, Richard is my father – shook his head, disappointed. ‘You failed me.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘You’ll have to make it up to me.’ And there it was, the look he’d given her that first night, the one that could burn her clothes from her body, inflame the desire deep inside her. Lila couldn’t look away from those dark, dark eyes…

  ‘I can certainly try,’ she said in a quiet voice. Without looking away from her, Richard raised his hand. ‘Check, please,’ he said calmly.

  In his car, he took her hand but made no other move to touch her. Lila’s heart was beating out of her chest, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Even in the elevator, he didn’t touch her, prolonging the agony although she could see his erection pressing hard against the denim of his jeans. His eyes ranged slowly all over her body until, as the elevator, stopped, he met her gaze again. He held out his hand to her, and she took it, feeling the jolt as his skin touched hers.

  He led her into his penthouse, but she barely registered her surroundings. They moved straight to his bedroom and when she stepped into the room, he turned and took her in his arms, his mouth on hers. God, that kiss…she felt it in every cell of her body. His hands slid gently under her t-shirt, and she raised her arms so he could slide it from her, dropping it to the floor.

  As if the fabric hitting the floor was a starter gun, suddenly they were tearing each other’s clothes off, gasping, breathless in their desperation and when they fell onto the bed, naked, Lila knew this was right, this was what she wanted. She curled her legs around his waist as he kissed her, his cock hard against her thigh and Jesus, but she wanted him inside her, urged him to hurry. Richard groped in his nightstand for a condom, and she rolled it onto his quivering, hard cock as he smiled down at her.

  ‘So beautiful,’ he said and gathered her to him. His cock teased her sex sliding up and down in her slick crevice before at last, he thrust deep into her cunt. Lila gasped as he filled her, rocking against him, spreading her legs wider to accommodate his size. Richard’s pace quickened as he slammed into her harder and harder, his hands locked either side of her head, his eyes on hers. Lila arched her back, her belly touching his and he groaned. ‘God, yes...Lila…’

  Her fingernails dug into his back, clawing at him, wanting him deeper and deeper, his sac hard against her butt as his cock drilled into her. She bit down on his shoulder and heard him give a short laugh. ‘I’m going to rip you in half, little girl,’ he growled, and she came as he drove himself into her. Richard’s orgasm came in a rush then, shuddering and moaning, and they collapsed together, still connected. She loved the feel of his cock inside her, even as his erection faded and Richard made no move to pull away. He lay on top of her, smoothing the damp hair away from her face. ‘I never want to be anywhere but buried in your delicious cunt,’ he murmured, and she grinned, thrilled by his coarseness, her sex again beginning to swell around his cock. Her clit felt like it might explode when his fingers found it, and she moaned softly, and he began to rub and tease it. His lips were at her ear. ‘Sweet, sweet Lila, I’m going to fuck that sweetness out of you, keep you all to myself, take you in every way you’ve ever dreamed of.’ He moved down the bed and caught each of her nipples in his mouth, sucking and teasing then biting gently down on the nub, looking up at her with those soulful, wicked bro
wn eyes of his. ‘I could eat you whole,’ he whispered and ran his tongue down her stomach until it dipped into the hollow of her navel. She shivered as he moved down and then his mouth was on her, his tongue lashing around the hyper-sensitive clit.

  Lila moaned as waves and waves of pleasure crashed over her as Richard went down on her, his fingers clamped onto her hips, his tongue lapping and driving her towards an unbelievable orgasm. No sooner had she come, crying his name, then he launched his diamond-hard cock back into her, and Lila thought she might lose her mind. Richard, above her, looked victorious, and he made her come over and over.

  Finally spent, they wrapped their arms around each other, studying the other’s face as they caught their breath. Richard rubbed his nose gently against hers, his dark eyes shining.

  ‘That was incredible,’ Lila was still breathless, her whole body on fire, every nerve-ending vibrating with pleasure.

  ‘You are incredible,’ Richard said, running his hand down the length of her body. ‘So sexy, so soft…Lila Tierney, you make my brain go to mush…’

  She grinned. ‘So, no change there then.’

  Richard laughed. ‘And you bust my balls…so to speak.’ They both laughed, and Lila sighed happily.

  ‘If only a beat down wasn’t the reason we met.’

  Richard kissed her gently. ‘Totally worth it.’

  Lila cupped his cheek in her palm. ‘You never did tell me what happened that night. Charlie told me you weren’t pressing charges.’

  Richard looked uncomfortable. ‘Do we have to talk about it now? It was a just a mugging. I’d rather it wasn’t made public, is all.’

  Lila shrugged. ‘That’s fair, I was just wondering. Charlie’s been…’

  ‘Charlie’s been what?’ His response was snapped at her, and she rocked back.


  Richard looked immediately contrite. ‘Sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to snap. It’s just that guy pushes my buttons.’

  ‘Who, Charlie?’ It was Lila’s turn to look uncomfortable. ‘He can be too serious, sometimes. It’s just his way; he doesn’t mean anything by it.’


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