Choices [Slick Rock 19] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Choices [Slick Rock 19] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 18

by Becca Van

  “Did you find out who hurt them?” Damon asked Wilder.

  “No. Jaylynn called out to Cindy as she was walking along the street but there was no one about by then,” Wilder explained.

  Brax glanced about. “Where’s Cindy now.”

  “I sent her on her way. She couldn’t tell us anything. I’m damn glad that she heard Jaylynn calling for help. If she hadn’t, I’m not sure she would have been able to get help herself,” Wilder said. “When Cam helped her up, she looked as if she was going to pass out. Plus, she wouldn’t have left Shyann alone while she was lying unconscious on the ground.”

  “Was there any evidence left behind?” Damon asked as he stared up the lane.

  Wilder shook his head. “Nothing. Maybe the docs can get some DNA swabs from Shyann and Jaylynn.”

  “I fucking hope so.” Damon scrubbed a hand down his face.

  “We’re going to the hospital to be with Jaylynn,” Ajay said before he turned on his heel and began jogging back up the street. Cael followed.

  “I’m going, too. Call me if you find out anything,” Brax said.

  “I will,” Damon replied. “I won’t be far behind you.”

  Brax nodded and raced after his brothers. He needed to see Jaylynn and make sure she was all right. His gut was a big knot of anxiety and the back of his neck was itching. That didn’t bode well at all. He learned to never discount his internal alarm system. When that started pinging it usually meant trouble wasn’t far away.

  “Who the fuck would hit a woman?” Cael asked in a growly voice just as Brax caught up with him and Ajay.

  “When I find out, he’s a dead man,” Ajay replied angrily.

  Brax didn’t say anything as he and his brothers entered the hospital. He bypassed the reception area and headed toward the emergency triage section. He hurried toward Cam when he spied him coming out of a curtain-enclosed bed. “Is Jaylynn in there?”

  “Yeah.” Cam rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve given her a shot of painkillers and an icepack for her cheek and eye, but she’s going to end up with a hell of a shiner.”

  “What about the other woman?” Cael asked as he came to stand beside Brax.

  “Phoenix said she’s just regained consciousness, thank god. She’s got a severe concussion and is going to be out of it for a while. She’s sick to her stomach and very disorientated. I’m hoping she’ll be on the road to recovery in a few days to a week,” Cam explained.

  “Did you ask who hit her?” Ajay asked.

  Cam nodded and sighed. “She said she doesn’t remember.”

  “Fuck!” Ajay spun away and began to pace.

  “Ajay,” Jaylynn slurred loudly. “Keep your…voice down. No s-s-swearing. Kids.”

  Brax nodded his thanks to the doc and strode toward the curtain. He slipped between the gap and stared at Jaylynn. She was pale and had her eyes closed. She was holding an icepack to her cheek and eye. He walked toward the head of the bed, bent over and kissed her uninjured cheek. “How are you holding up, baby?”

  “I’m okay. Have you heard how Shy…Shy…Shyann is?”

  Brax brushed her hair back from her forehead. “Cam just got word that she’s awake. She’s got a bad concussion and is sick, but she should be fine in a few days to a week.”

  “Do you know Shyann, Jaylynn?” Cael asked as he moved to the other side of the bed. He bent over and kissed her on the forehead.

  “No, not really. I’ve seen her a few times in the diner, but other than that…” Jaylynn shook her head and groaned.

  “Don’t go moving too much, honey,” Ajay stated as he sat on the bed near her hip. He quickly shoved to his feet when she winced. “Did I hurt you? I’m so fucking sorry, Jaylynn.”

  “It’s not you, Ajay. You d-didn’t hurt me.”

  Brax knew something was wrong when she squeezed her eyes tightly closed as if she was in agony. He pushed the nurse call button and flung the curtain aside. When he spied Cam across the room talking with a nurse, he beckoned him over.

  “What’s up?” Cam asked.

  “Jaylynn’s in a lot of pain.”

  Cam frowned as he walked closer to the bed. “Isn’t the painkiller working, Jaylynn? Is your head still hurting?”

  “Not my head, the back of my hip is.”

  “Close the curtain,” Cam commanded.

  Brax and Ajay tugged the curtain closed.

  “I’m going to lower the head of the bed and if you can, I want you to roll over onto your stomach. Okay?”

  “Hmm,” Jaylynn acknowledged.

  Once the bed was lowered, Brax and Ajay helped Jaylynn roll onto her belly since she was having trouble moving.

  “Shit! She’s bleeding.” Cael pointed at Jaylynn’s denim covered hip. Her jeans were soaked with blood.

  “Nurse!” Cam shouted. “Get a trolley and bring it to me, now!”

  “How the fuck did you miss that?” Ajay snarled.

  Cam met Ajay’s gaze. “I asked her if she was hurt anywhere else and she said other than numerous aches and pains from being hit and landing hard on the ground, she was fine.”

  “And you believed her?”

  “Calm down, Ajay.” Cael placed a hand on Ajay’s shoulder and squeezed.

  Ajay sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. “Sorry.”

  Cam nodded and then turned toward the nurse as she wheeled a trolley in.

  “Oh. That doesn’t look good,” the nurse said as she handed Cam a pair of surgical scissors. “Why didn’t we see this before?”

  “That’s what we need to find out,” Cam said as he cut Jaylynn’s jeans away.

  Brax gasped when he saw the long deep cut in Jaylynn’s hips just above her ass. Blood was seeping in a steady trickle from the wound.

  “I need a magnifying glass with more light,” Cam lifted his gaze briefly toward the nurse. “I think there’s glass in her flesh.”

  Brax and his brother shifted out of the way as the nurse scurried away. She was back moments later with a large magnifying glass and a stand with wheels. She placed it above Jaylynn’s hip and turned the bright white light on, before pulling latex gloves on. While she’d been away, Cam had donned gloves and cleaned as much of the blood away as he could. Thankfully, Jaylynn hadn’t flinched or whimpered. The pain medicine the doc had given her had put her to sleep.

  “I can see a sliver of glass,” Cam murmured and held out his hand. The nurse placed a pair of large tweezers in his palm. Cam poked around in the inch long cut and pulled out a long shard of glass. Brax had so many questions, he didn’t know where to start, but decided to keep quiet until the doc was finished treating Jaylynn.

  He watched avidly as Cam cleaned and then sutured the cut. The nurse covered the stitches with an antibiotic ointment and then a waterproof bandage and then tugged the covers up over Jaylynn. Cam turned toward him and his brothers as he removed the gloves and dropped them into the dish.

  “I’m not sure we would have ever known that glass was in her if she hadn’t called your attention to the fact she was in pain. I’ll check with the paramedics, but I’m sure they would have noticed if there had been blood present on her jeans and the gurney. I suspect the glass worked its way in deeper as she shifted around and cut into her flesh.”

  “Why wouldn’t she have known it was there,” Ajay asked.

  Cam frowned as he pondered the question. “She was already hurting. She probably thought she was bruised from her hitting the ground.”

  Brax nodded.

  Ajay offered the doc his hand. “I’m sorry for getting angry at you. I was just…angry over the situation.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Cam shook Ajay’s hand.

  “When can we take her home?” Cael asked.

  “As soon as she wakes up and the paperwork’s done,” Cam answered. “I need to know if she’s had a recent tetanus shot. If not, I’ll give her one before she leaves as well as some antibiotics to stave off infection.”

  “Thanks, Cam.” Brax and then Cae
l shook his hand.

  “No worries. I’ll be back after I check on our other patient.”

  Brax hoped they could take Jaylynn home soon, but he had a feeling it would be hours before he carried her in the front door.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Can we go home now?” Jaylynn winced as she shifted onto her side. She was tired and hurting. She’d answered all of Wilder’s, Damon’s and her men’s questions, and could tell they were frustrated. She wished she’d seen the asshole’s face so she could give the sheriff and deputy a description, but she hadn’t and wasn’t about to lie.

  “Soon, sweetness,” Cael murmured before kissing her cheek.

  “That reminds me,” Ajay piped up. “Cam wanted to know the last time you’d had a tetanus shot.”

  Jaylynn frowned as she tried to remember.

  “From the frown, I’d say you have no idea,” Cam said as he walked around the curtain.

  “No, I don’t. Sorry.”

  “Doesn’t matter, because I’ll give you one now.”

  “Do you have to?” Jaylynn whined. She didn’t have a phobia against needles, but she wasn’t a fan either.

  “I do.” Cam circled his finger in the air. “Roll over, Jaylynn.”

  With a sigh she rolled to her back and glanced toward the curtain to make sure it was closed as Cam tugged the blanket and sheet down. He swiped a wipe over her hip, the opposite side to her injury, then inserted the needle and plunged the medicine into her body. She was about to pull the sheet back up, but Cam stopped her. “Not yet. I need to give you some antibiotics.” He held up another hypodermic. Jaylynn tried to tune out the sting as she thought about Shyann. Even though she didn’t know her, she was worried about her and decided to go and visit with her before going home with her guys. “All done. You can open your eyes now.” Cam patted her shoulder.

  She opened her eyes and rolled to her side, glad the covers were already covering her bare skin. “I’m going to need some clothes.”

  “Enya’s on her way with some. I called her and asked her to pick you up something.”

  “Thank you, Camden.”

  “You’re welcome, Jaylynn. No strenuous activities and if that headache persists come back to see me. Okay?”


  “Good. I’ll see you all later.” Cam hurried away.

  The nurse arrived with the paperwork and she signed it. Just as the nurse left Enya walked around the curtain. “How are you feeling, Jaylynn? God, your poor face. Do you know who hurt you?” She hurried toward her, gave Jaylynn a careful hug and held up a shopping bag. “I bought you a couple of pairs of jeans, some underwear, and a shirt. I think I guessed the right size.”

  “Thanks, Enya. I really appreciate it. I didn’t really see who hit me, and I’m okay.”

  “You’re not coming back to work now, I hope.” Enya frowned. She turned and glanced at Brax, Ajay, and Cael. “Hi, guys. Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.”

  “Hi, Enya,” they replied simultaneously.

  “Thanks for getting Jaylynn something to wear,” Brax said. “How much do I owe you?”

  “Nothing,” Enya answered. “Friends don’t need to be repaid.” She met Jaylynn’s gaze again. “So, work?”

  “No,” she sighed with reluctance. “Cam gave me a couple of days off to heal, but I’ll see how I feel.”

  “No, you won’t.” Enya pointed at her.

  “I won’t?” Jaylynn quirked a brow.

  Enya shook her head. “Doctor’s orders are doctor’s orders, girlfriend.”

  “But I—”

  “No buts,” Enya said and then smiled. “I’m just glad you’re going to be okay. How’s Shyann doing?”

  “Not so good, from what I hear.” Jaylynn flung the covers aside, grabbed the shopping bag, pulled the clothes out and started dressing. She bit the inside of her cheek when the denim rubbed over the back of her hip and bandage covered wound, so she wouldn’t gasp or cringe with pain. “I’m going to go visit with her.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “You’re tired, honey.” Ajay stepped into her path, blocking her way.

  “I am, but I’m not going to leave that poor woman here all alone without finding out how she is.” Jaylynn glared at Ajay determinedly.

  “She’ll be fine, Ajay,” Enya said. “I won’t leave her side.”

  “We won’t be long.” Jaylynn hooked her arm into Enya’s and hurried out. “Do I look as bad as I feel?”

  “Worse,” Enya whispered back.

  Jaylynn shrugged. “I’ll live.”

  Enya smiled. They stopped outside the room the nurse told them Shyann was in and after making sure no one else was visiting, Jaylynn led Enya toward the bed. Shyann had her eyes closed, but must have heard them coming or sensed their presence.

  “Hi, Shyann, I’m Jaylynn and this is Enya. We’ve just come to make sure you’re all right?”

  Shyann nodded, groaned, closed her eyes and clutched her head. When Jaylynn saw tears seeping out from beneath her eyelids her heart hurt for the other woman. “Thank you,” Shyann whispered.

  “You saw me?” Jaylynn asked.

  “Just before he hit me and knocked me out.”

  “Who was he?” she asked.

  Shyann shrugged. “He introduced himself as Gavin Redpath.”

  “How do you know him?” Enya asked. “Have you seen him before?”

  “I met with him by accident a couple of times over the last few days. I go to the café across the street from the diner for coffee and to use their internet. He showed up every time I was there. He always sat next to my table, close to the window and stared across the street.”

  “At the diner?” Jaylynn asked and shuddered as a shiver of alarm raced up her spine.

  “Yeah. Today, he sat at my table and laid on the charm. He was asking about all the women working in the diner, who the owners were and the like. I didn’t tell him anything. I just smiled politely and shook my head, playing dumb, you know. I quickly finished my coffee, grabbed my things and left.” Shyann paused to draw in a ragged breath. “I didn’t know he’d followed me until it was too late. I even changed my usual walking route because he scared me. That was a mistake I won’t be making again. I went around the block to the narrow street behind the diner and the other shops. He grabbed my arm and dragged me into the alley.”

  “What was he after?” Enya asked.

  “Information.” Shyann closed her eyes and swiped at the tears on her cheeks. She opened her eyes again. “He told me that I needed to get him all the diner’s employees’ names and personal information. Of course, I refused. That’s when he started hitting me.”

  “Why didn’t you tell the sheriffs?” Jaylynn asked.

  “He told me if I didn’t keep my mouth shut, he’d come back and kill me. He said he knew where I lived and wouldn’t have any trouble getting to me.” Shyann trembled and wrapped her arms around her middle as she drew her legs up closer to her body. “He rattled it off as if he’d memorized it.”

  “That’s not good, Shyann.” Jaylynn rubbed her shoulder. “We need to tell the sheriffs. Enya and I will stay with you if you want.”

  “Would you?” Shyann whispered her question.

  “Yes,” she and Enya replied at the same time.

  “Us women have to stick together,” Enya stated.

  “I’ve never had a friend before,” Shyann murmured.

  Jaylynn and Enya glanced at each other.

  “I didn’t really either until I came to Slick Rock. This is a good town with good people in it, Shyann. I hope we can be friends, too,” Jaylynn said.

  “I’d like that,” Shyann said as her heavy eyelids lowered. “So tired.”

  “Go to sleep then. I’ll be here when you wake up,” Enya said.

  Jaylynn wanted to stay, too, but had a feeling her guys wouldn’t be happy if she did, especially after being beaten. She was tired but after hearing Shyann’s story, she was also full of adrenalin.

  Enya grabbed hold of two chairs and carried them closer to the bed. “Why would a man be asking for a list of our names and all our details?”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like it.”

  “I don’t either.” Enya frowned.

  “Jaylynn, are you ready to go?” Brax asked in a soft voice after entering the room and glancing at the sleeping Shyann.


  Brax knelt down beside her. “What do you mean, no?”

  Jaylynn and Enya explained what Shyann had told her.

  “Stay in this room and don’t move,” Brax ordered as he shoved to his feet. “I’ll be back.”

  Enya giggled after Brax had left. “Did he just sound like Arnie?”

  Jaylynn smiled. “Sort of.”

  “If he had the accent, he would have had that line down pat,” Enya said.

  “I agree, but I think he’d be offended if I compared him to the famous actor. He’s an old man now. At least compared to my guys he is.”

  Enya nodded.

  Jaylynn couldn’t stop frowning even though Enya had tried to lighten the mood. She had a bad headache, her face and eye were hurting, and she was worried about Shyann. Plus, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she knew the man who’d hit Shyann and her. Trying to remember who he reminded her of wasn’t cutting it either. No matter how hard she tried to picture the guy who’d slammed his fist into her face, it didn’t help. She’d been scared and angry when she’d found the asshole beating on Shyann and hadn’t even thought about the consequences of stepping in to try and stop him. However, if she had to do it again, she would. If that bastard had beaten Shyann while she’d been down on the ground unconscious, he could have killed her.

  “Are you okay, Jaylynn?” Enya asked.

  “I’m fine,” she answered even though she was anything but fine.

  Enya shook her head. “You don’t have to lie to me. I can see that you’re in pain.”

  Jaylynn shrugged. “Not as much as Shyann is, but I was frowning for another reason. I can’t get the incident out of my head. Even though I didn’t see the guy’s face or eyes, I can’t shake the feeling that he’s familiar somehow.”

  “Maybe he’s been to the diner to eat,” Enya suggested.


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