Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1)

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Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1) Page 13

by Blue Saffire

  “Can I help you,” I say to the little posse.

  “I just want to tell you to your face,” the blonde sneers. “You think you’re something special because Caleb flaunts you around campus, but when he’s on the road, you’re the furthest thing from his mind.”

  “Shut the hell up, Leslie,” Dakota barks. I look at Dakota shocked and hurt that she knows this girl’s name.

  I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I should just walk out of this bathroom, but my curiosity won’t let me. I need to know what’s going on.

  “She should know. When Caleb needs a release, it’s me he comes to. I know very well what it feels like to have his big cock shoved inside me. I know exactly how he likes it and what he needs,” Leslie says, with a sneer on her lips. “Just remember, the next time he’s on the road, I’ll be right there with him.”

  I can feel my heart break with each word she says. I refuse to let her see me fall apart or give her one glimpse of my tears. I hear Dakota telling her off, as I push pass Leslie and her friends, but I don’t register the words. I just want to make it to my purse and get the hell out of here.

  I never in a million years would’ve thought Caleb would hurt me like this. The man I just said, I love you, too, is the same man that is ripping my heart out right now. I make it out of the bathroom and out into the bar area.

  I have the table in sight. Just a few more steps and I can be out of here, but a guy that may have had just a little too much to drink stubbles in front of me. I go to step around him, but he touches my arm to stop me.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he slurs. “Want to dance?”

  I look at the guy, then past him at the table where my purse and a pissed looking Caleb are. Against the voice in my head, telling me to get the heck out of here, I nod. Drunk Guy, places his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the makeshift dance floor. I don’t even bother to ask his name or to look him in the face to take in what he looks like.

  I just want Caleb to hurt as much as I hurt right now. I can feel his eyes on me. I don’t have to look at him to know that he’s pissed off. Caleb hates for any guy that’s not him to put their hands on me. It took him a while to be okay with Cameron and Thomas giving me friendly hugs.

  I regret my decision right away. Drunk Guy becomes grabby hands. I just want to get his hands off me and to go home. As I push at drunk guy’s chest, my feet leave the floor and I feel a familiar, rock solid chest against my back.

  “Keep your fucking hands off my girl,” Caleb growls.

  “She didn’t say she had a boyfriend,” Drunk Guy slurs.

  “Because she’s pissed at me right now, for something I didn’t fucking do, and she wants to get back at me,” Caleb says in explanation. Leave it to Caleb to tell it. “But she’s putting your life in danger. Keep your hands off my girl.”

  I wiggle free and step out of Caleb’s hold. “Stay away from me, Caleb. Better yet, why wait until an away game? Why don’t you go fuck that slut right now?” I hiss at him.

  “Wait, Caleb Perry, right?” Drunk Guy snorts. “Dude, I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. Word is, you plow through more pussy than a porn star.” I think I’m going to be sick. Suddenly, Cameron’s jokes aren’t just teasing anymore. I can’t even look at Caleb. “Well, you mind if I get a piece of this one, if you made her your girlfriend, she must be a fantastic lay.”

  I hear the growl that comes from deep in Caleb’s chest, before his fist flies at the guy’s face. I don’t stay to see what happens. I run for my purse and then I fly out of the bar, as fast as my heels will take me. Tears stream down my face and I can barely see.

  I head the two blocks back toward the restaurant, where my car is parked. I have no idea what I’ll do when I get there, since I have been drinking. I just need away from that bar. I only make it a block and a half before I hear heavy foot falls and my name being bellowed.

  “Nicole,” Caleb calls after me. “Nicole!”

  I know I can’t out run him in these shoes, but I try anyhow. One minute I’m running, the next I’m airborne and landing across his shoulder with an, “oomph.”

  “Put me down, Caleb,” I scream as I beat my hands against his back.

  “No, we need to talk,” Caleb demands.

  “I don’t want to talk to you. Put me down,” I grab a hold of the back of his blazer.

  “Dakota take her keys,” Caleb orders. I look up to see Dakota is following us. I glare at her, daring her to come near me. “Keys, Dakota,” Caleb snaps.

  Dakota looks stunned at his command and rushes forward to pry the keys from between my fingers, that are clutched around a fist full of Caleb’s jacket. We get to my car and Caleb is folding his large body into my back seat, taking me with him.

  “Where are you taking me,” I yell at him.

  “Home,” he says simply.

  “Good, I want as far away from you as possible,” I say to the window.

  “I’m taking you home to my apartment,” he clarifies.

  “Oh, no, you’re not, Dakota take me to my dorm,” I demand, as Dakota starts the car and pulls out.

  I soon find out that blood is thicker than water, as Dakota ignores my request. She pulls up to Caleb and Cameron’s apartment and Caleb gets out of the car. When I refuse to get out, he reaches in and pulls me out kicking and screaming. I’m over his shoulder again effortlessly.

  “Put me down, Caleb, now,” I scream, as I kick my feet and punch at his back.

  His hand comes down on my backside and I yelp as tears well in my eyes. “Stop it, before I drop you. We’re going to talk, Nicole,” Caleb says firmly.

  I look up teary eyed at Dakota. She’s walking behind us with a mixture of sadness and shock on her face. I sniffle, but don’t struggle any longer. Falling from over six feet up doesn’t sound appealing. I’m beyond pissed now and my butt is stinging from that slap.

  Dakota scoots around us to open the apartment door and Caleb marches inside with me. He heads straight for his bedroom. I start to protest once again, wiggling and pounding on his back.

  “I’m not going in there. Put me down, Caleb,” I cry out.

  He continues to ignore me, moving into the room and kicking the door shut. Moving to the bed, he tosses me in the middle and climbs over me. I go to turn away, but he moves faster, fastening his lips to mine. I don’t return the kiss and he pulls away to look at me.

  My eyes grow as I look at his face. It’s the first time I notice his lip is busted in the corner and there’s a bruise forming beneath his beard. I gasp and cup his face in my hand.

  “Are you okay,” I ask. I’m so mad at him, but I never want to see him physically hurt.

  “No, I’m not okay, Nicole. I love you. I’ve never cheated on you,” he says, as his eyes plead with me to believe him. “I didn’t answer you when you asked about Leslie, because we’ve never talked about that part of my life.”

  “What part of your life?” I snap becoming pissed off again.

  “My sex life. Leslie…we’ve hooked up before. I’ve fucked a lot of girls. Cameron makes it easier for me. He explains the rules to them. No touching, no kissing, and I’m not interested in talking after. Leslie, well, she was one that was okay with the rules and didn’t ask questions. She didn’t mind that I would only take her from behind, or that I pretty much walked out right after. So, she was a repeat.

  “Things got messy after a while. She would show up at all my away games and she started spreading word around campus that we were together. Cameron and I agreed I should end it with her.

  “Baby, that was freshmen year. I haven’t slept with her since. I started to feel like a dirt bag, so when Cameron would ask if I wanted to hook up, I would tell him no,” Caleb bites his lip, as he watches me.

  “Why couldn’t you just tell me that? I was so humiliated in that bar. She made it seem like you two are still hooking up,” I sob.

  “Please Nicole, stop crying,” his long fingers wipe my tears away. “I didn’t want you to know
about any of that. With those girls, it was just sex,” he replies. “I hate the way Dakota would look at me when she knew I hooked up with some random girl. I never wanted to see that look from you.”

  I look down at his chest, as he hovers over me still. He tips my head back and kisses the corners of my mouth, hesitantly he kisses my lips. When I wrap my arms around his neck, he deepens the kiss, pushing me onto my back to lie beneath him.

  He wags himself between my legs and his erection rubs against my heat, shooting sparks through me. He continues to sip from my lips, as I grind my hips into him. My thong is useless at this point. My toes are curled in my boots and I can feel him growing harder.

  He groans and breaks the kiss. “I want to fuck you,” he groans. My eyes widen and he pulls back further. “Wait…that came out wrong, I want to make love to you, Nicole. I want to touch you and I want you to touch me. I need you, Baby.”

  “I want you too,” I pant.

  The raw need in his eyes burns through my anger and my restraint. This is probably a bad idea, but I can’t hold back anymore. I need him too.

  I see the moment my words sink in and he’s back on me, kissing me with passion and hunger. His hands moves to the button of my skirt, unfastening and then unzipping it. Soon my skirt is on the floor and I am lying there in just my corset, thong, and ankle boots.

  Caleb looks down at me like he’s not sure where he wants to go next. With a nod to himself, he moves down the bed and unzips my left boot pulling it from my foot. He kisses my toes, the arch of my foot, and then my ankle.

  His lips and tongue make the trip up my leg, until he reaches the top of my inner thigh. Then he stops to repeat the same actions with my right leg. I moan and feel my juices increase, as the sight turns me on more.

  This time when he reaches my inner thigh, he presses a small kiss to my mound. He travels back up my body, placing a kiss on my lips. Parting my lips with his tongue, he sucks my tongue into his mouth. I groan and follow him as he starts to pull away.

  I lift up on my elbows, as he breaks the kiss and starts to kiss his way down my neck to my collarbone. He looks up at me, as his lips met the tops of my breasts, kissing one then the other.

  Caleb follows each kiss with his tongue peeking out for a taste. His hands glide up my torso and cup my breasts through the fabric of the corset. I’m so turned on and wet, I feel dizzy. Suddenly, he pulls away again, in an instant, he flips me over onto my stomach.

  I start to panic as I remember what he just said about only taking girls from behind, and not allowing them to touch him. The thought fizzles away, as his tongue darts out to lick my bare shoulder. He brushes my hair back off my face and kisses my temple. Gentle kisses, trail down my face to my back and I moan.

  Caleb is so smooth in his touch; I don’t notice that with each kiss, he has gently unhooked my corset. It isn’t until the fabric falls to the bed, allowing him to pull it from under me and push it off the edge of the bed, that I realize how swift he has been. Flipping me onto my back once again, as I let out a startled yelp, Caleb stares down at me, heatedly.

  “You are so beautiful, Nicole. I love you,” he whispers.

  I reach for him, but he stops me, shaking his head and steps off of the bed. He heads over to the bedside table and turns on some music. I am amused as JT’s, Until the End of Time comes through the speakers.

  However, as I think of the thin walls, I understand why he does it. I don’t know if Dakota is still here and I’m sure Cameron will be home to check on him soon. The fact that it is romance it just a heart warming plus.

  Caleb starts to remove his own clothes and I marvel at the perfection beneath. My mouth waters over every defined and cut muscle covered with tanned, smooth skin. The light blonde sprinkle of hair on his chest tapers down his stomach neatly, pointing to one massive erection. I can’t pull my eyes away from his gifted length.

  I don’t know why, but it looks so much bigger in this moment. My pussy may be wet at the sight, but my mind is screaming for me to run. He reaches in his away bag and pulls out a foil packet.

  Instantly, I bristle, torn from the moment, as that skunk’s words come back to me. I curl into myself, crossing my arms around my legs. Caleb’s watching me so intently, he picks up on the change and his brows knit together. He looks between me and the condom.

  “I’ve never done it without one,” he says.

  I shake my head. “That’s not the problem,” I mutter.

  Caleb moves quickly to the bed, sitting back on his heckles in front of me. He cups the side of my face. Searching my eyes, before he dips his head and places a soft kiss on my lips.

  “What’s wrong,” he whispers.

  “You just pulled that condom from your away bag,” I say brokenly.

  “Oh, Darlin’, listen to me,” Caleb presses his forehead to mine. “Cameron has made sure I keep them in my bag for when I used to hook up. I’ve never slept with anyone here, so I don’t have them in my drawer. I promise I’ll stock up tomorrow. Right now, the ones in my bag are all I have.”

  I nod my head, not having words to express how I feel about that. Honestly, I’m not even sure. I try to pull myself out of my feelings, but Caleb does it for me.

  He moves his lips to my neck and places a soft open mouth kiss to my skin, in just the right place. I release my legs and let them fall apart to accommodate his big body. Caleb moves to take my lips in a kiss, hooking his arm around one of my legs, he pulls me down onto my back, as he kisses me deeply.

  I moan into his mouth, as his rough hand glides up my thigh. The fire is back with a vengeance. His touch feels like it’s everywhere, but it’s just his slow caress up to my breast. He cups and squeezes my mound in his palm.

  “Are you okay,” he breathes against my lips. “Are we okay?”

  “Yes,” I whimper.

  “Do you still want to do this?”

  “Yes, Caleb, please,” I almost plea, as he pinches and rolls my nipple between his fingertips.

  I think he decides to hurry up before I change my mind. Lifting the condom to his lips, he tears into it, he rolls it on smoothly, as I scoot down a little lower.

  Caleb loops his fingers into the waistband of my panties and pulls them down my legs, tossing them over his shoulder. Placing a heavy hand on my waist, he lines our bodies up, taking my lips once again.

  I kiss him back, becoming lost in the feel of him pressed against me. Caleb breaks the kiss, moving to trail wet, sucking kisses, down my neck. When he reaches my collarbone, he stays there, sucking and kissing. Pulling away, he looks down at my body.

  “So, beautiful, so sexy,” he murmurs, lifting a hand to cup one of my heavy aching breasts.

  He bends his head to kiss between my breasts, then licks a path to my right nipple, circling it and sucking it into his mouth, hard. With a pop, he releases it to move to the other, repeating the same licking trail and toe curling suck.

  Caleb nips at that peek and starts to kiss his way down my stomach. Pausing at my belly button, his tongue dips in, once, twice, three times, causing me to pant and shiver beneath him. Using his hands to spread my legs, he dips his head between them, pausing to look up at me, as if asking permission.

  I nod and seconds later, cry out from his first long stroke with his tongue. He licks through my already soaked folds, before he sucks my clit into his mouth. I buck off the bed, but he uses his large arms to pin me back down, as he feasts on me. My fingers dig into the sheets, as I try to ground myself to something.

  The sound of his groans, heavy breathing, and the feel of his mouth, commanding my body’s attention has my head spinning. I can barely take it, reaching my hand up, I thread my fingers into his hair. One of his big hands reaches up to roll my nipple with his fingers. I arch off the bed and cry out.

  He laps me up to the rhythm of the music and my hips start to gyrate in tedium. I wiggle and squirm against his face as his tongue pushes in and out of me. My eyes roll, he is so good at this.

b,” I cry out, as his fingers join his tongue.

  With his large fingers, the feeling is so foreign and too much all at the same time, sending me over the edge. That doesn’t seem to stop him, though. As my orgasm rocks my body, Caleb suck my juices into his mouth still groaning.

  When he pulls my sensitive clit into his mouth once more, a second orgasm slams into me. My thighs are shaking. I’m in complete awe and practically in a daze.

  Caleb covers me with his huge frame again. This time when he kisses me, I can taste me on him. I gasp at my own taste, my thoughts roam to what he tastes like. However, he makes it clear that I won’t be tasting him now.

  Caleb drags the heavy weight of his hard cock through my folds, rocking against me. I’m totally distracted from the thought of him in my mouth. I tense at the feel of him pushing the first inch into me.

  I look into his face, but he’s not looking at me. I’m not to hurt by that, as I see the effort he’s exerting to remain in control and focused. However, it’s one of the first times that I’ve wanted that connection with him, and I’m not sure whether I should push.

  As if reading my mind, he turns his eyes to me. I watch as they clear and focus on my eyes, while he pushes in a little further, before pulling back out. His breath fans my face and he licks his lips. I can tell he is restraining himself.

  “I love you,” he rasps and thrusts into me to the hilt.

  I cry out and feel the tears slip for my eyes and roll back into my hair. My tight walls push at him in resistance. He’s so big.

  “Fuck, Baby,” Caleb stammers pulling out and backing onto his hackles. His face looks stricken and his eyes wild with panic. He winces at the look of discomfort on my face. “Nicole, I’m sorry. I hurt you,” he says in a pained whisper.

  I sit up reaching for his shoulders and slip my arms around his neck. “It’s fine,” I assure him and kiss his lips. When he doesn’t kiss me back, I cup his face and stare into his eyes. “I’m fine, Babe, you just took me by surprise. I haven’t had much experience and you’re large. Come, I’ll be okay.”


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