Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1)

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Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1) Page 28

by Blue Saffire

  I watch Caleb Jr. looking up at Cal for his direct attention, while Morgan chews their father’s ear off. I snort, when CJ reaches over and sticks his hand into a cupcake, just before smearing his fingers into his father’s face.

  I cover my mouth and laugh as memories come back. I will always have a secret love of royal blue icing. I back into a corner, as Caleb stands with the baby and starts for the house.

  He comes inside the sliding doors grumbling at Caleb Jr. “You think this is funny don’t you,” Caleb says. “You’re just like your Mama.”

  I bite my lip to keep from speaking up. CJ coos up at his father and laughs. The two look so adorable together. Caleb wipes the frosting and cake from CJ’s fingers, with a wet cloth.

  “Da,” Caleb coos.

  “Don’t try to butter me up. You’re trying to make your Daddy look bad, Squirt. You know I’m trying to get your Mama to forgive me, don’t you,” Caleb grumbles to the baby.

  I can’t hide any longer, when CJ throws his head back and gives a sinister laugh, like a little brat, knowing he’s causing trouble. I love that little boy. He has so much personality for his age.

  Caleb’s head shoots up at the sound of my laughter. His cheeks pink and I swear, I fall in love with him all over again. The look of love that fills his eyes when he sees me solidifies it.

  “How long have you been standing there?” Caleb asks.

  “Long enough,” I smile. “You’re such an awesome father, Cal.”

  His cheeks darken to red. “I’ve heard that a few times today,” he shrugs.

  “Well, believe, Babe. You are, Caleb?” I say his name softly.

  “Yeah, Darlin’,” he swallows, worry covers his face.

  I smile brighter. “You’re forgiven. Can we find a home for our family now?”

  Caleb’s head falls back. I watch as his throat works. When he lifts his head to look at me again, he swallows hard once more. He shifts Caleb Jr. on his hip. I can see the tears in his eyes, as he nods his head.

  “Yeah, Baby, I already have two places to show you in the morning. I want my family under my roof,” he replies and holds his free arm out for me.

  I rush into his arms, wrapping my arms around his waist. I squeeze tightly. The girls come out of nowhere and tackle his legs, wrapping themselves into the hug.

  I reach for a wet rag and wipe the icing from his cheek. “You know, I was wondering if you have any leftover icing,” I say, wiggling my brows.

  Caleb growls softly, bending to peck my lips. “I suck at frosting cupcakes, but I think I can find something to do with that bowl of frosting in the freezer,” Caleb smirks.

  “Daddy really sucks at frosting cupcakes,” Monica giggles.

  “Well, you can’t throw a baseball,” Caleb tease back and I burst into laughter.

  “Yes, I can,” Monica pouts.

  “Who taught you,” Caleb pokes.

  “My Daddy,” Monica lifts her head defiantly.

  “He must be pretty darn good,” Caleb smirks down at our daughter.

  Monica shrugs her little shoulders. “He’s the best.”

  “Yup,” Morgan nods.

  “Well, since he taught you how to throw a baseball, I think it’s only fair you teach him how to frost a proper cupcake. Don’t you?”

  Morgan and Monica nod with big round eyes. I know he’s just made their day. He’ll be learning to frost cupcakes as soon as they can get him in the kitchen again.

  I look at my husband lovingly. This is what our family should be like. I love this man. My heart would be lost without him.

  chapter Thirty-two

  My Wedding

  One year later….


  I’m standing at the end of the aisle, dress in a cathedral length wedding gown. It’s white and covered in Swarovski crystals. I went with a sweetheart neckline and princess bottom. My dream dress.

  I wipe away a tear, as I look down the aisle and see my twin girls. They wanted to be my maids of honor, not flower girls. According to them, flower girls are for babies. At nine years old, those two think they are women.

  My sisters, Dakota, and all three of my girls from college are standing with the girls, with huge smiles on their faces. They all look beautiful in the pale blue dresses I picked.

  Taylor, Joelle, and Maribel have been there for me through the years. We’ve kept in touch, even when we’ve gone through our rough patches. If one of us tries to stray, the other three of us have gotten into the habit of banning together to track that straggler down.

  Heck, Taylor and Joelle where at my front door to help me unpack and set up my new house the day the trucks arrived. Maribel and her pregnant belly showed up not too long after.

  It took us about two weeks to find the right home. Caleb was so impatient to have us in our own place, he rented a suite for the month and a half it took us to find and close on a place. The former owners of the house wanted to hold out ninety days on the move.

  Caleb offer extra for them to do in thirty. In the end, I realized he was trying to free up my mind and time so that I could plan my dream wedding. All this man has done for me makes my heart soar.

  Surprisingly, my mother-in-law had a big hand in planning this wedding. It’s been a strained road, but we’re smoothing it out. We have something in common. We’ll both do anything for Caleb.

  I think the difference now, is that Jemma sees what’s best for Caleb and his family. I think she sees what’s best for her too. Kyle isn’t having her mess. He has been recovering a lot more since he put his foot down.

  He never filed for a divorce, but he sure did scare Jemma straight. Would you know, they bought a condo in New York, to be closer to their grandchildren. They both look happier these days.

  My eyes slide across the aisle to my handsome men. My little and big Caleb. Caleb Jr. looks more and more like his father every day, just a toffee colored version. His hair has even turned a lighter brown, almost blonde.

  My son is tall for a two-year-old. I don’t think he’ll take after me in height at all. None of my children will. The girls are on their way to outgrowing me soon.

  CJ looks up at his father with a grin. He reaches for his daddy’s hand and says something as he squeezes it. Cal nods, I can see the tear that slips from his eye. He wipes it quickly, as Cameron leans in and whispers something to him, before barking a laugh.

  I’m sure Cam just said some slick shit. I’ll get the last laugh. I know who owns his ass. He better leave my husband be.

  I smirk at my brother-in-law and he winks at me. I shake my head, Cam is a trip. My eyes move back to my husband. Eleven years. I’ve loved this man for twelve years and I wouldn’t change a thing.

  We’re so much stronger now. I feel like we are unbreakable. This has been our story to write and write it we have. We are the Perry’s, faults and all. We love and support each other.

  The look in Caleb’s eyes tells me he understands that now. I’ve been his since the day he almost ran me over. I was lost, but I didn’t know I would be found for life.

  I went to Texas wanting to find me, and I did. I found my voice and I found the love of my life. Caleb is the force behind my energy to move forward.

  I look up at my dad. “Finally, we get to do this,” I smile.

  “This is just icing on the cake, Sweet Pea. You’ve been his for a very long time,” my father whispers.

  “I know, Dad, I know, but he’s doing this for me. He didn’t have to. I love him for it,” I choke out. “This isn’t easy at all.”

  I look around at our three hundred guests. I cried for days telling everyone this was selfish. Caleb curled me in his arms as I sat in the middle of the bed crying.

  “I don’t want to do this if it’s not exactly the way you want it,” Caleb murmured.

  “But what if it’s too much for you,” I sobbed.

  “I promise, I’ll handle it or die trying. I won’t allow you to scale back on a thing,” he said fiercely.

  Now he
’s standing up there, waiting for me, with a smile on his face. He’s handling it, taking one for the team. This is for me, because it was my dream and he wants me to have it.

  This is love.

  “Come on, Dad,” I sniffle. “I have a Hero to marry.”



  Nicole is so beautiful. I can’t feel, I can’t see, I can’t hear anything but her. She is my peace. All of the pieces have finally fallen into place.

  I know I’m a good father. I take my girls to school and to softball practice. When Nicole needed to write, or go out to shoot some pictures, I handle little Caleb.

  He’s my little buddy. He’s always getting me into trouble with his Mama. It drives Nicole crazy that I let him get away with too much.

  What can I say? He reminds me of me and Cam. As Mama says. Boys will be boys. It’s the one thing she’s right about.

  Well, that and what she said to me this morning. Mama come to check on me and my son, as we got ready for the wedding. Her eyes filled with tears when she saw us. I thought she was going to start some mess at first.

  On second glance, as I studied her, I got it. My Mama was proud of me. Her words only confirmed it.

  “You two look so handsome. I couldn’t be prouder of you, Caleb,” she sobbed.

  I walked over and pulled my Mama into a hug. I try to do it more, and it’s getting easier. I’ve dulled out the extra noises and sensations to a low hum these day.

  “Thank you, Mama,” I murmured. “Thank you for helping Nicole and thank you for understanding.”

  “I don’t think I ever misunderstood, Son,” Mama shook her head. “I knew the moment I saw her, she was the one. That’s what made me so jealous. Nicole’s a beautiful, sweet, young woman, with the sweetest soul. I think that’s why you cling to her. It’s something peaceful about her.”

  Yes, Mama was right. I cling to Nicole, with every breath. She’s my perfect peace, and for her that makes me perfect.

  So, today I stand here. I know there are hundreds of people here. I don’t have a baseball in my hand to distract me from them, but I have my son, my daughters and my Nicole.

  I’m just fine. I’ll make it through today, because this is for my family. I even have a surprise party planned for the kids after we return from our honeymoon. My babies deserve it. I’d do anything for them.

  “Caleb,” Nicole whisper against my lips, after I’m told I can kiss my bride.

  “Yeah,” I pull away and look into her brown eyes.

  She cups my ears and pulls me back to her, placing her lips to mine. “One more baby,” she smiles. “Please.”

  I growl and devour her mouth. Damn right, we can make one more. I get hard just thinking about it. Nicole breaks the kiss, giggling.

  “Not, now,” she laughs.

  I bury my face in her neck. “I love you so much. Whenever you want to, I’m ready.”

  “See you tonight,” Nicole winks and turns to the clapping crowd.

  Well, damn. I forgot they were here. I wrap an arm around her waist and squeeze tight.

  “My woman,” I dip to growl in her ear.

  “Always,” Nicole looks at me. “My hero.”


  Through Anything

  Three years later….


  I swallow thickly. Life has changed a lot for my family. I love them even more than ever. We’re perfect. I’m doing this today to prove that.

  I kiss the top of my youngest son’s head, as he squirms in my arms. Tiger is two. He’s my pride and joy. My son makes me proud of him every day. Not that the others don’t. All of my children are amazing.

  My oldest girls are a hand full. I can’t believe they’ll be teenagers in a few years. The already act like little thirty year olds. I need to take breaks from them often.

  Not because of sensory issues either. Those two will either have you in stitches from laughter or pissed off because they have no filter on their thoughts. Nicole says they get that honest from me.

  I look around at the room full of people. They probably will never understand my family or the love I have for my children. My eyes land on my Mama and Daddy.

  I see the tears shining in my mother’s eyes. For the second time in my life, I think they are tears of pride. I was surprised when she turned out to be one of the biggest supporters of what I’m about to do here today.

  I clear my throat and move in closer to the table. It’s time. This has been a long time coming, today will make a difference. I lock eyes with my wife in the crowd.

  It’s that special smile that gives me strength to do this. That woman sitting out there is my rock. Everything I do is for her and my children.

  “Thank you all for gathering here today. My niece and I would like to share something with you. I think what we have to say is important,” I look to my niece and nod.

  Liv turns to the waiting room and leans into her mic. “My name is Dr. Olivia Clark. I’m a daughter, a wife, a neurosurgeon and I have autism.”

  People begin to murmur all around the room. I’m so damn proud of Liv. She’s one of the youngest residents at her hospital. She’s already receiving recognition in her field. Doing this today means a lot.

  “I was diagnosed when I was eighteen months old. My mother couldn’t handle it and left my dad to raise me and my two brothers, but I had a support system in my father and my family.

  “My Aunt Nicole has always been one of my biggest supporters. When I said I wanted to study medicine, she was the first to root me on. Not that the rest of my family wasn’t supportive. Aunt Nicole was just the one that didn’t need to get over the shock or worry of me failing. She jumped right in,” Liv nods and turns to me.

  I know that’s her way of saying she’s out of words. Her comfort level has been met. I know the feeling. I’m right on the edge of coping.

  I blow out a breath and find my wife again. I look across our family sitting with her and I gather strength from the little smiling toffee faces looking back at me.

  “I’m guessing many of you already know, I’m Caleb Perry,” I say and the crowd fills with laughter. Nicole smiles wider at me. I wait for the crowd to finish laughing.

  “I’m a son, a twin, a husband, a former professional baseball player, and I have autism,” I pause as the room erupts into a gasp and chatter takes over. I press my lips and squint.

  Tiger squirms some more in my lap, and I take a deep breath. I kiss his little head and he rests it on my chest. I nod, I can do this.

  “For me, this has been my secret from the world. A secret I probably never would’ve told if not for this little guy here. Some people think my wife and I tempted fate.

  “After having three healthy children, that all missed the spectrum, we still decide to have more. For a year, we thought we beat the odds again. Twins again, a boy and a girl, both developing just fine. Then a year ago, our son was diagnosed after we noticed some changes in him.

  “We don’t think we messed with fate at all. My son is just as perfect as his sisters and brother. He just has different needs. Right now, to be able to sit here in my lap in front of y’all, my son has in ear plugs.

  “Fourteen years ago, I met my wife. At that time, I never thought I’d have a normal life or a family. What y’all take for granted, I have to work hard for. Just talking to y’all today is a great effect for me, but I’ll do anything to make sure my son has it better than I did.

  “When my wife and I met, we came together to raise money for this very special charity, Luther’s World. We were able to raise almost five hundred thousand, as college students. Today my wife and I would like to donate five million to Luther’s World.

  “We also want to announce that my mother-in-law, Dr. Joyce Waltersson, my wife Nicole Perry, and myself will be opening a center for children with autism. They’ll learn sports, writing, photography and physics,” I smirk. “I love physics.”

  Nicole winks at me, when everyone laughs. I once explained to her
how physics helps me understand us. That we became baseball for me. I wink back at me wife and continue.

  “We know that most families and children aren’t as lucky as we are to have a support team and some families have a lot more challenges than ours.

  “I’ve scared my wife plenty, over the years, with seizure and melt downs. We know that can be a daily occurrence for some. We want to help out in any way we can.

  “So, we’re invite y’all out next month to support the grand opening of Tiger’s House. All children are welcome. We find our other children aid in Tiger’s development, just like my twin brother helped in mine,” I nod.

  I look out to see my brother. Cameron is finally happy and not living in my shadow or trying to cover me. I love my family and I wouldn’t change them for a thing. Just like they would never change me.


  This is one from my archive. I needed to do this book just right and it has been half finished for almost nine years. If not longer. I loved Nicole and Perry from the time they appeared in my head. I knew they were special and couldn’t be rushed. I’m happy with where their story went and how it finished.

  Thank you all for your support and patience with me. This book goes out to all the lovely ladies that joined me for Blue’s March Madness in 2017, In South Carolina. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I do. I had so much fun meeting you all.

  Thank you to everyone for your love, encouragement, and support. I appreciate every email, post, and review. You are all the best.

  God has shown his hand greatly, I just know this is only the start. Thank you, Lord. To You be all the Glory. I praise you for all you have done, continue to do, and will do in my life. Thank you.



  Blue Saffire is a housewife with too much time to think and not enough time to herself. By some miracle, she has found the time to write books. Blue represents the secret author inside that some of us are too scared to let out.


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