Meet Me at Taylor Park

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Meet Me at Taylor Park Page 3

by Jason W. Chan


  Katie and Steven arrived at Toronto Pearson International Airport at 10:30 pm. In the driver’s seat of the car, Steven turned to Katie and said, “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you? I can take a few days off work.”

  “No, it’s fine. It’s my family.” She chewed on her thumb. “And I don’t want you to miss work just when you’re on the verge of being promoted.”

  “OK then.” He smiled and leaned in to hug her. “You understand me so well.”

  And do you understand me? she thought.

  She hugged him back, but could feel no warmth from his embrace.

  He gave her a peck on the cheek, and she exited the car with her luggage. She turned around, and was about to wave to him, when she saw that he had already driven off. She gave the car a puzzled look, and then decided to let it go.

  Katie turned back around and entered the hustle and bustle of the airport. It was unusually quiet that night. There were not as many people as usual.

  Katie went to the Canada Airlines Domestic Flight queue and lined up. She reached into her purse and found the ticket that she had booked online that morning.

  Printed on it was Return Airfare from Toronto to Vancouver.

  The word return made her uneasy. She knew it shouldn’t, but it did.

  Her cell phone rang just then. She thought it was Steven, but it turned out to be her best friend Stasha.

  “Stasha!” Katie exclaimed.

  “Katie! We haven’t talked for so long. Where are you?”

  At least someone is excited, thought Katie.

  “I’m at the airport. I was going to tell you, but there was so much to do. I guess I just forgot.”

  “Airport? Tell me what?”

  “Steven popped the question last night. I’m engaged. I’m flying to home to tell my family.”

  “Congratulations!” Stasha said. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Katie did not reply.

  “Hello?” Stasha said. “You still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here.” Katie looked at the people in front of her. She was almost at the front.

  “You don’t sound very excited.”

  “To be honest, I have my doubts.”

  “Alright.” Stasha’s tone totally changed. Before, she was the standard I’m-so-happy-for- you friend. Now, she was the concerned friend. “I have my doubts too. I wanted to be happy for you, but really? Steven? I mean, the guy doesn’t even have a life outside of work. What is the most romantic thing he’s done lately?”

  Katie racked her brain, but came up empty. “Nothing. And that’s not the only reason I have my doubts. He doesn’t really pay attention to me. I mean, we’ve had this talk before, and he promised to do better, but it’s the same thing every time.”

  “So why are you marrying him then?”

  Katie stayed silent. It was a good question.

  “I don’t know,” she finally said. “Maybe I’m scared I won’t find anyone else. Maybe it’s comfortable and I know what to expect. Change is scary.”

  “It is, but you shouldn’t have to settle. You should be with someone that makes you feel special, not to mention the passion. I saw how he treated you when I visited. You tried telling him about a fashion show, and he totally dismissed it. As a clinical counselor, that’s a huge red flag to me. Couples are supposed to support each other in their work.”

  Katie knew that her friend had a point there.

  Stasha continued, “Just because you’ve been with him for the past six years doesn’t mean you have to continue to be with him. There’s no law that says that.” She took a breath and asked,

  “Are you in love with Steven?”

  The question caught her off-guard.

  Just then, the loudspeaker came on, and a pleasant female voice announced, “Attention all passengers. Attention all passengers. Last call for United Flight 96 to New York. Last call for United Flight 96 to New York.”

  Katie thought about her friend’s question.

  “I love Steven,” she answered. She knew that she did not answer the question completely. “I think we’re breaking up. Sorry, Stasha, I’ll call you when I land.”

  Katie hung up.

  The lady at the check-in counter looked at her. “Next! Miss, it’s your turn.”


  At 11:30 pm that evening, Brandon stood in front of Gate E3 at Toronto Pearson International Airport. The planes were enormous and luminous on the tarmac.

  He admired the aircrafts against the backdrop of the night sky. It’s a pretty romantic setting, he thought.

  Then, a pleasant female voice came on the loudspeaker. “It’s now time for passengers for Flight 23 to Vancouver to board.”

  He got on the ramp and boarded the plane.

  A flight attendant with short black hair worn in a bob took his ticket and greeted him. “Welcome on board Air Canada Flight 23, sir. We are going nonstop to Vancouver.” She looked at his ticket. “You are in row J, seat 1.”


  She smiled warmly at him, and he went to his seat. When he got there, he noticed that there were only one other seat in that row. He wondered who his seatmate would be. An old lady? An old man? Maybe, just maybe, a pretty girl around his age?

  He could only hope. He settled in and fidgeted with the buttons on his armrest.

  When Katie boarded her flight, the first person she saw was a flight attendant called Tina. Katie took a closer look. It wasn’t just a flight attendant called Tina. It was her future sister-in-law Tina. Katie could recognize that giant mole on her chin anywhere.

  Tina’s eyes widened in recognition. “Katie?”

  “Hi Tina. You’re working this flight?”

  “Yeah, I heard the news. Steven called me this morning. Congratulations! I’m so excited for you two.” Tina squealed, and then leaned in and hugged Katie, trying to kiss her on the cheek. Katie dodged the mole just in time.

  Tina moved back to inspect the bride. “You two must be so excited, planning the wedding, setting a date.”

  “Well, I am anyway.”

  Tina put her hands on her hips, looking concerned. “Well, you know Steven. I’m sure he would prefer to let you do all the planning. He knows how much you like it.”

  Katie merely nodded.

  Tina pointed toward the seats. “You’re over there, Row J Seat 2. And please, just call me if you need anything. I could even bump you to first class if you want.” She winked. Katie smiled. “Thanks, but I think I’m good.”

  She turned toward the seats and walked toward Row J. She passed Row H and saw an elderly couple, several teenagers and a couple with two crying babies.

  She arrived at row J.

  And froze.

  There was a man sitting there, a guy with a messy brown hair, lush green eyes and a wide smile. He was so tall that his legs were cramped in his seat.

  Her heart did a backflip. It was Brandon.


  Chapter 4

  Brandon looked up, and recognized the girl that he loved so long ago. He saw that she had to stop to steady her legs so they wouldn’t collapse on her.

  Old feelings came rushing back to him, overwhelming him like a flood. They were so strong that he felt that he would black out.

  “Katie?” Brandon stood up, and opened his arms. She was as beautiful as ever. Her long brown hair, her beautiful dark brown eyes, her tiny mouth.

  Katie went in for a hug. She fit right into his chest, reaching up to his pecs.

  “You look great,” he said. “God, I haven’t seen you in what, six years?” He sat back down.

  “Yeah,” she said, smiling. She took the seat next to him. “It’s been at least that long.” He pointed to their seats. “Look how that worked out. Only two seats in this row. What are the odds it’ll be you sitting next to me?”

  Katie brushed a strand of hair behind one ear. “It is funny that way.” She eyed him shyly. She studied him and was surprised to see him tanner than normal.
  “You got a tan,” she exclaimed. She looked at his hands. “And your hands are chapped.” He hid them quickly in his pockets. “Yeah, I’m out in the sun a lot,” he said without looking at her.

  She could tell he was uncomfortable, so she changed the subject. “So have you moved to Toronto now?”

  “I had this charity conference to host, so I fly all over.”

  Katie perked up. “You’re in charity fundraiser? What happened to being an investment banker? You know, going into the family business?”

  “I was going to, but when my dad died of a heart attack triggered by stress, my mom begged me to change careers. He left us with nothing.”

  Katie nodded sympathetically. “I’m sorry to hear about your dad. Mine passed away a couple years back.”

  He gave her an empathetic smile.

  Just then, a male flight attendant pushed a trolley past them. “Can I offer you a beverage? Juice? Coffee? Tea?”

  Before Katie could reply, Brandon said, “Yes. This lovely lady here will have a glass of apple juice. And I will have a glass of mineral water.”

  Katie turned to Brandon. “I can’t believe you still remember what I like.”

  Brandon grinned. “How can I forget?”

  She continued to stare at him, smiling.

  The flight attendant set down Katie’s apple juice, then started to set down Brandon’s water. As he did, his hand lost contact with the cup, and water splashed all over Brandon’s shirt.

  The flight attendant started apologizing profusely. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Let me get some paper towels for you.” He reached into his trolley and handed some paper towels to Brandon.

  Katie looked at Brandon, and expected him to be annoyed. Instead, he burst out laughing, and that got Katie laughing along with him.

  “Look at me,” Brandon said, soaking up the water with the paper towels. “I look like I peed all over myself.”

  The two of laughed like a couple of giggling high school kids that they used to be.

  The flight attendant apologized one more time, then left.

  When the moment was over, Brandon asked, “So what about you? Are you moving back to Vancouver?”

  “Oh.” She shifted in her seat. Suddenly, she felt uncomfortable in it. “No. I live in Toronto now. I’m just visiting family.”

  Brandon fidgeted with his glass of water. “Oh. So did you become the fashion designer that you always wanted to be? I bet you have your own line now.”

  She shook her head. “I’m a teacher now. I teach kindergarten at an elementary school.”

  Brandon looked like he didn’t know how to respond, but then regained his composure. “That’s great. But I hope you haven’t given up on fashion design.”

  “I haven’t,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Good,” he said.

  Then he put one warm hand on her hand on the armrest.

  Her heart clanged in her chest. She took a drink of her apple juice to moisten her dry mouth.

  Just then, Tina walked past and stopped at their seats.

  Katie jerked her hand out from under Brandon’s.

  Tina leaned over and smiled. “How are you doing? Do you need anything at all?”

  Katie shook her head.

  Her future sister-in-law continued to smile. “Well, if you do, anything at all, then please let me know.”

  Katie smiled and nodded, hoping she would go away.

  Tina turned around to leave, but then turned back to Katie again. “Oh, and congratulations again. I’m really excited.” She gave Katie’s hand a gentle squeeze, then left.

  Katie was horrified.

  Brandon turned to her. “What was that?”

  “Oh, that’s a friend of mine. I just won an award for teaching. She’s excited about the ceremony.” She didn’t know why she lied, but she knew she had to. Things were going too well with Brandon.

  She tried to smile, but it was a nervous smile.

  Before Brandon could say anything, the loudspeaker crackled on.

  “Ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking,” a male voice said. “This is Flight 23 flying nonstop to Vancouver. We expect to arrive in 5 hours. We will be taking off shortly, so please fasten your seatbelts. The in-flight movie is a Disney film.”

  Katie’s face lit up. “I love Disney films.”

  “I know,” Brandon said.

  Before long, the plane’s wheels rolled on the tarmac, and then the plane took to the air. The lights dimmed and the movie began to play on the mini screens in front of them. Katie gave it her full attention.

  Brandon could see the wonder and delight in her eyes as she watched the images flicker across the screen.

  He could see a faraway look in her eyes, as though she were in another world.

  When the prince and the princess got married at the end of the movie, Brandon could see tears in Katie’s eyes.

  She put a hand to her face.

  “You OK?” he asked, giving her a puzzled but concerned look.

  She nodded, but she was already crying.

  “Hey,” Brandon murmured. He put a hand on her shoulders.

  She took a napkin and dabbed at her eyes.

  Brandon looked at her tearstained face. He noticed that a loose strand of her hair was matted to the side of her mouth. He brushed it aside for her.

  “You have a little thing here.”

  They locked eyes and gazed at each other. They felt their heart rates speed up.

  Brandon leaned in, moving his mouth closer to hers.

  Katie was paralyzed as he continued to lean in, but she pulled away at the last minute, catching a whiff of his musky cologne.

  Then, she stood up so quickly that she hit her head on the ceiling.

  “Are you OK?” Brandon asked.

  “I’m fine. I’m fine,” she replied, rubbing her head. “I just need to take a walk and stretch my legs.”

  She got up and saw some teenagers in the next row gawking at her. She gave them a dirty look and they turned around.

  She hurried up the aisle and didn’t look back. She didn’t know where she was going. She just knew that she had to get out of there. She was about to reach the cockpit when Tina tapped her on the shoulder. Katie spun around and came face-to-face with her future sister-in-law.

  “Katie! Are you alright?”

  Katie tried to steady her breathing. “Is there any way I can get a seat somewhere else on the plane?”

  Tina raised one eyebrow. “I’m sorry, but this flight is filled to capacity. What’s wrong with your current seat?”

  Katie looked at Tina, but could not bring herself to tell her the truth.

  She sighed. “Nothing, I’m fine.”

  She turned around and returned to her seat.

  Brandon was looking out the window, but turned around when she returned. “What was that about?” He looked concerned.

  “I just needed to go to the bathroom,” she said.

  Their intimate moment was over. She had ruined it. She was both sad and glad.

  Brandon took a sip of his water. “Hey, so I was wondering if you were seeing anyone right now.” He looked right at her, but then his eyes darted away.

  “Are you?” She did not look him in the eyes.

  “No, nothing serious. None of the girls I’ve dated wanted anything serious. No one since you.” This time, his eyes were focused squarely on her.

  She shifted in her seat, tugging at her collar.

  “What happened with them?” she asked. She was glad that she had dodged the question.

  “I got unlucky, I guess. They just wanted a fling. None of them wanted anything real.” He looked down, then laughed wryly. “One of them broke up with me in public.

  Everyone was watching. She said I was too passionate.” He chuckled. “I can’t live without passion.”

  In the semidarkness, she looked at him and sensed hurt in him, just a tiny wound.

  She reached out to him, putting a hand on his should
er. He looked up, and managed a weak smile.

  They locked eyes for the second time. In that moment, they both felt something inside, something that was trapped and banging against the cage, begging to be freed.

  Before they could do anything about it, the plane began to tremble, like an earthquake tremor.

  They looked at each other. Around them, they heard confused voices.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Owww, my head.”

  “Miss, I need another glass of water.”

  At that moment, the plane began to dive down abruptly.

  Katie and Brandon felt their stomachs heave, as though they were on the roller coaster.

  They gripped each other’s hands.

  The alert began to blare like a police siren and the fasten seatbelt sign glowed a blood red.

  The loudspeaker crackled on. “Attention, all passengers. Please do not be alarmed. We have hit some turbulence, but we should be alright in a few minutes. Please remain calm.”

  Brandon looked at Katie and saw that she had her eyes closed. He gripped onto her hand even tighter, and together, they braved the turbulence.

  The plane flew steadily for the next little while, but then, it dipped again. Screams from the other passengers filled the entire cabin.

  Katie looked at Brandon.

  Brandon patted her hand. “It’s alright,” he said.

  “Are we going to die?” The lights were beginning to dim, but she could still make out Brandon’s reassuring face next to her.

  “No, we’re going to be fine.” He motioned at himself. “Come here.”

  Katie hesitated, reminding herself that she now had a fiancé.

  The plane rocked again, and she found herself all too willing to accept Brandon’s embrace.

  Brandon held Katie’s warm body, relishing the feel of it against his. It had been so long since he had a girl’s body wrapped against his. He could almost hear the rapid beating of her heartbeat.

  He stroked the side of her head. “It’s alright. It’s gonna be alright.”

  She was so close that he could smell her scent. It was a pleasant fresh-out-of-the-shower shampoo fragrance, with a hint of vanilla.

  He felt his own anxiety peter out as he held onto her.

  The aircraft dove again, and they still heard cries around them, but safe in each other’s arms, they were calm.


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