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Beefcake Page 7

by Jenna Jacob

  Weaving slightly, Noble followed his stumbling drunk friend out outside.

  After Harvey stumbled up the steps of the party bus and plopped down in one of the seats, he flashed Noble a lopsided grin. “This is the shit! You having fun, bro?”

  Not in the slightest. The alcohol-induced buzz fogging his brain lessened the sting of disappointment. “A blast, man. A blast.”

  Harvey nodded, pulled a flask out of his suit jacket, and twisted off the top before taking a long pull. “Fuuuuck meeee,” he bellowed.

  The smell of whatever was in the flask hit Noble’s nose, stealing the air from his lungs. “What the fuck are you drinking? Battery acid?”

  “Moonshine,” Harvey slurred, shoving the flask toward Noble. “Take a drink. It’ll melt the hair off your balls.”

  “I’m good.” Noble shook his head, shoving the bottle back toward Harvey.

  The man had been shots of Patrón, Absolut, Johnnie Walker, Jägermeister, and now moonshine. He wondered how long before Harvey was puking his guts up or passing the fuck out. While Noble would never break the bro code and abandon his friend, he was definitely ready to head back to the hotel and spend some quality time with Ivy.

  The goofy smile on Harvey’s face suddenly vanished. “Fuck, man. I’m getting married on Saturday.”

  “That you are.” Noble laughed.

  Harvey took another pull of the moonshine, screwed the cap back in place, and tucked it in back inside his jacket. Suddenly, his eyes filled with tears. “I’m one lucky son of a bitch, aren’t I?”

  “Damn straight you are.”

  “I have a successful business and a beautiful woman who wants to marry me. Me! Do you know how many fuckers on this planet would fall to their feet and worship her?”

  “Probably a ton. She’s a beautiful girl.”

  “Yeah, she is.” Harvey’s voice quivered. “And Celina picked me. Why’d she pick me, man?” A tear tumbled down the man’s cheek, followed by another…then a whole stream.

  When the man started blubbering like a baby, Noble had no idea what to do. No way was he going to cuddle and whisper reassuring platitudes in Harvey’s ear like he did the women back home who came unglued from time to time.

  He’d have to try and talk the man down off the ledge. “Clearly she picked you because you’re a good man and she—”

  “No I’m not. I’m a prick,” Harvey bellowed. “But she still loves me…I mean, really, really loves me. I just don’t fucking know why.”

  “’Cause you’re a boss.”

  “But I’m not…I’m nothing but a fraud,” Harvey wailed. “Celina was my first.”

  “Your first what?”

  “My first fuck! I was a virgin when I met her.”

  Noble was glad he was sitting down, because that bombshell rocked him hard. “What about Dee—”

  “I never did Dee Ann. I just lied and said I did, ’cause every other guy in town said they’d done her. I didn’t want to fuck her… She always smelled like bologna. I hate bologna. I just didn’t want anyone to know I was still hauling my cherry around. I’m sorry, Nobe. I never should have lied to you.”

  Harvey’s confession washed away his obnoxious exterior and exposed a butt-load of insecurities. Noble actually felt sorry for the man.

  “Don’t stress. I never fucked her, either. I was too afraid my dick would rot off.”

  “You don’t hate me, do you?” Harvey sobbed.

  “No, man. Never.” Noble clapped him on the shoulder.

  “Thanks, man.” He wiped at his tears. “I did good, didn’t I? I did good finding Celina, right?”

  “Yeah. You did good…damn good.” Noble grabbed onto the seat as the bus made a sharp turn. His head was swimming long after the driver straightened back out. “Damn! I drank more than I thought I did.”

  Harvey sniffed, wiped his eyes, and raised a fist in the air. “To being fucked up!”

  Noble grinned and bumped the man’s knuckles. The two of them burst out laughing.

  Harvey leaned over and instructed the driver to find another strip club, then slid forward and passed out, face first, on the floor.

  Noble bent down and quickly rolled him to his back, checking to make sure he was still breathing. Harvey sucked in a loud snore and Noble grinned.

  “Forget the strip club, man. Take us back to the hotel. My friend is baked.”

  “Can we get four more shots here?” Celina called to the waitress rushing past their table.

  Ivy’s stomach swirled. She’d been matching her sister, shot for shot, all night long. While she wasn’t feeling any pain, she’d definitely had enough to drink. Tomorrow morning her head would be pounding like a million jackhammers and Ivy would be cursing every ounce now blurring her system.

  The thundering pipes of a motorcycle blasted through the overhead speakers. All the women in the club went wild as a hunky, bad-assed biker took the stage. He was covered in muscles and tattoos, wearing black leather, with a discernable bulge beneath the black pouch between his legs.

  Celina tossed back one of the shots the waitress left at the table before jumping to her feet. “Oh, my god! Look at the hunk! Fuck me! What I wouldn’t give to suck the chrome off his tail pipe, stroke his kickstand, and ride his Fat Boy into the sunset.”

  Ivy laughed as she lifted one of the glasses to her lips and immediately set it back down. Celina let out a whoop and shoved her way to the stage, where she started waving a fist full of bills at the stripper now bumping and grinding on the stage.

  “You’d probably have a lot more exciting life with that beefy biker than you will Harvey,” Ivy whispered to herself. That sad truth sobered her some.

  When the dancer’s set was done, Celina returned and grabbed another shot off the table and raised it in the air. “To all the well-hung, skilled men in the world who know how to make women come like freight trains…I will certainly miss you all.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” Ivy picked up a shot and tossed it back in one gulp. Memories of Noble’s gifted lips and tongue blazed in her head. Warmth that had nothing to do with booze and everything to do with a year and a half of pent-up sexual frustration enveloped her body.

  A country tune blasted through the speakers. Ivy turned her head, watching as a tall, broad-shouldered, narrow-waisted cowboy took the stage. He was wearing a black leather vest, chaps, and G-string along with a pair of six-guns slung low on his hips. The black hat he wore hid his identity, but Ivy was already imagining Noble’s handsome face in the shadow beneath the brim. As the tempo of the music ramped up, the sexy cowboy began bumping, grinding, and rolling his hips in blatant sexual fashion. Eager women shoved money in his extra-large G-string.

  Ivy’s attention was fixed on the cowboy’s sensual movements while raw and dirty fantasies of Noble unfurled in her mind. Sleeping with the stranger no longer seemed frightening. If spending the night with him, lost in orgasmic splendor made her a whore, so be it. The time had come to end her self-imposed sexual drought.

  When the waitress dropped off another four shots, Ivy plucked one up and downed it. Hopefully she’d imbibed enough to make her southern sensibilities pass the hell out. Ivy didn’t need her mental moral police patrolling her psyche, making her second-guess her decision.

  “What’s so wrong about unleashing eighteen months of unbridled lust on a willing man?” Ivy blurted out.

  “Not a goddamn thing.” Celina pounded her fist on the table. “Wait. Who are we fucking?”

  “Nobody.” Yet. “I was just askin’ a question.”

  “Oh. Not a damn thing,” Celina replied, dropping her fist to the table again.

  Ivy smiled. She’d missed her zany, impulsive sister. But the Addison siblings were grown women now. Celina was marrying a dipshitiot and going back to Seattle. Ivy was risking every penny from the massive settlement the court had awarded her to open a bakery in a small, quiet town. A town that probably wasn’t a Mecca of hot, single men. She might not get another chance to get lai
d until she was old and gray. One uninhibited night busting up the furniture and exorcizing sexual frustrations with Noble might be the only relief she’d find for a long, long time.

  “I wanna go h-home with you…stud.”

  Celina’s slurred plea pulled Ivy from her thoughts. Her sister was all but climbing the biker dude who had been dancing on the stage earlier.

  “I’mma wrap my lips round your big ol’ pipe and do ’lisciosly naughty things with you all night long.”

  “Whoa,” Ivy blurted out.

  She bolted from her chair to stop her sister before the stripper actually took Celina up on the offer. But the heel of her shoe snagged the leg of the table. As the floor came rushing up to meet Ivy’s face, she jerked her hands up, and broke her fall. She landed on the cold tile with a bone-jarring thud and cried out as pain screamed up her arms and through her shoulders.

  “Ivy!” Celina yelled. “Oh, my god. Are you—”

  “Now that’s fucking funny as hell.” The dancer threw back his head and laughed.

  “Shut the fuck up, Sons of Anarchy. It’s not funny. Do something… Help her,” Celina spat, no longer slurring.

  “Not my job to babysit you drunken bitches.”

  The pain was receding as Ivy slowly hauled herself from the floor. “I’ve got it. I’m good.”

  “You’re a pig…a motherfucking prick. I hope you get every STD on the planet and your dick rots off, asshole,” Celina screamed.

  The stripper growled, flipped her off, and walked away.

  Ivy couldn’t help but laugh at her fuming sister. “I guess you don’t want to ride his Fat Boy anymore?”

  “I wouldn’t touch his Fat Boy if it were the last one on the damn planet. It’s probably two inches big anyway. And bet money his G-string’s stuffed with socks. Let’s get outta here. That bastard’s ruined my buzz.”

  While wobbling on her heels as she dusted herself off, Ivy noticed her sister looking a bit too pale. “You’re not going to barf on me, are you?”

  “Not unless I drink another shot. Then all bets are off.”

  Ivy had surpassed her limit as well. Outside the bar, they clung to each other, singing and laughing before flagging down a taxi. Then, they giggled all the way back to the hotel. Once she made sure her sister was safely tucked in bed, Ivy staggered down the hall toward her own room.

  She paused at Noble’s door and raised her hand to knock but stopped herself. Her sluggish brain wondered if she was sober enough to enjoy all the fun she wanted from him. The thought of passing out in the middle of what was sure to be the wildest sex of her life made her frown. She didn’t want to crush the man’s ego, especially one as sexually compelling as Noble…whatever his last name might be. No, she wanted to be wide-awake and enjoy every delicious hard inch and thrust. But the urge to tap on his door was like a dark force. She couldn’t fight it.

  Giving in, Ivy knocked and waited. She stood there for several long minutes, mentally willing the door to open. Teetering on her heels, her heart sank. He’d either changed his mind, fallen asleep, or was still out with his friend. She took two wobbly steps back as disappointment seeped through her and plucked the key card from her purse. Ivy swiped the plastic in and out of the sensor, but it refused to cooperate.

  She kicked off her shoes and growled. “Come on, you temperamental sum’bitch,” she slurred.

  “Looks like you need another lesson.”

  Noble’s deep voice startled her. Ivy spun on the balls of her feet to find him easing in behind her. The alcohol buzz she had going on paled to the intoxicating heat and masculine scent surrounding her. She gazed up into his glassy green eyes and the air around them sizzled.

  “Iss broken,” she softly slurred.

  “I think you might have had a few too many cocktails tonight, didn’t you, darlin’?”

  “I’ve had enough.”

  “Enough for what?”

  “Enough to do this.” Bolstered by the obscene amount of alcohol she’d consumed, Ivy turned and boldly wrapped her arms around his neck. Lifting onto her toes, she closed her eyes and pressed a soft, inviting kiss to his lips.

  Noble welcomed her brazen action by cupping a hand around her nape and feathering his thumb along her jaw. As he took control of the kiss and deepened it, he sank his other hand into her hair, gripping a fistful of her thick curls. She moaned in delight as tingles raced across her scalp. Noble grunted and delved his warm, wet tongue deep inside her mouth.

  She clung to him in desperation as their kiss turned raw…urgent.

  He swallowed her kitten-like mewls as he pressed his steely body to hers. She was drowning in the passion and promise of his soul-stealing kiss. If Noble hadn’t held her pinned to the door, her legs would have given out when he arched his hips and nestled every inch of his thick, hard cock against her dripping folds.

  Demand uncoiled low in her belly, then slammed up her spine and sputtered through her limbs like fireworks. Everything this gloriously talented man did to her made her head spin…and they weren’t even in bed yet. Ivy wasn’t sure she’d survive the magic he was capable of weaving over her once they actually made it to the mattress.

  With a whimper of impatience, she lifted her leg and hooked it around the back of his thigh, silently offering herself to him. The fantasies dancing in her head since she’d first laid eyes on him were coming true. The hum of lust and demand roared in her ears as she feasted on his tongue.

  With assurance of the primitive pleasure she ached for, Noble rocked his hips, nudging her needy clit. Ivy gasped and ground her sweltering pussy against his massive length. She couldn’t wait to drag him into her room and into her blistering body.

  Noble eased from her mouth and skimmed his hot lips over her jaw before leaving a trail of fire down her neck. “Tell me what you want, darlin’.”

  “You,” she panted breathlessly. “Every…thick, glorious inch.”

  “Thank fuck.”

  Dipping his head, Noble traced the swell of her heavy breasts with his tongue. Her nipples tightened and she arched, wishing he’d draw each pebbled peak into his mouth and assuage the ache there.

  “We need to take this inside your room before I lift that pretty dress up over your hips and have my wicked way with you here and now.”

  His words excited her in a way she hadn’t expected. Blaming it on the alcohol, Ivy didn’t give a rat’s ass if he fucked her in the hall or in the damn lobby.

  Silently reminding herself she wasn’t an exhibitionist, she nodded. “I vote we take this inside my room.”

  She felt him smile against her throat. “I do, too.”

  Easing back, he studied the contours of her face. She could feel the flush of arousal warming her cheeks as she gazed at his glistening and slightly swollen lips. Tendrils of craving flickered in his hooded emerald eyes. His cock lurched against her center. Impatience clawed at her as Ivy handed him her card key.

  A wicked grin kicked up the corners of his lips as he slid the plastic into the sensor. The light immediately started flashing green. He twisted the handle and opened the door a couple of inches. “Slow and deep, remember.”

  “I’m counting on it, cowboy,” she purred.

  A feral growl rolled from his chest as he claimed her lips again, more urgently than before. Ivy clutched his shoulders, gripping his shirt in her fists.

  Noble tore from her mouth, shoved the door open, and plucked her off her feet. Pressing her tightly against his decadent body, he carried her into the room.

  His gaze locked onto her lips as he set her down on her feet. “I can’t wait to tame your sexy ass, gorgeous.”

  “We’ll see who tames who, cowboy.” With a cocky grin, she bounced onto the tips of her toes and climbed his body like a spider monkey.

  Ivy locked her legs around his waist and clasped her fingers around the back of his neck before she latched on to his mouth with a fiery kiss of her own.

  Noble scooped her ass cheeks up in the palms of his capable h
ands, then thrust his fat cock against her dripping crotch as the door snicked shut. Their tongues tangled as a symphony of moans floated through the air.

  Long minutes later, he tore from her mouth. “Will you let me take control of you, beautiful?”

  “Take control?” Ivy repeated. Her mind was jumbled and spinning from the powerful kiss. She didn’t understand what he was asking.

  “Yes. Control of you…your pleasure.”

  His words slowly slogged through her alcohol- and lust-soaked brain. A tinge of apprehension rippled over her. Maybe he really was a serial killer. Panic started rising inside her. Ivy swallowed tightly. “You’re not going to hurt me, are you?”

  The quiver of fear in her voice made Noble blanch. His brows slashed. A serious expression morphed over his handsome face. “No. Hell no. I’d never hurt a woman.”

  His adamant reply swiftly settled her unease. “Good, because I’m not into pain.”

  “Neither am I. Besides, I’d much rather drown you in pleasure than pain, darlin’.” A mischievous grin played over his lips. “Will you let me do that to you?”

  “As long as you don’t go getting all kinky on me.”

  “I’ll make sure the clowns are safely locked out in the hallway. How’s that?”

  A laugh sprang off her lips. “But…clowns turn me on.”

  He shot her a feigned look of surprise. “In that case, I’ll be right back.”

  “What? Wait. Where are you going? I was just—”

  “I need to run down to Circus Circus and rent a clown suit and some of those big floppy shoes. So I can—”

  “You’re not going anywhere, cowboy. At least not until I’m done with you.”

  “Is that right?”


  Noble teased the corners of her mouth with his lips and tongue. “I can’t wait to turn you into a quivering mass of sated bliss.”

  “I’m certainly not going to stop you.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Noble clutched her to his chest, melded his mouth to hers, then turned and pressed her against the wall. Caged in his steely arms, her body sang, her cells melted like lava, and Ivy fell deeper under the spell of his hot, silky mouth.


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