Dragon's Soul

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Dragon's Soul Page 13

by Bri Sailor

  Atreyis merely mumbled something and buried her head in the prince’s back. Ehren clenched his jaw. He knew his sister’s time was quickly running out. The priestess held her head high as they continued to carefully make their way to the temple. After weaving through the dense forest Cora finally came to a stop. She walked over to the semi-invisible iridescent protective spell that shrouded the temple. She placed a hand on it.

  “Impressive.” She approved. “Nya was able to allow for discernment of friend or foe.”

  “What does that mean?” Atreyis groaned through closed eyes.

  “It means that ‘it’ knows not to attack me, but still won’t let me in.” replied Cora.

  She took a breath and closed her eyes. Suddenly her entire body was glowing gold as were her eyes. The protective barrier shuddered and began glowing gold as well. Inside everyone was staring in awe and fear as their protective bubble turned to solid gold light. Cora stopped glowing. Without a word she passed through the golden light. Ehren carrying Atreyis followed. They came to an abrupt halt as the entire temple guard was staring them down.

  “Cora!” Taryn yelled for joy and relief.

  She dropped her bow and began jumping and climbing down the outside of the temple.

  “Stand down!” ordered Vex to the guards.

  “By the gods!” exclaimed Riker as he sheathed his sword and ran towards Ehren and the weakening Atreyis.

  Nya peaked out of the temple at the commotion. Her heart skipped a beat and tears flowed freely as she made eye contact with Cora. The Keeper raced out of the temple towards them. It was then that she noticed how Ehren was carrying his sister; the hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stood on end, something wasn’t right.

  “By the goddess you’re all safe!” cried Nya. She looked at Atreyis’ white hair and silver tattooing and Cora’s as well. “What happened to you? What’s wrong with Atreyis? Her hair? Those lines? And yours?”

  Ehren untied the ropes that had kept Atreyis strapped to his back and gingerly let her down. The princess leaned heavily on him. Taryn didn’t miss a beat as she sprinted up to her friend and wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug.

  “I’m so happy you’re all alive!” cried Taryn into Atreyis’ shoulder. “I had such a growing sense of dread for so long now. I feared the worst. I wanted nothing more than to come to your aid—”

  “It’s okay…” rasped Atreyis. “We managed to survive.”

  “Barely.” Added Ehren. “For a moment there I truly thought that it was the end.”

  “What are you talking about?” asked Riker seriously.

  Before anyone could answer Nya stopped everyone.

  “Where is my daughter?” she couldn’t hide the fear in her voice as it shook.

  Ehren moved to speak but Cora stopped him.

  “We need to get Atreyis to a bed to rest first. Then I shall tell you all that has happened since we were last together.”


  Atreyis sighed as her head rested against a fluffy pillow and Nya covered her with warm blankets. Taryn sat on the bed and stroked her leg.

  “How do you keep finding yourself in such situations?” she smiled half-heartedly.

  With her eyes closed the princess merely shrugged her shoulders. “Just lucky I guess.”

  Nya looked at Cora. “So what happened?”

  Cora looked over at Ehren knowingly. “Where do I begin?”

  Ehren took a deep breath. “I supposed we should start with Oldrin and what he did for you.”

  Cora nodded.

  “You found the Tear, didn’t you?” asked Nya suddenly.

  “Yes.” Stated Cora firmly. “It had been hiding deep within the Wilds and was what kept Lusha from finding the city hidden within. Oldrin, the priest I met in Carmona, had been traveling to the hidden city of Dragonhearth for years. But he was no mere priest of Morlex. He was Vvarrío.”

  “No!” gasped Nya. “They were only a legend!”

  Cora shook her head. “They were very real. Oldrin was there waiting for me by the time we arrived. It was the most beautiful sight to behold. The crystal was larger than you or I and glowed and sparkled with such an energy…I can’t even describe. During our stay Oldrin took me under his wing and taught me the real history of the Vvarrío.”

  Ehren interrupted. “It was during this time that Kova, Ky, Atreyis and I prepared for battle. Kova showed us the ancient power of the Tear that was bestowed on her people and how they used crystals to communicate with the animals of the Wilds. They even fought alongside us.”

  “Amazing!” gasped Riker. “I bet that was a sight to behold!”

  “It was.” Smiled Atreyis groggily.

  Cora took a deep breath and sighed. “Our brief moment of peace came to a very abrupt end. A scout came back and informed us that Lusha and her army were just outside of Kova’s lands and quickly approaching. It was then that Oldrin…I don’t know how to describe what happened. He somehow was able to awaken a dormant piece of my soul that was from…well, of, the Goddess herself. He used the Tear to do so and during the process I was fused to it in a way.”

  Ehren’s eyes sparkled as he gazed at the priestess. “All I remember after the explosion was seeing this being made of pure light floating in the sky above me. I thought I was looking at the Goddess herself.”

  Cora looked over her friends’ confused faces. “After Oldrin bound the Tear to me the protective spell around the city dissolved. Lusha was able to sense Atreyis and Ky. She launched a massive spell that destroyed nearly all of the city and killed everyone instantly. I don’t remember how I did it…I just remember seeing light and feeling love. I was able to bring everyone back except Atreyis. The witch had managed to take her just before the attack.”

  Ehren’s face grew hard. “Cora managed to awaken something within Ky as well. Her eyes glowed gold, strange silver lines traced over her body and her hair turned white. Just like Atreyis.”

  Nya, Taryn and Riker all looked again over to the tattooing on the princess’ face, neck and hands.

  The prince continued. “When Ky noticed that Atreyis was gone she lost it. We were barely able to keep her from going after the witch alone. We quickly amassed our forces and rode out to meet the witch’s forces.”

  “It was unlike anything we had experience at Stone Shield.” rasped Atreyis. “I remember looking down from the hill and being too stunned to move. The sheer, daunting numbers of the Black Army were overwhelming.”

  Taryn furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the princess. “Where were you?”

  Atreyis tried to sit up some. “I woke up on some sort of altar. Lusha was there as well as Saebic. I tried to fight back but she conjured these magical chains and lashed me to two posts. No matter what I tried they simply wouldn’t give. That witch taunted me. Told me I was powerless to stop her and that I would watch all of my loved ones die.”

  “And what of my daughter?” asked Nya quietly with a tear in her eye.

  Atreyis caught her gaze and held her head proudly. “Never has there been a warrior as great as she. She charged the hill and went straight for Lusha. At one point I thought for sure that it was all over…but then…”

  The princess took in a shaky breath and struggled to continue. “Lusha killed me.”

  The room was deathly silent as Taryn, Nya, and Riker stared wide-eyed at the princess. Nya looked over at Cora.

  The priestess nodded. “I felt it the moment it happened.”

  Ehren struggled to clear his throat. “That bitch drove a dagger through my sister and I was powerless to stop her.”

  Taryn’s eyes narrowed. “And what of Ky? Why didn’t she?”

  Cora and Ehren looked back at the princess, everyone followed their gaze.

  “She tried.” Said Atreyis as tears began to well up. “When Lusha…when she…Ky…Ky…”

  “Ky transformed into a dragon.” Said Ehren simply.

  “Impossible!” shouted Riker.

  “How?” gasped Taryn

  Nya remained in silent shock.

  “There was nothing I could see on that hilltop but fire and flames.” Ehren set his jaw. “And an ungodly roar that shook the very ground beneath my feet. I managed to get a glimpse of the black beast before Lusha…before Lusha killed her.”

  Cora interjected before Nya could speak. “I tried to bring her back! Truly! But…but I was only able to find Atreyis’ soul. Ky…she gave in to the darkness…she…”

  “No!” shouted Atreyis. “She didn’t! She was pulled in! I saw here there! I saw here in that place! She is still fighting!”

  With piercing blue eyes the princess stared down the Keeper. “And that’s why I have to get back there! We have the other two crystal shard! You and Cora need to use them to send me back! Lusha already ripped my soul from my body. I don’t have much time left, I can feel it. I must get back into that realm and bring Ky back so we can defeat Lusha once and for all!”

  Nya, Riker and Taryn’s eyes were wide in shock.

  “Lusha killed my sister and there was nothing I could do.” Said Ehren with tears in his eyes. “I won’t let this happen again!”

  Riker jumped up. “You found the last shards?”

  Taryn jumped up as well. “We were told that the final piece was lost to the sea centuries ago!”

  Cora shook her head. “The Vvarrío had it. They brought it to their hidden library that was beneath the ancient temple of Emox in Dragonhearth.”

  Nya shook her head in disbelief. “How did you find it? Did Oldrin show you?”

  Cora glanced over at the princess. “No. When I brought Atreyis back and she saw what had happened to Ky. And that I was unable to bring her back. She transformed into a dragon as well and flew off. When she fell out of the sky she crashed through the ceiling of the ancient temple library.

  Nya looked at the priestess through teary eyes. “I can only imagine what wonders were hidden away in there.”

  Cora’s eyes sparkled. “Enough knowledge to spend a hundred lifetimes learning. Toran managed to find the first shard within a statue of the Goddess and then Kova had the quite literal key to the final piece that was hidden behind a stone wall.”

  “There was a sword there as well.” Added Atreyis. “It was made of a similar crystal as the shards. As soon as I touched it, it sent me back into the realm of the gods. I saw Ky again. And I saw a gateway. It had a pedestal on either side that the sword fit in perfectly, which means there is a second sword somewhere possible within that realm. Ky is trying to find it as we speak. Which is why I must get back there to help her! I believe it can bring her back in the same way that it sent me there!”

  Ehren walked over to his sister’s bed and lay a roll of leather on her legs. The princess unrolled it to reveal the solid crystal sword.

  “Amazing.” Said Taryn in awe as she gently touched the blade.

  “I knew it!” exclaimed Nya suddenly, everyone looked at her. “Everything I had felt. The visions. I knew something had happened to my daughter, I could feel it. We were briefly connected and I saw the flames. I also felt what happened to you, Cora.”

  Riker held up his hands as something clicked inside his head. “Wait, does this mean you are a goddess, Cora?”

  “I’m not sure exactly what I am.” Said Cora honestly. “I suppose something of the sort, though I wouldn’t dare call myself one. I have powers it would seem…and…and let’s leave it at that. They seem to be growing by the day so I truly don’t even know myself what I am capable of.”

  “And what of the witch?” interjected Nya.

  Cora’s eyes went downcast. “She got away. After she saw that Atreyis and Ky were dead she vanished.” The priestess’ eyes burned. “But I believe I know where she is.”

  “What?” exclaimed Atreyis.

  “How? Where is she?” yelled Ehren.

  The priestess held up her hands to quiet everyone. “My time spent in the library revealed much. First, it showed me that this temple,” she gestured around them, “does not, in fact, have Béloneras sealed away.”

  “What?” gasped Nya. “Surely, you are mistaken.”

  Cora shook her head. “The Seal is actually a gateway. The White Priests somehow linked the magic of this gate to the true Seal. It lies deep within the Black Rock Mountains. There is where the remains of the Great Dragon have been sealed away by the original Vvarrío, the dragons themselves. The vile priests knew that their only chance of reviving their master was by harnessing the power of the dragons and Vvarrío.”

  “Wait.” Interrupted Nya. “What are you saying? That as soon as we activate the gateway, Béloneras will be released?”

  “Yes.” Said Cora firmly.

  “No.” gasped Taryn.

  “How?” asked Riker.

  Ehren clenched his jaw and remained silent.

  Atreyis stared in shock at Cora. “Why didn’t you tell me this? Do you know what this means? It means that I can’t go back to Ky! It means that she really is gone forever now!”

  Cora took a deep breath. “I have done nothing but run different scenarios and possibilities through my mind ever since we found that sword—”

  “So what are we supposed to do?” yelled Atreyis.

  Cora looked her square in the eye. “We open the gateway.”

  “Are you crazy?” exclaimed Ehren.

  “We must!” countered Cora. “Don’t you see? Atreyis is dying without her soul! If she doesn’t cross over into the spirit realm soon I won’t be able to bring her back again! And if we don’t draw out the dragon and the witch now this war will never end! Do you not think it better to know exactly when our enemy will strike than to spend the rest of your life wondering when? And by then, who know how powerful they may be. No. This ends now!”

  Chapter 23

  Lusha took a deep, cleansing breath and returned to the ground from her hovering mediation. How long had she been down here? Hours? Days? Weeks? She had completely lost track of time in the darkness of the cavern. That second trip into the spirit realm had taken more out of her than she realized. She stared down the invisible magical barrier that kept her from her greatest prize and her future of absolute power. The confounded witch began pacing. Her white dress was still in tatters and dirty from the battle. A wicked smile crept over her face as she replayed the events in her mind. The gasp as the princess felt her life drain away. She relished the feeling of driving the dagger deep into the girl and watching Ky’s horrified face.

  “My poor warrior.” She cooed to the empty cavern. “All you pride. Your power. Your fighting spirit. Vanished without a trace. I ended you entire world in that moment, didn’t I?”

  Lusha laughed. “You tried to repay me in kind with that ridiculous transformation, didn’t you? I will admit, for the briefest of moments you did catch me off guard. But look at us now. I am on the verge of complete power and where are you, supposed weapon of the Goddess? The earth is quenched of you r blood. Your body rots with maggots. And your spirit, well, I have full confidence in my Mälgrav brethren. By now you should be a cowering shell. Forever curse to be alone with you demons!”

  Images flashed in Lusha’s mind again. The utter shock in the princess’ eyes as she felt her soul being ripped from her body. The sheer amount of power that she had felt while performing such a powerful spell. An idea struck her. If she were able to perform such a feat, then that damn barrier should fall before her incredible power! The more she thought about it the more she felt her power grow to an intoxicatingly high level. She began to laugh.

  “And now your princess will share your fate!” she screamed. “The warrior and princess forever in torment without their souls, knowing that they’ve failed and that I will REIGN!”

  The witch’s evil laugh echoes throughout the cavern. She could feel the mania building again and let it consume her. Up in the recesses of the ceiling two pale phantoms floated.

  “She’s breaking.” Hissed one. “S’kë iid drëäkiirg.”

  “Doesn’t matter.”
Hissed the other. “She will be our Lord’s soon. T’kë kük’kët. T’kë Näd’tër.”

  “Yes.” Agreed the first. “I believe the young priestess has discovered…the trap. Sk’tärt.”

  “Yes. She has. Do you think? S’kë krörd.”

  “No!” bit the first. “It’s too late. Nothing can stop our Lord. The Diigë Ömë is too late. Her Soul is powerless! Körërgënd.”

  Lusha suddenly whipped around and looked in their direction, but nothing was there. She turned around and pretended to study the barrier again. Soon. She thought to herself. Soon I will have what is mine. And I will end you, you miserable “priests”. I know what you’re up to. I will be the one to rise. Not your Lord. You will all bow to me!


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