Alpha Commander: Wilds of Wynmere: Sci-Fi Omega Mpreg Romance

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Alpha Commander: Wilds of Wynmere: Sci-Fi Omega Mpreg Romance Page 6

by Jamie Petit


  “Enjoy the party down there.” With a shove, the last of the Wildmeres was gone.

  My heart sunk. I’d never watched a man killed before. I didn’t know this side of Andax existed, either. Maybe I’d been right to hesitate before bonding with him. I hadn’t wanted to die, of course, but the way that Andax killed those men was… cold. It was ruthless. It was dark.

  I listened to the forest. “The others are getting closer.”

  “We’ll be alright.” Andax got down on a knee and patted the dust until he found what he was looking for—a translucent rope-like thing. He pulled it out of the dirt and held it between his fists. “I need you to climb on my back.”


  “Get on my back, it’ll be faster.”

  “I don’t really want a piggyback ride.”

  “If these next men find us, they will not be so easy to deal with. Not here, anyway. We need to get into the canyon. Fast.”

  I scrambled up Andax’s body and clung to his shoulders as he lowered himself over the edge and slowly brought us to the bottom.

  “What is this stuff?”

  “It’s sort of like a spider’s thread.”

  “Ew. How did you know it would be here?”

  “There’s a peculiar pattern that you can recognize in the dirt when it’s buried,” he explained. “I spent a lot of time in the Wilds as a child. I learned to identify these sorts of things.”

  When we’d almost reached the bottom, I heard groaning. I looked under us and saw the four men suspended in the air above the ground. They were very much alive. “What are they…? How?”

  Andax chuckled. “You didn’t think I’d actually kill them like that did you?”

  “I… um, a little, yeah.”

  “Just wanted to put a little fear into them. They’ll be fine. When I saw the thread patterns in the dirt I knew there’d be a web at the bottom to catch them.”

  I clung harder to Andax, hugging him tightly. So, he wasn’t some cold-blooded killer after all.

  We reached the ground and I hopped off. Andax sat down a moment to rest. “With this route, we won’t get to the city until the morning. But we won’t have to do as much walking. You can swim, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, we’re going to take the river until we get close to the city. There should be an easy access stairway that way. The river takes us farther away from an entry point, but it will buy us some time to get ahead of the other guys trying to kill us.”

  We grabbed a couple of tree stumps and floated down the cool waters of the river. My feet throbbed, and I was thankful to get off them for a bit.

  After two or three hours we’d made it to the staircase. Even from the bottom of the canyon, I could already see that the walls of the city dominated the space ahead of us. We climbed to the top and when I looked at the far points of the wall, I realized I couldn’t clearly see any of its ends—left, right, or up.

  We made it to the wall and Andax placed his hands against it, smiling. “Almost there.” We skimmed the edge of the wall as the last light of day vanished. “There’s usually a shelter built into the exterior for people who haven’t made it to an entry point before sundown.”

  Eventually we found a shelter. There was a soft futon on the floor and there was some chemical heating to be had that didn’t glow. We laid our wet clothes on the ground to dry and brought our naked bodies together in the bed.

  Sleep was the last thing on my mind. After everything that happened that day, there was only one thing I wanted.

  I wanted Andax. I wanted to be his. I was ready.


  I took Andax’s face between my hands and held his eyes with mine. “I want you,” I said. “And I want you to make me yours.” I kissed him. “Make me your Omega.”

  “Are you…”

  “I’m sure.” I kissed him again, harder, with a sort of frantic urgency that made the kiss less good, but more pure. I was hungry for Andax, I wanted all of him and I wanted it now.

  I straddled his waist and wrapped my arms around his head, pulling his mouth even more deeply into mine. Our bodies pressed together and I felt his breath growing deeper, his pulse racing. His cock grew hard against my own erection and we ground them together.

  I had no more patience. At any moment the men who wanted to kill us could appear and take everything from me. Yet, even that fear evaporated when I considered who I had with me. Before I could lose it all, I wanted to first have it all.

  I reached behind me and grabbed Andax’s cock and slid it along my tight hole. I rocked back against him and he gasped.

  The breath caught in my throat. I couldn’t breathe. There was so much in this moment that it utterly overwhelmed me. First, of course, me trying to fit his huge Wynmerian cock inside me. The natural lubrication of the cock only helped a little. I had to do the rest of the work. But the pain was a sort of reminder of how much I actually wanted this.

  The rest was that by accepting him into my body, I was accepting so much more. I was accepting the inevitable loss of my Earth life. I was accepting the biological changes I’d experience as I physically became an Omega. I was accepting Andax as the only man, the only person, I’d ever love again.

  It was all so much bigger than just his cock—and that was pretty big.

  The head slipped inside me finally. I groaned at the sensation. As I adjusted, I raised myself up and slowly sat back so that I sunk further onto him. Millimeter by millimeter I took more and more of him, feeling him fill me up completely.

  I could feel my lover deep inside my body, pulsing and alive inside my core. When I finally bottomed out I ground my hips against his, taking him as deeply inside me as possible. I squeezed my ass around him and felt him flex. When his cock jumped like that I felt it throughout my whole entire body. It was the most complete sexual experience I’d ever had.

  Carefully, I lifted my hips, sliding along his cock, agonizing over the empty sensation as I moved to the tip. I needed him back, all of him, and sunk back down onto his cock, a little faster this time.

  Andax’s hands gripped my hips and he groaned with pleasure, gritting his teeth as he smiled at me.

  Deep inside my core I could feel the changes beginning as my body recognized and accepted his Wynmerian biology. Slowly, I would become an Omega, my entire physiology morphed, capable of producing children.

  I lifted up again, as far as I could, until I reached a little surprise—something that hadn’t been there when we’d made love in the in-between of warp space.

  At the time, true to his word, he’d managed to keep his Alpha biology at bay. Now, however, he was in full force. Just below the head of his cock, the flesh bulged outwards, trapping him inside me until he came.

  The knot of his cockhead caught against my ass. I tugged at it a little, sending a gentle jolt of pain through me that felt as good as it hurt. There was truly no backing out now. He’d fill me with that potion to turn make me his and give us a child. It was the most pleasant agony I’d ever felt.

  Back down, hard this time. I was fully adjusted and ready for him to take me as he wanted. I leaned into this ear, biting the lobe, and whispered, “Fuck me.”

  Andax let out a low growl and rolled us. In a single swift movement I was on my back, Andax hovering over me. He was in complete control.

  There was no pretense, no uncertainty, no hesitation, no caution. Andax pulled back his cock and thrust into me. Again. Again. Again, harder and faster. I was filling up with him. My gut twisted with the changes and his cock massaged the pain.

  His eyes never left mine, and I felt safe in his gaze. Safe that he would make me feel good. Safe that he would protect me. Safe that I was making the right choice.

  The moments there on my back were a blur. He fucked me and held me as the intensity climbed. Our bodies pressed together, our mouths entangled.

  “Are you ready?”


  His cock
grew inside me even more, stretching me to the breaking point, and then he roared as he came, filling me up. The pressure and force of it felt incredible, perfect. I came with him as we clung tightly to each other, the sticky mess spreading between us.

  I felt the come inside me, spreading through me and making the final changes to my physiology. It was done. I was an Omega.

  I was his Omega.


  Furious voices and heavy footsteps woke us a few hours later. I’d been happily sunk into a dreamless sleep, nuzzled in against Andax’s chest. It took a moment before my brain kicked into gear and I could start translating the voices outside.

  The Wildmeres. I’d hoped it would be a rescue crew, come to escort us inside the city, but no such luck. The men outside were loud and angry. I leaned in to Andax’s ear and whispered. “The Wildmeres are—”

  “I know,” he said, softly, eyes still closed, breath still calm and even.

  The light from outside the cave grew and I could make out impressive silhouettes. Still early morning and the skies were a deep, brackish purple. The tribesmen were deciding what to do—who to kill and in what order. They seemed content to kill me and let Andax go as a warning. He was one of the few survivors of the attack on the Trothor and, for their rebellion to have any legs at all, they’d need their story to spread.

  Andax rolled to his side and held his powerful body above me, bronze, almost metallic flesh seeming to glow in the low light of our hiding spot. “I will never let anyone hurt you.” His eyes were incredibly human, despite the crystalline irises. Maybe that’s why mankind accepted the Wynmerians so easily, despite the other differences in appearance. We were different species altogether, but we shared the same eyes.

  And at that moment, Andax’s crystal, purple eyes were boring into mine. They held the promise on his lips more strongly than words ever could.

  His mouth descended to mine and I fell upwards into the kiss.

  An impossible kiss.

  An all too brief kiss.

  He pushed off of me and stood, rifle slung low off one shoulder. The flood of spotlights illuminated his whole body standing proudly, like a shield, a wall, between me and everything beyond in the Wilds of Wynmere.

  “I have made the human into an Omega,” he growled to the faces beyond the dark. “And I, Andax, Alpha and first commander of the Trothor, claim him as my own.”

  His hands fell to the rifle and pulled the sight up to his eyes.

  “As they say on Earth—are there any fucking questions?”

  “We are here for the human, Omega or not,” one of the Wildmeres called out.

  “I let you live before,” said Andax, finger slipping slowly to the trigger, “But if you threaten my mate again, if you take a single step forward, I will put a bullet through your heart.”

  “You’d kill one of your own?” The voice was taunting.

  “You will be responsible for your own death.” Andax’s finger inside the trigger guard, curled like a cobra. “You have a choice. Leave, or accept your death.”

  “We will not let the blood of Wynmere be further turned to filth by letting the brood of this human ever be born. Put down your weapon so we can kill the child and the Ome—”

  The crack of the gun reverberated painfully in our small hiding space. The Wildmere outside staggered and collapsed.

  A rain of bullets filled the room for a brief moment, but they were all too high. Andax dropped to his belly the moment he loosed that killing shot. He snapped off another three bullets and the barrage ended.

  He crawled forward to the edge of the hiding space and vanished beyond. There were no more silhouettes, only the sound of gunfire, screams, and bodies thudding against the unforgiving ground.

  I’d tried to worry for Andax, but I couldn’t. I knew he’d be safe. I knew he’d come back for me. There was never any doubt in my mind.

  Sure enough, he ducked back in and we packed our things. “We’ll be inside the city shortly. But we need to move quickly. No telling how the other Wildmeres will respond to hearing all that.”

  With that, we slipped out into the dawn. I looked back wistfully at the shelter where my world changed. I didn’t even know the full extent of the consequences of my choices that night, but I felt them.

  I wondered if I’d ever get to return to the place where my first child was conceived, where I was made an Omega, where the man I’d come to love had sacrificed so much to protect me.

  Probably not. I’d probably never again see the home of my future. When I turned my eyes away, it was with the full knowledge that I was leaving that all behind.

  All I could do was look forward—forward to a future with Andax. A future on Wynmere.


  The bright light of morning hadn’t even taken full hold of the city by the time we found the entrance and were let in.

  We were given a military escort to the capital at the center of the metropolis. Every which way I looked it was clear that people knew who we were. The air was somber. The whole city mourned for the Trothor, the wreckage still streaking the crimson sky black and grey.

  The days that followed were long and busy, yet so empty of meaning for me that I can hardly remember a thing. It was an endless procession of events—funerals, military debriefings, ceremonies, a brief flight to the capital—all built up in a cultural framework that was quite literally alien to me.

  I feverishly pounded out notes—endless reams of pages—but even looking back on it now, it’s so full of academic, anthro-jargon that it’s impossible to translate it into anything like a human experience.

  Andax had offered to set me up with a local expat group to show me the ropes and keep my mind off the drudgery, but despite the tragedy I was still a member of the Earth forces and I had a job to do. One day I’d make it back to Earth and I’d have to deliver my reports faithfully to my commanding officer. Perhaps I’d need to do it sooner than later.

  I could follow most of the talks. War was on the horizon. In our well-protected bubble in the center of the military sphere of Wynmere it was hard to tell just how desperate the situation was, but there were endless talks about sleeper cells going on the offensive. The Wynmerian purists hadn’t just been from the Wild. Andax admitted it had been naive—hubristic, even—to have thought so.

  War was coming, and fast. It wound through the city, like cracks spreading through a pane of glass.

  “I’m sending you back on the next ship,” Andax said when we returned home after a full day of debriefings.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “They’re heading back to the Sol System to organize Earth forces to assist us in an offense,” he explained. “You were at the meetings. You know how dangerous this planet will be.”

  “Unless you’re coming on that same ship, I’m not going anywhere,” I said. “And you know that.”

  “We have no idea how well-organized these people are. We underestimated them once, I won’t do it again.”

  “First of all, I may be your Omega, under your protection, but I am still a fighting member of the United Nations Astronautic Corps. Besides this all being incredibly condescending—sweet, but condescending—you realize they’ll just send me back, right?” I raised my brow at Andax, but he wouldn’t budge. “I’m now the foremost expert on Wynmerian military procedure and politics. There isn’t a single human in existence who knows as much as me, much less more.”

  Andax grimaced. “I’ll order them to keep you moored at Earth.”

  “My love,” I said, pressing a hand to his chest. “You are my Alpha. I am your Omega. If we’re separated by such distances, you already know what that will do to us. We can’t do it. It could easily kill us.”

  “Not for human Omegas. It’s painful, but you’ll survive. There’ve even been cases of successful separation in Wynmere-Human parings. It’s possible.”

  “Not for us,” I said, wrapping my arms around him. “Even if I can, I won’t live without you.”

bsp; “Please.”

  “We live together. We love together. We fight together.” I looked up at him and caught his eyes. “We die together. If we have to.”

  “Even Wynmerian Omegas don’t have half the faith and devotion you do,” he said, a touch of wonder in his voice. “How are you so…”

  “You’re not just my Alpha. You’re the man I love. Even without all the pairing, the bonding, the strange hormones and genes… I’d still love you. I’d still need you.”

  Andax leaned in and kissed me softly, sweetly, briefly. Then he placed a hand on my stomach. “It’s not just you, it’s not just us. We need to make sure our son will be safe.”


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