Ruthless Passion

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Ruthless Passion Page 6

by Noah Harris

  I stopped off at a blood bank. It was after hours, and I easily broke the lock with a mere flick of my wrist. The wood along the frame splintered and I had to admit that I sometimes didn’t know my own strength. “It’s kind of exciting to do something wrong. I’m not usually one that skirts the law unless of course it has something to do with the IRS. You can imagine that I’m in a relatively high tax bracket, but I also know ways of getting around those pesky little details.” Derek didn’t have to follow me, and I would’ve been happy to go it alone.

  “I shouldn’t even be allowing you to come with me, Derek. When you hunt, do you enjoy people watching you? I don’t think that you can honestly say that you do. To me, this is a private thing, but I’m willing to share it with you. The only thing that I ask in return is that you do not judge me. I’ve seen the look on people’s faces. It makes me feel like I’m some kind of monster.” The only reason why he was here was because he wanted to witness something that was important to me. He also liked the idea that he was scoffing at the law by more than just cheating on his taxes.

  “I feel honored that you are willing to let me see you do this. I have plans of letting you do that for me, but not until the full moon. That will be when you see me at my worst. If I were you, I wouldn’t trust that I won’t attack the very man that has gotten underneath my skin.” Every minute that we were spending together was making it harder not to touch him. Even a slight graze was causing my lower region to rise up and be noticed.

  “I don’t think that what you do on the full moon even compares, but I’m willing to find out. I’m actually fascinated, almost, as much as you are about me. Maybe that will make it easier for us just to be friends.” I broke into the office. I should’ve cultivated a source. It’s a known fact that money is the root of all evil. I didn’t have much, but I could certainly afford to grease the palm of some attendant. It had to be someone that wasn’t going to ask any questions, but money has a way of shutting a man’s or woman’s mouth.

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about. I can’t even stress enough that you really shouldn’t be around me on the full moon. I will become something that neither one of us will recognize. What you’ve seen of the wolf, as a result of my own transformation is nothing compared to the influence of the full moon.” I thought that he might be stretching the truth, but the look on his face had this serious expression. “I’m not trying to push you away, but this is something that you need to know. I’m sure that you probably feel the same way about what happens when you get a taste of blood.”

  That vein in his neck may not be noticed by most, but to me, it was like a bull’s eye. I was scared that I was going to do something stupid and ruin one of the best things in my life. Running away from what I was feeling was not an option. That would have made me a coward, and I was anything but a coward.

  I opened the fridge and scanned the contents until my eyes went wide at seeing a fresh supply of the very type that I was looking for. My hands were shaking. His hand touched mine, and it became steady, like a rock. “That look in your eye reminds me of some junkie that I have stepped over in the street. I don’t like the idea that you have become addicted, but I know that this is a matter of your own survival. I’m sure that you’ve tried other alternatives.” It was galling that he would think that I didn’t try everything to get this monkey off my back.

  “Trust me; everything else is a pale comparison to the real thing. I’m lucky that I’m able to get my fix from a bag and not from the warm contents of somebody’s body. I still miss that feeling of sinking my teeth into somebody’s flesh and getting the first drop before the flood begins to fill my mouth.

  I had that bag of blood in my hands. I turned it over and over again looking at the life source of humanity and chomping at the bit to take a trip to nirvana. I could literally smell it through the bag. One of my long manicured fingernails began to slice a small hole. I pulled it back, and that little bit that was sticking to my finger became the appetizer before the main course.

  I heard a chair scraping, but I didn’t bother to look. I was too engrossed in what I was doing to even care about how this was affecting Derek. I lifted the bag and clamped my lips around the small opening with a vacuum like seal. I inhaled and sucked back the liquid refreshment that had me ready for more. I did the same thing with two more bags. When I was done, I wiped my mouth.

  “If I were a scientist, I would say that watching you was absolutely fascinating. You obviously have an affinity for blood, and that comes from your condition, and while you deny yourself the chance to get the blood unspoiled, I think in some small part patience is a virtue.” I stood there and let that blood nourish me and bring me back to feeling like myself again.

  The feel of his hot breath on my neck was causing my instincts to rage in a way that was entirely uncommon. I’d never had the opportunity to have sex right after feeding, and maybe I had something to look forward to. The only problem I foresaw was that I wasn’t sure if I could wait. The forbidden fruit of Mr. Strange was right there in front of me, and all I had to do was pluck it. Actually, I think a more apt term was to fuck it.

  “You really shouldn’t be near me at this moment. I can’t be trusted, and I doubt even the notion of this being wrong is going to stop what I have in mind.” I was giving him a choice, but his fingers kneading my skin from behind was making that feeling very intense. “I’m not saying that I don’t like what you’re doing, Derek, but this is not going to end well for either one of us.” I was doing everything I could to contain that fire within, but his hands were only giving rise to an unmistakable part of my anatomy

  I turned on a dime, grabbed him by the throat and lifted him until he was splayed out on one of those tables. He didn’t look scared at all, but maybe he should have been. I was the monster, and that feeding had brought about this wanton need.

  Chapter eleven

  I stood there drooling like a man possessed. I could see in his eyes this fire, and he was practically ready for me. “You’re pushing me too far. Don’t make me do something that we are both going to regret later.” It was like an incurable disease and one that I would have given anything to be rid of. I had gotten used to the blood lust, and that need to feed, but the sexual longing was something different. I had my fair share of lovers, but nothing like a wolf shifter. There had to be a reason why we were condemned to be apart, but right now that reason didn’t mean a damn thing. “I don’t think that it would harm anything if you were to reciprocate for what I did to you last night. It has to be some kind of a gray area. As long as you can live with it, then I can too.” He turned around so that his head was now hanging over the side of the table upside down. He had a hold of the inside of my thighs, and his hot breath was now making it impossible not to take it out.

  “I like the way that you think, Duncan. There might be hope for you after all. Stop being such the good guy and do something bad for the first time in a long time. You’ve been living in a fantasy world, and nothing about any of this is right or wrong. It is what it is, and I say that we grab onto whatever sweet delights that come into our life. I think that I can draw you out of your shell and maybe at the same time you can make me see that I’m being too ruthless in business. I think that you and I are good for each other in more ways than one."

  I could feel my teeth grinding against my tongue. I wiped along those sharp edges with the tips of my fingers. It amazed me that I hadn’t just shoved it down his throat, but it seemed necessary to tease the both of us. He moved his face back and forth along my pants and then his tongue began to make a telltale wet spot.

  I finally had to take a step back and look at things from a more logical point of view. “Like I said, I gave you the pleasure of my mouth, and I think that you should do the same for me. You warned me that you were more than a mouthful, and you weren’t kidding. What you don’t realize about me is that I’m a little bit more on the dominant side. I will make you choke on it. I will not give up until I am shoo
ting my hot cum down your throat.” This was my way of giving him fair warning.

  “I don’t know if it’s that I find you irresistible or the danger of getting caught in the act. Either way, I think that you should take it out and give me what I want.” The outline along my pant leg had made his eyes grow wide with anticipation to taste what I had to offer. I stepped forward while at the same time unzipping my pants and reaching into the opening to feel my hot flesh with my hand.

  I slapped it up against his nose and then ran it around his lips to give him a brief taste. I saw his eyes change color and that animal inside was now trying to take over. We were both not normal, but we were perfectly suited to each others needs and desires. I wasn’t going to take it any further than some oral gratification, but maybe that would be enough to satiate this need to have him.

  “Please…just stick it in my mouth and let me play with it for awhile.” Who was I to argue with the sentiment of a man that found me overwhelming to his senses? I stepped forward and gave him the pliable knob so that he could use his lips to try to draw me further into the hot recesses. His beautiful lips surrounded me, and I gave a jerk of my hips to make him take half of the 8-inch long object. The feel of his lips and his tongue were awakening the sizzling reward that I was going to give him. I didn’t bother to look towards the door, as no interruption was going to stop what was going to happen between the two of us.

  “I thought that I might get this out of the way and maybe we can finally put this behind us. I was wrong and like last night, I feel this intense force to go even further. I won’t do anything without your permission, but I don’t think that I’m going to have to convince you. It’s going to be up to both of us to stop the ultimate betrayal. I don’t know what will happen, but I get this feeling deep down that it won’t be good.” I saw his hot drool dripping from my shaft and then he swallowed like that of some animal about to devour its prey.

  The feeling of being in his throat and looking down to see that only my balls now remained pressed up against his forehead was like a shot of adrenaline to my privates. My entire body was trembling, and I had to hold onto the table in front of me to prevent myself from prematurely bringing this to an end. I couldn’t take it, and I had to find a moment to breathe.

  I turned my back on him with my ram hard stiffness sticking up at a 90-degree angle. There was no denying that I needed something to release the frustration. I knew that I was going to give him what he wanted, but not until I was able to put the genie back in the bottle. That feeling started to subside. My lips were dry. I actually bit into my lips to taste the sweetness of my blood.

  “You can’t possibly think that I’m going to allow you to do this to me. Get back over here and let me finish what I started.” His tone was that of a man that was ordering an underling to bring him a cup of coffee. “I need that cream. There is no way that you are going to walk away without me taking it from you.” For a split second, I was tempted to zip my pants and let him stew in his filth.

  I turned and actually slapped him across the face with the head of my cock. He was down on his knees, and this was unexpected but definitely not unwelcome. “Maybe we are built from the same stuff. I can’t be sure, but we can’t possibly sweep our feelings underneath the rug. We may hate ourselves for what we do. Eventually, there is going to come a time that nothing and no one is going to stand in our way.” I took a hold of his chin and formed his mouth into an oval, before inserting my manhood.

  His lips began to stretch, and I used my fingers to pry him open for my amusement. I made him take it. Each time that he took it all, I was this close to bringing this to a finish. I held strong, and I worked my hips from side to side to get an extra bit of sensation. I wanted to fuck his mouth with a desperate passion, but instead I slowed down and let myself enjoy the pleasures of his lips, and his tongue was igniting all those nerve endings all the way down to the balls. I stared mesmerized; as he stuck out his tongue and gave me the same treatment and that I had given him. We were feeding off of each other’s energy and that desire that we couldn’t let go.

  “I want you to open up your mouth wider so that I can see what you’re doing.” He did as requested and I saw that his tongue was now tapping on the very sensitive part underneath the head “I can tell…that you have done this before and recently. Just remember, you asked for this…you asked for… THISSSSSSS.” I had my eyes closed, but I could hear him struggling for breath. It didn’t matter to me at all. I screamed, and the tendons in my neck became more pronounced. My face contorted, and I could feel the monster emerging. It was unlike any other time that I’d been subjected to that kind of thing.

  We could blame each other later, but right now he had drained all of it. It was like he had placed a hose around my cock and connected it to some kind of milking machine. The bristly ends on his face told me that his wolf side wasn’t about to let him have all the fun. I had to admit that having his mouth on me was better than any time that I’d been with some unsuspecting victim.

  His eyes were glazed over, and I could see the tent of his own excitement. I wanted to take care of it myself, but I needed time to rest and get my bearings back. There was no way that I could possibly do anything for him at the moment. It would’ve been nice to see him do it himself, but I wasn’t sure how he would react to my request.

  “I told you before that I was a lover of flavors and tastes. I’m not exaggerating when I say that yours is right up there with the top 10. I think the one that I find more appealing than anything else is a poached lobster in a garlic sauce. If I could have that and your special cocktail at the same time, then I would be in pure heaven.” I didn’t see any reason why we couldn’t make that happen. I might even surprise him by initiating a repeat performance that might have us in a certain position called 69.

  I was about to say something when I spied a beam of light in the hallway. It appeared that we had overstayed our welcome. We were about to get unwanted visitors.

  Chapter twelve

  “I know that I saw them coming in here, but I can’t find them for the life of me. If anybody else has any idea of where they went, then I want to know about it immediately. They cannot be allowed to leave, and I don’t care what we have to do to find them.” From my vantage point of hanging from the ceiling, I could see this man moving about the room with a flashlight. He had what I could only assume to be some kind of blue tooth system in his ear.

  I looked towards the two empty bags of blood. They were partially hidden, but it wouldn’t take him all that long to find them. Not only that, but Derek was under one of the tables. That was not the kind of hiding spot that would keep him from being detected. I could easily jump down on top of him and immobilize the man, but to do that would only ensnare us into a trap. They would slowly close in and after that, it was going to be a bloodbath.

  “I don’t want any excuses. Derek Strange needs to be taken care of. If the man that came in here with him gets in the way, then we have no choice, but to take him out as well. Don’t concern yourself with the other guy and he means nothing. Our primary concern is to kill Derek Strange and to bring his head to our employer to prove our claim that we got the job done. I don’t know why it has been, so hard for people to get rid of him once and for all. He’s just a man. He certainly doesn’t have the kind of unique skill set that I bring to this profession.” He was talking to a platoon of other men underneath his command.

  He was directly under me, and my spent organ was right there over the top of his head. I could see the last drop clinging to the head. There was no way that I could reach for it, without dropping down and revealing myself to be what I was. That strand moved in slow motion and began to stretch down towards this man’s shorn head. If he had a full mane of hair, it probably wouldn’t even be anything to worry about. Unfortunately, his bald pate was oversensitive, and even the hint of any moisture would alert him that something was wrong.

  I held my breath and breathed a sigh of relief, as he moved away f
rom the very spot that a string of my stuff was now hitting the floor where he was once standing.

  “There’s nothing here. Let’s regroup at the front of the building. There’s only one way out and eventually he’s going to have to raise his head and then we’ll have him. Stay out of sight and make sure the vehicles are far enough away from the building that they won’t be noticed. We’ve already ensured that their car will no longer be viable. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he turns the ignition and finds only a clicking sound. That will be when we will strike and not before.” I could see that they were consummate professionals. This was not an amateur hour and those people that hated Derek were prone to hiring nothing, but the best.

  He backed away and then he stepped into the very spot that my hot cum had landed. When he walked away, it stuck to his shoe like gum. Had he been a wolf or a vampire, he most likely would have noticed the difference in the pressure of his steps. He walked down the hall, and that was when I leaped onto the nearest table with barely a whisper. I was down in a crouching position using my enhanced eyesight to see the shadow of his body going back the way that it came from.

  I cocked my head and used my extra sensitive hearing to become acutely aware that there were, at least, five others in attendance.

  “That was a pretty close call. Next time that I go down on you, I’m going to make sure that there is absolutely nothing left in those balls. I’m still amazed that there was that little bit, but thankfully he’s not exactly like us. I heard what he said, and I don’t know if there’s any way that we can get out of here without going toe to toe with them. I’m up for the fight and after sucking you dry; I can honestly say that I’m itching to make somebody suffer.” That was all well and good, but what we needed to do was to keep ourselves hidden for, as long as possible.


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